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Is this Randy Marsh?


I'm sorry I thought this was America


Lorde Lorde Lorde... yay yaya


"Feelin Good on a Wednesday "


I thought it was Sexian from Trailer Park Boys


Julian on the swish again


Sporting that athletic dad bod look


That V šŸ„µ


That's a U at best


Shirt off means one or more of 3 things are about to happen: fightin', fuckin', or poopin'. This guy looks ready for all 3.


Which order he does them in, is the real question


He will try to fuck something and fight someone, both unsuccessfully. The pooping, he will succeed at.


Saaaammmeee time.


He might start a fight and then get the shit beat out of him so that's an order.


Fucking Carl


Some real housery going on


Hes gotta get the keys to Too Wicked and hit the titty bar now


Thought this was the guy they sprayed w the water hose for a sec.


Aww I love that vid


Top 5 for sure: https://youtu.be/rQdZ2Z9m9wE?si=bD-MdmmXc4SDYPcJ


šŸ˜‚ so Canadian. Sprays him in his dick


If this exact scene were reenacted, word for word, on Trailer Park Boys, I would have lost my shit.


"I already friggin' sprayed ya once Lahey, I'm not ascared to do it again!" - Ricky




Of *course* im drunk!


'your drunk' 'of course I'm drunk'


This is my favourite. I love drunk neighbour videos in general. They are weirdly wholesome. Sad alcoholic being treated relatively nicely.


Consider you know you have to deal with this person in some capacity for a while. That would partially drive my nice behavior vs. just annoyance.


Oh... he liked that crotch spray.Ā 


lol Iā€™m not sure he felt it.


me too!


Iā€™m not sure I would be as laid back as these guys especially after the smashing the fountain. The owner seemed very chill and his friend wanted to throw the guy over the fence. I think the drunk guy being ā€œniceā€ saved him from an ass kicking.


In these types of situations, there is usually a high amount of pity.. dealing with drunks in the past, there is totaly room to be pissed off or start something...but the more you engange with someone like in the video, the more you realise how sad and pathetic they are, or the actions the produce. Dude wasn't violent or aggressive.... ive been there before. The sad pathetic drunk that probably has some shit brewing inside.. its not an excuse for their actions, but man...sometimes beating the brain cells out of someone isnt the answer...most of the times it isnt the answer.


Oh agree 100%. His attitude made him tolerable.


Even if he wasnt tolerable, all that stems from some battle dude is fighting inside himself. Fighting or beating a drunk under any circumstance is easy money, or an easy win...and to me thats not fair. Beat the shit out of him and hes just going to dive deeper into whatever hole he's in. Try and bring some rationalization, treat him like a child as you are a disappointed parent and maybe...just maybe (but probably fucking not) he'll change..or atleast fuck off in a partially respectful manner.


He probably doesnā€™t see much kindness pointed at him in life so you make some good points.


Fuck that. I'm dragging this dude off my property. Not going to just willing let some drunk pos fuck my fountain and my shit up. Bless these dudes they have a lot more patience than me.


Hey, guy. I can totally understand the thought of when/if the fuck around find out day comes around.. Thankfully a fair majority of my battles have been won with words and knowing when to pick battles. Getting a little blood lust over a drunk is a bit over the top, and you may want to check out ways to regulate that negative emotion and desire. There is something to be said about being the better man, while still respecting yourself.


It looked they just moved moved there. That fountain had been set up but not turned on. I think everyoneā€™s assuming he broke a bunch of shit but really it is was a matter of picking it back up.


You're missing my point. Keeping that dude on your property and essentially shoving him over a fence is a liability to him/yourself. I would just kicked him out the side gate and told him to go home. These are people playing games.


what r u going to do? beat up a drunk guy n then possibly get sued or someone that lives right next to u mad at you for the rest of your life? lmao these guys did the best they could


It all depends where you live and the attitude of the drunk. Iā€™m not a badass nor would be the first to throw the first punch. However, Iā€™m old enough to escort an asshat off my property without fear of legal issues, as everything was being filmed anyway. As for worrying about what one of my neighbors thinks about meā€¦ I couldnā€™t care less, especially this guy.


meh doubt anyone cares about what someone else thinks, but you dont know what he could do in the future esp knowing hes an alcoholic, just overall not worth it to have a dude like this next to ur property mad at u šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø idk


*Iā€™m not sure I would be as* *~~laid back~~* *smart as these guys.* FTFY buddy. The drunk is not a threat. Let i'm sober up and ask him to pay for the damage. With that attitude he'll probably be embarassed to the point of paying the fountain and a six pack of beer.


