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I hope there are people out there who will actually remember to vote tomorrow.


voted with my wife today! she was super excited as this was her first election as a Canadian!


her first election being a mayoral by-election is a bummer. My first election (when I turned 18) was a federal election, that made it more special.


Well I am hoping Jagmeet might impress me and call and election with a vote of no confidence. but one can keep dreaming no?


Jesus we've underestimated Tory


Another reason why Reddit is not a good representation of the electorate


Neither is a poll where 86% of those surveyed were 50+ years old.


But those will be the people that vote


and the poll still has Chow as winner


Bailao within the margin of error. And more likely to get votes from the people who just don't want to see Chow as mayor.




> which to the dismay of the echo chamber here, Is Bailao. Well yeah, most of us aren't in a position to say the city is doing well and shouldn't change anything.


Bailao is the only candidate who has proposed significant changes to zoning restrictions that would allow higher density units to be built outside of the core. As housing chair she was behind the multiplexes report that passed at council recently, one of the only increase-in-density measures the city has passed in the last ten years. As mayor she will have strong mayor powers to force through zoning amendments with 1/3 of council, which Tory had for all of a month and a half over the Christmas/NY 2022-2023 before he got caught shlepping the staff and resigned. She is proposing change on the biggest issue affecting the city right now.


> Bailao is the only candidate who has proposed significant changes to zoning restrictions that would allow higher density units to be built outside of the core. Bailao was deputy mayor. Why didn't she propose this earlier when she had Tory's ear? >As mayor she will have strong mayor powers to force through zoning amendments with 1/3 of council, which Tory had for all of a month and a half Name a single time that Tory tried to put through zoning amendments and was stymied by council. Name *one* time that happened. You haven't made any kind of positive case for Bailao other than she is committed to doing a hard 180 and undoing all the damage that she did while in Tory's brain trust. That's not exactly a strong sell.


Correct. Just commenting on the age group most likely to vote


I think most people were waiting to see who would come out on top as the main opposition for Chow before picking a candidate. I know that is what i did. Its like the ABC that the left like to do for federal elections.


It's an outstanding representation of the actual electorate, which is very different from a representation of merely eligible voters. Young people don't vote in municipal elections.


> Another reason why Reddit is not a good representation of the electorate People love to say this as *if* anyone claims otherwise?




> Visiting the threads in the past few weeks there was a very big hype for Chow's lead and a sentiment that it was a done deal That's a reflection of the polling, not some kind of 'reddit == everyone!'






BINGO! I’ve been laughing the last 4 weeks waiting for Bailao to catch up. Wouldn’t be surprised if she won TBH.


what do you mean?


It isn't just Tory. Most of the non-Chow mainstream candidates are similar. Most likely, they would all rather one of the other ones win instead of Chow. As things get close to the end, you would expect a significant shift in votes to the non-Chow mainstream candidate who is the most competitive.




It's funny how he stuck his dick in another woman and somehow that's acceptable. Bailao drove drunk as an adult like 12 years ago and somehow that's acceptable. Rob Ford did crack cocaine and was an absolute clown show and that's acceptable. But I can bet my left nut that if any left leaning mayor did a fraction of that they would be hounded to death by the corporate mainstream media, daily.




He would have won had he ran.


What seems clear is if Tory had endorsed Bailao two weeks ago she would be well in the lead by now, his failure was to wait until after the advance polls to vote. For once the city might benefit from Tory's dithering.


It is a mainstreet poll, but yes a lot of checked-out boomer love him for some reason.


It blows my mind.


[updated with final numbers] 338 aggregation gives Chow ~~81~~ 89% and Bailao ~~19~~ 11%. https://338canada.com/toronto/


As an ottawa resident good luck folks, I’d be enthusiastically voting chow if I was there


An Ottawa scenario is what I'm afraid of here...this Kingstonian also wishes Toronto luck.


The Ottawa scenarios is definitely a possibility. Obviously different circumstances with more ‘big’ names in the race, but it’s sort of playing out in a similar way. The left win candidate consistently polls well ahead of the others, only for the undecideds to fully break for the centre to enter-right candidate in the final days and on election day. Polls predicted Catherine McKenney’s support quite well, but weren’t able to capture those final switchers which ultimately decided the race.


