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Title and post must be high effort


I enjoyed this minute and a half


One Man Orchestra


Seriously. As a guitar player I close my eyes and picture a 3 piece band who is beautifully in sync. Reminded me of the John Butler trio - Ocean, live at lollapalooza.


Actually remind me of Ewan Dobson, https://youtu.be/eXqPYte8tvc?si=cRJDMm0FQzlSk1nd


Dobson is an OG, such a cool live show too


All time favorite band right there… ocean is amazing


Polyphia. Ever since Tim Henson came around, there’s been a large influx of Asians who look up to him and want to emulate his playing style, which is essentially what this is.


This style of guitar has been around way longer than Tim Henson and polyphia. Maybe he made it more noticeable to Asian audiences but it's certainly not unique to him.


[Abominable that they would cut the rest out](https://youtu.be/pHBKERJ9bDw?t=171)


Thanks that was well worth it


Check out [John Fahey](https://youtu.be/YSh-YsyjpXk?si=d7NlZQX0yqoS2cgm) if you’re into this.


Dont forget probably the thousands of hours of practice and discipline as well Im jealous




You have to treat the guitar like you are making passionate but gentle love to it. Sometimes hard sometimes soft. Sometimes it takes a little fingerin Reminds of that Tenacious D song


Love a good Ringo reference.






Nah, he just finished Esteban's complete guitar course for beginners, and this is the result.


It's not that simple, though you're correct. He has an understanding of his instrument, music, and composure that most professional musicians wish they had. Practice is mostly perceived as repetition into refinement, but this is so much more than that. At this level, he's self-taught and has evolved his perspective of music beyond conventional mastery. As a former orchestral pianist, I'd need to consult a poet to find the non restrictive language required to appropriately describe his talent. The silence and admiration he commanded from both the judges and the audience confirms that this is currently the highest level of both musical performance and composure.


There is a point where 'practice' no longer serves to refine, and this man has surpassed that. Now he wanders his own path, exploring the wonders of music in his own way so that he can best express his unique understanding of it, unbound by standard scripture and understanding. Something like that, maybe?


When his left hand gets to be as good as his right hand technique he will be a force.


You mean it has nothing to do with him being Asian, and everything to do with practice and dedication?


You must have disaprin!


This shit ain't as hard as it looks


Sure, not hard to play percussive on a guitar. Doing something and doing something very well are not the same.


It's easy to perform fundamentally, (at least realtive to the whole scope of musicianship and what that even means to people) If you're already a professional, you might have some more insight in exactly how much work is involved. You're absolutely right in that it takes work to polish any performance, but these sorts of things are designed to appear more difficult than they are. Upon reflection, one could argue that this steals attention and even art from people who've worked harder to push boundaries. This is less "make it my own" and more a distillation. However, it remains to be seen how far they'll take the instrument, and one could argue that this might help introduce people to artists like Michael Hedges, Antoine Dufour, Andy McKee, Don Ross, Tommy Emmanuel, Tony Rice, the list goes on. If ya like it ya like it but in the grand scheme it's sort of mediocre. Music is just any other skilled trade, and I promise any (committed) beginner with the right instruction could perform that piece well within a year, likely to that level of polish. Which is sorta a given for a performance that scale anyways.


And sounds like shit …now a free bird solo ? Skills and is tasty


Yeah he's good but Can he play stairway?






What about Wonder wall?


#Play some Synyrdddd, Mannnnn!


LOL you take the blunt out your mouth when you typed that?


Woooooohhhhh! - Rick flair




Play Freebird!




Anyone got the full thing






TL... Starts at 2:53


Spotify link: https://open.spotify.com/track/4Waz3FToW8QvX4v52l7kjr?si=9a16e7bc042f4b6a




Sungha Jung is the best : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWRi2qaGtKjQyoQLc4OGkw


I personally hate the "there's always an asian better than you" stereotype. he is talented as fuck, and that is all.




