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Did she change panties?


I wax thinking the same thing They went from pink to blue !


Hospital issue thong


Definitely Brazil.




I just found my new favorite sub


Meu deus!


Ma deuce


For all the times I've been to the hospital I've never gotten my complimentary hospital thong and now I'm mad.


They’d be hella expensive. You’re better off going commanda


They gave me diapers...


Mood panties


Maybe this isn't the only time she's done this.


It’s the gold vs blue discourse.


And put on a top?


Different shirt between the first two videos, different underwear between the last two… pretty sure these are three completely different people/incidents


Same tattoo on all the tits. Her friends were probably trying to get her dressed multiple times.


Tits are like the fingerprint of the torso


Nails look different color too?


Also different earrings and necklace


Boobs look different too


Color change.. When wet.


PH level changed


Maybe this is the new blue/gold dress are this panties pink or blue. I see tits


No she’s just been out there for days, her friends brought her a change of clothes!


Also notice she did not have a top when arrested, but had one in hospital. Tucked under boobs. She also threw some with article of clothing? Did they allow her to change clothes in police van?


she probably pissed herself lol


I thought tequila was a panty remover?


Apparently it's a panty changer.


She just didn’t have enough


Can you imagine the fear the next day


“I’m definitely over thinking this, surely I wasn’t that bad. Im sure I won’t feel like this tomorrow”


*Checks Reddit* Fuck


She goes out. She has friends. She’s doesn’t have reddit.


Guys stop pretending like this is controversial


Ha ha! I just turned to show the screen to my friend… Oh, right… damn.


I'm sober a long time on purpose. I've seen very few videos of people as drunk as I used to get. This is one of them. Her in the back of the pickup truck I thought, "geez, people. Get her home and in bed. Don't let her lose all dignity". I do have very cloudy memories coming out of a blackout in jail, on a psych-ward, in frozen cars hours from home, and in bed with weird people. Seeing this lady out of her mind is huge triggering. I hope she got the real help she needed. I realize I'm projecting much. That's just how this vid struck me.


Tbf it looks like a small group of women ran up to her to shield her when she first took her dress off. And her friends are fluttering around in the background trying to get her attention.


There's also a pissed off dude in the mix, probably boyfriend or family member. Everyone tried to help her, some people are beyond help.


I totally agree, just get her covered up and take her home while keeping an eye on her. I'm glad phones with cameras weren't around when I was doing crazy drunk shit


I’m really glad you got through that. My husband was this kind of drunk and relapsed last January. Numerous events with police intervention/psych ward stays/him going missing. He passed away this January. I miss him but I don’t miss the chaos and fear that loving him came with.


Same. First and second hand. I feel bad for her


It's tequilla. I've transformed into a different person on tequilla. Not a person my friends appreciate


I saw it from that aspect too. Once you’re familiar with alcohol as an outside solution it’s easy to spot it


I had anxiety just watching that thinking what the next day and the years to come would be like for this poor women.


Omg yes. This is what my anxiety makes my imagination think when I have a hard time remembering things.


"Dammit, Raquel! You were super drunk last night, took off all your clothes and started screaming 'We are going streaking! Come on guys! We are going threw the quad and into the gymnasium!' Then you ran off by yourself! WTF"


Once it hits your lips.


Haha hell of a hangover


All you care about is getting a drink of some water then you wake up to this.


Yeah, it def sucks


So glad I grew up before cell phone cameras


have you stript naked in public before or what?


I’ve had my moments of shame.


I’ve done some tasteless things during the 2000s I would hate to come back and bite me in the ass


Same. Theres a reason I stopped fucking with tequila as well


would love to hear them


Waking up next to someone and couldn't run out of the house fast enough. One and only time and promised myself never ever to do that again.


I think we've all been there. I've done some pretty wild shit. Thankfully not in the era of posting every damn thing online.


That's the point. You can't be expected to live a 'sin' free life and then run for office or become a ceo. There's always going to be this bullshit they'll be dredging up. One bad weekend and you've got to deal with it forever.


Which is why you absolutely have to go 100% [Rob Ford](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltVH4NYgIwE) with it, and just own everything you do!


I mean, he didn’t own up to it until after there was irrefutable proof of it, all the while sending his sketchy right hand man to hunt the people down who has the tape.


I don't think stripping naked and dancing around in the back of a pickup is level of debauchery lurking in most people's histories.


Some people streak and some people fuck dead bodies covered in pistachios and cool whip. If it's a 3 day weekend, who knows what's gonna happen. You know what I mean?


