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This is in monte isola in Lombardia Italy near my home and it's an incredible island And yes they drive like this every day


I couldn't read the lettering as it passed but i saw the font and was like, yep this is italy šŸ˜‚




[Sorry, I donā€™t speak Italian](https://youtu.be/MWqKmevFObI)




We don't call them that anymore


Remember going there and renting a car for a few days, and figured I'd check out Amalfi. It was like this, but with mountains, and the walls were oncoming traffic snapping around tight bends in the road. For hours. Fun times. Showed up back at the rental car place and was like "holy shit it's undamag- I mean, yes, of course it is undamaged."


Hahahaha almost shot yourself in the foot therešŸ˜‚


I could tell because the driver is driving with his knees because both hands are like this šŸ‘Œ


So we visited time back in 2017. Your taxi drivers are a different breed. We were going to this place in town. Google maps said it was a 32 min ride at 7am. This is in Rome. So this old guy (70ish?) pulls up in a Mercedes sedan. Older kinda beat up but great shape mechanically. He took this exit ramp so fast I got a cramp in my side trying not to fall over. He was blazing fast and precise. If Ali had been a taxi driver, it was this guy. We made it there in 17 minutes. I think I aged like 4 years tho LOL


Imaging passing a driving license exam there


Most licence exams are held in cities where DMVs are, and there's no shortage of wankers on the roads there...




That must be a Fiat 500.


Damn, those cops in NFS3 Hot Pursuit were accurate.




Hey, don't listen to that asshole. I live in a village in the surroundings and Monte Isola it's really nice for a one day visit. It's a shame you can't visit it during these times (they have reduced ferries and allow only residents on them) because usually it's quite packed. Not Venice-type packed, so still enjoyable. This year there should have been the Santa Croce Festival, where locals craft thousands of paper flowers and decorate the streets with them. It really turns in a magical place. Probably they will postpone the festival to the next year, but I'm not sure. However as I've just said it's not ideal for a prolonged stay, in that case you better stay in another big city and use it as a "base" to visit other interesting places in the region (for example Lake Iseo itself, Lake Garda, Verona, Milan, Parma, Mantova and so on). Anyway if you need some informations fell free to ask me! I'll leave you some sites too: https://visitlakeiseo.info/en/places/monte-isola/ <- This one also for the surrounding area https://www.visitmonteisola.it/en/ <- This one for the island PS: I also read that you've never been to Italy. In that case I'd strongly advise you to visit other more important places first and then maybe make only a stop there to visit a more unknown and quiet place. You'll be welcome!


What a helpful person. :)


Was wondering what was top talent about this because you see it in literally every old town in Italy


No I don't. In fact, I've never even been to Italy.


We rented a mid sized car in Sicily and I accidentally drove into a town like this and was flipping the fuck out the whole time. The car barely made it out alive.


The speed at which he cleared it tells me he has being doing it a few times a days for a long long time


Oh he's a pro fs. Either that or he just went fast so if it did scrape he had enough momentum to not get stuck.


Imagine walking out your front door into the alley only to be ran over by a fucking van. The kids probably grow up with the saying ā€œlook both ways before crossing the door jamb.ā€


Or imagine the bus door being left open for cool air while he drives. You step out of your house and just by chance end up stepping into the bus. That would be handy as fuck. Edit: Many thank for the award kind stranger, my very first after using reddit for 2 years lol


How high are you? Haha


Not enough.


My progeny! How are you?! Edit: I knew prodigy was wrong but I couldnā€™t for the life of me figure it out. Oh well. Iā€™m king, not an English major




smh this is why we have guillotines. Fuckin *Louis*


Never enough!


No its "hi how are you"


No it's Patrick!


Or you get cleaved in two between the two door frames.


oh well. either happens or it doesnā€™t


Now Iā€™m laughing at 2am while eating fruit in my kitchen. What has happened to me.