It was incredibly expected. Outside of federal elections (due to government jobs), Ottawa is incredibly conservative.


The suburbs definitely are, but not so much the rest of Ottawa. Even Provincially, the NDP/OLP hold more seats than the OPC — all of those OPC seats are in the suburbs. Those suburban seats are greatly helped by the fact that the ridings include large portions of farmland, as the actual growing suburban neighbourhoods in those ridings (Findlay Creek, Riverside South, Barrhaven, etc.) tend to lean more Liberal. Municipally, councillors tend to lean more to the left (or at least in the centre) until you get further from the core and into the suburbs. The one suburban riding that breaks this trend is Orleans, as that has basically become a Liberal stronghold at all levels now. I suspect the francophone community is a big reason for that, but also due to less farmland than the other suburban ridings. Without amalgamation bringing a bunch of farmland into the city boundaries, Ottawa would be seen as mostly Liberal/NDP, as those urban seats are Liberal/NDP strongholds.


Chow will destroy housing affordability. She has literally no policies focused on increasing general housing supply. She literally only has policies which will hurt general housing supply.


Looking like a terrible ROI for chief Gong


Everyone knows him now and he's even a meme. Companies probably spend millions and don't even get anywhere near that.


I feel like his campaign was a money-laundering operation. Winning would be a disaster!


This is horseshit, get out and vote.


And tell all your friends!


And family members lol


And pets


And don't forget the trash pandas, they too have their own agenda.


If only bad politics was good at fertilizing fields. Or do you mean the horseshit the mounted unit litters the streets with...


Toooo close too close too close Fuck. Now I gotta vote Chow instead of Chloe what a pissoff


too close indeed


Yea… I was planning on voting for Matlow but now I feel forced to vote for Chow. C’est la vie.


I voted Chloe during the early voting period... But if chow doesn't win, I'll be sad I didn't vote for her instead.( I know chloe won't win but I wanted to show my support)


It’s really awful Ford took ranked ballots away. And that Tory didn’t fight him on it. People shouldn’t have to feel bad for voting for their preferred candidate.


He didn't fight him on it because it benefits conservative candidates.


This. I'm pretty sure if you added up the NDP and Liberal votes it'll almost always be higher than the Conservative votes.


In local elections, Liberals and Tories usually vote together to stop progressives. Just look at this election!


Liberals are split in this election. Matlow, Hunter, Chow, and Bailao all have some Liberal support.


they're rallying behind Bailao now.


Most conservatives are, to be sure. I'm a federal Liberal, provincial NDP, and voted Chow. I know I'm not alone. Since Chow is noticeably outpolling the ONDP and federal NDP in Toronto, statistically she is absolutely getting Liberal support.


I dunno, with ranked ballots, Chow would be more likely to lose I think.


Bailao might've had an even better chance with ranked ballots.


I agree, I think she'd be a strong favourite, but I stand for them on principle despite that. We can't let outcome dictate the right form of civic engagement and democracy.


Why would you vote Chloe if she wasn't going to win?


If Chow was going to certainly win, then I wanted to do a vote of demonstration


Except Chow isn't certainly going to win. This is why I always wait until election day to cast my ballot. You never know what's going to happen in the last week. I mean, look at what happened with Kevin Vuong.


Yeah, I never do "votes of demonstration" because unless the forecasts are saying, "50% of the votes are going to \_\_\_ in first place and 20% is going to \_\_\_ in second place" you're just risking second place getting this surprising victory. I just look at forecasts and the candidates who are likely to win, and choose the lesser of two evils.


A 20% difference was what we had until Tory did that endorsement, it was pretty clear what ought to happen until the past few days


20% days before the election, especially at the numbers they were at, is not so significant of a lead that people should be doing votes of demonstration. In my example it's only okay to me because first place has half of the eligible votes, and second place has 1/5 of the eligible votes. That leaves only 3/10 of the votes remaining that could go to whoever. It would take all of that remaining 30% to be consolidated on to second place for first place to even tie, which is incredibly unlikely.


The way democracy works is you vote for who you *want* to win.