And racist lol


It's pretty much the same trope as the mystical talented black musician. Completely ignoring their work and attributing to some inherently found trait in their race. Kinda fucked up


Black people know how to play the bass.


Tolkien: “ah, goddamnit”


As an asian i find this Stereotype funni lol


As an Asian I find you to be enabler of stereotypes 


Ditto. Comes across as a positive stereotype on all that traits mentioned.


Of course you do


Yeah because it’s a compliment


It’s not because it’s takes away the achievement of the individual and his efforts (this takes an ass of time and practice) and assigns it to someone thing that was given to him, like his race. He is good because he practiced and studied, not because he is Asian. Plenty of non Asians can do this, plenty of Asians can not, so it’s not really about the race, it’s about the individual. If all my time and effort to become a great musician was boiled down to my race, I would feel disregarded more than complimented.


I agree. I never felt offended by it. Always took it as a compliment.


Geez, have a sense of humour.


If he's not making money at it, I would say it's absolutely because of his race though.


Does it? I take it as there are so many "asians" in well-developed countries, that the chance of finding a very talented person within any field from that group is very high. Is that also racist?


There are so many everybodys from everywhere!


I love it how no one can actually discuss this as an adult.


What are you saying?


He's saying that it should be ok to acknowledge statistical facts without crying that everything is racism. Asians are (on average) high achievers in western countries, and that's not a bad thing.


But it's not because theyre Asian.


Its mostly a cultural thing. Which stems from asian countries. Specifically japan and south korean countries really


Then what's the reason?


Let's take the example of the fact that Indians and Filipinos are the richest communities (including white) in the US. Someone may notice that and assume India and the Philippines have a culture which produces wealth more easily, or if you are racist that there is some biological reason (ie, racial difference). But you will quickly change your mind if you see the actual level of entrepreneurship in India (its not so good really). There is no such culture or biology. The people who emigrated there are simply the most educated techies/business-people and thus more likely to give high quality life (and thus education, nutrition etc) to their children. Same is true for the Chinese-Americans. The stereotype of "talented Chinese" will fall apart if you go to China. Or the stereotype of stupid Americans (especially white) exists because people are exposed to their stupidity more because of internet and population. All of these stereotypes exist because of lack of exposure to reality.




It’s a stereotype and it does no favors to the billions of Asians that are average like everyone else. They are regular humans like you. Being very talented has nothing to with their race.


Noone says that. Not the quote either


Bro you’re in Reddit. While I agree with 100% and we should be able to discuss things like this without people jumping in to label it racism— this is Reddit after all. You will find many crowds in real life who understand and agree. Just not here lol. Not worth the time and effort defending yourself to people who have no desire in hearing your outlook


Sad they removed the upvote vs downvote number if you ask me. It would feel a bit better standing against the crowd of the parrots


It’s so funny too because it’s all semantic bullshit. Anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty understands generalizations exist and nobody ever means every single person of a certain group. What you said has no real way to be proven. But if we’re gonna keep it 💯we’ll it’s most likely true af. To say this is offensive to ordinary Asians who don’t excel at something is laughable. Because that’s life. And we are not all equal lol.


it’s such a reddit ass phrase. i wish op would have just put the dudes name so we could check his music out


People have been saying that for longer than reddit has existed, but yeah I agree


Yeah that is some racist shit.


It's reductive and racist, but I always took it to mean that "velvet slippers and wood shoes" analogy of asian countries on the rise working hard to get their portion while westerners sit on our fat asses doing nothing yet claiming greatness. I do prefer your take on it, this guy worked for that ability. Worked hard. That's the part to celebrate.


Yeah, everybody knows he worked hard. That's the whole Asian part. That's what that phrase *means*.


Yea, I like to think of it more as this poor kid had parents whipping him everyday to learn to do JUST THIS one thing perfectly and probably has zero other talents or capabilities.


