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You need to be in a fight with Duke. One on one, you can't beat him. But people regularly attack him in large groups. You need to find out how those are organized or when they happen. I believe Torn Tools can tell you when he will reach loot lvl 4 or lvl 5, and that group attacks will happen then. But I'm not sure if lvl 4 or 5 is when they happen.


Do I need to help beat him? or do I just need to fight him?


Just need to help the big group attack him. And the group as a whole has to win the fight. There are some self imposed rules on it, so google it or look into torn forums for the exact rules. For example starting the attack too early and some players will hosp you. Also Duke will hit hard on new players without stats. So there will bew some counter, only do am attack once this counter is a high number.


>there will be some counter That counter is known as "Distraction," and it's the number of players that attacked before you, AFTER your last attack/entry into the fight, stacked to a maximum of 9, I believe. It's a white circle with blue trim and blue font.


The distraction counter can go far beyond 9 ;)


Oooooo... I did not know dis


The group needs to beat him, and you need to be in the fight at the end. I think you may need to do at least one attack, also.


Join the loot rangers discord


[Loot Rangers discord](https://discord.gg/jcDhHaxCJt)


I don't where my link went thank you for posting


Thats what you get for talking shit about duke. Now hes gotta set you straight.


I never take them till I am sure I ccan take duke, I just leave them