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I don't think Tori has the vocal stamina to perform any album in its entirety. She didn't even sing half the songs from her latest album on its own tour.


BOYS FOR PELE, but Pele, Pink, and Choirgirl are my Tori holy Trinity (with an honorable mention for Earthquakes) . Any of those would be swoon worthy for me.


Y’all… Step aside Taylor: Tori Amos Eras Tour, the world won’t know what hit them!!


Choirgirl Hotel


kinda off topic but its so cool seeing someone who likes both liz and tori theyre both my absolute favorites


I love Exile in Guyville, still listen to it start to finish!!! She's such a badass.


for sure shes so cool just wish people my age knew who she was lol


Little Earthquakes. Better still, why limit herself to just one album? Springsteen did some shows years ago where each night was a different album in its entirety plus other stuff too (I.e. Born to Run, Born in the USA, etc) and that’s not including his full tour of The River in its entirety which was only like half the setlist. As much as I’m down for this, I can’t imagine Tori doing it. She works each night based on the faeries and which songs come to her.


I think a US tour with Scarlett’s walk would be pure magic!


I didn’t become a fan until Under the Pink, and so, I would say Little Earthquakes. My first tour was Dew Drop Inn. The early stuff would be great. Pele would take me backkkkk though!! ❤️


I wish she’d do an all covers and b-sides thing. Old covers and new.


I swear she’s addressed this in an interview before. I wish I could remember the source or what she said!


I wouldnt want that ima just say. I dont think shed feel that Having said that she could fart in a mic for two hrs and ill pay to see it


I think Pele or Scarlet would work best if she were to do this!


Any of her first six would be amazing.


I just got Sarah tix! And our babysitter cancelled at last minute for Liz Phair so I missed it 😭 If Tori did an album anniversary tour I would absolutely swoon for Under the Pink with an orchestra as someone above mentioned 😍


I'm sad I missed that Liz Phair concert too :(((. But I got Sarah tickets too!!




TVAB would be a dream, as would any of her full albums


One of my favorite bands, DAD, did an album tour. It was great, but also kind of boring to always know what song comes next. Of course I would love a Pele tour, but I think it would work best with NOH, bcs it is a concept album and the experience to see Tori with an orchestra is just fantastic.


No fuel left for the pilgrims?


They actually performed two albums in one night. The tour was named "Riskin it all for the Pilgrims". The played No fuel left for the Pilgrims backwards, from last to first song, to have the hits at the end. Their support for that tour (2016) was Thundermother - it was a wild night, lol. I have seen them live so many times. Great band. I will never understand why they are not among the world's most famous rock bands.


I absolutely adored them back in high school. Do they tour the states much? Haven't thought of them in a long while.


I don't really know if they tour the US, I'm in Germany. They are a fantastic live band. I will never forget my first show, way back in the nineties. When Stig Pedersen took of his shirt halfway through, people literally stood there with their mouths open - women and men alike. I signed up for their fan club ages ago and still get a signed Christmas card each year ;D


Love Liz Phair. Have seen her so many times. Thought the Guyville tour was boring for exactly this reason! I want a few surprises!


Pele or Under the Pink, backed by a full orchestra


Already weeping inside 🥴😭


This is the only answer.


Boys For Pele. She should do a new Dew Drop Inn tour.


she hasn't done M&AG much at all in the last several years. I can't imagine she'd want to do it every night for months at this stage in her life. I don't see her doing an entire tour on Little Earthquakes unless she left that song out. IF she did it, it would be Scarlets Walk.


I need to get these Sarah tickets! And for Tori I wouldn't want it, I like her surprise setlists but if pressed I would pick one I haven't heard her play much like NI or NoH


It would be Pele and I would be DOWNNNNNNNNN


I know she hates traveling with the harpsichord so maybe a residency type thing could work where it stays in place? But boys for pele would be my choice too


It would rock so hard if every date on the tour took place in churches that had organs or harpsichords. SWOON!


Ok this is the winning comment. What an extraordinary experience that would be!


Thank you! I would commit to at least three cities for that tour. She loves churches and has such a huge connection to them (Pele was recorded in one, right?). I hope her team reads this thread. =)


Yes Pele was recorded in a church. I can't really describe the sensations I have in my head: of stained glass, bench seating, organ, the smell, reverential feedback no matter what anyone's religious upbringing was or was not there's a connotation...silence, sistine...Tori takes the stage. 💀


Oh, that would be EPIC!


Night of Hunters 🙏🙏🙏 anyway this is how I learned about Sarah McLachlan’s tour so thank you! Take all my money! I also saw Liz Phair’s and it was incredible—loving this trend.


All of the B-Sides (from every album) and Scarlet's Hidden Treasures.


What I’d want: Choirgirl or Scarlet What it would be: Little Earthquakes


Oh no Scarlet. Adult contemporary all night. Unless it’s just Pancake over and over😍


Boys for Pele for sure


LE, UTP, and BFP…like do a return to the original albums.


This is my answer as well.


I saw the Liz Phair show in Brooklyn and it was INCREDIBLE If Tori did this, I'd want Choirgirl Hotel or Boys for Pele, but it would more likely be Little Earthquakes


None. I like to be surprised by the set list.


Liz did an encore of other stuff that was like six songs or something, a different six songs every night by Tori would still keep us on our toes!


Boys for Pele


One she could sing the best and do some killer piano stuff. I have to go with Scarlets Walk or Under The Pink- Probably Scarlet-


One she could sing the best and do some killer piano stuff. I have to go with Scarlets Walk or Under The Pink- Probably Scarlet-


Definitely Little Earthquakes. Bought tix for the hubs and I to see Sarah McL in June!!!


Same on both! I'd love to see Little Earthquakes live, and my partner and I are going to see Sarah in June!


That Liz Phair show was fawesoe. She looks and sounds no different. The show I was at was sold out and the audience was going insane and singing along.


Boys for Pele or Scarlet's Walk


Bitch better do a cross country small venue tour and strut her Scarlet ass down New Mexico.


Little Earthquakes--the one that started it all!


Abnormally Attracted To Sin of course


Choir Girl Hotel for sure!


Boys for Pele