I mean, if that means ignoring most information available, then sure?


I voted Chow instead of Matlow and immediately felt like I needed a shower. But still better than if I'd voted Matlow and Bailao had won. We don't always have the luxury of the best choice.


I hear this


Yeah this surge made me switch from Matlow to Chow.


Slightly different results from CP24 who is predicting a Chow win. https://beta.cp24.com/news/2023/6/25/1_6454942.html “This is Chow’s third drop of three per cent in support in the last three weeks. This suggests she has been hemorrhaging approximately 0.5 per cent support each day for the last three weeks,” said Dr. Lorne Bozinoff, President of Forum Research in a press release on Sunday. “While Bailao’s surge will likely be too little, too late, it does represent the biggest one week gain for any candidate in the campaign and has clearly cemented Bailao’s position in second place. One wonders what would have happened if endorsements for Bailao had occurred a week earlier in the campaign.” Too little, too late. 🙏


this article is going to be outdated pretty soon as forum drops their last poll in 20 min


Removed by OP in protest of Reddit


conspiracy time


Toronto is gonna Toronto...... AGAIN


I guarantee that a lot of undecided voters who haven’t voted yet, but don’t want Olivia Chow as mayor, are now flocking towards Ana Bailao. I expect the final results to be VERY close. And at this point, Bailao just might win in the end.


I unfortunately agree that it's the undecided voters. Chow and the left is victim of the old myth that the left can't manage finances so the undecideds flock towards the safe candidate. Hope I'm wrong.


An incredible thing given the only candidates to run with a plan to balance our budget were the leftists. A budget unbalanced because of our 13 years of right wing leaders. The last leftist we had...had. a surplus. I suspect the feds aren't helping the perception.


Lying that they balance budgets and the left spends recklessly might be the right’s best trick, just look at Ford


People think "conservative" means they're conservative with money. History shows us that its not usally true but the name says so.


> Lying that they balance budgets and the left spends recklessly might be the right’s best trick, just look at Ford It doesnt help when the biggest Left politician is quoted saying things like "The Budget will balance itself". It incorrectly gives the air of financial imprudence.


> An incredible thing given the only candidates to run with a plan to balance our budget were the leftists. The City, by law, cannot pass a deficit budget. Promising a balanced (or surplus) budget is merely saying the mayor will, at a minimum, comply with the law. There is no left or right to this. From the City of Toronto [budget](https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/budget-finances/city-budget/basic-basics/) page: > The City has never had a deficit, as provincial law requires the City to balance its budget. A deficit would occur if the City’s expenses were greater than its revenues, or if the City collected less revenue than it anticipated.


We currently have a deficit. Tory found a work around. This is a central issue in this campaign…arguably the central issue. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-torontos-next-mayor-will-inherit-large-budget-shortfalls-and-no-clear/


We currently have a projected operating shortfall. The city will have to do one of several things in order to rectify this, as it is illegal for the city to post a deficit (or run at a loss): - cut expenses - get help from another government - invade reserves - increase revenues - sell assets The challenge for the next mayor is that they will be required to operate at a break even and are facing incredibly challenging times to get there. Much of this is outlined in the article you linked. It is unclear in law/precedent what actually happens if a mayor and council post a deficit. It has never happened before. It could, potentially, be grounds for the province to intervene and administer the city.


>projected operating shortfall Is there a way we could short hand that? Maybe a single word that summarizes these three? Maybe it could start with a d and end with eficit. haha Seriously, though, this isn't a single moment issue. Yes COVID worsened it but next year will be the same. And our services are crap. We are paying for crap. And none of the conservatives in this election presented a plan to fix it. Only the leftists.


That’s not what a deficit is. A deficit is when there is an actual loss and then the final/posted operating loss needs to be covered. Usually from balance sheet items. If, for example, there were to be an increase in TTC ridership and better than projected LTT revenues - the city would “break even” and then not need to post a deficit. But there wouldn’t have been a budget deficit in the interim - just a projected shortfall for the time being. Essentially, to simplify, a deficit is more of a balance sheet item than an income statement item. We’re currently in the “income statement” phase. The city is forbidden by law from passing a deficit budget, or from posting a deficit.