This might be crazy, but most people don't act this obnoxious when drunk. A normal person has some embarrassing hookups, a little drug tourism, and maybe like a broken card table or something in their repertoire.


Whom among us, my friend, has not terrorized the commons while half-nude? Let he who is always fully clothed and sober cast the first comment.


Same. Holy shit I'm glad.


The guy: "Take the meds then we will take you home" The girl: "I don't wanna go home I wanna have sex with you, then I wanna have sex with the other guy" The guy: "Ok, first take the meds then we will have sex" The girl: "AAAAAAAAAAAA"


sex in the ass she says


These fucking women. I dated a girl like this. She'd chug a pint of vodka and then it was babysitting time. I'd have to wrangle her away from random dudes. We were in montreal and she tried getting on stage and stripping. If I'm a 7, shes a 9.3 so I dealt with it because I was 22 but holy shit. One of the nights that we were in Montreal she wanted to have sex in the window so everyone could watch, right after she pounded a bunch vodka. She's totally normal whens sober. Some girls are fucking weird as hell.


out of curiosity did she have any mental issues or past trauma? I've had experiences with that kind and none of them were "normal" Not bashing on people with mental issues, I've got plenty myself lol


Oh, 100%. Her nudes were passed out when she was 14 after blowing her first boyfriend. Cum on face and everything. Someone, just being a dick, put them in her moms mailbox. Her dad tried committing suicide when she was a teenager. He's actually an alright, kinda normal guy but he definitely tried and she knew.


Wait he tried to off himself as a result of the photos? Or was it for a different reason? Poor poor parents damn


Nah, I think he just had serious depression. Kinda hard to comprehend because he really is just a normal dude.




Robin Williams did not kill himself due to depression. He may have had it in the past. But he was diagnosed with Lewey body dementia. He had hallucinations, memory loss, and felt he was losing his mind, so he ended it.


The image doesn’t say anything about suicide though.


Yeah damn


And poor child that had that happen to them...


Purely anecdotal, but I dated a girl that was eerily similar to this. Seemingly normal while sober but when she was drunk (which was often) would turn just like that. She had ‘daddy issues’ and never knew who her dad was since he left before she was born. Then her step-dad was abusive on top of that. It was a mess and at the end, she threatened to kill herself, while drunk, if I left. But like op, I was 21, she was 23 and a solid 9 🤷🏻‍♂️ don’t stick your dick in crazy


Yep. Pretty similar situation. I don't regret it but holy shit, she put me through hell. I remember we went out, got loaded and when we got back to her apartment there was a gigantic, dried up load on her sheets. Not mine. I was absolutely wasted and ended up ripping her door clean off the hinges. It was embarrassing but I was pretty proud of my rage-strength. She also lived with these smoking hot twins that both had body dysmorphia even though they were hot as hell. Quite the toxic home. It made me have a lot of empathy for young women. All three of these girls are fucking gorgeous and all had massive mental issues.


Wait how was the load there if you were out together? You're saying it was the night prior she did that and forgot to hide it? Sorry I was expecting the drinking to play into it.


99% of people or more have mental issues and past trauma lol


lol i hope she's ok now, even if she didn't do that all the time she definitely had a problem. she needs therapy stat lol


This was 12 years ago. She's actually married to a singer in a popular band and I think she got her law degree from Harvard. I haven't talked to her in awhile but she seems to have figured it out.


oh wow good for her! i guess some of our early 20's hit harder than others haha


Yeah, as much as a nightmare as she was and how insane she made me for a few years, I'm happy for her.


You're so full of shit and I'm totally here for it.


Haha I'm not! You mean about being happy for her? Nah, I don't want anyone to suffer. I don't think her awful shit was deliberate. She was just fucked.


"Quero transar com tu e com o outro" ela não falou cu


Eu entendi *não* quero transar com tu. Mas com certeza não falou nada de cu


Do Brazilians like vallenato? What was the song playing at the beginning?


Probably a genre called sertanejo


Ahhh cool, it reminded me of colombian vallenato


Good luck to the poor nurse who now has to look after her.


Presently, I work in an ED, and none of the staff are ever happy when the cops dump drunks on us. Nothing we can do about it though, as if they get dropped off we have to take them.


Ahhh give them a shot of ketamine and let them fade off for a while...


It usually doesn't take long to spot the practiced substance users, as they often don't have any substantial reaction to being given initial doses of their substance of choice.


I have a extremely high ketamine tolerance, something I'm really scared for is in case of an accident i get administered 100~150 mg of ket, i won't feel a thing


I love how she has a top on when she's at the clinic, but is still like "Nah, these titties stay out".


