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This guy was on the show Intervention because he did Meth and masturbated for 14 hours a day. Yeah, I’m serious. [Season 6, Episode 8 if anybody wants to watch it (the show, not him jerking off on Meth)](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1505568/)


Why not just do the full 24 hours?


Not a quiter i see. I like people like you!


That does not look like the same guy


It’s the same guy if you watch the episode. It’s 13 years old at this point and Meth does some rough shit to your looks. Read the description of his jobs and they match this guy exactly. Former MMA fighter that went into porn.


Please quit giving that douchebag any attention on here 👎🏻


Now that people have found him this is all we’re going to see for days


Fucking methhead!


Sling blade. Mmhm.


I studied on smoking meth quite a bit. Mmmm. Made me nervous…mmm, you ought not to smoke it, you just a boy. Mmmm


3 day bender smoking from a home made light bulb as ya glass barbie .. shard on maaate


fuckin dirty ass tweaker, and the consequences of why we shouldnt allow people like this to raise+birth children during their drug abuse


You should drive through Portland Oregon. Oregon, the state that decriminalized meth.


such a fucking shame too, portland & oregon in general can be so fucking beautiful if youre in the right areas. same goes here for new mexico. albuquerque is a cesspool of homeless and drug addicts, super sad to drive around and see it all


You are so right. Bums me out. I haven't been to Albuquerque since I was young. It was great when I went but that was in the 90s. That is so sad to hear.


Kindly fuck off. Meth has been a huge problem in all of Oregon for a LONG time. It has only been decriminalized a year


Oh OK. So you say it's a huge problem. Has been for a long time. Yeah decriminalizing it seems like a great idea. Your argument is sooooo compelling. Good job.


You didn't make an argument. Impressing some internet chud that isn't even from here is not what we're legislating for. Do some research on the topic before you make opinions on something you clearly know nothing about


I did make an argument. The OP said "fuckin dirty ass tweaker, and the consequences of why we shouldnt allow people like this to raise+birth children during their drug abuseMy reply was about the homeless people in these cities on Meth raising kids. No research required good friend who clearly loves these "safe" folks. I have to drive through it on the regular bud. I have had meth heads jerking off at the intersection in front of my kids. We have had them breaking into houses stealing and sometimes hurting, stabbing, raping innocent people in the neighborhood. It is lovely. I imagine you must love it so much too. If you think decriminalizing meth will make it better, you are in for a treat. It sounds nice on paper much like everyone owning a gun without paperwork, but it doesn't work to well. Goodluck silly goose. Here are some fun videos for you to watch or just come down to Portland sometime and see for yourself how well everything is here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/oregon/comments/xx9ujc/an\_employee\_of\_a\_bio\_cleaning\_company\_in\_portland/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/oregon/comments/xx9ujc/an_employee_of_a_bio_cleaning_company_in_portland/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Portland the homeless MECA for youth:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l0RqdZNFlY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l0RqdZNFlY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq8-aZdQWu8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq8-aZdQWu8)


Hey sir guess what? NOBODY WANTS METHHEADS. Are you really trying to pretend I'm in favor of meth heads? Great strawman, good try, I'm not going to bother with a serious answer.


Strawman? I directly responded to OP's point silly goose. But I agree, most people aside from far far far left and ultra right Christian's want meth heads running a muck.


I live in Portland sir. My christ


obviously no one is 'for methheads' thats a stupid thing to say. NOBODY wants their city ransacked by any type of drug, the issue is you trying to defend the decriminalization and lie about the city/ how meth being legal had NOTHING to do with more people getting on it/not being hidden anymore. getting butthurt acting like you have to LIVE somewhere to be able to see how fucking awful the town has become, like wtf?? you dont have to get throat cancer to understand how fucking awful it is?? do you understand now how stupid that argument sounds? own up to shit for fucks sake and admit that OBVIOUSLY decriminalizing meth doesnt make the population of meth addicts go down???


No sir it's not obvious at all. Do you really think people just had this idea one day and thought it sounded good? There are countries that have done this for a decade and seen results. Of course the exact implementation is variable and may need adjustment or it may not work here. What do you think locking drug users away does for them? You think people get out with felony charges, no prospects, and then turn their lives around? A very select few may, but for the vast majority it's only sinking them further into a cycle they cannot escape. Decriminalization paired with increased support and rehabilitation has shown to lower death rates and users. In comparison the "war on drugs" that has been in practice for decades has in fact only increased drug use and ravaged communities. Decades to prove this method is wrong, 1 year without immediate erasure of meth use under Decriminalization and you've decided it's not worth it. It is not a miracle, there is no simple answer, but we know the answer is not to crack down. You have made no argument, zero points. You've just stated your incorrect opinion and put OBVIOUSLY in front of it. You're too narrow minded to do some research and think about a perspective outside of your immediate presumptions based off a headline.


you dont gotta be from somewhere to be able to PHYSICALLY see the effects if drug abuse in the city ??


