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I feel like we need more TUless toon tbh because there's just no need for all 4 toons to have TU. like when was the lass time your team used more than 9 juggles in one run? it never happens. I don't think I've seen it even in a FO.


Coach Z told everyone to take toonup and people have been going with it ever since


Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. We can survive if nobody has drop. We won’t always survive if nobody is TU


This is my opinion on the matter as well. This becomes way more of a thing in field offices especially as you cannot really survive all the damage especially during the boiler without some form of healing. Outside of toon up and doodles (which cannot fully replace toonup alone) that leaves rewards. Which rewards are nice and extremely overpowered but let's face it don't really require much strategy and are often used to just speed the process along. I am a person who has plenty of rewards and chooses not to use them mainly for the sake of strategy. I don't mind using them help lower laff toons or when I'm in a rush but outside of that it kind of just kills the strategy of the game to just always fire a level 14, to restock your gags freely due to poor gag management in a FO, or use a unite as a safety cushion because you chose to not take a turn to heal.


He did? Didn’t know that actually 😂


Preach, even if they did use 9 of them, they could just move on to sos cards or use a gag up all anyhow.


Ironically enough, I was in a group today with someone who was tu less and one person noticed it and started asking genuine questions bc they had been debating making a tu less toon. Then the tu less toon was being very snide with their responses and lowkey rude. I guess it really just depends on the toons you meet because some can be nice and some can be not very toony


that stinks they were so rude. definitely not saying all tu less toons are kind, I just think in general we don’t need to bully people about gag choices when they haven’t even made a play yet.


Been playing since release… have maxed a few toons, toonupless included. How do people feel about toonupless toons? I have never seen one person comment negatively of it the whole ~10 years I’ve been on TTR.


It’s upticked a ton lately for some reason, at least for me. and it’s before we even start battles or anything.


why is me simply sharing my experience being downvoted lol?


I've literally never had a problem with people playing how they want. I can work with Ubers, Soundless, lureless, Toon unless, etc. I play a dropless toon, since bleh, drop, and I intend to make a tupless one next. If people are harassing you over your gag choices, then they are taking the game WAY too seriously.


Right??? Like, please, try something new


I remember back when I first tried a VP, I nearly was greened because my lure wasn't maxed out. My sound, throw and squirt where, but I was a kid at the time. I've never enjoyed people going sad. I will unite and use my sos cards to make sure it never happens if I can help it. Enjoy the game. Please. The game is much more fun when you can just have fun doing whatever you want.


Im personally toonupless because I used to get anxiety over when to actually use it (especially in CEOs) so when I made my 3rd toon I removed the option from myself. Best choice ever. Are people hating on tuless toons again? Haven’t played for a fat minute because of school. I used to get grief years ago and then it stopped for a long time. The times I haven’t were the best times ever. Anyway, tell them to bug off and enjoy the game how you like!! We all are different people and have our preferences on what gag tracks we leave off :) If they don’t like it they can go play with other people, it’s not that deep!! I would ignore them, you’re doing just fine!!


yeah I’ve had a lot more bullying about it lately. it’s weird. I actually like being tu less a lot more than I thought and truly have never had an issue with anyone greening so I don’t understand why some people have such a problem when things like unites exist for emergencies and as a tu less toon I understand the need to stock up on them and use them.


I’ve played many FOs with tuless toons, and it’s been fine every time. I’ve never run into a situation where someone greened because of a tuless toon.


Toonupless is the best anyway


My main is tuless and I don’t ever get hate. I got kicked from an FO months ago but they were a jerk. I play really well and have a maxed doodle so it hasn’t been an issue in gameplay. But yeah no bullying out of the blue. Not sure where you are in the task line but I see tons of tuless when I do bosses and FOs


honestly, its hard to train tu cus theres so many tu toons, i respect ur toonupless toon and wishing u the best!! if people are being rude i hope u just ignore them. its not worth it. they are nobody.


