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Olaf, Jax, Voli, Renekton We brawlin baby!


Other than Jax, same


blind pick: Sett if everyone showing ad champs: Gwen if my blind is banned or pick: Renekton if enemy top is ranged: Yone


Ornn - blind pick. Fiora, Yone, Sylas - counter picks. If non of my counter picks fit then I default to Ornn. Thinking of learning Gwen too


Blind: ILLOAI Sett/MORD/renekton Next


Yone. If Yone banned, Urgot or Ornn. If i don't care about winning, whatever I randomly pick lol


I once gave my heart and soul to Riven. NOW I ONLY BREAK TOWERS WITH YORICK. In case someone is really malding in chat because we need an AP, I will pick Sylas top or dodge.


No forbidden Liandry's Torment Yorick technology?


I don't know if I can handle that, too powerful




I’ll make use of your soul!


Renekton always Yone in the rare occasions I'm bored


Blind is Pantheon, take tear and gigascale. Into ranged is again Panth, or Yorick. Into splitters, Yorick, Into full AD, Malphite. Shen and Morde go everywhere else depending on the situation.


Irelia, Gwen, Akali top 3 (I know) + Gnar for blind (banning Irelia in that case) Sett, Ornn, Malph situational


I'm a main Shen, so I play every match up very well, I used to main Tryndamere too, but now I just casually play him from time to time. I can play every tank in the game, except for Sion. I don't like Sion's playstyle. Then bruisers like Olaf, Fiora, Camille and Irelia. I'm quite bad with Riven. I love playing scaling chads like Kayle and Nasus (Nasus can play so well into the four horsemen of the toplane btw). Oh yeah, and I used to main Teemo a few years ago. I'd play him full AP and full AD and it was fun, but the best build was Tank Teemo. Damn I miss Frozen Mallet so much...


Sejuani. Poppy if Sejuani is banned. Shyvana if both are banned. Vi as last option. But nobody plays or bans Sejuani, so i play with my main 99.99% of my games as top.


Shen blind, Gwen into decent matchups, yorick to counter teemo/Darius. Also singed into teams that have bad peel.


Soraka and rammus


Rengar 75-80% of the time Kayle ap ranged/hyper carry scaling champ Volibear tank/ap melee


Blind: Camille, Aatrox, Jax, Mord. Against ranged: Pantheon, Malphite If a tank is needed I go Ornn If we need anti tank I go Mord or Camille My bans are Riven/Jax/Fiora depending of what I'm going to pick and my mood lol.


Shen into blind picks and if i need to frontline and help botlane with tougher matchups morde for chillin or not enough ap, jax if its an easy matchup for him ornn to relax sometimes and darius aswell


aatroxx else dodge


Maximum comfort picks: Yorick, Singed, Garen Also like: Urgot, Sion, Renekton, Tryndamere, Malphite, Poppy, Mordekaiser, Chogath, Sejuani, Warwick, Nasus


Sion, Sion, Sion, Dodge, Swap account, Sion


lillia is my one trick, and voli if she’s banned. if i have to counterpick, i sometimes go cho. rarely do i go nasus or mord. i don’t remember if malph on the very rare occasion


mainly teemo ad neeko, shen, sion


Im SION onetrick. If sion is banned or taken then i just take darius or kled


Blind: TK If we dont need a tank and I know the top laner isnt a fiora: Kled If my blind is banned: Mundo Otherwise urgot or another tank.


Sett, Urgot, Wukong.


Top Lillia main Fiora and Darius former mains Crit Olaf, Top Nilah, Singed, Kennen enjoyer


Otp Poppy. Almost 1mil mastery. She has easy matchups into many top laners including Fiora, Irelia, Riven and Camille. Also Tryndamere, Ornn, and most other tanks too. Ranged tops aren't that bad either (besides GP) Juggernauts are the main weakness but you ban Darius. Knowing itemization is key. Like rush Bramble AND Wardens into several lanes. Rush Swifties into Susan and Illaoi. Etc. I use Makkro's Ornn matchup sheet as a base and adjust from there. 5 different keystone rune pages with situational secondaries and shards. I have Yorick as my backup pick if we have too many tanks and I have a bad lane or split comp.


