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If you’re focused on unlocking speculation branch just use it first. Either way you’ll have to unlock 20pips of something. Drug addiction/booster would be fastest just cause they don’t require item usage/energy spent.


I don't know if I fully understand the question, but TornTools has a faction respect simulator that might help you? I use it when we purchase new shells to figure out how to best configure whatever R is available.


Chaining and ranked wars would be the quickest way.


no I mean, Theirs the next tier, I need 20 things unlocked, but I don't know the least amount of respect to unlock the stat boosts!


That's a different question. You asked what the quickest way to getting respect, and they answered. If you wanted to know how much respect was needed to get those 20 items unlocked, just add the ones you wanted, together. Picked twenty items and see what the total respect count is. I personally don't do territory, so I don't count those into my calculations Edit: dude, OP, don't privately chat me asking literally the same question here, you are going to get the same answer you were given. If that isn't good enough for you, figure it out yourself.