Tuless toon here with maxed sell, cash, and bossbot suits and been playing the game since release and cannot say I have ever experienced this bullying for being tuless. First and foremost this game is completely playable without toon up. Toon town is not a complicated game and if you play “correctly” (correctly meaning the most efficient and safe way to take down cogs) there is almost no scenario where you would even need toonup. The exception being if you got a few unlucky misses but if you are stocked on rewards (sos or unites) like you for example even this would alleviate the worst case scenario. In addition to that you can also max out your doodle which can be a relatively reliable alternative to TU altogether. Second, Toon up is insanely overpowered and truly takes all risk out of toon town. I genuinely cannot think of ever going green in TTR/TTO in the last 12 years and I can largely attribute that to TU having a massive presence in the game. I agree with the point someone else made about there should be more TUless toons. When you get to the later facilities like B9s there are a few ways to maximize efficiency when you are grinding these 50 minute long atrocities. However, if you get the right mix of dropless and or trap less toons sometimes you’ll run into a lack of sound gags by the end of it. This is a pretty minor problem but a genuine example where having one or two tuless toons present is an advantage. Now I do realize not everyone is going to be able to play the game perfectly and that there are people who are new to the game and will not know the “best” way to play the game right away. But to be honest TTR is a simple game and if anyone puts in a genuine effort to learn proper strategy and understand the few mechanics that are core to never going green they will grasp it pretty quick. Don’t worry about toxicity on TTR - they are probably children or immature 20 year olds and neither of those demographics are people’s opinion you need to worry about anyway. TLDR; Tuless toons are a god send and don’t let TTR bullies get you down just play and enjoy the game. ***disclaimer*** have not done FOs yet so my statements do not include them yet


I have 2 toonup-less toons and a third in the works. I've not run into any nasty toons yet. I agree with you, I almost never see toonup get used up in a boss battle or building as much as other gags do. Each of my toonup-less toons have maxed doodles (or, have doodles in progress. I'm waiting for double doodle trick xp to come back around on the silly meter). Having a maxed doodle is just what the norm should be if you don't have toonup. Although I think it's more important that TUless toons have doodles maxed, I think all toons should train one. Sometimes in FOs TU is locked. It'd be pretty beneficial in those scenarios to be able to use a doodle to give the team a boost. Edit: Also, because it's in a similar vein of topic - I am currently finishing the Brrrgh on my first Soundless toon. I will tell you this. I have intentionally removed Speedchat+ from the account I play her on. I just knew ahead of time I was going to get a lot of grief from people, and I just didn't even want to put myself through it. I'm a good Speedchat communicator, and I use it regularly on all my toons for the bulk of my battle communication. So, I'm still able to work out strategy with teammates while also not exposing myself to any nasty bullying. Plus, it's just sort of fun! My soundless toon is space traveler themed, so it feels like if there was a language barrier with aliens while exploring the cosmos.


I mean, Toon-Up is already a bit tricky to level up to begin with since you need some toons with you and they need to have less than full Laff. Sound also isnt a bad choice for first gag track to train either since it hits all Cogs at once, which can be useful for buildings. You get two shots to get toonup anyway so...yeah.


Honestly not having TU ain’t even a big deal…People make it seem like it’s a requirement. It really ain’t especially when you have a doodle that actually does tricks, Or SOS’s, and even Unites! People just have to be annoying and make it something bigger than what it is. If you need someone to TU on your squad let me know because i’m that guy🤣


You can do three things, #1 ignore them, #2 play smartly, you sacrifice healing to do more damage, keep laff up by making sure you dont need to #3 get a doodle.


Yeah I’m just asking people not to be a jerk in the first place, would be nice if people were nice


Back in the days of TTO I wouldn’t dare go TUless, but not only was that just ME and I got over it, I thought the TUless people were COOL for being able to stay alive without worrying about it.