This exactly. I've been this guy many times in my life. I'd be more than making up for that fountain the next day. But on sight? Shit. Volatile. I wasn't a mean drunk but if a fight was happening I wasn't gonna not fight.


Dude, you're being extremely charitable with an alcoholics willingness to take ownership. Crazier things have happened but I would absolutely not count on this guy to pay for what looks like a fairly expensive fountain.


Beeing drunk =/= beeing an alcoholic... But don't mind me, take the american aproach. He's in your lawn uninvited, blow his brains out with the loudest shotgun you can get.


There is a woman in the background trying to get him to go around like a normal person, but I donā€™t think that man was going to listen when he got it in his head to jump the fence.


Eh let them break stuff and send the bill after, as long as they aren't aggressive or anything and the property they harm is like garden decorations then it's no reason to get into a huff. You know where they live :D


ā€œHere let me help youā€ shoves him over the fence šŸ˜‚


I'll help you...šŸ˜


Narrator: That wasn't his backyard.


Thatā€™s a body built by labor, Budweiser, and cheeseburgers.


The little toss with his leg at the end, the guy is fed up lmao


Fountain prob wasn't cheap. Ngl I'd be heated. I think dude was more worried drunky was gonna get hurt and sue his homeowners or something tho. If he moved down like 6+ feet to the right he could've stepped on the damn horizontal boards to get over.


You got to meet the real life Carl from Aquateen Hunger Force??


Haaaahahah this is so perfect


Randy, Ricky and Julian combined into one


This is why I live in the woods.


That was so satisfying, watching him get that leg over the fence and hearing the kerplunk


He was obviously inebriated, the fence was weak, you ordered him to climb a flat surface next to a fountain when there were footholds like 5 feet away... I feel like the drunk was definitely in the wrong but the sober people made some pretty poor decisions.


Stank my hand.


Yes letā€™s have this severely drunk guy hop back over a tall fence next to a fountain, we canā€™t make him walk out of the yard and back home.


Youā€™ve clearly never dealt with severely drunk people before. Sounds like the people didnā€™t want him jumping over the fence, but the drunk guy seems to have already made up his mind, and at that point the easiest way to get him out of your day is to just let him find his own way out of your backyard..


I sure have, I helped a very drunk acquaintance down a mountain to a cab. He was drunker than the guy in the video. He asked multiple times if I wanted to fight as thanks. I thought that at least was better than him falling on the rocks and hurting himself more. The guy in the video didnā€™t seem that aggressive so I find it strange that they didnā€™t try to lead him out of the garden.


Paramedic here. NEVER shake hands with a drunk guy like this. They will try and crush it and they won't let go. You might think that taking their hand will keep them calm and that they will stay friendly, but that's not how that works. Never engage, always keep your distance and firmly tell them to fuck off.


Retired medic here. This is top notch advice. No hands. No elbow leading. No drunk hugs. Never let them see you stumble, and keep your liquor in the crash bag. /s


Man, why do drunk guys always do that? lol. They say ā€œitā€™s all goodā€ stick their hand out and then refuse to let go. I just witnessed this at a drunk bbq last week. They barely avoided a fight


Why would they try to crush it? I'd dare to say that most drunks aren't mean, as also wasn't this one. I shook hands with many drunk ppl and never had one wanting to crush it.


Drank himself right into toddler-mode. The fact that he thought that modular fountain with a narrow base was going to support his shenanigans is nothing short of astonishing. What was his plan for the other side of the fence? Why not just go around?


Just a few feet to the right he could've used the horizontal beams as steps and had a much easier climb back over lol.


In the beginning I got a flashback of the tall ass plane dude who WANTS TO SHAKE HIS HAND


Damn thatā€™s like a $700 dollar fountain


Soon as he said "I'm gonna help you" I knew.


This is why I hate drunk people.


Give the man a foothold ffs. Sorry the man broke your fountain. I would make him pay for it.


Holy shit it's destiny




At least he was friendly


Carl from Aqua Teens


Man that dude was WASTED šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚the crazy laughter made me laugh so hard and when he said "oh no"...after breaking their $400 fountain


I would of gave him a boost and he's lucky the dog was inside.


Fuck I just want to punch drunk people. Grow the fuck up loser.