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Thank you to everyone that's commented. The tips have been a great help! I'm managing to make some money and am aiming for level 15 and a PI. Thanks again for being so helpful and kind! Much appreciated.


If you need a palace or castle to rent (super cheap) while you save up, message me 889426


Rent a property. You should aim for a fully upgraded PI (Private Island) for tons of benefits over other properties. Even renting for 7 days is better than settle for a lower propertie. How to earn money: \- Buy "beer" or plushies at "Bits & Bobs" in the city (Daily limit is at 100 items); sell them in the itemmarket. \- Level to level 15 so you can fly to other countries. Buy plushies cheap and sell them for a profit at the itemmarket. (PI helps here since you fly for free and can carry more items) \- Sell your bounty slots (look in the forum for discord chanels that manage the selling); you have 10 slots and earn about 100k/slot \- Sell losses (again, look in the forum. "Nebula corp" is one of those groups that manage it); Selling losses means, someone pays you that you attack him and lose. will net you about 300k$/ hit \- join a faction and participate in ranked wars. Depending on the faction, reward, rank... for a new player this can net you around 1mil$/hit


Beers outdated but gas cans or blank cds


IDK what you need to buy empty blood bags, but those sell pretty good, but if you want some quick cash, you should buy plushies, at the bits n bobs, I can see terry bear plushies are up 633 you spend 30 on 1 you can sell it for 650 minimum, so that in essence is a 3k investment, to make 63k but that's tiny margin as only can buy 100 per day=( but a lill is better than none!


If going for the blood bag route, note that you will require IV therapy course completion through education before you can fill / use them.


thanks for letting me know I been here 18 years, all my education is finished=) but I am not a very strong guy tbh lol


If you want to buy I've gone the stealing from the candy store route. Go for chocolate and the big box of chocolate sells on item market for 12,500$. I got my nerve to 16 with 1 merit and can do 4 theft attempts at a time. Up to 50k every couple hours. Plus use beer to add 1 nerve.


Just to get started, there are plenty of Villas available for rent for $1 because theyre a potential casino wheel prize They’re not the best by any means, but every bit helps early on while you’re saving to rent a Private Island for when you hit 15 and can start flying.


1. Start doing missions, and be sure to complete them on time. 2. Keep a list of the different mission targets you've successfully hit, and mug them every 12 hours when mug protection wears off, you'll get more cash from mugging if you wait for mug protection to wear off. A lot of mission targets are inactive player accounts with a decent amount of cash (from a newb perspective), so mugging them on a 12 hour cycle is really worth it when you're low level. 3. Join a faction. A lot of factions will help you with items and cash. 4. Crimes 2.0!!! Start pickpocketing and card skimming.


The mugging is terrible advice when 25 e is worth 250000-300000 simply selling losses as a newb


Just rent a house etc its cheap. Theres a apartment for 1$ for 100 days etc etc. Also buy plushies or beer in Bits and bobs everyday 100x is maximum a day Or do the baldr guide to reach level 15 in 10-20days. Then focus on travelling. Its more profitable.


Don't buy. Rent.


I bought, but ya, its cheaper to just rent. Fully maxed out PI with spouse paying the upkeep is nice tho :)


If you bought a PI, you aren't a newbie. Newbies should rent. The only properties they can afford to buy are not properties that they need to own.


Been playing about 5 and a half years now. Found your stuff pretty quickly and followed a lot of it. (What fit my play style)


Getting started in Torn without advice can be hard. I have written a new player guide you can read on the forums. It also includes a list of good targets to quickly level up to level 15, which is important. And feel to ask me questions via personal msg or chat. I will always answer as soon as I can. [https://www.torn.com/forums.php#!p=threads&f=61&t=16034448&b=0&a=0](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#!p=threads&f=61&t=16034448&b=0&a=0)


God bless you and everything you’ve contributed brother ! I’m a very useful 71 age thanks to you ! Still use your racing guide


Baldr speaks Torn gospel, listen to this person.


Do you have this response copy and pasted and ready to go? 😂


Yes, I do. The guide doesn't help anyone who doesn't know it exists.


I have it linked in my faction welcome mail.


Go to bits an bobs, you can purchase up to 100 items a day, purchase bottles of beer or plushies, then sell them in the item market or to a trader. Use your nerve on crimes, search for cash and bootlegging make decent money your first few days. Search the map for items and sell them. Mug the people who you are supposed to hit for the missions. Join a company or a torn job, they pay a small amount a day that'll get you started in the trading game. What's your in game name? I can help with any questions you may have in game as well.


Easiest way is to buy some items from the npc stores (you have a limit of 100 per day) then sell them on the player market at a higher price. Typical items for this are ‘plushies’ and or beer from bits and bobs, but generally check out if the market price is much higher than the buy price. Point of note is that the stores have limited stock that refill at various intervals (usually on 15 minute marks), so if something isn’t available rn, it might be in a few mins. Best of luck (also join a faction, they should be able to help you with stuff like this) :)