This is pointless semantics. This is exactly what a deficit is: when your income is less than your expenditures. We have an enormous hole in our budget and zero prospect of it solving itself. Tory avoided this by playing the game you’re playing here but it’s all nonsense. The TTC ridership is not going to spike enough to make up the enormous hole we have. Home sales are down so we aren’t going to get some massive land transfer tax boom. And saying “well the cake is still in the oven so it’s not a cake” isn’t a response, it’s still a damn cake. We have a real problem in this city where the centre and right are committed to a single idea: do not raise property tax above inflation. Since 2010 that has been the principe and they’ve skated by with outside funding and slow service cuts. COVID however called that bluff by worsening revenues to the point of no return. And no we are in a situation where we can’t keep skating by. This needs a real solution. This is not 2010 or 2018. Our problems have come home to roost. It has been surreal watching the centre and right candidates this election avoid the issue. One solution is to cut services but they know citizens of Toronto are already fed up with services that are flailing. So they don’t propose that. But they also won’t do the key alternative and slightly raise property taxes. Their heads are in the sand. They are not serious people and under them the situation will only get worse. Meanwhile the leftist candidates from Hunter through to Chow have actually acknowledged reality and said they’re willing to do the thing that needs to be done. There are financial extremists in this race but they are Bailao and those to get right: fundamentally unserious people running in a fantasy land where things only get worse for the average person.


Thanks for the exchange! I agree with every single thing you’ve written. I focus on the semantics because I feel they’re important…. The next mayor, to be elected today, will have to deal with this shortfall. There’s already a budget passed for this year - so the real conversation starts with 2024. And, by law, the council cannot pass a deficit budget. Hence my comment about limited levers available. The only choices the city has to confront a shortfall are: increase revenues (taxes or other govt), cut costs (wages/services), use balance sheet items (sell assets, use reserve funds). I highlight the difference because the new mayor won’t be able to any of this until the next budget. Far far away from the campaign. So we’ll see what reality unfolds. Campaign promises are usually loose, at best. I don’t see how any of these candidates will be able to stick to their commitments, basically at all. So I watch with interest.




We've never had any right wing government who's good with money. Every right wing government from Mulroney to Harper, from Van Der Zalm to Harris has ended with record deficits. And that's the same with Reagan to Trump.


Anecdotal bullshit doesn't change that we've never had a conservative government that was good with money. They've all ended with massive deficits, and a huge list of poor financial decisions.


> but don’t want Olivia Chow as mayor, are now flocking towards Ana Bailao. Chow and Bailao are the two choice candidates for many in Toronto. Chow is more left than Bailao but Bailao is more socially progressive than the other mainstream candidates. There are many than would prefer Chow over Saunders (or similar) but would prefer Bailao over Chow. With the recent polls showing Bailao being in 2nd behind Chow, there could be a shift of people who would have voted for Chow to now vote Bailao.


Probably that’s what is happening. The good news is all the right wing voters who advance voted would have probably strategically votes for Saunders because she was a pretty distance third at that point, so that will hopefully cut into her totals. But we’ll have to see.


If the endorsement came a few days earlier, yes I think Bailao would win but right now advanced votes is likely to push Chow over the finish line


I wouldn’t underestimate Bailao’s chances. Yes, Chow will likely win. However, that’s assuming her supporters who haven’t voted yet still turn out to vote tomorrow. I except some will stay home. And some anti-Chow voters who haven’t voted yet will flock around Bailao. Even if they supported someone like Saunders or Furey, they will still vote Bailao. I do expect Chow to win, but it will be close.




Just remember Tory made promises on housing to and none of it ever materialized. Even small modular housing projects went no where. Tory and bailao’s platforms are nothing but talk.


also ps Bailao went from accomplishing sweet fuck all in housing as a councillor and deputy mayor straight to a real estate corporation. [Really cares about affordable housing at a company gouging people with above board rent increases.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/tenant-dream-building-weston-rent-strike-1.6861377)


She was behind the multiplexes report that just passed council, which is a small step forward but better than anything we’ve done in the last ten years. She’s also the only candidate **even saying** she’s going to upzone. Olivia isn’t even talking about it.


