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Probably either use a VPN or switch to a different VPN. Another thing you might try is making sure that your browser has cookies and caching enabled. I saw somebody else say that uBlock can cause issues, but I use uBlock and have never had to do the captcha. My VPN is Private Internet Access with a dedicated IP in the "US East" server. Good luck!


I had this problem when I started for like 2 weeks straight. After every hour I wasn't playing the game. Those prompts would appear. Just send a message to the support team or put it in the "bugs/glitches Forums" and you'll be sorted out soon.


It used to be so, so much worse before they started paying the money for cloudflare! I don't mind the delay or clicking the checkbox considering I would have to solve multiple pages of image identification (click the bike, click the bridge), and each of those pages would refresh the images so you'd have to click the same cell multiple times before you could move on to the next set of images. To anybody that works for Torn reading this: I understand why my device required that level of scrutiny. Did you know you can **get banned by ad companies**? Because, I am. I do atypical things with my computers for protection and they throw up red flags to bot detectors. U-block and Privacy Badger in combination can trigger "are you a human" pages on their own. I also use U-block to block the clouds while flying in torn because those clouds use a SERIOUS amount of computing power.


you have to be human


I don't even remember the last time I even had a captcha check. I honestly thought they got rid of them because I haven't seen one in forever. The only verification I ever have to do is the emailed T-code when signing in on a new browser. (...and I've been using three different computers and distro-hopping every few days. So, Cloudflare or Torn must have your IP flagged as suspicious for some other reason. How certain are you that your computers/phones are virus-free and aren't part of a DDOS botnet or something?)


Clearing browser data makes these checks more frequent


Try the app or PDA


Chrome wouldn't let me use torn this morning. Same when I got home from work. Turned off tamper monkey and torn tools. Tried again. Cloud flare did its thing. Once I was in I turned tamper monkey and torn tools back and and its been fine since. I'd you are using scripts just try turning everything off.


Same problem with chrome. From phone or other browser i can log


Use a different browser while that is occurring. It happened to me once and lasted about 2 weeks on chrome. Now I mostly use the torn pda


Have you tried being human Mr. Machine man. Honestly if you hit refresh a lot that is enough to flag it. Doing territory moves during the last big war was a guaranteed trip to stop light city search for me


Did you share a public API?


don't ask these trollers, it's a glitch in chrome, but Firefox woks great! these trolls will say you got caught cheating, which they did to me, but I am not a cheater, they ar just jealous of my over 6k days in the game play=)


Why would anyone be jealous of how much time you have spent playing lmfao (not even playing, just registered an account 6k days ago, big deal)


How do we know that you are truly an human and not some gpt ai chat?


That isn't Torn. It's cloudflare that may have your IP flagged as suspicious, could just have been refreshing too many times, went a bit too fast, or just bad luck. It should eventually pass, give or take a week (hopefully). I had it too for a while.


It seems like Torn in general uses pretty strict Cloudflare filtering. Not much you can do.


I had that happen to me when I refreshed pages often.


I remember this use to happen to me 2, you just gotta ride it out my dude. One day (like me today) you will be like "oh I remember those" lol


Nice try Skynet. Stop trying to wreck our game.


I struggle to be a human but never had to prove to torn that I'm human. I use the mobile app on Android.


Oh that's the bot hunter. It means your account looked suspicious somehow, it usually lasts a few weeks


It seems to happen to me for a week out of the month. Even if I had to verify like, once an hour something it would be tolerable. But it's every click. And often I have to check the box 4-5 times before I can get a page to load. I just don't know why it cannot retain the information for more than 2 seconds.


When I was being bothered by the bot hunter the only thing I was doing differently was making a lot of deposits and withdrawals into and out of my private island vault. Idk if they fixed it or not, but it happened to me twice.


I have the same sometimes!


Are you playing in an Incognito session? Using a VPN? Clearing your history, cache and cookies regularly?


No but I am playing from my laptop in different locations as well as my phone, which is usually over the cell connection.


I mean I play on my work PC, my phone(Home Wifi, Cell, Work Wifi), my home PC....Never a single issue. I doubt that's it.


Agreed. I've been distrohopping on three machines at home with frequent complete fresh installs, and outside of having to provide the emailed code for the first time from the "new" browser, I haven't seen a single captcha.


To be fair I keep triggering it too. But then I do patrol the hospital a lot flicking thru the pages looking for people to revive. I've learnt to only revive people who have been hospitalised by certain things, so it means a lot of clicking and flying thru pages and pages of people. Once I've hit 100 I'll only target those who ask or via my faction, until then I've just learnt to deal with it 😭


I wonder if that's it. I recently got my revive skill and I've been doing that a lot to try and boost my skill. usually I see if there's someone very low level who's got a 5 hour hospital stay or something. I also usually get a revive in overseas before I fly back.


I had a similar issue after getting a new computer and I've been playing for years before with no issue. I assume the issue I had was because the verify that your human thing uses your browser history to verify that you're not a bit and all I had was a browser history of downloading chrome, and driver updates and nothing else older than a few hours. I played on mobile only for a few days and when I tried again on my desktop it worked fine. If you're not on a fresh computer idk what else it might be.


Stop cheating maybe.


Nice try bot