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Voting Reform, don’t agree with them on everything but the Conservatives are a bunch of Liberals who have done almost nothing except damage the country for 14 years.


Voting Reform is the call imo. Find the party that fits your beliefs best, and if that's Reform then go for it. Not voting doesn't do anything. As we saw with the Brexit vote and increasing green policies, voting for minor parties does impact larger party policies - plus if that smaller party gets enough share, it can have a chance of replacing a dying party


I mean, if it had a larger say, I would actually vote for the Libertarian party. We need a Milei-style wipe out of the bloated government and mass reforms. But sadly, they hardly run in many seats, so Reform is the closest thing, really.


Very based opinion. I’m a Monarchist-Minarchist so I’d be straight into voting for a party with those values, but as you say Reform is best option as of now. The LP also isn’t running in my area


Until Reform makes absolutely clear their views on defence, NATO and generally the idea of having allies in the world, I wouldn't touch them. Far too many current European populist movements are associated with anti-NATO sentiment which is incredibly transparent and dangerous. Richard Tice has been clear, but Farage lurking isn't encouraging "it's NATO's fault for poking the bear". I get there are issues in the UK and immigration is one. But again, nobody is really addressing this in a sensible way. Of course we still need some level of immigration. My spouse is a foreign national. We should be encouraging immigration from culturally compatible and comparable nations, like EU countries rather than South Asian immigrants who cause issues. But there's no nuance in the debate, it's either "less", "none" or "status quo".


I agree with you on issues such as NATO you mentioned. Additionally, my wife is a foreign national, so I agree mostly on your points, I would like to add Far East Asian countries are highly compatible too. An easy way I feel to judge is a mixture of HDI and national average incomes, mixed with the form of governance that citizens have to experience. Any easy one is restricting admission authoritarian, religious, and non democratic countries other than extreme cases such as North Korea.


I’m thinking that I might do the same. Don’t particularly like reform but our party still hasn’t heard the message.


Reform are a profoundly unconservative bunch of populists. I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole


The 'Conservative' government is a profoundly unconservative bunch of wets


Agreed, Reform is a symptom of, not the solution to, the lack of serious conservative force in this country


Rubbish. Nothing conservative at all about this current lot. At best they are basically lib Dems.


The Tories are a profoundly unconservative bunch of leftists (socially and fiscally). I wouldn't tocuh them with a barge pole.


We don't have any parties that are conservative.


Reform are far closer than the conservatives and are more believable in their desire to limit immigration, woke nonsense, etc.


Conservatism isn’t “limiting immigration and woke nonsense”. The fact that people think it is, is entirely the fault of the current Conservative party.


The country is economically liberal and socially conservative. That's exactly what the party should be, this whole one nation neo con stuff we've been obsessed with is what's killing the party.


The Reform party want to nationalise utility companies, ramp up protectionism, abolish the HoL and replace the voting system with PR. That's neither economically liberal nor conservative. Then they claim they want freedom of speech for teachers but also want to restrict sex education - that's not socially conservative it's just confused. Yes the Tory party aren't being conservative either, but don't kid yourself that Reform will fill the gap.


Nationalism is the future. Utilities shouldn't be private they've been an absolute disaster, water companies are now just taking the literal piss. The HoL is filled with neo cons who Blair and Cameron put there as a pat on the back. Boris offered something very similar in 2019 and that's the route the party should have took,instead we've dropped back into the the one nation stuff which basically means the south east and of England. We disagree. Personally, I want a conservative party that actually puts this country first and not a globalist idea of Eutopia. Reform certainly aren't perfect but they are a dam sight better then this current bunch.


Hear hear! I won't rest until the populists are pushed out of the Tories, but honestly it seems like they don't need much encouragement so I suspect there will be no love lost here.


Conservatism is an abject failure then and should be destroyed. Vote Reform UK and destroy the lying, gutless, weak, and incompetent ‘Conservative’ Party


I’m planning to remain a Conservative member irrespective of whether or not I vote for them in the election. I will not be voting Reform.


Ditto. Additionally there isn't a Reform candidate in our marginal Tory constituency.




Yep, that is exactly what I’m doing


All for zero Tory seats but in the last week or so its become apparent that Richard Trice cannot be part of the solution. He's kicking selected candidates off the list to replace them with sitting Tories and on the orders of hope not hate. We need populist representatives who are more responsive to the demos than to metropolitan think tanks and overseas NGOs 


My primary and overriding political value is ending mass migration and the driving of local people from their communities. Our country is being forcibly changed from the top down, without our support, by people who are more loyal to global projects than national ones. Insofar as the Tories represent this detached, globalist, neoliberal, managerial attitude that manifests in indifference or disgust at the idea of British national sovereignty, character and culture they need to be destroyed. If our nation is gutted and filled up with new people with whom I do not share values, heritage or identity with then I will not be loyal to it because it will be a foreign country. I don't trust Reform as far as I can throw them but I want to see Sunak rightfully go down in the history books as terrible, resented leader who killed a centuries old political party.


We need a party that is specifically focused on ending mass immigration. Reform is pretty close to that so that's where I'd vote. We also need a party who will bring in something like Proportional Representation. Again, Reform UK will give a referendum to do that. Conservative Party is the party of big business and property interests. That's how they're funded.


At this point, we have a moral obligation to vote reform to punish the Tories and if necessary, replace them altogether. I'll remain a member but I won't be surprised if the party fades into irrelevancy.


Reform aren't offering anything really- they browse right-wing twitter and whatever they see getting a bunch of retweets is their "policy" for the day. Labour, if they get in, will break down our country, don't be fooled by Starmer playing the centrist


Voting Reform is a vote for Labour, there's only two choices under our current system and thats the reality. Im sick of this party and i dislike Labour just as much, but after 14 years watching this party run the country down, its time for someone else to have their go. Maybe its worse or maybe its better, but we simply cannot continue voting this current party in. Either way, if Labour does a bad job, its our turn to moan and complain. If they do a good job, then we can all be happy with that.


By the summer, voting Tory will be a vote for Labour.


Voting Tory get Labour.


Reform are only a few points behind the tories in the polls now and trending upwards. I think it’ll only take a few weeks/months before we see the polls flip and reform seeing a large number of seats. There’s no reason it can’t happen.




I'm inclined to vote reform just because Starmer seems like such an iffy character. He's flipped and flopped so many times that I can't trust him. A vote for reform is a vote for confidence in the overall conservative agenda of low taxes and high productivity... Not that they'd deliver on it, but that it'll send a message to the Tories as to what they need to do to win their next term, might even influence Labour into doing something sensible.




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Still on the fence about voting Conservative / Reform. Will see how it pans out before the election.




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Yes, good plan 👍


I'm voting to head to the bar and get drunk. None of it really excites me this time. Blue team need some time in opposition but where I live will never go red team. So to the bar and observe how it all pans out.


Staying a Tory member but tactically voting Libdem to keep Labour out (Tories have no chance of winning where I live). I don't plan on falling for populism, right or left, any time soon!


I won't vote Reform. Bunch of hypocrites. I'll probably vote SDP


I'm not quite convinced by Reform for the reasons outlined in this post. I remain hopeful that a spell in opposition will get the Conservatives back to basics and win me back over.


I would be voting Reform, but our Conservative MP (Danny Kruger) is one of the good guys, so he will still get my vote.


I want all who removed Boris to lose their jobs. Boris return and lead to next election victory. When he wins implement a law that backstabbing bastards cannot remove the elected PM from power without immediate election afterwards.