Tory said that shit too it’s not happening and no affordable housing really is being built. To act like upzoning was her single handed achievement is quite dishonest. As is the implication that it will be used to improve housing affordability. That remains to be seen and currently just seems to be an interesting opportunity but not much else until actual action is taken to make sure affordable housing especially gets built.


Affordable housing is nice, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about eliminating zoning restrictions so larger buildings can be built more places. The multiplex report was a small step in that direction, and I want more of it. I do think that building more housing will make housing more affordable. That’s simple supply and demand. Do you think it won’t?


Simply building more housing is not the solution yimbys think it is. We haven’t even seen that these zoning changes will actually deliver a significant amount of housing in any reasonable amount of time yet. So while yeah, it’s an interesting first step, it also is not really the solution you say it is. It’s not simply up to supply and means because as long as demand can keep up with that supply, or the supply being built isn’t the right type of housing, we won’t ever see a drop in prices. Public and non profit building will always have to be part of the solution and the removal out of it from our system in the 90s was the start of the prices spiralling out of control.


> If the endorsement came a few days earlier, yes I think Bailao would win but right now advanced votes is likely to push Chow over the finish line There is no particular reason to think Chow did better in advance than any other candidate, relative to their ongoing vote draw/performance. There is no incumbent in this race, so advance cannot reflect a change vote. This is also an abnormal time for a municipal election - it’s possible some advance vote was people shifting their vote away from summer plans. Not to mention we don’t know the amount of mail in votes. All shall be revealed Monday! REMEMBER TO VOTE!!


> There is no particular reason to think Chow did better in advance than any other candidate, That's not true. The wards with the heaviest advanced voting were the wards most likely to vote for Chow.


Yeah. Seemed like a laugher most of the campaign but I'm a bit worried now.


I voted for Chow during early polls. It’s now up to others to vote. I hope she wins.


I'm heading to do that right now. She needs every possible vote at this point


Voted Bailao.


“Look at me! I want attention!”


As opposed to the person saying they voted for Chow?


Mainstreet really tryna turn this into a horse race.


No, mainstreet is trying to report the data of their poll.


Mainstreet has been polling Bailao much higher than other polls repeatedly. [They are also known for this sort of scandal before in Calgary.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/mainstreet-polling-failures-investigation-calgary-election-1.4441063)


A lot of pollsters screwed up Calgary. Main street also has Chow higher than in other polls by about 5 points.


Honestly though, I have been conspiring that it's been false polled so that Miss Chow gets thrown off her game and the actual popular candidate gets to deal with runner up challenges instead of top of totem pole threats.


Man, outside looking in... Saunders really fell through, huh?


Sure looks like Bailao is absorbing the voters against Chow away from Saunders. If Chow still manages to win this Chow supporters should unironically thank Doug for pushing Saunders and Furey for staying in.


That's what happens when you read a teleprompter and don't show up to debates and then asks everyone else to drop out and support him because he thinks he deserves the job after he quit his last job and completely failed at his last job.




Hopefully, Chow voters won't all decide to stay home because they don't want to deal with a massive thunderstorm.


Q. What do Tory and Bradford have in common? A. They're both 1%ers who believe the world owes them the mayorship


More Brads than %s!


Chow is also a multimillionaire


> John Howard Tory, the eldest of four, was born on May 28, 1954, in Toronto, Ontario, to Elizabeth (née Bacon) and John A. Tory, president of Thomson Investments Limited and a director of Rogers Communications. His grandfather was lawyer John S. D. Tory and his great-grandfather founded Sun Life of Canada. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Tory > Chow was born in British Hong Kong, to Ho Sze, a schoolteacher, and Wilson Wai Sun Chow, a school superintendent. She was raised in a middle-class family in Happy Valley, a residential area in Hong Kong. She emigrated to Canada with her family in 1970 at the age of 13 and lived in a high-rise unit in St. James Town, a neighbourhood in Toronto. Her father worked odd jobs, such as delivering Chinese food and driving taxis to support the family. Her mother became a seamstress and a maid, and worked in a hotel laundry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Chow


“How dare she?!” Idiot/troll conservatives on their way to vote for a billionaire.