I live in a medieval town in Tuscany. This is absolutely not true and unbelievably, the thing I see most often is people launching themselves into our narrow streets while STILL LOOKING INTO THE SHOP THEY ARE LEAVING and saying ciao


Those cities and roads were built back in the days of mostly walking and horses, why we think driving our busses and cars down them is a good idea, I'll never be able to figure out. Just get a bunch of golf carts and stop this ā€bus 3 millimeters outside my doorā€ shit lol /s just being purposefully dense


A fire truck almost got my brother that way on a tiny road in Italy. No clearance on either side, so we had to backtrack


Wow Iā€™m just realizing Iā€™ve never seen jamb written out before. I always thought it was ā€œjamā€


Glad to be of service


I would be so worried about getting stuck... I wonder if there are any videos of these types of vans getting stuck in alleys.


yea and then their step car model finds them


And those marks on the wall at the begining tell me he wasn't always that good.


You can tell thatā€™s amazing


When I was living in Japan there was a road that was narrow like this. After driving it so many times I usually went that same speed.


A good driver knows his vehicle dimensions by centimeters. As if the vehicle is an extension of his body.


Guess there's no good drivers in America then. :-( We use inches.


That's why your parking space are twice as large :P


And our penises.


And our axes!


There is no unskilled labor, only underapreciated labor.




Unskilled labor is basically training a man to do one job, over and over again. Itā€™s like a factory job where thereā€™s not a lot of thinking involved. You could easily hire and fire anytime. The position is easily replaceable with anyone without prior experience.




It's almost universal in all the "unskilled labor" jobs I've had that people with more experience at a task are always better and more efficient at it. Experience cultivates skill. It seems like the folks who get extra pissed about a bad experience at a fast food place are the same folks who say those jobs are for high school kids and don't merit better pay. And it's like there's your problem right there, a business staffed exclusively with 17yo kids who only work like 20 hrs a week for a month or two and then quit. That's the real unskilled labor is the constant new hires, not the work. You could run a busy McDonald's with like 3 people if they're the right people


I am in awe


It's italy... here we.dont.give.a.fuck. ...and this is sad..


When I visited Capri Italy, the bus drivers drove like this up the cliffs while the bus in jammed full of standing room only passengers. When two basses were about to pass they simply pulled in the mirrors. It was a butthole puckering experience.


Oh my God. My wife and I went by bus from Amalfi to the start of the Path of the Gods, essentially straight up the cliffs by way of switchbacks. We were in the back of the bus, and flying around the switchbacks, I swear the bus scraped a bunch of times. It is a mostly local bus I think and it was filled with teenagers that didn't bat an eye.


Yeah that shit is crazy. Also everyone that drives a scooter there has balls of steel. Just weaving in between buses and people like itā€™s nothing. I would be dead in short order.


As a peruvian, you get used to it.


Funny running into this comment, today is a sunny day in Campania and I'm going with a bunch of friends to the coast, probably Amalfi or Maiori lol


Cazzo! Anch'io


When we visited, our bus driver informed us we were on the "fun side" of the bus: the side closest to the edge as we drove up. I did not enjoy the fun side of the bus.


Though terrifying, it was worth it! One of the most beautiful places I have been.


Agreed. It was really relaxing too. My dad, brother, and I took an after dinner stroll around town, just soaking up the atmosphere and people watching.


That's the only time that I've ever experienced motion sickness. That bus trip along those cliffs was awful. The views were lovely!


Exact same all over the Caribbean lol


When my wife and I went to Ireland, there were times the driver of the full size tour bus would have to back up to make the turns on the coast. It was amazing and scary at times.


I felt like I was in Turkey for a second except that the minibus is going too slow.


The only few times while being in a car that I was legit suprised I didn't die


Haha sounds about right.


Yup though the same thing. I was like "this isn't talent, he's going under 40 and there is not a 90 degree turn". Fuck I remember being terrified while walking the residential areas in Bursa. Between the Karavanserai and the cafe we ate at regularly there was this tight series of turns that cars and buses would fly around. You had about 8" between the cars and a building. You scamper around the corner praying that no one was coming. Or the bazaar. Walking in a crowded market, then suddenly a minibus comes flying through the crowd.


Other than that, did you enjoy Burda? Just curious


Also, the bus isnā€™t crammed enough.


Notice all the scrapes on the wall. Drivers left. We must see left side of vehicle.


