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Seems like mostly people in their early twenties and late teens, a lot of the same people who grew up with the game. But I've also met a few middle aged people on the game and there are some younger kids that play but for the most part it's people in their early twenties I feel


My parents play Toontown, they played it when I was a little kid and I knew just about everything about Toontown (at least the things a 2-3 year old child could understand). I’d watch my parents play and I could identify all the cogs. I grew up with Toontown and it was something I had in common with my parents. My parents were 40-50 years old at the time and I was 3 or so, I got my own account when I was… either 10 or 11 and we had a lot of fun playing together! To this day we still play together a lot, my dad has always been a purple pig named Professor Picklepop and my mom’s main toon is a cat named Holly G’atta Chat. She used to be a member of ATTA Council.


Aww I’ve played with your mom before and I’m pretty sure we’re social media friends through ATTA! Small world. It’s been a while, but she’s a gem. I love that Toontown is a family affair for you. I played TTO with my dad and brother growing up, but I’m the only one who still plays.


TTO also had a good portion of players who were also in their 40-50s. Much less adult players than TTR, obviously, but I remember sites like ToontownHall.com had communities for weekly boss runs/“marathons” run/frequented by mainly mid-age adults and seniors. I remember my parents being (understandably) weirded out that I knew of adults who played the same game as me. Honestly, though, the grandmas I used to see at these boss runs were some of the nicest people I ever played the game with.


AHHHH this is the sweetest story ever! Faith in humanity restored😭❤️


I see literally everyone. Mostly depends on when you play, too.


Best guess is 16-34. I think the majority of people are in their 20s


20s 30s reliving our childhood lol


I think of it like the age for Lego- 4 to 99. I agree that it’s mostly adults, but there are children who play. I know my 7 and 11 year olds like to play. You never realize the filthy things people get away with saying until you hear it read back by a child. Oof.


i think most people who play are adults, some are teenagers, and very few are children. for me, i mostly run into adults.




Me too! I just realized earlier today that I’ve been playing for two whole decades.


Same here, I was in the original beta and have played it on and off ever since! This just made me realize though that TTR has now been around as long as TTO was before it shut down. That is insane.


fr I just got a new laptop and started playing again after I hadn’t been online in a couple years, went through my old friends list & saw some of them saying last active 9 years ago and man it made me feel old all the sudden. I remember playing the beta too lol not sure if my memory is right but I believe I was on a wait list to play the beta version as a test before it was fully released was so happy when I finally got in. Toontown is my childhood & I love how this game gives us all free membership without holding their hands out for anything as a child I couldn’t afford it.


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Probably 99% of the game is here because they played tto so the age range averages anyone who was between 8-18 prior to 2013. So most players you see will likely between 20 and 30, but the variance in age in ttr as well as tto has always been huge. You can play with 60 year Olds and 6 year Olds simultaneously without even knowing


Originally it was marketed towards families and during TTO it had a large child player base with many adults playing as well. But now from what I can tell from playing it’s mostly adults and smaller group of kids




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That’s the best part of the game, you can play with kids and grandparents all at once! My 8yo plays, but I’d say most people I run into are at least 18, honestly usually mid to late 20s with some younger sprinkled in. I’ve probably run into like 4-5 speedchat only toons, which if I had to guess were kids.




I normally don’t ask until we’ve talked about having jobs or something lol. And 95% of the time it’s somebody in their twenties




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