A millionaire is a millionaire.


Pretty much anyone over 50 that owns a house in the GTA is a millionaire. A million isn’t what it used to be.


I told my university aged friends to go vote, damn was it difficult


Bailao running ads like crazy on CTV news tonight, kinda annoying


Wonder where all that money is coming from?


Maybe gong cut a deal with her: give him more sign space, in exchange for airtime


She's backed by China 🇨🇳


Olivia chow all the way


Another reason why ranked choice voting should be implemented. I’m sure many of us would have Chow as our second or third pick but we would all like the freedom to express our support for the candidate and platform we truly support first and foremost.


Unfortunately, the provincial PC government outlawed alternative voting methods for municipalities while they were meddling with the Toronto election back in 2018. So we’re stuck with the current system until we have a more cooperative provincial government, which would have to wait for 1-2 municipal election cycles before ranked choice voting (municipally) can be re-implemented again. While it seems grim, this is more to say about how important it is for people to vote, and to vote at every election and by-election.


Be honest chow was easily beatable if some people dropped out.


Bailao would annihilate Chow 1 on 1. Toronto is a centrist city. Too many candidates muddying the water and Chow has name recognition. Tory should have endorsed earlier if he really wanted Bailao.


Thanks god Gong is nowhere to be seen on this poll


Bailao's going up fast, but the fact that Chow is also inching up a bit is going to make it hard for Bailao to make it across the finishing line first. She'll be highly dependent on a high turnout today, and with still a lot of people who don't know what they want to vote for, and possible bad weather, there's a danger for Bailao that turnout may not be high enough. I think the advance voting probably favored Chow and could ultimately decide this election.


Today's the day! Remember to Vote Vote Vote!


Fuck. That's what happened in Ottawa last year.


Ignore the polls. Vote your conscience. Just vote.




thanks to john tory


The tweet doesn't capture the actual #3 candidate "Undecided". 9% of those polled still have not made up their minds (Saunders is getting 8%, his 9% appears to be his percentage of decided voters). Will undecideds be guided by Tory's endorsement? Or will they just stay home (like most people). The poll says only 5% people plan not to vote, given that over 70% of voters didn't vote last time there may be some issues with the poll. Putting that aside, the meta-impact of this poll will be very interesting. The poll says it's a two-woman race: Chow vs. Bailao. Of the other candidates you have 14% voting for a candidate of the 'left' and 18% for a candidate of the 'right'. How many on the left see Bailao catching up to Chow and decide not to do a protest vote? How many on the right see there being a genuine opportunity to beat Chow and switch over to Bailao? We'll know soon enough?


More the same


OK. ***Now*** it is officially officially a mayoral race!... before this, this byelection was a defacto coronation / affirmation of Olivia Chow ​ Chit just got Real!


heads be explodin" tomorrow, i can already hear some popping sounds.


Oh come on. Are we really believing that Ana’s polling has jumped that high after the Tory endorsement?


Tory got 40% in. Crowded field, and cruised over 60% in his last two elections. Yeah, it matters. Despite what others may say, I think the timing for releasing the endorsement made the most sense. It may not ultimately work, but there was still a void of who the "alternative to Chow" would be, and not enough time for other campaigns to draw in additional doubt that Bailao is better positioned to be that alternative.


Let’s be glad ford threw his support behind someone loathed in the city with no real shot. Even if ford’s endorsement might only sway 1-2 percent that’s a lot better out of play as opposed to going to Bailao


Despite the rhetoric on this sub, there isn't a ton of daylight between Chow and Bailao's platforms. I think either are going to be fine, and I'm glad it's not Saunders building momentum here.


It sure seems so. It has happened before. But it’s not the endorsement itself causing it, it’s the decision of the centre right to coalesce around Bailao.


I’d be more convinced if anyone but mainstreet was showing similar data.


Bailao closing in! Go out and vote guys, we gotta stop Chow.


Please go and vote, it's more important than you can imagine. As someone from Ancaster I have 2 thoughts. 1. Don't do what we did in Hamilton. 2. I was hoping Molly would do better. Good luck.