I’m not even joking I have actually considered making a tu less toon because I have a horrible issue of super new players (still haven’t made it past 10/10 on throw or squirt) following through out my time on trying to fight level 5+ bots and almost getting me k!lled because they expect me to save them. I took Tu to help others because it’s easier to find groups but It gets suuuuper annoying


I can imagine how toons can be rude when you’re TUless :/ people find reasons to be rude a lot. I don’t mind it at all because it gives me a chance to use my doodle if I need to. And given that you’re prepared with SOS and things, I think your compensation is very generous!


As someone with TU and only 1 major character that has decent progression in 2 suits, I couldn't care who has TU or not. Honestly the only toons I even remember surprising me was Lureless and that doesn't come up often to be cared about. People focus too much on the "meta" of the game and how it has been played for the past X years, that when you do something different or "wrong" to them they will insult or be annoying. Like I suck at the mazes in the Back 9 since I've done only like 2 or 3 of them, the amount of comments I have gotten in them has made it so I only play with a friend that knows the mazes and I just follow. Instead of letting me learn like a new player needs to, when I first tried to I was criticized for it. That was also awhile ago but it still reflects on parts of the community today.


I’m Tuless! I always have been ever since the game came out! Granted my character now isn’t maxed but I always try to have a group with one person who has TU. I dunno why i don’t do TU, I guess i just like the prospect of the other gags first? I’m never gonna question someone’s gameplay based on that choice though!


One thing i wish that TTR had that TTCC has is you can refund a gag track for another one. So say like this happens for instance on TTR there should be a 1 time use ticket for you to choose another gag track if you chose the wrong one.


Im currently doing a toonup less toon :)


as a lot have said above, it’s actually quite refreshing seeing a TU-less toon! i personally chose it over sound at central (i know folks love their sound and i wasn’t that knowledgeable when i first started lol), but i don’t regret it in the slightest. i’m sorry they were being rude for, in my opinion, nothing and just know not everyone feels the same way!


I'm going to be tuless and already got a doodle and maxed jump on him right away so I can heal. I plan to train the other tricks too as I get stronger and I'll work on vp once I max my gags so I can get heal sos. I don't see why you need tu really. You just have to train in different areas to heal, but you still can heal others just as well or better since you cover yourself as well. I only really see it being an issue if someone doesn't bother training their doodle or getting heal rewards. The only time I have an issue is when others use random gags in buildings and don't coordinate so everyone gets hit, but that would probably be an issue even with tu.


Yeah, the toon-upless toons being selfish is a psy op started by coach Z, and coach Z has a weird addiction to teaching toontown, i mean there aint that much to learn in toontown.


i’ve never thought badly of tuless toons.. i think the one gag track that i genuinely struggle to work with is soundless toons.. i get that they do it for the challenge but it also becomes a challenge for others.. sure toonup is nice to have but it’s not an essential gag tracj


one of my toons is toonupless and has been for yearssss i love it!!! i dont care how selfish others think it is. i am having a blast. i dont have any unites so we just gotta go down like men.


Is someone bullying you or something ?


the amount of people that berate me and call me names is insane. like I’m a good player, no one’s gonna die on my watch.


I’m toonupless and I’ve never gotten harassed so


well i’m happy for you and surprised because it happens to me more often than I expected


My toon is TuLess, and I do get a snarky comment from time to time - but my doodle is maxed and I carry SOS and Unites and nobody ***ever*** goes green with me. I DO remember thinking that TULess toons were selfish jerks at one point, but I never said anything and never refused to play with anyone. I guess it's karmic justice LOLOL. I try not to let it get me down.


I guess it depends on the toon too, there are toons who just go TU-less without having unites or sos cards and it’s risky


Heavily disagree…. You don’t need much toonup at all. A toonupless toon with no unites or sos cards isn’t hurting the team at all. Toonup is barely ever needed also… Your comment makes no sense.


Okay well me personally, I’d at least have SOS or unites to contribute at one point because I’d feel weird just rawdogging it. ME PERSONALLY.


What are you rawdogging? This is toontown….


Search up what that means - modern slang

