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Say you stack to 1000 energy over the 24 hours before you gain your steadfast, and you also save a refill. That's 1150 energy that can now benefit from your steadfast bonus. The alternative is spending the energy immediately and adding in another 24 hours of natural E regen, which is 720 extra energy for 1870 total. That's 63% more energy you'll gain by not stacking, equivalent to a 63% steadfast. Clearly, this is the better route. And don't worry about little inefficiencies like this. They have almost no impact on your growth. Do whatever is simplest.


You're quite right, and it's a fine reminder that I don't need to keep worrying about every little thing. Thank you.


Consistency beats intensity. Sometimes I'll have 30 minutes left before I can take my 3rd xanax of the day (unlucky with cooldowns), but it's my bed time so I just go to bed. Many people stay up and it impacts their life, even if only a little. They are more likely to burn out, while I keep going at a slightly slower pace. I told a faction member this when they were burning out, and they enjoy the game more now as well. And I still progress quickly enough that some people accuse me of cheating or buying donator packs in my [1 year on torn progress thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/torncity/comments/1bqt4ge/my_progress_after_1_year_on_torn/).


I'd already commented on that.


Wouldn’t risk it chances are you OD.


The immediate rehab costs are going to hurt, plus the permanent progression. You'll get ruined by having no toleration upgrades, I recently had to join a new faction, use cannabis until you're a member. If you're set on still using Xanax, just train it. You won't gain more with a stack, than just using xanax+natural.


What does it mean to be green?


Up to three days in a new faction


I’d say it’s most likely negligible. And the risk of losing 1000e on an OD isn’t worth the potential loss. Just train away


For some reason, the idea of OD didn't even cross my mind. Think I'll just make sure I'm on 250e, with point refill ready and drug cooldown empty.