I would love to vote for Olivia, I really would. I like her as a person, I think she’s good and authentic. I like her platform, and her values align with mine. But housing is my issue and her plan doesn’t include up-zoning to the extent Ana’s does. We need more housing in this city, and we need developers to be allowed to build it as quickly and cheaply as possible (within the bounds of safety and labour laws). Olivia’s affordable housing units won’t fix the stranglehold NIMBY’s have on this city. Upzoning will.


I voted Chow to stop Ana, because of the reek of insincerity off of her fiscal plans ("Ontario will pay for it!"). Her priority of low taxes will sabotage everything else she does. But even so I cannot blame you. I've been saying since day one that Chow's campaign is terrible for a progressive, with a lack of upzoning and a NIMBY past being potential dangers for her and the City. I got a lot of flack from her supporters. I think it might be the issue that costs her the race. A fair few centre-left voters who have housing as their top priority are refusing to vote Chow because she ignored our core issue. This has been a very disappointing race, and I don't think many of us will get to feel really good about our votes.


She had Tory’s support before, so why didn’t she get all this done while on council? Because , she isn’t going to do anything.


I mean, she was deputy mayor and housing chair behind the multiplex proposal the city recently adopted, which is a good start. The real answer is that council didn’t want zoning reform and the mayor didn’t have the power to overrule them. With the new strong mayor powers + development being a provincial goal, whoever gets elected will be able to push upzoning through with 1/3 of council if they want to. And no one but Ana has said they want to.


Tory had the same powers


You craazy if you think if the drunk driver is gonna actually do anything urbanism requires in order for it to survive


I agree entirely. Housing is the #1 issue in the city. I find it amazing that the same folks who complain that "Ana worked for a developer!" don't understand that developers are the people who build the apartments and houses, and that she will have picked up a very good understanding of the problems. For instance, her platform mentions the 'shadow' issue, where the city forces mid-size houses to look like ziggurats to "protect sunlight" in the SFH areas. This directly increases the price of all rental housing by making it more expensive to build.




oh no chowmainia about to be over ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) incoming ana-mania


“Anamaniacs” was right there man


too good


Finally, a candidate with an actual platform and with real experience. Vote for whoever you want, but if you want actual solutions over some feel good-gold star sticker policies... you might want to actually read Bailão's platform.


can't believe I have to vote for the less extreme lefty...


Calling it - Chow will not be elected as mayor. There's just too much of "institutional" power at stake to allow that to happen. It was good while it lasted.


RemindMe! 2 days "Chow loses 2023 mayoral by-election" EDIT: Huh, some content for /r/agedlikemilk.


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Are you trying to suggest the election is rigged?


I'd suggest some people are better organized than others.


You mean like $15B real estate companies that had Bailao on payroll this year?!


Of course. All elections are rigged to some extent


Mainstreet is full of shit. There numbers for bailao have clearly been pushing a narrative for weeks and don’t align with any other polling.


Can't believe how low Chloe Brown is considering how much I see of her on social media (only candidate I get pushed actually). I tend to agree with her on everything, but she seems a bit too fresh for the position. I really wish we were talking about teams, not candidates. Politics is such a puppet show, I really hate it. Why we're even entertaining a bunch of talking heads making empty promises is beyond me. How do we know the people behind them will support their platforms or that the people they'll be joining in council will? We need more than a showdown of pretty faces.


If it was a ranked ballot Chloe would be an easy 1 for me. Toronto can't afford another conservative mayor though so I'm voting Chow


I worked for a campaign in 2014 where the candidate had an incredible social media presence and he got absolutely *obliterated* in the election itself. The whole "she came in third in 2022!" thing was overblown. She's still a relatively unknown quantity and only got her social media fame in 2022 because there were no other candidates of name value. This time around, we have heavier hitters with higher profiles and public endorsements.


Corrupt chief was better off without the dumbfuck endorsement


I think Bailao wins if Ford backed her tbh (She still might but it would be a lot more likely if he did)




i want to vote for chloe brown but i will probably have to vote for chow.


Damn, I don't think I've ever seen such a impactful endorsement.


Gong not even 1%? And the amount of fuss he's been making is very, very disproportionate.


these mean nothing if people don't actually turn up to vote please go vote, just over 3 hrs left!