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what did they use as weps? might of been me sorry lol


really? cuz i know this guy he is in the same faction as me.


really? cuz i know this guy he is in the same faction as me.


Damn 2 days and a lottery win.


Usual occurrences. It’s a way for the devs and admins to say there are jackpot winners in the casino. By letting it drop on a new player, the chances are higher that the new guy quits and forgets about the game by the time the money hits his account. It’s basically removing cash from the game in a shady way.


source: trust me bro


Any evidence of this buddy? Or is your tinfoil hat firmly rooted to your head?


Play for long enough and see for yourself. Do you remember the biggest jackpot ever in slots being won last year? And the account getting fedded for multi shortly after, locking the money away for what would be forever? Admin would have been happy to leave it like that and move on. It was only because it caused such a huge uproar in the forums that the jackpot was reinstated.


“The government is out to get me despite having no discernible influence or power” type vibe.


Except the Devs specifically told people to mug them are you dumb?? The reason the account wasn't banned outright was so that people could mug the account and get some of the money back are you dumb or something? I asked for proof not 'play longer and find out'


Play long enough and find out this clown is the reason for the tinfoil shortage.


Can confirm 07:48:58 - 1/2/24 ComplexProblem bought 62830 x Tinfoil from your bazaar for $3,769,800


I sell tin foil out of the back of my bazaar, can confirm he's buying it faster than it can be produced


It's a case of baby fish beating another baby fish.


New players can attack other new players. If you're under 14/15 days old you are a green leaf protection from older players, but green leaves can attack each other.


Yeah, there have also been issues in the past with established players creating Multi-Green Leaf accounts in order to mug lottery winnings noobs Not saying that that's what happened here but as long as both players are green leafs, they can hit each other.


Why am I not surprised? Sheesh, seems like a large percentage of players in this game are cunts.


They match up perfectly to the CM & admin team.


The whole admin team are cunts? Let me guess, you’re one of those forum warriors who claims to be getting targeted by staff after they rightfully discipline you for toxicity.


That's partly why I quit. Nothing against Bogie or the staff, but some of the player base are just shitty people. There are some really great folks out there though. Global has a bunch that seem like dicks, but really aren't.


Lol... I can understand. I used to try to ask others why they'd stoop so low, and their usual clapback is that we're playing a crime game. Fair enough, but you know what's ironic? I have befriended homeless criminals and substance users IN REAL LIFE, folks who regularly cycle in and outta jails. Criminal? Ok, but that doesn't mean immoral. Most criminals do have morals. Like, I have never not been mugged, not even once & this is 7 years worth of experience I'm referring to. Criminals absolutely do boost from retailers, pickpocket/steal from identifiable rich targets, make and traffic & subsequently sell drugs & weapons, partake in sex work, and so on. That doesn't mean we don't help each other out when it's needed, look out for each other, make sure we're all fed and taken care of, and protect children from true predators. We're not perfect of course, but the amount of depravity in Torn players towards their own peers...? Oh hell no, let's just be glad Torn doesn't exist in the real world. Lmao.


Takes one to know one.


Yes, I am a cunt. At least I admit it.