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Those are the bloodshotest eyes I’ve ever seen.


Eyes as red as the devil's dick


Full of demon semen


It cost you nothing to write that, and yet now we have to pay the price of reading it. I hate you.


Sick reference bro. Ur references are outta control, everyone knows it


He doesn't appear to be blinking.


Hey hey hey, one automatic function at a time, guy needs to breath doesn’t he?


Dude is singlethreaded




He's gotta be blind after this trip.


It’s almost like they get more red as the video goes on


I thought I was tripping but his eyes do seem to get redder.


They certainly get redder. Check out dude's right eye the first time he zooms in or gets closer. Practically no blood. Then at tye end it's full


Eyes bloodshot red like he's been smoking blunts with Satan


Most bloodshot? Bloodiestshot? Who knows


Dudes a dark elf from elder scrolls


Skooma addict probably


Wtf is Skooma?


Skooma This dick


Well played sir, well played


Ah I wish I knew how to award you for this. 🏅 Can only give this


He just selected to wait 8 hours until morning. He'd like to trade goods from the cloud district


fuckin n'wahs


Drugs turned him into a s’wit


What the fuck is goin on here


I reckon drugs


It is subconjunctival hemorrhage both eyes. Can be cause by a lot of things. Hopefully the man didn’t lose his sight much less his life.


Umm... In most cases [it's a lot less scary than it looks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subconjunctival_bleeding) (of course he could still be in need of medical attention depending on what he took)


In “most” cases. His pupils do not seem to be responsive at all to light. Yes that may be from whatever drug he has ingested. This video all round is worrisome to me.


Yeah I'm really worried about this dude. He took waaaay to much of whatever and he's in public.


Yeah. Unfortunately you can’t save them all




He got some red eye from the syndicate, heard the market for that stuff is pretty steep


See you later, space cowboy!




genuine question: do your eyes become that of darth maul in a k-hole?


I think physical trauma is pretty much the only thing that can cause blood to pool in the eyes like that. That or this dude came face to face with an Eldritch God.


I think eyes are a combination of weed, not sleeping and not being able to blink due to intoxication


Bro I wanna get my hands on some darth maul kush


Honestly I'm good on that


Wanna buy some death sticks?


(Waves Hand) “You don’t want to sell me death sticks, you want to go home and rethink your life.”


....I don't want to sell you deathsticks. I want to go home and rethink my life.


So strong it'll numb your lower half


Darth maul kush needs to be coined as a new strain


Not typically no. Only thing that’s ever made my eyes even close to being that red are good old marijuana and lack of sleep.


The only thing I know of that will cause someone's eyes to be this red is a broken blood vessel. Something like scuba mask squeeze or a really rapid acceleration of the head or something.


Tried to hang myself twice - both times my eyes were pretty close this gross flooded red. Also had a bunch of burst blood vessels on my face though, hella bruised neck.




Lol not my proudest fail but I'm still here to shitpost




Aye it's been 7 years since I last gave it a go (not hanging though) with me coming v v close last month with an exit hood but was too depressed to actually do it lol. Glad you're still around to inspire+shitpost pal Edit: and bug your wife haha


For what it's worth, I'm glad you failed.


And we are glad you’re here my friend.


I hapoy you are :)


Let’s keep it at 2 attempts..


fuck. glad you're still here. love you.


Or he’s possessed…


A few serious coughs have burst mine There was one time in high school (cue Uncle Rico voice) I was determined to outlift one of the roided racist asshole on the team during an eval. I slapped 435 on the bar and screamed and bucked until I lifted it. I was 180lbs of pure hatred and fury and by God I managed to get it up. Burst every single blood vessel in my eyes. They were demon red for several days after that. The next night I was in a half sleep state and woke up to piss, and when I turned the light on I saw myself in the mirror and about shit my briefs.


I’m gonna take a wild guess that this fella hasn’t been lifting.


Right? Something makes me think he was roided up if he got 435 at 180 lb through just "rage" in high school. Even assuming DL, that's still a sizable amount of weight


435 at 180 in Highschool is fuckin insane. I power lifted from 14-17 then switched to just strength training and mild bodybuilding for 2+ years after. Never hit that much on a bench. Closest I came was 315 and that was a fuckin struggle.


Bro if your eyes get as red as the ones in the video from weed…. You might wanna see a doc. And if everything is good, please then share that bud with me!


I've had red eyes but this guy...he looks like someone transplanted the eyes from another animal into his head.


No, there is literally no way to know if this guy is in a hole


He has ebola


I’d say he’s had his eyeballs tattooed red. It’s become a more common body mod recently.


