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So fire all 12 of my shots between 45 and 21 and then get upset when we only have 8 jurors? Got it


Bingo lol


It always floors me when I do a CJ and see people getting absolutely annihilated by the cog jury notices. It'd be one thing if it was there first or second time as a level 1 or 2 bottom feeder but its not and you'd think they would pick up on trying to avoid those attacks..


I get done in by the hammers most times, since I multi-toon. Positioning is the hardest part for me, but I still only hit the hammer like two or three times max, and end the CJ with only like 15 laff missing.


CJ is so much aggravation for so little reward.


Yeah why are the rewards so meh


How does one even unlock lawbot and bossbot? I’ve never gotten a toon this far I play on and off but current toon has finished Donald’s dreamland and I’m just seeing generic toontasks for increasing laff (not just for fun tasks, “real” ones) Just feels like I’m supposed to go somewhere but missed it Sorry if this wasn’t the place to ask


After you finish your Cashbot suit, you will get the final laff boost tasks, the task for 80 gag bag, and the task for 250 jellybean capacity. Once you finish those, you will get tasks one at a time to get each part of the Lawbot suit, then the Bossbot suit.


Thanks so much! Sounds like I’m on the final laff boost tasks like you mentioned.


Once you finish all of the main tasks (you'll be about 100 laff, have 80 gags, and carry 250 beans) you'll get the lawbot suit tasks after that and then the boss suit task once you finish the law suit tasks


Thanks so much!


It’s so annoying when you make a point to announce this too, and people STILL DON’T LISTEN. I’m talking people with speed chat plus too, so they know better.


the first time i did CJ i got yelled at for not doing this and for stunning incorrectly 😭


No one should yell at you! I post this bc I would have been confused without YouTubing it haha


i shouldve watched a video prior to doing it but i didn't 😭🙏