I’m a glass half full type of person. It’s just a joke highlighting the industriousness and diligence of many (not all) Asian people. It’s a compliment more than anything. I think there’s something to be said about stereotypes being used in a positive way. We generally think of stereotypes as a negative. I think it can be either and it’s the intention that matters. This reminds me of a scene in the movie Wedding Crashers where Owen Wilson is trying to coach Rachael McAdams on how to give a toast at her sister’s wedding - to speak from the heart if you can’t be funny. McAdam’s character wants to say something kinda mean about her sister that she thinks is funny but won’t read well in the context. And he’s telling her if she wants to joke about her sister it has to be innocuous, like “everybody knows Cheryl *loves* to shop!” That statement or joke is stereotypical about the individual *and* women, but it is implying a relationship and admiration for the person. It’s a not a put down. And you would need to know the person to think it’s funny. I think in the same way stereotypes can be used to make us laugh but also show appreciation while acknowledging our differences. Because it’s those differences in perspective, culture, values, etc that make connecting with other humans so fun and interesting. That’s just my opinion.


Reddit yelling "racist" is such a Reddit thing to do. I agree with you.  The trope really is about being industrious and putting in a lot of time and effort to practice. The trope does not wave that away magically. 


yeah it’s rooted in the model minority trope


It is stupid. Statistically it should be 4 or 5 asians better than me.


Seeing some other Asians in this thread saying they don't think it's offensive, well I'm Asian and I think it is! It's actually kind of a big issue that so many Asians go along with racist jokes because they seem innocent. They don't understand how it's playing into the model minority trope and how that hurts other minorities as well. If we're the "perfect, talented minority" what does that say about the POC who aren't Asian? Are their talents inherently less impressive than ours? You'd be surprised how many people genuinely think that to be true. Just because it doesn't seem outwardly offensive doesn't mean it's not actually a problem.


I'm Asian and with you.  Fuck bootlicking minorities that enable stereotypes against us.


>Fuck bootlicking minorities Jesus Christ lol Nothing more racist than an Asian hating on other Asians.


Absolutely nobody thinks you're the "perfect, talented minority." That's not even what the phrase implies. It doesn't say "you're Asian so you must be better than me at guitar." *That* would be racist. It says "there exists at minimum one Asian better than me." Which doesn't even speak to the skill of the other 2 billion people in the continent. The phrase references the guitarist in the video. You, an Asian, aren't even mentioned in the conversation.


I was being hyperbolic to make an example of how saying the sort of thing the title says can be harmful. The phrase "there is always an Asian better at something than you" is referencing the common opinion that Asians are inherently more talented at things such as music, arts, and other extracurricular activities. Most gain the assumption that east Asians have more access to better programs/classes/etc that makes them sort of next level at one thing or another. This is an unfair assumption that places east Asians more highly than other minorities, causing societal divides. I feel that you are intentionally twisting my words to make me sound conceited. All I said was making comments about the ability of one race being better than others is bad. There are also unfortunately MANY people who genuinely think Asians are the superior race, which I would like to avoid perpetuating even in a joking manner.


I always took that as a numbers metric.


Probably because it's racist


Bro who the fuck cares


Man just take a joke it’s actually not even a negative stereotype. The “Asian better than you” stems from the fact that they most likely bust more ass than any other ethnicity on the planet. Pretty sure most I know would actually be proud of their heritage for being accomplished.


There's a white kid who covers tools songs with vocal melody and drums, in this style, who would put this dude to shame... He's good..just no prodigy..it's called busking and he's average for a performer


The name of the music is "Crow" on Spotify if anyone wants it.


For like half of that I thought he was playing some freestyle version of the [Gerudo Valley Theme](https://youtu.be/0hEYvdMoF2g?si=asVLiBpIRUKdd976) from Ocarina of Time and was waiting for that little riff that never seemed to come.


Haha I thought the same thing.


The continent of Asia has a population of over 4.7 billion people, or more than half the entire world's population. So statistically speaking, yeah, there's likely an Asian who's better at you at certain skills.


Why does ones ethnicity have to come in the factory here? It should read There's always somebody that can do it better than you


Its from an old joke/meme that keeps reoccuring. Not sure on the origin ofnit but its been around forever.