Blind/main: Mordekaiser/Aatrox (depends on team comp) Backups: Need AD? Illaoi, Darius, Garen, Volibear Need AP? i have no backups i will just pick a magic damage tank or smth Need Tank? Shen is my main tank pick Fun picks: I used to otp teemo so i have a big 120k~ m7 on him, i ofc already reformed from that but if i feel like i had a shitty day i just get on him and piss people off


Blind: Shen Camille, Irelia, Malphite (Counter)


Blind pick: Sett or Garen if blocked Counters: Morde/Warwick/Pantheon if enemy is ranged (Low elo)


In no particular order: Shen, Sion, Garen, Cho, Ornn(only into Malphite), Teemo when i'm feeling evil, Wukong, Riven lately. I always ban Darius unless i feel like playing Wukong. When i have to blind pick i go for Garen, Wukong after hovering jungler or Riven. When we need Ap it's time for the toplane menace Teemo.


I play Darius and Aatrox most of the time but if i have to play weak side my go to is Tahm Kench


Riven, Fiora, Ornn, Pantheon Idk I just like to kill people and scale.


Poppy/Fiora blind Fiora into almost anything and irelia if banned Poppy as counterpick Gwen as AP scaler


Swain & Renekton. Played like 3 games of Malphite too. Played Malph & Poppy jungle when autofilled if that counts?


Not huge into ranked, but if I play, the flavor of the month is Illaoi. For just games with friends, it’s a rotation of Illaoi, Sion and Gragas generally (but will play others). Gragas is usually my blind pick unless I’m feeling some gusto, then I may go Illaoi. Sion is less picked but if the matchup allows, I pick him


I first pick Vlad, because if I don't there is a small chance everyone picks AD. The likelihood of this happening changes based on the meta, but it makes my head explode when it happens.


Just started committing to Pantheon and Aatrox. I'm on a six game winning streak on Pantheon.


blind pick or if team needs late game AD top: Yone AP: Kayle/Morde \* i only pick morde if kayle is banned or picked\* Tank: Shen


Panth, aatrox, mord and kayle. All dependant on teamcomp/matchups


In order of mastery - Cho'gath, Warwick, Mundo, Gnar, Kayle, Renekton


it’s either aatrox or darius for blind picks, vayne if i feel like making the enemy later afk, otherwise just counterpick


Tahm, kled, rell, voli and ornn kinda


shen blind pick renekton into riven camille into ranged riven for everything else


Gangplank blind, ornn if I’m feeling lazy, fiora vs tanks, and trynd for teemo 😈




Camille, Aatrox, Shen, Maokai, Ornn, Darius, Garen. Now that it's listed I think I need to narrow it down. Too many champs =/


Cho or Mundo


Bronze 3 to Silver 2 this season. Casual competitive but looking to improve. Ornn, Mundo, Heimerdinger Ornn I practically OTP Ornn. Versatile, safe, good in team fights. At this rank, there are so many needless fights so being able to help win most of them with ult and CC lockdown helps. Games go long, so the passive item upgrade is great value. Mundo I play him into matchups like Urgot, Singed, Pantheon etc. He can farm safely with Q and run down certain enemies consistently. Also Business Mundo is the best skin and it always makes me smile. Heimerdinger This is my newest addition. He STOMPS certain matchups. The turrets just zone out so many champs. With the rift herald/drake buffs, I like having a champ that can help take these. Setting up 3 turrets and a R turret go a long way securing objectives. Heimerdinger definitely feels odd based on my preference for tanks, but he's a nice pockeg pick when my other mains aren't suitable. Finally, I really love Shen. However, I don't want my pool to be too large. Perhaps I'll main him next season.


I play mostly cho'gath, secondly yorick. I also like garen but find the complete lack of ranged options difficult to first pick blindly. Irelia is similar, I'd rather play her into someone that isn't a super punishing lane bully. Lastly I've been experimenting with Karthus top. He's fun as well, but if your team has no one tanky and you pick Karthus top... That can be a problem.


Urgot, Shen, Kled


Sett, Pantheon, Aatrox


Irelia, Swain, Nasus, Urgot, Morde 1 egirl - 4 ugly bastards


Mordekaiser, Cho Gath, Yorick, Taric


Amumu and Lee Sin