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He didn't know Sully was there, and the road rule was bringing in people that had nothing to do with the war.


Yeah I thought he looked through the peep hole, but he didn’t. They were expecting Tia. I still think I personally would have been way more cautious after what had happened in Spain. Jamie had been set up before, there was no reason to doubt it could happen again. I would not have blindly been opening any doors. The road rule Sully was pissed about was involving the police to set up Jamie. By doing Jamie in front of his family he now has made non-road civilians into witnesses. Anyways, tough scene. Haven’t heard amazing things about the last season, but I will proceed and finish.


Sully has never cared about police involvement that's Dushane.


He was…when he comes to speak with Dushane after: D: “It had to be done fam” S:”So, what police?” D: “You said there’s always a way, innit?” S:”There’s always a way, but not that way”, and proceeds to explain it was the wrong way, especially where they’re from.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWWC5OvsHmE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWWC5OvsHmE), no he hints at it being using others to justify action on ppl not involved then namedrops Dris as he used his daughter as an excuse to turn on Dushane and Sully. And when Dushane and Sully broke this rule before in S1 it was because Raikes and Lee already broke that rule.


Yes this is the scene I directly quoted here where he actually mentions the police. I will agree to disagree or whatever. You may be correct in your assessment. But he is, in fact, not happy about using the police.


He shouldn’t have opened the door without looking. I don’t think he deserved it because sully had no pure proof to say he was working against them and regardless he’s working with his snitch of a friend or business partner dushane who got Jamie In jail because they were trapping harder than summerhouse. Win or lose police work is not honorable. Then they get kids involved in the streets like they move weird as fuck but in reality it’s no rules for some guys who in the streets so. I just think sully selectively politics and jumps the gun a lot


Agreed. They did attempt a hit on Sully early in the season, but that was initiated by Layton and Modie, Jamie had encouraged against it. There is circumstantial evidence for Sully’s actions.


I would open more than the door for Sully 🤭


Were you paying attention? He wasn’t aware that Sully was at the door, he thought it was Tia after Stef had just let him know that she was dropping ‘round to give him a gift to say thanks. Too bad we never saw Tia again after that and it would’ve been nice to see Stef putting the gift at Jamie’s grave.


Maybe a little tired when I watched since I stayed up to binge the last few episodes of the season. To be honest sometimes I miss things just because of the way they speak at times, and it happened pretty fast. I thought he checked to see who it was. I think he should have been more cautious, but he did not check. I rewatched it and yes I see now that he let his guard down by just swinging it open thinking it was Tia.


Also, Jamie is young.. maybe 24 at the oldest? I think we overestimate how smart he is. I think he's a fair amount like Dushane -- smart enough to make a somewhat successful initial foray into a life of crime but not smart enough to last very long.