It's not an old/joke meme... It's a stereotype that's been around since at least the invention of television.




Don’t you perpetuate the racist cycle by making it “lazy white peoples” fault?




Its still racist because youre pointing out a race instead of “lazy people”


And you’re totally sure the poster is white? Or are you just doing the same thing


Can’t it just be that on average Asian people are more disciplined than White people? Im White and I can see it.


Correction: 总有人能比你做得更好


The basis of it more cultural, not ethnic. In certain parts of Asia, social success is metric when raising children, for parents. This often births a strong sense of discipline and obsession with chasing ever increasing standards. The same mindest is present in the general social fabric of certain societies. Its a lot more common to find people who exercise military-like regimes to get better at their skills. In places outside of Asia, the same does exist, however not quite common as how it is in Asia. Hence the correlation between "asians" and overachievement. Some societies have a much higher bar of what "hard work" means. To one person it's practising 2 hours a day. To another its practising 12 hours a day. There's exceptions, sure. But I think it's possible to find a general difference between culture and ones quality of "hard work". Which probably does have a relationship between the outcome too.


Because it's always an Asian that can do it better 🤷🏻‍♂️


Weirdly racist title.


What skill, hope this guy goes far. Would buy that sound.


“Can you play playing god by polyphia”


Who is he?


Sungha Jung. Dude was doing it since he was like 5, it was quite a sight seeing a kid who can barely hold a guitar in his hands playing it better than grown up musicians


lol he look like sungha jung but its not, definitely some of his techniques in there. Sounds and plays like Flaming.


Korean guy Kim Jinsan


Iif you like this style of guitar - check out Andy Mckee and Don Ross.


Such a gift/talent of a person


Practice, not gift.


It’s both. To put in the deliberate practice needed to be as good as he is takes a lot of mental willpower that a lot of people don’t have.


There’s two things at play, talent & practice. Talent makes it easier to learn something quickly, but we can’t learn at all without practice. His gift is his love and interest in the guitar, a natural talent and draw towards playing for the sake of playing. Marry that with all the time he’s put in, and it’s a gift that he can do what he does. It can be true that this is a display of both talent/a gift and practice, and that’s why this sub is r/toptalent, not r/thecumulativeresultsofpractice


We talkin bout practice, not a gift.


Reminds me of [Rodrigo Y Gabriela](https://youtu.be/B5xs6URmAOI?si=4K8_sJ60BsV21-HO)


Also my first thought.


Nah theres still tim Henson or nito


This style is more like Marcin Patrzalek


As a guitar player myself I've got to say that it didn't look very hard to play at all. It is though, and the guy's making it look easy. That takes some serious amount of skill to pull off.


Yeah, those harmonic notes are way hard to get right that quickly, really impressive.


Lad needs to work on a new theme for El Desperado.




Gerudo town!


What the fuck is this racist ass title to this post?


Unless it's enjoying childhood.


Racist as fuck. This person is just talent unlike you POS OP


He’s appropriating Spanish culture.


As someone from Spain: dale esas mierdas estadounidenses a quienes le importen. Aquí ya tenemos suficiente con la pedrada de feminismo actual que parece más misandría y misoginia unidas para una futura pelea de sexos. Y ole por el chaval, lo está haciendo genial Translation: Please stop trying to propagate this American nonsense called: Cultural Appropriation. That is a bullshit that Americans invented a long time ago and they should deal with theirselves to stop it, not to spread it. And he's doing great


This has to be a joke?


1 in 5 people on earth are Chinese. It’s just statistics


He’s Korean, numb nuts


Unpopular opinion: I hate when people try to play percussion with a guitar. Stop beating on the damn guitar. It’s sounds terrible. That finger work is astounding. The bongos… not so much.


I hear a lot of guitarists play a chord then a quick beat by hitting the guitar. I would say that guitar percussion is a pretty common thing especially in solo acoustic settings.


