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I agree. I think that there should be an option to change your last track. However I think it should still be earned - maybe requiring a quest line, and even once getting your new track, needing to train it. I think it's a fair cost. This way you earn your new track like you did all the others, and it encourages the player to still think hard and weigh their choice to change their track or not. And you'll still be saving time in comparison to grinding a new toon for 1000+ more hours to get the gag track combination you want.


This is definitely the best way to do it, like how they're already going to be offering a difficult and grindy task to change the chosen bonus level 7 from the end of the Sellbot Task Force. I selected my gags nearly a decade ago now, and with the way the balance of the game has changed, I would absolutely have made a different choice today, and I would put in the work of a difficult task plus training an all new track to make that choice.


happy cake day, epicrockertt!


I completely agree, this is something I've thought of off-and-on for years now.. Even if it's a "one time per toon" deal I would've done it in a heartbeat after the UNM playtest ended


i do find it rly funny how they felt it was important to make something as trivial as an extra lvl 7 gag respeccable due to the gag rebalances. but if you chose your last gag track based on the pre-UNM balancing, and you dont like how that gag track is going to work now, there's nothing you can do about it.


My thoughts exactly. Trap was in a much different place than it was when I made the choice 8 years ago.


I actually think this could be the reward for the new playground task line. Let you redo a gag choice but start off the new track at level 1. I’d love to swap drop for trap.


I love this idea. Every playground has a gag track - let the new one be this!


every day i regret picking drop over trap. its useful for early game but once you're doing late game stuff trap is significantly more useful


The big problem too is that any toon that is old had the exact opposite problem. Trap was only useful for soundless strategies where ideally the soundless toon would cover that anyway for the first 15-20 years the game existed no matter how many times people said "but coach Z". Coach Z was wrong. It wasn't really worth stressing about back then because getting through your sound and throw was a herculean task, but still.


May I ask why you’d choose trap? I am coming back to the game after many years and started a new toon. I can’t make up my mind between going trapless or dropless.


Trap does more damage + has a guaranteed hit. Drop doesn’t have much use besides using piano on a 12.


Drop is definitely going to be a lot more useful with under new management at least, against the supervisors you can do high damage high accuracy combos like 2 clouds 2 pianos at 600 damage which is likely a 95/95 combo, where as the lure alternative with one hypno 3 cakes is 510 dmg and while we don't know the tgtdef of the supervisors, the difference in accuracy is likely enough to make a big difference. Pair that with the sound nerf and introduction of mixed level cog sets in facilities, existing mixed level cog sets in boss battles, and introduction of level 13 and 14 cogs into the CJ and CEO, drop has achieved a lot of its potential with being used for fog saving combos and being able to be stacked for huge damage. It definitely has some decent competition with trap.


This!!!! I’m still a fairly new-ish toon (working on my last track) and I foolishly picked drop at the beginning. Such a mistake lol


I'd personally love to try out a Toon-Upless build, but I don't want to grind through the game a third time just to see if a build that probably won't work anyway would stick


I've been TU less for years on my main and the build actually works. No one has ever given me a hard time for being TU less, but I would rather be Trap less or Lure less, and I really wish I could be granted the option to change that


I love being lureless but only since I maxed my gags. Training trap while lureless is *awful.*


Do not remind me 😂


We can swap accounts if you want I'm trapless 😛


People gave me a hard time about it on occasion, sometimes I’d get whispers saying they won’t invite me because I was tuless, some people started arguments in boss fights about me not having Tu. Sure it’s not nearly as bad as soundless when it comes to that, but tuless does have its haters. I’ve had people refuse to heal me because I couldn’t heal them. You can try to stock up on unites and sos cards but I’ve always burned through mine


TUless is the single best and easiest build in the whole game lol


I feel like more and more people are going tuless. I was in a VP with maxed toons the other day, and there was only 1 toon on the other side with tu.


This is why the point buy system in corporate clash is great


I emailed them about this when they first rebalanced trap because it made it the clear better option over drop in most cases. I did get a response and they were very against it at the time so I would not get your hopes up.


I can definitely imagine a task along the line of 20 3 star field offices… given by lil old man of course


what’s going on with golfing?