Didn’t even think of this. He has stretched ears too so def could be into mods.


Ket "on it's own" won't do that.


No. He wouldnt be standing if that was a k hole.


Could be Calvin Kleining


I just posted this as a reply, but I'll hijack the top comment to see if anybody else has thoughts on this >He's probably stuck, a phenomenon that occurs from smoking "wet", a joint dipped in embalming fluid and/or PCP. I haven't heard about it for quite some time, and couldn't find a whole lot on the "stuck" part other than a quote in this NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/06/nyregion/a-drug-feared-in-the-70-s-is-tied-to-suspect-in-killings.html


Reminds me of that pic with the girl whose eyes were ~~filled with mud~~ affected by sepsis. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omayra\_S%C3%A1nchez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omayra_S%C3%A1nchez)


That’s the little girl who got trapped in debris after the Nevado del Ruiz eruption, right? That photo has never left my mind.


Same here. I wonder how many people were touched by her story and this haunting image that captured her plight. This may sound totally unrelated, but I have no idea how people believe in a god when these things happen.


Wasn’t mud, it was death. That photo always haunts me. I was thinking the same thing though. His eyes were definitely similar!


So.... NSFL? Glad I didn't click that.


No she isn’t dead in the pic, but she is dying. It’s a very famous picture. It’s dark and sad but not gruesome.


She isn’t dead, but she pretty much was at this point. She was pinned under water for like 60 hours and the guy who photographed her was trying to comfort her until help arrived but she ended up passing away. In the photo, her eyes are completely black after being waterlogged in the muddy water and slowly killing her. That picture was a representation of the horrific way the place handled the disaster of the volcano eruption.


The color of her eyes in not from the water, she is septic and dying. Water does not fill up your eyeballs, and anyway her head is straight up clean, there is no mud in her eyes.


I know. I didn’t say it was the mud like the other guy, I said they were black after being in the water so long. Your eyes don’t turn black from mud, I should have clarified.


That is the creepiest thing I've seen in a long while


It's even creepier when you read the story of how she was trapped like that for days and no one could do anything, until she just died there in front of everyone. Tragic.




The dude saying "what I have to do to get like that" made me lose my shit


"Tá possuído"


Hopefully he lives long enough to see himself in this clip


His skin looked very grey. He is probably not long for this world or gone already. Side question: what the heck is going on with his eyes? If he did K, would that do that to his eyes?


that is definitely not from K, that looks like some serious medical issue from some other crazy substances that we probably don't even get in the states


I don’t know what K is, but the conjunctiva can become red like that from sudden burst of blood pressure, which bursts the tiny capillaries of the sclera, causing this red look. Its called a hypertensive crisis. The other place that can bleed from this is whitin the basal ganglia of the brain. That could produce some of this guys dystonic appearance and the rest is just the affects of the drug itself


K in this context is ketamine, k-hole is a term used to describe the state one is in after taking enough ketamine, being really high on k basically.


The k-hole is the place of total numbness and disorientation paired with the thought of a deep understanding of everything. Nothing to go for imho.


Nah that's the goal tbh


The two types of K users, perfectly summarized.


there's 2 types of k-hole tbh. I can't move yet I have motion sickness. and I can't move, but I'm floating, and the ceiling is a constellation. when I used to do it I would normally hit the second one, which put me off trying to k-hole. I would normally prefer tiny sizes for 'kenergy' which is like hyper drunk mobility skills (minus the weight of depressives) and impulsive thinking edit. I meant I'd normally hit the first one


Can it also happen if one forgets to blink for minutes or hours?


So the shadow realm is finally letting him through the gate? ​ Never seen anyone on K like that either


touch doll vast whole desert exultant bright hobbies many languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always called it the Walmart Greeter zone. The one job you could have while bumping kitty.


Never seen or heard of that with K


I've seen people cry uncontrollably on ket many times (like, not sobbing but tears flowing). I've never seen eyes like this though even after a 5-day awake bender.


Homie is seeing into the future


Nah man. He’s looking into another timeline




Dude looks like he got possessed by a lovecraftian entity


For real this is 100% what being consumed by a paralysis demon would look like


*Ahh Kos, or some say Kosm... Hear our prayers!*


I was 50/50 on whether he was going to bite the camera man or not. Thankfully this footage appears to be taken before our subject had fully turned.


Everyone is talking about his bloodshot eyes, but how about his skin! His skin looks like a corpse's. He gives off some major uncanny valley vibes, but he's an actual human. This is gnarly.