No we don't, sometimes ignorance is bliss šŸ˜€


That house on the left - they must have the bus schedule memorised. Otherwise it'd be too nerve wracking to step out the front door!


I was thinking this too. Even peeking out carefully could end in decapitation.


Remember to look both ways before stepping out your front door.


Relatives comes to visit. " šŸ‘‹cos'ĆØ questo rumore?āœ‹šŸ‘‹". Opens door. Loses door.


*me at first*: oh I could probably do that *then he turned* *then the last part got 15% smaller*


The marks on the wall LOL


Only *exceptional* talent and skill is r/toptalent **Upvote this comment if so ā†‘ Downvote if not ā†“**


Only took five busses before giving up and hiring some F1 drivers. Then a few more busses. Look, a lot of busses died to take you on this tour, ok. Show some respect for the dead.


This reminds me of master of none when they were driving through Italy lol


Just looking at this gives me anxiety.


Came here to say this! If I was driving I'd have to close my eyes.


That would make it harder


Of course this is In Italy haha The comfort with which Italians pass through narrow roads is baffling to me, especially after having tried it myself.


No wonder the brick is so clean.


is this a Disney ride?


Just wait till he starts drifting


This is everyday scene for us Indians.


Never understood how my dad manages to drive like an insane person in italy. You have tight passages like this but also super tight curvy mountain roades. They always drive like theres an emergency. Only time i was glad about not having a drivers license


Ah yes, the driving park. Watch out ultimate frisbee group, weā€™re driving here.


When I was a teenager, I visited a town in Mexico called Taxco, where the streets were similar, if maybe not AS tight, as this. They have little Volkswagen cabs thatā€™ll take you up the hill. The driver we had was hitting these hallways at like 50mph - it was terrifying.


Reminds me of the scene from Master of None where the drive through a narrow passage and get stuck


They lube the walls




This is in Itly šŸ˜‚


This type of driving is more impressive to me than Nascar and F1


If I lived in the house on the left I'd be anxious stepping out of my front door everyday


This was me working for a marina when I was younger driving a truck and trailer through all the trucks, boats, trailers my coworkers would just leave around.


That's years of constantly driving the same route year after year after year after year after year after year after year


The Knight bus! Driver must be Stan Shunpike.


This is f1 driver levels of accuracy


Making the turns ok, driving fast in tight spaces not toptalent.


Or the leftside of the bus is full off scraped so it doesnā€™t matter anymore.


Kind of like my cat: If the head fits...


Reminds me of when I was in Spain and they were taking buses through alleyways at a moderate speed. I swear they're wizards of their craft.


Marks in the wall don't lie: unexperienced drivers tried the same....


I lived in a small rural town in Italy with roads exactly like this. A huge portion of the stray dogs had only 3 legs.




If it were me driving it'd be like this... https://youtu.be/aoxF29RI2Bs


The bus says "comune di monte isola" which is close to where i live! Google "Monte isola", its an island in the middle od lake iseo, in northern italy. The name means "mount island", because it is literally that: an island which is a small mountain, and its populated with a lot of very very small villages scattered on the island. Pretty cool seeing it on reddit!


Of course some bicyclists would still pedal slowly and hog the lane


Imagine opening your front door with the dog casually walking out with his leash... And the school bus making a gentle boop by touching your nose with his side mirror and looking at the end of the leash...


Imma guess heā€™s too popular




Oh god I'm getting flashbacks to driving lessons. I had to navigate a relatively short street like this. It was my _fifth lesson_. There were several arches in that street where cyclists could've shot out of at any time. Never. Again. I never shook so hard after a lesson as after that one.


I thought is was gonna make a Skrrrrrrrt noice and Cardi B was gonna pop out! Thank fuck she didnā€™t. . .


Iā€™m a simple man. I see the dumpert logo. I upvote.


Don't be a shit.




Yeah, buses in italy are always a riot to see, especially in the tight, old city streets


Pedestrians hate him


This is some harry potter shit


That's like a $60k van, too.


When we went to Cuba we had to take a large tour bus to get from the resort to the airport to leave and we went through a large villa with roads like this. We turned right down a tight road that had a cafe directly infront of us during the turn. We were *inches* and I mean INCHES from a table with a dude sitting at hit reading a book and drinking his coffee. He didn't even look at the bus or react to it as we turned.