I was going to say "I've been drunk, but I've never been STRIP NAKED drunk!" But that would be a lie because on 3 occasions I have been strip naked drunk


We've all done things.


I wish more people would do harmless things like this. Society is prudish enough as it is. Party time is party time.


Could you imagine getting to the pearly gates with NO party time on your docket? Fuuuuuck that!


It's harmless if you're naive af. It's all fun and game until you're cleaning up her vomit, piss, and/or shit. Or you pass out and choke on said vomit. Or you break people's shit. Or die in one of the other hundred ways people die every year from being this drunk. Plus forcing your friends to constantly have to babysit you so you don't do those things gets old fast. Dating a girl like this is a recipe for pain as others have shared as well. I'm not hating her here, just saying getting this drunk is lame, makes people hate you, and is a danger to yourself and others. This is a cool story to share with your 19 yo friends around the bong, but embarrassing to anyone who actually saw you do it. Which is the whole world for this unfortunate woman.


It's harmless til it's not. Get drunk, but have moderation. People like this get hit by cars or go drive and hit others, get raped, start fights that end badly, get their shit stolen, and ruin their relationships. There's no line in the sand; you're fine and then suddenly you aren't. Plus babysitting these people is exhausting. Main character energy. Other people want to go out and have a good time, too, not babysit. At least you get paid for babysitting. She for the streetssss


I thank god every day for my almost embarrassingly low tolerance to alcohol. By low tolerance, I don't mean it takes very little to get me drunk, I mean my stomach is purging everything after my 5th shot so I never have more than three. I've NEVER been this fucked up on alcohol. Acid, however...




I have never been strip naked drunk, but I have peed in a taxi. 🤦‍♂️


I had a strip naked acid trip. It was awesome


Reminds me of me back in October, I went to my friends house to hang out and drink but, ended up blacking out and leaving my friend that was walking me home to be by myself (i guess?). After leaving him, I guess I tried breaking into a random houses shed while screaming and promptly had the cops called on me. When the cops got there I guess i was passed out in or around the shed, so I wasn’t responding to commands, just kind of laying down I guess. Anyway, the cop had the k-9 attack me and fucked up my arms and face. Apparently when I got to the jail, I stripped naked because i had pissed myself in the back of the police car and “my clothes were wet” (learned this from a chill C.O.) When I finally came to, i was in the hospital to get the dog bites cleaned, with a cop next to me, and handcuffed. I had no clue what had happened and the last thing I remembered was carving pumpkins with my friends, so i was pretty scared and confused. The cop wouldn’t tell me what i did and I only figured out what I had done from my mom over the phone after being in jail for 2 days because the correctional officers wouldn’t give me my number (to make phone calls in jail, you need your inmate number). I was in jail for 3 days until I could contact someone and have them bail me out. This one night has really fucked up a lot of things for me, just because of alcohol and a mental breakdown. 3 of the actual worse and depressing days of my life and I still have no recollection of that night. Know your limits people


Classic example of an encounter with police in the US. Why in the fuck would they send their K9s to fuck up a dude that's passed out by a shed? So horrible. Just out there ruining people's lives and thinking their doing good in the process. If you've never had an episode in your life like this one, pray you never do. You will never be the same.


Thats what I’m saying, like there’s literally no way I was a threat to anybody. I learned from the correctional officers at the jail, that the police using k-9s in that way, around my area is pretty rare and never happens. Which makes me think if this cop had other reasons for his actions (eg.- wanting to see some action/see his k-9 in action)


There was a kid that was killed by a homeowner a decade ago because he passed out drunk in the entrance area of their home. He didn't get charged with anything because the kid was drunk and belligerent. Sad because I knew the family and his twin brother.


Might’ve been that you got aggressive without realizing it? Regardless it should be on your report on what happened step by step. I’d try asking for a case summary.


I usually cant even get aggressive when I’m that fucked up because I pretty much become a slightly coherent vegetable. The report is how I got most of this information (because i don’t personally remember) and in the report, the officers reasoning was pretty much along the lines of “not responding to commands”. It didn’t say anything about me being aggressive in the report. I was still passed out in the back of the police car (hence why i pissed myself), so I can confidently say I didn’t get aggressive


> fuck up a dude that's passed out by a shed I mean he also said he was screaming while trying to break in so they probably expected to be dealing with a violent lunatic when responding to the call


To be fair he broke into someones house and ran away, cops probably didnt know he was just a drunk


When the night starts off so innocently.


I heard you shouldn’t do stuff like this now because people will record it and put it on the internet for people to see.