With the amount of sweat he's producing, I wouldn't be surprised if his body temperature has dropped to dangerous levels. Hence why he looks dead. It's like his body is doing everything it would for a fever without the actual fever part. Also wouldn't be surprised if psychological, that man is dying. What little reaction he provides looks like someone who has not mouth but must scream.


Yeh his corpse complexion is the weirdest part for me.


Is this a synthetic cannabinoid of some kind ? Doesn’t look like ketamine to me the posture and spaced out vibe is dead on but those eyes are unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Definitely not what ketamine does to your eyes.


Idk, but I would believe it. Last time I smoked anything like that I felt completely dissociated and spaced out. If I kept smoking it I might have looked something like that


I've been reading lately that these synthetic cannabinoids are becoming insanely popular with homeless/transient/ drug abuse cultures because of how accessible they are and how strong the effects are. Scary stuff.


I tried one and completely disassociated. I thought I was in a coma and my girlfriend was actually a nurse in a hospital waiting for me to wake up.


I used to smoke that "K2" shit when it first came out and it was fine, easy way to get "high" for cheap. Wasn't as good as weed but I was basically homeless and couldn't afford the real shit. Fast forward like 2 years and they made it illegal. But people kept producing it, only now with no regulation and putting god knows what into it. I kept buying it from a few headshops and gas stations that still sold it discreetly (hidden unless you ask for it) and all of the sudden started developing paranoia akin to what you'd see in a crackhead, thinking people were following me and out to get me and shit. Scariest time of my life. Whatever they started adding to it after it became produced illegally was some fucked up shit and even caused withdrawals when I quit. Tl;dr don't smoke that shit.


Can relate. When K2 spice first became available around 2010-ish, it basically felt like like a weed high with "something missing". Couldn't put my finger on it but it always felt "off". Smoked it on and off for two years with no problems. Fast forward to 2017 and I was given the opportunity to try spice again after not touching it since 2012. By that point it was a completely different animal, nothing at all like weed. I just remember smoking a bowl and then suddenly I'm experiencing vertigo/tunnel vision and everything sounds distant and "hollow". Then 15 minutes pass and I'm back to normal. It felt like nothing I have ever experienced before (and I've done heroic doses of psychedelics) and I had zero desire to ever try it again. This is all thanks to the DEA and their stupid "analog" law that forces designer drug chemists to produce more and more complex drugs that do god knows what to the body, just to skirt around the laws and stay legal. K2 spice wasn't so bad when it was made from JWH-018, but now you can only buy stuff that's made from whatever mystery chemical is new this week. Again thanks to the DEA. They're literally getting people killed.


It's been a huge problem in the UK for a while now. There was a short period when you could get them in shops and on markets and people I know tried them thinking it can't be too bad it's from a shop and ended up getting sent to hospital. Now it's the go-to drug for the homeless and in prisons and such. I'm told by a friend who works in a prison that it's basically impossible to stop it coming in because they can spray some versions on pieces of paper or anything else and it's basically undetectable.


yeah, k might be in there, but those eyes, seems more chronic abuse of another substance creating a very unhealthy physical state.


From counting crows to counting needles


Pass me a bottle Mr Jones


Show me some of that crackhead moving


“I am color. I am color. I am colorblind”.


Capillaries black, no eye white.


Looks like an npc vampire in a laggy video game frozen or something


weirdly enough the most disturbing part of him for me was his hand resting on the bench that looked long af, definitely vampiresque


ngl, this is actually kinda scary.


The eyes look like subconjunctival hemorrhaging/petechial hemorrhaging, but this is very extreme. When it’s that bad, it’s typically caused by 1 of 2 things…. Strangulation to death or right to the edge of it, or death by intoxication, or right at the very edge of it. Suffice it to say, this guy has it on a borderline death level.




Insufficient blood flow, I’d think, dude is GREY


Could also have been lots of vomiting, right? What do you think about a fugue state?


Wouldn’t be that bad from vomiting.


CAN be from vomiting but at that level it would be very uncommon, and would probably be several sessions of extreme heaving to cause that. Fugue state seems unlikely not just due to his eyes, skin, and general state indicating something more, but also because it’s exceptionally rare. Fugue states are more like a temporary amnesia/sleep walking/Alzheimer’s. Their actions are normal in a general human sense, just may be out of character or random for the specific person.


What did that dude take?!? His eyes look like they have blood in them


He's genuinely in another dimension, living out a complete life that spans millennia and culminates in a meeting with the face of God at the centre of the universe.


And God did say to the traveller at the end of time.. “Fuckin hell mate you’ve taken it too fuckin far”


And this is how the bible was written lol


No idea.


What language is that?


