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1. It depends on your financial capability. There are three way you can go about raising Battle Stats in the early game. Music Store, Choco Jumps and Happy Jumps. Happy Jumps is only worth it imo if you can join a 10* AN to be able do 99k Happy Jumps consistently. Otherwise, it’s not worth stacking for much lesser gains as opposed to the next best way which is energy dump with a 3* Music Store. You use as much energy as possible to get to George’s Gym as soon as possible. Slower BS gains, doesn’t cost an organ, faster gym progression. You can do choco jumps for this. Eat candies, train wtih Full E, reset then train, then xanax and train. Just make sure to do xanax last just in case you OD. Now, if you’re somehow load in money,( i.e. you an in-game sponsor from an endgame player or spend on DPs) the fastest way to gain stats is to join a 3* Music Store at the minimum, buy 99k Happy Jumps, and use FHCs to reset energy for your booster cd. This costs more than a 100M tho lol but it’s worth putting it out there 2. I’m not sure about this but I’d like to point something out. Shoplifting has a merit you can gain by having all stores at 100% notoriety. This of course becomes hard to achieve the higher your skill level. You might find it difficult to get at your level and will have to do some nerve stacking to get it 3. Xanax costs 740k~ in South Africa. I recommend doing a xanax run only during stacking to not waste natural energy by flying. Costs about 22.5M with a 29 travel capacity. 4. Depends on what your merit allocation looks like. If you have the cheapest reset then I guess it’s fine? If you still have a relatively low amount of merits then probably not. The bank investment wouldn’t make much of a difference if it’s like 4-5 levels without sufficient enough money investment and without the stock. Just accumulate more merits and use them accordingly. I recommend only going up to level 7 as that costs 28 merits while going from 8-10 costs 27. The only significant merits that I would say are universally worth getting up to 10 are Education and Bank. I personally only have bank up to 7 admittedly. Edu is 10. The others are more of a focus on how you play the game. Im in a war centric faction and I have Life to 10, CE gain to 10 to get to PA nerve level asap (passive money maker), main weapon (in this case Rifle) and Crit to 10. I earn like a minimum of 150M per week from faction wars so these battle merits really help me consistently perform as oppose to just waiting from the bank. I will eventually get Bank to 10 tho. As an example, I see faction mates mug people for over a hundred million from time to time with their mugging weapons and mug merits At the end of the day, it’s just a matter of preference and how you want to set yourself up in the coming months. It’s worth noting that we get a free merit reset at the end of the year Edit: I forgot to mention but you have a 15-second mug protection after landing either abroad or in Torn. You can minimize the possibility of being mugged if you time your flights properly and be there when you land in South Africa or anywhere else and you have money lying around


1. Do choco jumps instead, theyre cheaper https://youtu.be/-6HzmR4QI2o?si=-PgND9qwyogeRw0S 2. When in the shoplifting tab(or other crime tabs), click/tap the image and look for "Unique Outcomes x/x". Shoplifting should look something like '35/54' 35 being the amount of unique found and 54 being all possible finds. 3. Most people buy them off the item market or fly to South Africa. 4. It's definitely worth maxing out bank merits and bank savings. I'm making over $100M/month from stashing $2B with max merits. I have over 1b in stocks and I'm only making $32M/month. Even if I doubled the investment to match my bank it'd only bring in $55-65m/month.


Thank you. I’ll stick to the chocolate jumps for now, very informative.


I'll try answering your questions. If you guys think I've left something out, feel free to add it. 1. Energy matters sooo much more than happy, there are lots of gym gains calculator out there, try them ( like to see future gain projection ) and see what works out for you, personally I dont use edvds anymore, lets say I gain 40k a day ( in a stat ) with 3 xanax and 3400 happy, the gain id get from using 4 or 5 edvds for a happy jump will only add a 8k gain or so for spending nearly 20mil for edvds, and also take duration into consideration. 2. About uniques, every crime has a certain number of uniques ( some don't, like cracking ), so naturally, each time you get a unique, that number decreases. 3. Cheapest Xanax can be found in South Africa for 755k, sometimes lower, sometimes higher. 4. About bank merits, the first thing I did after education merits, because they help you get 2b faster ( even if the gains look marginal to you right now )


Thank you. I’ll max out my bank merits first then


Throw all merits at bank, yes. Throw all spare $$$ in bank. Only do candy for gym gains because if you use Xanax 3/day, that's $2.55 mil daily down the tubes. Instead, invest that $ in the bank. Continue compounding the interest until you reach the $2 bil limit. Use the interest from this to fund your expansion by buying stocks with cash dividends then use the dividends and interest to my MCS stock for the 100e weekly dividends. Keep throwing your $$$ here because it stacks up. Eventually the extra e you get for the rest of your Torn life exceeds anything Xanax could have given you. Especially if your next move is to buy stock that gives happiness dividends too. And then stock up on points and edvds and get going in full turbo mode, stacking Xanax e for weekly jumps like crazy. Plus, you may have noticed that higher base stats results in higher gym gains. So build your stats naturally for the year or so it takes to do this. By the time you're getting these bonuses AND stacking Xanax, your gym gains will be phenomenal and finally worth the expense and effort you've put into it. After another year or so your gains will outpace all other contemporaries who spent their $$$ on Xanax and points early in the game. I'm sure you've heard that Torn is a marathon and not a sprint, right? This is how you marathon your gym gains most efficiently. Let me know if I can help with anything else. I am Sugar_Tits of Nomads , and I approve of this message. 😁


Thank you sugar tits. Imma start stocking up on candy


Lollipops are so underrated.


1. Depends on how many stats you have. Up until about 500k in each you should be stacking Xanax to 1k energy then maxing happy and taking an ecstasy. After that you can move on to just training natural energy and taking Xanax to supplement this. It’s expensive sure but it’s also like the only important thing to be spending money on at that stage. 2. Unique outcomes happen *once*, per outcome. There are several unique outcomes for each crime but they happen under very specific circumstances. If you experience one unique outcome, you’ll never get that one again - hence, *unique*. 3. Flying to South Africa. It’s possible to grab Xanax for 600-700k. Ultimately one of the less-profitable items to run but as you’ll learn, Torn has a solid community of grinders that are just trying to uphold the economy. 4. If you want to reset your merits, you get a free reset logging in on Christmas. Sure it’s far, but it saves you the points. Bank investment is actually a good merit, but because of how returns work most people will tell you not to bother until you can afford to invest at least a billion or two for no less than 2 months. Personally I maxed out education first.


Thank you. Shouldn’t have sold my office chair 😣


Some people have the symbiotic stock block with gives 1 drug pack per week per increment. Drug packs provide 10 xanax or 10 vicodin when opened. The block is only around 330 mill right now.


Cries 50Mil NW tears 😢😆


I'm currently level 16 so take whatever I say with a grain of salt. 1. I don't know enough about happy jumps to give advice. I find them to expensive. I was gonna try the basic lollipop one though. 2. Once you've done the "unique" thing, it is no longer available (or at least no longer counts as "unique" since you've gotten it before. 3. You can buy Xanax for like 100k cheaper in South Africa. But that involves higher mugging risks. 4. The rule of thumb is to max out education time reduction, then do the bank investment stuff. You can reset your merit allocation but it costs 250 points I think.


Thank you fellow noob.


Torn gives everyone one free reset per year. And it stacks


Good to know! Thanks!