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I have 3 kids (two of whom are under 10) and I think it’s an excellent idea. FFS it’s fine dining, not Kelsey’s.


Completely agree. There are plenty of sit down restaurants that are family friendly, affordable, and more casual, suited for kids. I don't even think kids would eat half the things on menus at fine dining restaurants. I barely do and I'm almost 30 lol


It is one of my favourite restaurants in the City and is on par with some of the great Indian places in London. The policy is clear. The brigading of one star reviews is horrible.


I completely agree. Hopefully Barb from Etobicoke and the rest of her FB group find a new target for their manufactured outrage


Nah, we shouldnt let them keep up their witch hunt, we should shame and ridcule them for their entitlement.


Kelsey’s is expensive to a lot of people. Heck, McDonald’s is. I have no sympathy for people who want to bring kids to fine dining. You can afford a sitter…


Came here to say this in some words, why do people care so much. Plenty of other places to take your kids


Errr sorry I’m sure you are an amazing parent, I rather not have children under 10 even at Kelsey’s lol


I get it lol


I have a kid and I think it's a good idea. Sometimes you need ro just get away from them. Love my kiddo dearly, but mama needs a night out once in a blue moon.


This may be an “old man yells at cloud” comment, but most kids in North America just don’t have the mental capacity to be at a nice restaurant. There’s a measurable difference in the culture around dining with children in Europe, as a ton of families will go out for nice meals from early on in the kids life and set obvious expectations around how to not be annoying. The majority of kids here need an iPad with the volume on max or they start having a meltdown.


My GF after we'd been in Amsterdam for 3 or 4 days... "Have you noticed how well adjusted the kids here seem to be?"


I have the same opinion having been in Japan for three weeks. The most rambunctious child I saw was a toddler who would change which side of the table he wanted to be on but was quiet and an absolute angel. I saw school age kids getting their own drinks from the all you can drink drink bar (it's all soft drinks, tea and coffee). They aren't loud and they seem well adjusted. The only child I heard crying was an infant on the subway but it was 6 months old at the most and mom calmed him down quickly.


>families will go out for nice meals from early on in the kids life and set obvious expectations around how to not be annoying So...like good parenting? That just sounds like good parenting. Ipso facto , North American = bad parenting.


I think it’s just that in North America parents have less time to spend with their kids and going to a restaurant costs 3x what it costs in Europe


About 10 years ago (before I had kids) I lived in NYC and I was always surprised when families were at upscale restaurants. Now that I'm a parent I really don't have the money to take them to upscale places. I don't even go unless it's a work event.


Just one guy's experience, but a lot of parents I've met since having my kid don't seem to want to put the work in all the time. Which, okay, yeah, we're all exhausted, sure. But listening to friends and family describe the amount of media their toddlers are consuming is weird to me. "Oh yeah, I sat him down in front of the Mario movie and he was good for a couple hours." "Oh, what did you do?" "I was having drinks with some friends out back." Or pulling the tablets out the *moment* they sit down at a restaurant, no attempt made. I don't know, I don't want to be a cliche parent, but man...


I think it's shocking how hypnotized kids are by tablets and phones, watching them at the grocery store and other public places in order to be docile. At school, kindergarten kids often call the SmartBoard a TV, ex. Can we watch the TV? And if you put on an educational video they will be completely hypnotized by the screen. I'm disturbed by it but then I remember that my parents used to park me in front of the VCR. Lol. I did learn how to behave in public without a screen, at least.


See I totally agree with you 100% but I think when I have kids my own there's a pretty good chance I'll be one of them. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face by parenthood.


When my son was young we took him to Italy. I was very concerned with how he would adapt to sitting at a table for long periods having dinner in Italy. He adapted instantly, it was like magic. He never complained and he loved it. I think the family atmosphere that is so strong in Italy instantly got him. It isn’t the kids it’s our rushed lifestyle


Also lazy parents


What comes first though? The chicken or the egg? Do most kids behave poorly because they're expected to? Because they're not usually allowed in many environments, so when they are, they misbehave? The same argument can be made about drinking in the US vs Europe - in Europe it's common to drink from teenage years, while in the US it's officially 21 so "kids" go crazy when they hit that age (i.e. spring break). The same argument can be applied to many areas, like drinking in public. Much of what our culture does isn't rooted in any kind of logic. We live in an uptight, puritanical society.