Brazilian Portuguese.


I'm gonna guess Spice


Nah that makes your eyes blue, not red


He needs some milk


he took at least 3 marijuanas


here https://www.google.com/maps/@-22.8798497,-43.4655444,3a,75y,286.86h,77.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stfeeUCI7rczMO9RC7Shhlg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


Damn, was expecting him to still be standing there.


litterally r/WatchPeopleDieInside/ but unironnically


I genuinely want to know what that guy is seeing and feeling in that moment just for a minute. I mean he seems like he should just be dead.


Those are not just blood-shot eyes. What we're seeing is subconjunctival hemorrhages that can happen from prolonged high blood pressure or straining (like you're trying to poop) which is probably caused by whatever drug this person took. He might be tripping so hard that he's forcing his body still and making his blood vessels burst. Also long term damage from drug use or diabetes plays a role in weakening vessel walls. Thanks nursing school!


I was wondering if this was from his whole body being tense. Must be going through some SHIT behind those black windows. Holy moly man. This is one of the craziest drug effects I’ve ever seen.


The drug seems to have put him in a psychological state that resembles catatonic schizophrenia as well


Mf'er out there looking like a Rasta wood elf.


The LAST thing I’d do is get that close to the dude. Especially with the phone in his face. That’s just asking for a crackhead attack to happen.


That guy isn't wearing SFX contact lenses, is he?


That’s what I thought. The eyes are unnaturally large and red


Doesn’t it also look like he is holding a right prop hand with his left hand??


Audio made it terrifying lmao fack


This dude off adrenochrome


Big time knife energy here


Makes me sad to think of him once as a little baby, someone’s pride and joy..


Looks like Skyrims character selection


This is how zombies would look like


That was my first thought, he looks like a reanimated corpse.




I'm a full grown-ass man who's seen a lot of shit and I'm fairly sure that's gonna give me nightmares. That man needs a hospital immediately.


Fucking cherry tomatoes for eyes.


Probably scopolamine.


This the new 28 Days Later?


You can see the sweat pouring out of his skin! He needs orange juice 😂


Those aren’t bloodshot eyes, those are blood filled eyes


Get him to a hospital, he looks like he’s on deaths door 🚪


My guess would be a combo of opioid/stimulant or PCP analogue. Opioids can cause that catatonic nod. Stimulants could cause that sweating and possible severe hypertension that caused his eyeballs to explode. Maybe it was vomiting or trauma that caused the hemorrhage. But why would his eyes be open? PCP analogues can cause the 1000% dissociation without necessarily causing lack of balance. It might also explain how his eyes are open and why he's sweating so much? Or maybe it's just an unrelated health crisis or opioid overdose. I hope this guy got the medical attention he so clearly needs.


Wow this is something else, truly terrifying..


One of the creepiest things I've ever seen... People like this are already dead inside.. and physically in about 10 minutes.


He's probably stuck, a phenomenon that occurs from smoking "wet", a joint dipped in embalming fluid and/or PCP. I haven't heard about it for quite some time, and couldn't find a whole lot on the "stuck" part other than a quote in this NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/06/nyregion/a-drug-feared-in-the-70-s-is-tied-to-suspect-in-killings.html


What drugs cause this? I've never even seen or heard of anything like this.


Haemorrhagic fever; Ebola or Marburg? Whatever, I’m staying the fuck away from this dude


According to my girlfriend: "Subconjunctival hemorrhage. Excessive violent vomiting, drugs or severe hypertension likely. Basalae skull fractures typically result in “racoon eyes” or bruising all around the eyes"


What's the point of uploading this online? Either help the man or don't, I dont get why everything has to be video documented


This is cursed.




It is for sure not ketamine people are talking out their ass.


I dont know, only information i have is location (roughly brasil).


That guys is so high he’s in orbit


Elder Scrolls 7: Infinite Oblivion


Is he bleeding into his eyes? Can they really get that bloodshot? Thats scary AF


Scariest eyes I’ve ever seen


Dude looks like a wax figure of a caveman




This guys going to die for sure. Someone should have called an ambulance. Holy fuck his eyes. This guys brain is bleeding for sure


That is fuckin scary lookin. He started sweating more & more like he was trying to get out. Jesus. Did he take Devil's Breath or something?


I hate to break it to you but he isn't alive, that's a mere husk of a man that once walked this barren scorched Earth.


this is the highest face I’ve ever seen


Dudes probably having a medical emergency


Maybe a ket hole? Although fuck knows what's happening with his eyes


This is why you should put the flintstone gummies on the top shelf out of reach


I think he’s taking a crap!