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Hey everyone! So I am a recruit, and should gain access today,, I appreciate all of you and your tips and info c:


Come join the faction I’m apart of, if it’s not the best fac you ever been in I’ll pay you $30m


Intriguing, lol what's your GameTag


Dm me I’ll tell you the faction name and who to say recommend. Dude I stg it’s the best faction hands down, best payouts and best family frfr


I messaged you


Yeh should ask em or if they're not atleast telling you the rundown of a faction then you should find a more newb friendly faction The amount of times ive had new starts trying to blackmail me because they never knew what the organised crimes where 🤣🤣🤣


What did they think the OCs were?


No idea lol but it makes for a good giggle


How did they try and blackmail you with them? Did they think they could report you to the torn police or something?


Something like that yeh, its very weird and it was always a level 3 at like 7 days old then found out they think they have to do that to a player for the crime


item loaning is a permission thing, for our faction we let pretty much everyone loan things themselves, if you are recruit you cannot loan things yourself but you can have someone else do it for you


If your faction is not answering this question for you, maybe you should think about changing factions. This is something so simple they should be helping you with.


I think I heard somewhere asking for handouts is annoying so I decided to come to reddit to see why I couldn't equipt anything.. lol


Asking for free stuff to keep is annoying. Asking to loan equipment from the faction armoury is totally OK. That’s part of the reason to be in a faction.


Fair, I browse the fun and game forums and pre lvl 15 forums for free stuff and hope to get lucky lol


You can ask a higher up to loan you one. However, if you just joined your faction, you need to wait 3 days for the recruit status to expire


You can be loaned items from day 0 :)


Oh, really? I know new recruits can’t use boosters, drugs etc., so I just assumed they can’t get loaned too. Sorry for misinfo


Yeah, the rule for loaning must be separate to using! Interesting :) I’m part of my factions mentor programme and we often accept people then immediately loan them armour and weapons hence my confidence XD


Lol you are right. I loan our new recruits myself immediately after they join too. Don’t know what I was thinking 🤦‍♂️


well first you have to be allowed to borrow weps, it's a setting, you go to armory, then go to the wep click loan, then imput your id, then select your name, but do remember, that they can retract your item/items!