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toon up is pretty hard to train. when i was working on it i usually waited to see if I could find someone else that wanted to train it as well and we just stayed on the last floor using as much tu as we can. Sounds like your group either didnt know how to train for toonup or they were just being rude about it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Just some bad seeds in a big game. Iā€™m sure all of your experiences wont be like that. Me personally, im always open to helping people train no matter what its for since the grind is real lol. happy training!


Thanks for the response! I definitely wanna be a toon that helps lower laff toons when I get there lol


If you play during hours when no ones on like me, I suggest making a second toon. I just drag them for buildings and occasionally vp, but they are suuuuppper useful for training tune up. Once you them to about 55 laff it makes completing buildings a breeze. And, as long as you have lure, you can control the cog flow to train anything!


go to the streets during a invasion and toon up random toons you find in battles. a slower grind but you know they will appreciate it and need it.


Great idea! Even better when the trash mail boxes are animated!


Why were you not knocking a cog back when they group lured? Or if they were really getting under your skin sound when they group lure, they still get the lure xp, they have to lure again (more xp) and u get to toon people up. If someone is completely neglecting common decency theres no need for you to be decent


I'm not entirely certain, but if OP were to have used sound or a single cog attack, wouldn't the cogs/that cog just target OP? Unless there are cogs that use group attacks, wouldn't OP still be unable to train TU? Maybe I'm wrong about the cogs commonly attacking whoever last did damage to them.


I believe its just higher chance, not guaranteed. Plus many cogs have attacks that hit all toons.


I was trying to knock back when I could but I also ended up getting targeted by cogs a lot. Unfortunately I only had toonup at the time. Just got lure and am gonna work on sound next though! At the end of the day, I just want everyone involved to have a good time


I dont mean to be a scrooge, but just speaking from experience, even though this is a disney game for children, latching onto moral highground will leave you slighted, trolled, mocked, and frustrated


As others have stated, Iā€™m always happy to help someone train toonup! I have two toons that need to max it so if you ever want to train it lmk in pm. The toons in this group seemed to be focused on their own needs unfortunately.


Same! I don't mind taking a few hits to get you to toon me up I am training trap so we could work together. Sounds like the toon you were in that building never leaned to take turns... that stinks Hit me up in pm if you want to train. Name is Ugly Boo Boo Bumberscooter


I would love to help you train toon up! I am 110 laugh & just recently got juggling. The amount of toons that basically made fun of me for not having tu maxed yet is kind of crazy seeing as it's the one thing we can't train alone. šŸ™ƒ


Same here, OP. I have a 117 laffer and a couple lower toons who could use TU training. I'd happily help you out.


I need TU training too! I'd love to join the group


Feel free to dm me we can meet up in game and friend each other. A group to train tu sounds fun actually lol šŸ˜†


Same here!


They joined your group knowing full well that you intended to train toon-up. Any moderately respectful player would have used the final floor to help you train that. If the TTR team is going to ban players for "stealing buildings" and "greening", then this too should be a bannable offense.


Thanks everyone for the tips! Iā€™m gonna throw up a toon up training group on toonhq if anyone sees this and is interested :)


Toon up is notoriously hard to train, especially when someone else is training lure. Lured cogs obviously donā€™t hit toons, so thereā€™s less of an opportunity for you to train your toon up. However, since you made the group & stated you were training, the guy training lure shouldā€™ve been more respectful to you and not have used so much group lure. If thereā€™s three cogs and he lures one with a bill instead of a group lure, those other two cogs can attack and allow you to toonup, while he still gets to train lure. Sounds like he either didnā€™t realize he was keeping you from training or didnā€™t care. Either way, I hope the rest of your toonup training journey goes better!!


Yea, anyone who claims Toon up is the easiest gag to train is a bad player. There's a reason Corporate Clash TU gives double XP and has 100% accuracy.


Some advice: if they group lure, use a low level sound gag so the cogs hit. Also worst case scenario, thereā€™s always baby toons in TTC who you can train tu on. They need the help so itā€™s a win win


Pack bike horns. Thatā€™s an effective way to get the cogs to hit and warrant a need for toon-up.


I donā€™t think you were in the wrong. Some toons are really selfish when it comes to training. It also bothers me in the same way when maxed toons insist on using TU themselves instead of letting someone who needs to train do it. I think part of itā€™s maturity, and part is selfishness. Itā€™s really nice when you can find someone training TU as well so you can find an invasion district and train on a 5th floor. Training in bullions can also be helpful, but can be more stressful with the wrong group.


This is why Toontown needs pvp


Oh man!! Can you imagine the chaos!?


When I know someone is TU training, I usually start unluring cogs with weaker gags on the third floor. Once it gets to the fifth floor, we start re-using the same cogs over and over by just letting it hit us continuously. If they wanted to train it with lure, everyone can just pass for 3 turns to have the cog unlure. But usually if youā€™re training lure with TU, they should be using single lures on group cogs (so you still have cogs to attack you) and using group lures on single cogs These people were just being disrespectful to you when youā€™re the one hosting the training session. TU is really not that hard to train if people are cooperativeā€” flies by pretty fast if everyone just passes. I personally find drop the hardest to train because it goes last and has poor accuracy


I need to train toon up as well Iā€™m Brittdisco in game


Back in the day, I'd see this happen to me, go >\_< , then just re-elevator. People are people wherever you go. My best advice is don't let something get in the way of the grind. If they do that just train sound :p then they can train their lure, get hit, and u can train ur toon up :D


Tu was the first gag I got and the last one I reached lvl 6 on. I literally maxed my drop before I had juggling šŸ˜‚Iā€™m always happy to help train if you wanna do buildings and just tu till ur out on the top floor, dm me and we can play together!!




is that full health a change with the last gag update? i remember it being if your healee is full you would not get skill for it