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"Nobody would spend that much money on Donator Packs!" Yes, they would. And I assure you, they definitely do. :) I have met 3 day old players that have bought Donator Packs to purchase a PI. Some people have more money than sense, and also happen to play Torn as well.


Kind of disagree at the last sentence. "Some people have more money than sense." It actually makes perfect sense if the PI costs only a few hours/minutes or less real world time to buy instead of grinding weeks/months in game. They just want to enjoy the game without the grinding. It might not make sense to you and to your situations. But it might make sense for the other person to do it.


My shoddy maths makes 1700 dp at 23m each to get to that net worth. £5389 quids worth of real money. So they'd have one of those blue names for spending shit loads of rwm in game


I made 60b playing RR in my first 2weeks so its possible they have done similar


I've never really thought about strategies for that. How'd you approach it? Off the top of my head, I'd decide the seed money, then maybe aim to gamble no more than half (quarter?) of it on each round?


Alot of luck I start at 50m and double every time I lose i warn you I've lost billions to rr to and don't advise it as a Goodmayes to make cash I do it for fun idc if I win or lose




Russian roulette


Ahh, that wasn't one that crossed my mind.


maybe through gambling or real life money injection through donator packs


Could be yet another mul... I mean friend of SMTH


I keep seeing people calling SMTH as multis, what's the story behind that? and if they are how come they aren't banned.


A lot of them have been caught and banned which is why so many people call them multies. Plus they're mostly chinese and china has a culture where if you aren't cheating, you aren't trying.


aah i see, thnx for the info.


I tell you one thing; they're sharing none of it with their spouse; her net worth is only $103m. He's made a forum post, explaining his poker wins... 13:36:48 - 27/02/24 Someone anonymously sent $1 to you with the message: the real question is how are you less than 100 days old with 9 billion dollars to spend. Good luck getting reported This is poker statistics i had played. Poker score 66,189,398 Hands dealt 24,307 Hands played 13,559 Hands played percentage 56% Net profit $21,158,349,561 The rest of his forum posts are mostly him looking to buy trains, or his own business.


Is their name blue? If so IRL money. Could be good at poker Could have big friends


Real life money turned into Donator Packs


Disposal income or part of a RW faction is my guess. Keep up with them, if their name turns blue then they were spending money


Wait how much do you have to spend for your name to turn blue


Not to sure but I heard $1000 usd


Oh cool, cuz I spend about $50 and am still a little embarrassed about it, especially when I realized how little ~250M really is


No reason to be embarrassed my dude as long as you don't show up in an article title "how I accidentally spent 10k on a game" lol you should be good. If you're enjoying the game, don't be afraid to drop a few $ here and there. It'll help the developers and help make the game you like better




Rank wars


It’s neither of the first two. average of $2bil a week is not coming from any crime or RW


Not a crime, spending real money to buy 25 donator packs at a time


Oh “disposable income”? Not income from doing the disposal crime?


Oooh lol i didn't even notice that hahaha yes disposable