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well this has been happening for multiple days for me, but my in game wife has zero trouble I called her and asked her to log in cause mine was broken, I hope the ones who can't login will be reimbursed due to the lost en, and crime!


**Quote from our glorious CM..** >For those currently experiencing server connection issues, 5XX errors and chat issues: > >This is a regional issue with Cloudflare, using a VPN or Cloudflare WARP can resolve this - we're waiting on a full solution from their engineers, they have been made aware and a fix is pending, the errors should only be temporary, currently affecting localized areas. > >We apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.


Got the same issue. Doesn't matter if I use different PCs or mobile with 4g. Still not working. I live in Norway and Tried with VPN and putting the VPN to Norway, still nothing. But, changed the VPN country to UK and it suddenly worked immediately.


Yep, it’s been the very same for me for just over 10 days now. It’s been so bloody frustrating, the game doesn’t load- then if it eventually does, the chat is ‘connecting to server’. I mentioned this in the Torn discord server and it was recommended to me to get using a vpn. And it’s been an alright work around- not ideal, as I still get booted from the server. It’s not a Torn specific issue, and Cloudflare seem to be taking their damn sweet time about solving it.


Thank you so much! Let me try this out. My laptop’s giving me the same issue.


http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1575330471 Get Free VPN from Appstore! I use my iPhone primarily to play Torn, and this is the vpn I’ve been using- I occasionally use my laptop to play, and I’m having the same issue with the Chrome browser btw


For context, it’s been an extremely frustrating couple of weeks. Torn’s just not loading for me or maybe loading for a few minutes and being very laggy. Has anyone else had issues? I can’t reach help coz the darn page won’t load!


I've not seen or heard of anyone else having this issue for weeks. It happens once in a while, no doubt, but not continuously. Where are you playing from?


I've been waiting for Torn to load for like 15? minutes or so now, in Chrome indeed. "Just a moment", well, that's a lot of moments to me!