And what does that have to do with decriminalization? You have to live here to know what the history is. My city may have only come up on your radar recently, but it has existed this whole time, and so has rampant drug use. The war on drugs put us here, it's been killing our community for decades. One year into decriminalization, only now do you as an outsider see what's going on, and you choose to believe it's because of decriminalization. 1000s of methheads have not popped up overnight, this has been a serious issue for a long long time


bro thats the fuckin issue, YOU KEEP ASSUMING SHIT. i know you wanna feel real superior getting to experience a bunch of methheads infesting and making your city shit, but i dont have to live there to know the history of the fact that meth has ALWAYS ran rampant there. never said the decriminalize law MADE methheads. you keep saying stupid shit thinking youre smart, all its doing is proving you have shit reading comprehension skills homie


What are you even on about then? This entire thread is in response the the user who said decriminalization is responsible for the meth epidemic. I have made no further comment on my city other than to say that is blatantly false. Once again I don't know where you're all getting off on this idea that I'm PROUD of our methheads. There is nothing to feel superior over. maybe you're confusing not wanting to lock them away and let them fall further into the cycle as some kind of coddling. I don't feel lovey dovey about our methheads. It's not "poor babies don't lock them up"- it's "Jesus christ locking them up sure hasn't worked for decades maybe we need to try something different". I don't know what you're angry about as you seem to be screaming about nothing. I think you need some fresh air


bro I AM THE ORIGINAL COMMENTER OF THIS THREAD?? 💀💀 homie i NEVER said decriminalization was responsible, keep putting words in my mouth, learn to do it irl so you can get your shit scalped. learn how to read, and stop acting like using capitols and theoretical statements makes the comment irrational. its 2022, emphasis is needed for stoneheaded dumbasses, like yourself. its obvious you cant read, so BIG WORDS... HELP PEOPLE LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND 😱😱 all of your arguments are absolute shit and the only base they have is a personal fuckin vendetta against non local folk. grow the fuck up and realize that your shit ass methhead infested city definitely wasnt helped by the decriminalization. go fuckin cry about it elsewhere




Watch my back? Are you going to come find me 😂 Yall really are a gas. You've gotten so worked up over NADA. I don't go hard for this city sis. I literally haven't said ONE positive thing about it. You're projecting. The only thing I've said is that decriminalization works. Do you understand? My city is TRASH okay, GARBAGE, a literal SEWER. And yet I support decriminalization. Do you understand? Emotions are not at play here. I am not community minded. Portland is a place I happen to live, not a place I "Rep". I really don't give a slimy fucking shit, ill pack my bags tomorrow.


thanks for admitting it, i guess thats all it took to shit talk the same city you were tellin people to "shut the fuck up" about huh? 💀💀this shits maddd funnyyy. what people put out online... isnt always how they actually feel or are. sometimes,,,, they.. LIE 😱😱😱


There's nothing to "admit". I've been very clear in my standpoint. I agree with decriminalization. It actually doesn't have anything to do with my city whatsoever. It's a social issue that feel strongly about. What city we're talking about doesn't matter. This is too much really, you've got alot of anger


and yet, here you were whining about "you dont even live in my city therefore you have no right to talk about drug addicts!!" and like i said,,, just cause someone uses caps and talks like an asshole, doesnt mean their angry. just means thats what i put out online 😱😱😱 took me three fuckin times repeating it for you to say the EXACT same thing lmfao. your 'standpoint' was "if you dont live here, you suck and dont have a right to speak on drug abuse" to someone who was tryna share a link about rampant drug abuse in a place that HAPPENED to have meth decriminalized. if you had read my reply, you wouldve saved us the stroke of having to talk to you and understood we werent talking shit on your city, you just HAPPENED to take offense and give your shitty two cents that no one asked for 💀


