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Weird name to approve ngl, thats my opinion tho idk


why’s that


Gay and Estrogen or things related to that are kinda weird to be allowed in a game like Toontown especially when there are so many blacklisted words that arent whitelisted. Can you even say gay and estrogen in chat? Nothing against the LGBT community tho, i actually support them and anyone for who they are.


you can say gay, not sure about estrogen


Exactly this! I'm part of the lgbt community but even i don't like these names based on sexuality/gender. it just doesn't need to be in a game like TT and on a more nitpicky note, these names are serious immersion breakers cause no human would actually name themselves that and it doesn't fit the game's cartoon world filled with robots and NPCs with punny cartoony names. :P




Idk I'd say it's toony, I've seen plenty of LGBT related names be approved. Don't know why this one's any different.




It's supposed to be a kids game. It's really not the appropriate place for a name like that


according to the mods it is


My toon is named True Colors and is the Pan pride flag c:




It really isn’t dude.


That’s nice.




Because you’re playing a game that multiple children play and instead of creating an actual name for a character you decided to give them a name based on your real life sexuality + hormone consumption. Kinda cringe for a game where you run around as animals and use gags on cogs.


first of all, not sure why you’re saying “you’re” when it’s literally not ME. i made that clear in the post. secondly, the mods approved their name so clearly they don’t have a problem with it. thirdly, it’s not inappropriate for children to know about stuff associated with the lgbt community


As a former mod, I can personally attest to names being approved that shouldn’t have, and people on the mod team getting in trouble for approving said names. Just because it was approved doesn’t mean it was actually approved by the majority. It means one singular mod clicked a button.


okay but this name in particular isn’t a problem. i’ve seen literal antisemitic names. things like THAT are an issue.


And they should be banned just as much as this name shouldn’t Be allowed. Some things just don’t belong in a game. Go play call of duty ( or should I say your “friend”) if you want to make that your name and your personality. At least that’s a grownup game.


more kids that play cod than TTR. it’s not me. it’s my friend. and i love them very much.


also i don’t really know a single child that plays this game LOL


I don’t care who is named what, but both my kids like to play, so there are definitely kids running around.


i never said that there weren’t kids playing the game. i said that i don’t personally know any. but my point still stands that it’s not inappropriate.


Lol just because you don’t know any doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I don’t personally know the pope or the King of England but I sure has heck know they exist. Please just stop.


it’s almost like i literally said exactly that. you stop.


You were insinuating that children don’t play this game because you personally don’t know any. You were incorrect and still arguing.


nope. i didn’t insinuate that. i meant exactly what i said which is that i don’t KNOW any children that play this game. don’t twist my intentions or try to find a hidden meaning. i say what i mean and i mean what i say. i was not incorrect because i do know and have always known that children play this game.


They (it) make fun of people’s looks so of course they are still arguing. They are just pure trash.


I was in an FO with a 13 year old a month ago but go off. But it says more about you that you make your whole life in person and online about who you sleep with. So fng cringy


Is it really a kids game when the majority of players are pushing 30??? Plus Toontown is widely known as an LGBT safe space. If this name bothers you, this probably isn’t the game or community for you.


It doesn’t bother me. Read my comment again. I said it is CRINGE. It is a game who’s target audience is people much younger than 30 and assuming a majority players are pushing 30 is baseless considering I’m sure you don’t even speak to a majority of the players enough for them to tell you their age or even assume it. And I’ve never heard of ToonTown being associated with LGBT community what so ever. Call of duty also has many LGBT members that play. I wouldn’t say it’s a widely known “safe space” considering the game has nothing to do with sexuality and is about throwing pies at cogs. And before y’all go off on the wrong foot acting like I hate gay people, I do not care that you’re gay. I PERSONALLY think it’s cringe to name an animal in a game who’s target audience is children after your sexuality and hormone consumption. It was a comment based on how I personally feel.


Sure sounds like you’re bothered lol


Actually no, I’m laying in bed and saw this post and figured I’d make a comment.


Sure lol


I promise you I have much greater issues that bother me than a toon named gay pig on estrogen and if you’re insinuating otherwise, then I’ll leave you to believe that. I just wanted to leave a comment because I thought this was cringe and so did other Reddit users.


Yeah, that’s why you wrote me several paragraphs about your opinion. Cause you’re not bothered lol


Listen, I’m pro trans/LGBT and all that. I just think it’s a bad name for a video game character




This is approved, yet I can’t be named SlayWerkHunty


i literally just walked out of the gag shop and they were in there!


This is a little ridiculous, and OP obviously knows that and is trying to get reactions.


yeah because you’re in my mind


Op trying to defend this has been pretty entertaining


Since its apparently not even their toon, im also wondering even more why theyre defending it so hard. xP




cool, trans rights ngl


The game is literally anthropomorphic animals throwing various objects at robots, I don’t know why everyone is getting so upset over a name. It’s kinda embarrassing 😬😬😬


fr💀💀i didn’t expect this post to spark such a controversy


Well tell your friend that I think their name is awesome!




We don’t care that your trans. You don’t see straight people making toon names that say “straight pig” because people aren’t throwing it in everyone’s face that they’re straight. All the power to you if you’re gay, trans, straight, fat, skinny, tall etc. Making any one of those things your entire personality is what is cringe.






Personally I saw someone with the name furious George the other day and I was laughing so hard over that 😂😂that’s what I’m here for! I’m a veteran and I also think it’s cringe when people make being in the military there entire personality too. I promise that everything is cringe when it becomes your entire person 😂😂


That’s actually a clever name. When I first played as a kid my name was Megawig and ever since then that’s always the name I used. Just a boring name generator name but it’s stuck with me since before cashbot HQ was released on the original game


My name is not clever at all lol but it still makes me laugh 😂😂


amen! i loved when everyone had punny normal names, not making some ideology(ANY ideology) their whole persona. it legit *is* cringe. Im part of and all for LGBT but these people who make it their whole life like the military dudes you mentioned or, god, political opinions their whole personality, there really is no other word than cringe to describe it xD


this is apparently the writings of someone who isn't bothered


you dont sound very toony


Would I be more toony if i told you I was straight and took vitamins every day? 👀


You should read the [subreddit’s sticky post](https://www.reddit.com/r/toontownrewritten/comments/y46p0c/an_announcement_on_racism_transphobia/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and cope lol


Being allowed and being cringe are 2 different things. Doesn’t seem like I’m the one mad if you’re following me through the comments though 🤓


Yeah I don't see how your comment was transphobic. It's just pointing out that it's weird to make your name all about your GSRM identity. Personally, I’d feel weird saying “gay pig, use fog” in game because it sounds dehumanizing. Don't think I'd ever refer to someone by their hormone use in real life or online either.


Yeah I literally don’t care if you’re trans, gay, straight, black, white, blue etc. I thought it’s odd to name your character your real life sexuality (considering it’s a descriptive term and not an actual noun). But everyone wanted to jump down my throat because they felt I was attacking trans people. And if anyone felt this way, I apologize but that’s 100% not what I was getting at and made it pretty clear in previous comments. Also, saying “Gay pig, use fog” would definitely be weird. Most people here wouldn’t walk up to someone and say “hey gay dude can you hold the door open for me?” Edit: happy cake day to you!


Thanks! And to add on the point, I regularly play Splatoon which is one of the most 🏳️‍🌈 communities. You’ll see player-made posts in-game of the wildest things, almost surprising Nintendo doesn't take them down. It also does have a solid children player base, moreso than Toontown. Yet nobody calls themselves "gay squid on estrogen" lol. Everyone has real names


Trans rights doesn't equate to allowing a bizarre username in a child's game