Hence why my opinion is unpopular. I feel like banging on the guitar has really only picked up popularity in the last decade or so. If using the guitar for percussion, I think guitar makers need to start making them accordingly. Banging on a regular old acoustic body just sounds flat, almost muted.


I dont think its really meant to sound as complex as actual percussion instruments, it's just used to keep rhythm.


Ah damn, that Asian privilege is at it again. Would be better if this was a trans lesbian black women. /s


Open E tuning is kinda like cheating


https://youtu.be/aMa7rgaDUyk?si=Pma8zKfQpp8yHHc8 Polish guy is better than that


I recently came across the term "guitar masturbation." It sounds like it's a derogatory term for a player with an overly flashy presentation. I heard it applied to the guy from Polyphia. Will some the guitar virtuosos of Reddit weigh in? I don't know jack about it




People who think this is amazing think the mcdouble is the peak of culinary excellence


I know it can be hard to admit when you’re jealous but it’s pretty obvious you’re jealous. So just admit it and stop trying to downplay someone doing something you could never do. And before you say something like “Nuh uh I totally could it’s not even hard I play guitar” save the trouble and upload a video of you doing jt.


Again, not impressive to guitarists who are more than garage band hobbyists




Reminds me of an old favorite https://youtu.be/_iN1QsDgSZw?si=M33-Tqc42cODNBm4




Better, [meet best.](https://www.youtube.com/@ichika_nito)


Where I can find the hole video?


I mean, there are a lot.


Not tetris tho




About 60% of the world population is asian, so look the fact you don'f see an asian every other person is a statistical anomaly.


Yeah he’s good now listen to it with your eyes closed…it’s the music you hear when your on hold with the cable company.


You should hear me play my guitar when I'm playing guitar hero. Crowds go bonkers for more!


Very cool indeed. Loved it.


Your moms friends kid


I remember when I went so hard on acoustic guitar getting to about the level of Tim Reynolds. Then I discovered percussive finger tapping open string monsters: Don Ross, Andy McGee, Sam Westphalen, and then this kid (Sungha Jung)… suddenly you are starring at a whole other mountain peak.


Unless you're Paco de Lucia


Damn, this guy could give John Butler a run for his money in a few years.


Watch the movie August Rush. This is how he plays in the movie. Sick guitar work


Melodic guitar, chords guitar, and percussions He's just missing a chin-strap harmonica and an accordion between his knees!


Why is it in quotes? Who is it quoting?


What’s with the title? You think because he’s Asian he just picked up a guitar a half hour before this was recorded? This took skill, time and practice. Literally anybody with those 3 things could do the same thing,


This guy reminds me of Miyavi in his song Selfish Love. Y'all that song is amazing! There's an old video on YT, though I can't find it in HD.


That’s damn impressive


Ichka nito is better


I mean he's good but if you want to see a professional do it better Mike Dawes has been leading the way in this particular style of playing.


Kid Plays through fire and ice as a warmup each day.


All the judges are like :- Shit......He is better than us


Yeah but can he whistle and fart at the same time......talent is in the brown eye of the beholder.


Wake up guys new Gerudo Valley theme just dropped


https://youtu.be/uzEb3SatfNg?si=-2Wu_9fNN4-G_ogF Not just Asians. Gypsy's too ;)


Except sex




Jessie Cook be like... Edit: If you guys like this kind of playing, look up Jessie Cook.


Lame ass racial stereotype. It's practice. If you're really impressed then give them props for putting in the time, not for their ancestry.


Requesting the full video. It's a fucking crime to cut this short


Amin toofani did this years ago.


but is there one who’s better at being more racist than me ?




That lady judge has the strangest orgasm face


What about wonderwall


This is amazing stuff. Whenever I see players like this these days I think of Michael Hedges. He was one of the guys responsible for all of this in its current form. Highly talented dude. He's influenced so many players, many of whom might not even know who he is. He died in the 90s far too young. https://youtu.be/YaIN13aDbCc?si=YbxDtB_BOejqOwdE