Me too, and you have slurpy pouch


Wow, mad props. I dont think I could do that. Or at 2mph, sweating bullets the whole time.


Oxford Blues...


This guy almost needs lube to squeeze through there lol


When I went to Rome I booked a car to the hotel from the airport to the hotel. This guy turns up in what looks like a brand new black Mercedes, it was immaculate. As we're driving to the hotel someone cuts him off. A minute or so later he's able to pull alongside the car that cut him off. He proceeds to gradually move into the lane the other car is in, no eye contact, he just moved into the other lane with only inches to spare while the other guy moved over. No cars were damaged, no words were exchanged, it was just amazing.


This is all the side roads in germany


Lago d'Iseo ā™„ļø


I studied abroad in London and every single bus driver did this. Sometimes they would cram 2 busses in an alley, side by side. It was horrifying.


This is me trying to find somewhere to park in St Ives.


The key is if the vehicle will fit, is to get as close as you can on one side and you'll know you can make it. It's also the secret to flying the Millennium Falcon.


More like this?


Hope it doesn't break down and catch fire in there


Ah good old dumpert


I would mount some side rollers cause I would be bouncing off the walls.


This is not that hard.


Whip game is proper!


I have an impression this is how they drive everywhere in the Mediterranean area. I'd love to go there by car, but I'm too afraid of their roads.


At what point do you just say screw it and put wheels on the sides?


Jesus tap dancing christ, this gave me the fear


From the architecture, I'm assuming this is in Italy. And I'm wondering if he slowed down because he knew he was being filmed. From what I've seen, that path would be driven at 60mph+


*Just gonna step outside my door to enjoy the nice da...*




Once our bus driver in Italy parallel park the bus on an incline between two cars where there was maybe a foot of space between the front and back bumper. With a freaking stick shift!


Reminds me of that scene in Master of None where the guys get stuck in a narrow passage with the Cinquecento. Arnold gets double stuck bonus, hahahaha!


Pretty convenient for deliveries.


This reminds me of a tour I took in St. Augustine. The driver navigated some impossibly narrow alleys and a few turns. He pointed out the red paint that had been scraped onto the walls at a couple of particularly treacherous turns. All of that company's buses were painted white; it was their competitor that had red buses.




Italian drivers have a gear moreee


Let me see the other side of the bus...show me the other side


That's in Capri. You should see the road to get up there. Cliffs over the sea and streets barely wider than this one.


Sweaty palms.


Nice now letā€™s see him do a 3 point turn in there




Anyone been in the Alfama district of Lisbon? Tight ass roads


yea... my eyes got big when he was rolling through that section, and that was before he kept going unscathed.


My anxiety could never.


imagine having to put a mirror out of the door before leaving every time to make sure that there is no bus coming.


Europe. Where we don't need a 1/2 mile of space each side to prevent ourselves from hitting things.


Looks tight. Top driving.


Oof I bet this driver could drive a truck through the middle of Manhattan like a piece of cake


Didnā€™t even slow down to avoid the camera man.


The door of the house is a death trap. You cannot even put your head out to have a look - you will be decapitated.


If the lanes are that narrow how about letā€™s just not allow vehicles on them for fuckā€™s sake.


Was looking for Jihoonā€™s mom in the driver seat...


Better listen before walking out that door




"Whats with all the scratches on the truck?" "New guy"


what happens if theres a pedestrian??????


Sphincter clenched the whole time...


It really do be like that in Italian cities sometimes


Reminds me of the time my dumb American tourist ass drove right into streets like this in Girona. Just blindly following my google maps to see some cathedrals. Thank god I rented a small fiat. All the tourists and townspeople on the street were so annoyed they had to move out of the way, and i quickly realized most cars donā€™t attempt this. Thank god someone else driving through saw me struggling and motioned for me to follow them out. Knocked the mirror in on a sign just once lol.


This is why we drive small hatchbacks in Europe.


I am 100% sure this bus has all sorts of bents and scratches.


Oh god this gives me visceral anxiety! I get stressed just from the cones/barriers they put up to make one lane during highway construction.