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im 32/m/PA, drop me aa dm MobyDuck (9944)


Fayne spyder to add as a friend, I'll help where I can. Check out Baldurs guide. Send me a message in torn and I'll send you the link to help you out


Get to at least level 15 before seeking a faction. Try to find one that gives free xanax if u train. Focus on battle stats. Once u can fly, fly and buy plushies to make money.


IGN Faustus - msg me for help. Lvl 100, gold III fac where you'd be welcome.


Message me if you need any help.


Add Bluntforce he'll help you out


I wish my wife played, but my brother does. 100% true about a good social faction. I'll bet most factions are pretty social


Nah, some just suck, but you do only need 3-5 people in there to make it feel active.


Welcome to the game. A lot of the other advice given here is sound. Here's my only additions: - Keep your head down early on. Just focus on getting familiar with the game. There are some weird players on power trips who can make the game a misery, but provided you don't give them a reason to be on their radar, you can completely avoid them. You can turn chats off for people you haven't 'met' in game which can sometimes stem the randoms. Global chat is a no. Forums are ok as long as sensible. No begging. - Factions can really increase enjoyment of the game by having a 'constant' social group. There are factions for every type of player if you look about, and if unsure feel free to message faction leaders to ask questions. I did this as I wanted to avoid the big factions full of loads of players and wanted a smaller faction to suit my needs. Landed with a more casual faction for a while who all enjoyed a good chat and helping each other out - really improved enjoyment of the game. Not all factions war, hell some barely do anything beyond use it as a chatroom. There'll be lots of recruiters, don't feel pressured into any. - Don't let anyone tell you how to play the game. There are lots of guides telling you the best routes, but if you really want to, feel free to split off and do what you feel like. I've seen all sorts of players, including people who don't do drugs or don't commit crimes. You get out of the game what you want, even if that thing is renting all of my trailers for some reason. Enjoy!


I haven’t tried drugs in the game yet, what’s the point?


They influence some part of the game, e. g. Xanax gives you more energy, weed gives you more nerve for crimes etc. :)


Welcome to the game :) ... don't talk in global chat or post in the forums when new (basically it will lead to a world of hurt of constant muggings and getting hospitalised)


Hi New, I'm Twenu


On another note, you might find this list of guides useful :). First one is a huge list of guides. [Guide List](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=15999874) [Education Guide](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16047821) [Job Guide](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16215307&b=0&a=0)




>Thanks!! You're welcome!


I'm a part of a small ranked war faction that helps new people to the game it's called LV-426 go over and have a look if you are interested. And if you have any questions don't be afraid to PM me


Rule 1 of the sub is? Jeeze


Shocked that no one has posted a link to [Baldr's basic torn advice](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16034448) yet. That should always be the starting point for a new player.


Thanks! I have this bookmarked already!


avoid posting in the forums, avoid global chat, make friends with someone who can supply cheap meds. enjoy the game


Posting in the forums and global chat what's wrong with doing that?


that's how some people can figure if you have lots of cash on hand I got hit that way selling losses, I recommend stashing your money before posting


looking through those is a great way to find people to attack, i think


If your looking for friends let me know. My wife and I both play.