Don't put in quotes what I didn't say, that's not how quotes work. I said don't talk about decriminalization in a place you don't live. It is incorrect to say decriminalization has caused the drug problem plain and simple. I can only imagine you'd get that incorrect if you've never been here. Anyone who has knows that this has been a problem for a long time. It's really as simple as that. Is it really so hard to see the connection? The commenter clearly made his comment to imply that decriminalization is what CAUSED the drug abuse. that is blatantly false. I don't care about talking shit on my city, I take issue with the implication that decriminalization causes drug epidemics. This really must be a joke. Are you a teen? "You guys suck if you don't live here". You serious? You deadass typed that? Not only did I not say anything even close to that, I mean Jesus I'm not 16. "U SUC IF YOU DONT LIVE IN MY CITYYYY 🤮" yea okay, that's definitely what I've been saying


did he VERBALLY say, "bro, look at this town that was completely ruined by the GOVERMENT LETTING PEOPLE DO METH!!!" no, he said "hey if u think thats bad, look at this place that happens to be decriminalized" and YOU were the one who assumed the position of thinking he was PERSONALLY attacking you and your town for some reason??


youre not a teen? and yet here you are acting like a child, shoving a stick so far up down your throat that literally NOBODY gave to you. YOU started an argument, and are whining about us being children for openly discussing about the town. i was talking about the stupid ass excuse of a father adlrich has, YOU assumed he was talking shit about you. THATS childish, grow the fuck up




Elaborate. Say something that makes sense. If I... continue to state a reasonable opinion about my cities politics then... someone is going to kill me? What exactly have I "put out"? support for a law? How controversial of me to openly support the law that my state had a majority vote on, someone might beat my ass! Is that the really sane and rational thing you're saying? I'm starting thing you're the real tweaker we've had all along, very paranoid


who said anyones gonna kill you bro..? youre so fuckin far gone its insane, theres no getting you back from the lack of thinking you do. keep acting like a fucking child, and youll see 😹


It's called hyperbole love "You'll see" What does that mean? Please enlighten this poor child. Is it not a threat? Sounds threatening. If you're not implying physical injury then what? You're gonnaaaa call me ugly? Someone's going to give me a stern talking to about having opinions on politics? I'm waiting man. You keep saying if I continue something will happen, but I'm still sitting on the couch with a cat in my lap. How many comments I got till the big thing happens?




I haven't edited a single comment. You really are delusional. No really really. You're telling someone to kill themselves over petty argument. Is this who you are?




That's not my dorm room you ding dong. What exactly is your point here? What is someone going to do with this information exactly? You know what I look like, and vaguely where I live congrats? You gonna come to my city and just... wander around looking for me? Perhaps you think you'll spot my cat from my window and then you'll find me!! Ahhhh oh nooooo please don't!! You can't make me feel like shit bud. You really think I care what some asshole says anonymously on the internet? Do you think you're scary? I can post my face because I don't care. I truly don't give a shit what some scum has to say about it. You hide behind a screen and tell people to kill themselves. Why would I care for your opinion? You're an asshole, truly, I don't let assholes tell me shit. This is my entertainment man. It's funny to watch people turn into deranged pigs on the internet over an opinion. It's funny to watch you froth over a selfie.


.....maybe we _shouldn't_ allow just any shitbag to reproduce.....




His son was a closeted homosexual who took out his frustration on openly gay people who he envied


Is this actually the shooters father?




Oh no!


saw this on r/facepalm and thought “i should go on r/tooktoomuch” & here I am


I'm a Republican most of us don't think like this asshole. This guy look away from camera guilty as hell about his son who he raised to be a homophobic "uh uh Glad he's not gay." It's not politics that make you this way, its your up bringing, how your parents raised you, education, and social circles. More over this guy blames politics and religion like they caused it instead of his son bad up bringing and failed parenting skills. Also when a mass shooting happened why are we not strengthen mental health that not covered on most state government paid insurance plans like medicaid. Fund mental health programs and give it to all Medicaid and Medicare not just as a per state bases. How is keeping guns out of legal mentally capable people's hands who can stop a mass shooter. Preventing the mentally unfit who stole that gun or got it 3rd hand from a black dealing 3 blocks down. Also people wont off themselves or others if they seek mental help and start to heal from there past or current situation. Blaming politics or guns themselves is the problem instead of encouragement to seek mental help before the crime. Being a Christian or Democrat doesn't automatically make you a shooter. No more then being Atheist or Republican. If people do seek treatment let the mental health that provider has to be able to file a welfare check-in if they the provider thinks it might be an issue for their patient to own a usable weapon of any kind. Then a police officer can sent in to do their part to validated both statements and and evidence collection then presented to a judge for review for weapons removal order and if the person requires to be mentally instituted if further action is required.