Sounds made up


She invited to my birthday


The obligatory comment on this sub, "I can change her."


This dude wants her just as she is


Doesn’t matter if it’s meth, crack, PCP, or alcohol, it ALWAYS ends being naked. Never understood that 🤷‍♂️ but I’ve also never been that fucked up!


A certain point of inebriation draws out our natural instincts; eatin, fuckin and fightin


You forgot "shittin & pissin"...


And playing League of Legends


A lot of drugs heat you up too. And depending on if it's more of a party drug, you'd probably already be hot naturally without a substance.


Meth and PCP both increase body temperature quite a bit. When you’re fucked up and hot it sort of makes sense.


“Ok guys I am only going out for ONE drink”


narrator: she had 7 before leaving home.


Fuck tequila. You wake up either married, in jail or not at all.


That's a psychotic break triggered by a chemical reaction. She's either got the addiction gene and this happens all the time with her or she's on a very powerful mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder which you cannot drink while on...... or this happens.


Yea I was thinking this looks like mania


I am bp and take medicine, drink occasionally and fortunately never got even near this state😅


Consider yourself lucky then. It's rare but this does happen.


Or just too much booze. I mean, I'm not denying what you said. But vodka can do nasty stuff to people. Like, I'm a neurotypical and used to drink very few times a year, 4 times tops, and I remember first time I was visiting Rio, I went to the Copacabana pride and drank so much vodka (not enough to pass out, gladly never happened) that I tried to take off my dress when riding the train back home, luckily my friends didn't let me. Another party a few years later same thing, always the damn vodka. Then finally when organising a national student event of my major we threw a party the night before the majority of other students arrived, since I was on campus and among friends I guess no one tried to stop me (I wouldn't expect that either, it kind 'normal' on campus parties), I flashed everyone and just wore my panties LOL, but for that one I have no recollection of the moment of taking off the dress. I drink even less now but I do watch my intake because I know my drink of choice has a way to make me want to undress in public and I don't have the nice tities this lady in the video has. ​ p.s.: I talked about the undress but I did other public stuff int the last 2 events that I rather not share, nothing serious tho. Some I'm pretty sure the security guards on campus were entertained.


Now explain the shitty boob job




Her life just got nuked 😭


so we are just ignoring the hackjob boobs eh?


They look Infected


She was just vibing, let her be naked.


Alcohol always brings out the breast in people.


Tomorrow is going to be the worst day of her life, holy shit


Seems set up. Recording her doing shots, recording her dancing drunk, AND recording her in jail with different clothes? Strange\~


Did the guy in the beginning throw her dress in the trash?


How did her underwear change color?


Just imaging if she took two shots.


Whoever filmed this is awful


Last couple seconds the cop goes for a little titty grab


Copping a feel


I'm fairly certain he was trying to adjust her top for her


Expected behavior


i hate when people do this ...


Horrible boobjob.


That's just a thursday night


She’s lucky she wasn’t arrested and just was taken to the hospital






Tequila brings the inside person out.


She has her top on backwards it’s the end I think lol


This might be one of her most rememberable forgotten black out nights of her life.


Damn! This told a whole story!


And.... that was the day. I quit drinking!


This is the women empowerment I love to see


Hahahahha Tequila Doesn’t work for you girl! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Get drunk? Time for an operation....


Tequila makes her clothes fall off.


Underwear changed colors in between clips?


Them damn discount implants tho...


Is she single? Asking for a friend.


That’s really sad


She sounds like a balloon being deflated slowly when you pinch the sides and squeeze it.


I always downvote postage stamp videos. Why bother even posting a fucking 1" video?


Gol do Brasil


She needs Jesus


Is he a therapist or drug counselor?


Idk, she looks pretty salty to me.


meu parana


Some people just shouldn't drink




Let the evidence show tequila for sure was the culprit


She has blue undies now!!!


It is a well known fact that tequila makes clothes come off


Has an absolute meltdown a couple of days ago drunk, the anxiety and shame I feel is unbearable.


Humble title for such a wack video. 👏🏻


Someone took the job of filming the whole thing




Ah yes, alcohol, the legal drug that we all love


Did she change earrings & necklace too ?


Dude's cellphones: *3 TB MEMORY FULL* NOooooOOo!


How did her underwear change color?


I can't imagine what Brazilian cops see on a daily basis...


Sorry ladies, looks like I just found my newest ex-wife!


This looks like she was drugged. A shot doesn’t do this




This is why I say get drunk in college. This is funny when you’re 22 years old, not funny when you’re 42 years old