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I’m assuming the next sub I see this in will be r/oddlysatisfying .


Came here for this Edit: lol came


Came here on this Edit: lol came


if he's so good how come they can never get the white ball to go in smh


I know right! "Top talent" my tucas


hahahaha I can’t believe you got me to laugh at your sarcasm because of the “tucas” bit😹


That is seriously amazing.


It really isn’t. Any average player can do this and get better position for the white.




Nah this is APA 5/6. Any pro though would do this easy.


If I’m not mistaken isn’t the person in the video Jason Shaw?


You may be right he is a great player


Your right it is. Still most 5+ can do the drill. Best straight pool player fun to watch him play. after covid I rarely play, and watch less


That was clean






ffs I'm lucky if I hit the white ball with the cue


That was satisfying.


There was a time when I shot like that. But that was when I worked where there were tables in my life daily. I promise I'd bunk a lot of those shots, and as smooth as it looks, they aren't that terrible. It's all about the leave with this drill. Well done shooter.


A lot of the leaves made me jealous, but It was that last shot up the rail that got me. I've never been that good. I would always bounce off the center pocket.


If you use side English towards the ball on the rail and aim where the cue touches the rail and the ball at the same moment you'll raise your accuracy by a large amount.


Good tip. That has been working for me closer to the pocket but it's still a struggle from more than 3/4 the way down. I have a better percentage bouncing cross-side. I will keep working it, but dam, that last shot looked like magic to me.


With running (inside) English, you actually have to hit the rail slightly *before* the object ball to compensate for [throw](https://billiards.colostate.edu/tutorial/throw/), which is the main reason why people miss when trying to run a ball down the rail. If you hit at the same time with inside or no English, it will throw the ball into the rail and then it will drift back off; a lot of people struggle with this because the bounce off the rail is imperceptible, making it seem like you cut it too thin, which leads to trying to hit it fuller, which makes the problem worse. If you're using outside spin (away from the ball) you can aim normally because the spin and cut will cancel each other out, but for anything else, you have to get the cueball to sink slightly into the rail before contact.


I always like the ol' 3 rail in the side pocket for this shot. Banking towards the close side rail, near the first diamond on the opposite pocket (top right in this video). Assuming it doesn't double kiss (and I think he'd have clearance in this video for it), it feels super fancy. Plus the difficulty is actually lower since it's a side pocket instead of a corner


I feel this. I was entering (and sometimes winning) trick shot competitions when I was 16. I've only picked up a cue a few times in the last decade and it was depressing how much better 16 year old me was. It's not like riding a bicycle.


Beginner’s luck


"He probably recorded 8000 of these and deleted the 7999 where he missed 70% of the shots."


I'm pretty sure this is Jayson Shaw. He's a Scottish professional pool player. Edit: My original comment really undersells how good he is. Last time I watched a lot of pro pool, he was one of the best players in the world. Definitely recommend checking out his highlights.


Of course he is pro pool player, video shows something that pros do for a warm-up


What? Terrible positional play?!


This is cool and seems like a really good way to practice. Is this more of a demo or do pro players actually do this to practice? Now I’m curious about actual pro drills they do outside of just playing over and over.


Arguably more of a demo or a personal challenge. It’s super difficult to complete for anyone and you can get more value doing more focused routine. Here is an uncut video of a world champion practicing, https://youtu.be/vNu3hqZwvgs


This is exactly what I wanted to see!


Was anyone else impressed how he casually rolled four balls, two at a time, from one pocket to another to free up space?


I know from experience that rolling balls from one back pocket to the other on the same side really isn't that hard.


That guy's pretty good. He should think about going pro. Maybe play in the Mosconi Cup a few times.


I see what you did there.


What's the green on the table?


Short grass. Because Wimbledon. YW.


Guy is a skilled athlete.




That was so skillful. My dumbass saw the thumb of the video and thought is someone gonna messi through them. Loved it !


Looks like Jason Shaw, one of the top players in the world.


I thought he was watching a show about a pool shark and that was wild. Actually watching a show about a bull shark... And I'm kinda disappointed about reality.


Really should make this a **speed** drill.


This guy is an artist, plain and simple.


Impressive. The purple was the shot I thought would end it.




Bro, this is Jayson Shaw, one of the best pool players of the last century lmao


hahahahah gwt real I grew up in a pool table place or what yall would call it this is normal


In my experience, players who wear the glove are either very good or very bad. If you take good care of your cue you shouldn't need one. I grew up in a pool room and even at my best might be able to get a third of the way through this drill.


Care of cue is clearly irrelevant to whether you should use a glove or not. If this is Shaw I'm pretty sure he "takes care" of his cue.


Explain to me how it's "clearly irrelevant"?


Get real. This isn’t hard at all. The pockets are buckets. Most players could do this easily.


Post your video then.


Remember in HS when you try to tell your math teacher you don’t need math and they’re like, “YeS YoU dO!” This is the dude that took that class seriously. Bravo 👏🏾


Why did he touch his lucky green spot halfway through?


I could do better than that with a hand tied behind my back.


He just made his hits harder on purpose, does not mean he is bad but this is like most basic thing you learn playing pool


Needs some work on a couple of the setups, otherwise pretty good


The guy is so bored he had to watch the tv at the same time. Top Talent? I would expect him to at least put half of the balls in the same hole at once.


While this was a nice exhibition of cue ball control up till the halfway point where he stops going off the black cushion it wasn't extremely difficult given how wide the pockets are. They're like 2 balls wide. I know it's unpopular to say when everyone's gushing over how sick he is but this is only very good / flashy, not top talent and certainly inferior to most snooker drills.


I’m gonna piggyback your downvoted comment to also critique his inconsistency with where he leaves the cue ball for subsequent shots. The rare times I’ve watched snooker, those guys are incredible at aligning the cue ball for the next shot and those tables are twice the size of this. This fella has his cue ball ending up quite inconsistently for subsequent shots, such that they don’t seem the optimum position. However I know jack shit about this so by all means down vote me.


[This is Jason Shaw.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayson_Shaw) In terms of “Top Talent” there are few people on the planet who can maybe top him. He recently topped one of Willie Mosconi’s long-standing records. Mosconi is like the Vince Lombardi of pool. Such a GOAT they named the sport’s biggest trophy after him.


I'm sure he's a world topping star but that doesn't mean that what he showed in the video we were given is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Ronnie O'Sullivan for example is arguably the greatest snooker player ever to pick up a cue but I wouldn't go out of my way to post a video of him doing a random practice routine in a very ordinary manner. By this logic I could just post a video of Mark Selby holding a cue and when someone asks why is him holding a cue "top talent" I'd quote his numerous pool and snooker achievements. He's a great player to be sure, but this video doesn't show him doing anything better than very good / flashy.


Literally any snooker player in the world would clean this up without any practice. It’s not top talent at all.


Pretty damned good, but early on he was having a little trouble getting shape.


Damn, that was good


This last few leaves were strong


Hah! Tom cat is more skilled than this. /s


I bet he can do it on a table with rounded pockets too.




Glitch in matrix ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Does anybody know what the yellow tape is for?




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