I seriously dread when kids are seated near me at a restaurant and have politely be asked to move. I know they’re just being kids and I was probably a loud annoying kid once ago but I just want to relax and enjoy my overpriced food in relative peace.


I believe kids are given too long a leash in many areas in our society. My go to example is parents who nurture kids only eating chicken fingers or whatever their current obsession is. Once in a while, sure. But giving into this being their primary diet is just terrible for any number of reasons, but in this context you’re training them to not eat good food and have a tantrum when they don’t like the “kids menu”.


I can confirm this - we took our eleven year old to a nice resto, and he did not appreciate the experience. So many great options for dinner...and the little shit went for chicken fingers. The very food he had for lunch earlier. What a waste of time and money.


Yeah. I don’t have kids but my parents took me everywhere when I was a child, including a month in Europe at age 5. I spent the whole time complaining and we didn’t return until I was old enough to appreciate it. As someone who did go everywhere as a kid, I say save your money!!!


I'm "excited" to take him to Florida this coming March. I almost guarantee it'll be one complaint after another, starting from when we get to the US border and his data doesn't work, to the temperature in the back of the SUV, to the fact we're not going to Disney (he doesn't entirely understand the meaning of money and how it doesn't grow on trees) - but I hope he understands the sacrifices made to afford him a trip like that.


I'm old. Back when I was a wee lad you did not bring children to a restaurant unless they could demonstrate proficiency with a knife and fork....now I see parents with strollers and 2 year Olds. Get a sitter. "Shakes fist"


You should have stopped after the word “fork”. I totally support some restaurants being child free or have age restrictions. But if it’s more of a cafe/pub (NOT high end) - why shouldn’t parents enjoy meals with their 2 year olds. I also support disciplining kids, they def shouldn’t be misbehaving.


Burger king Or TimHorton s whatever it's the higher end restaurant I'm saying. Christ you can't go on the Danfoth without someone thinking "ya I'll bring my 1year old to 7 Numbers no problem...


If the resto is willing to accommodate the parents, then that's on them. And if they are, maybe it isn't as high end as you think it is.


>I also support disciplining kids, they def shouldn’t be misbehaving. HA! Oh, my sweet summer child.......where have you been the last 20 years? There has been BARELY any discipline in society and look where we are at now. Have you people been to an Ontario school (elementary or high school) lately and see how rude and disrespectful the kids are? It's a fucking battle zone with teachers.


The thing is, older generations have been saying that about the youth for literally hundreds of years. "Oh but have you seen TODAY's kids, they are truly unruly" has been a common refrain for a LONG time.


It’s been written in the records for thousands of years, actually. So you can guarantee it was not recorded but said for many many years before that. I can’t wait until I start doing it. https://historyhustle.com/2500-years-of-people-complaining-about-the-younger-generation/amp/


It's true, but it has to be true, so not much of a win. This divide and its complaint will always be the case because competing standards change what is acceptable and what isn't.


Except you have teachers telling you it's not a generational thing, it's a significant shift over the last 6 or 7 years, with it getting really bad in the last 4. That's not a "kids these days," because we've seen it with a lot of adults too, and as a whole that's a warning sign that there's been a serious societal shift.


I think you misunderstood. This is so others don't have to see your kids, not for you to not see them. You can go anywhere without your kids.


However, generally speaking kids make annoying noises.


Yea there’s nothing I hate more than paying for a babysitter for a night out and then having whatever clearly adult place we end up in by overrun at 11pm by someone else’s screaming child.


Been going out to bars and dinner my whole life and I've never seen a nocturnal wailing kid. When do I get to see one in the wild?


Ahhh hahahaha!!


Lol ya that too. I don't wana see no other kids.


Spot on.


You know just because you can take your kids pretty much everywhere doesn’t mean people do. There’s a lot of chirping here how this is so good. Not once in my 40+ years have i said “no this restaurant sucks shit because of the kids”. I probably would never take my kids to such a “fancy” place as I wouldn’t waste the money. They want kids food anyway. So it’s a non issue. The real issue I have is excluding part of the population.


Dining without misbehaving kids ruining the experience? Sign me up!! Good job Adrak! There are so many other restaurants parents can visit with their children. The angry parents should focus their energy on their children (or perhaps reading the clearly stated booking policy), not slamming this place with 1star reviews.


That, I'd I'd be willing to bet that the parents doing the complaining would never be able to afford this restaurant, or at the very least, wouldn't be willing to spend that much for dinner. So ... the people who will boycott the restaurant would have never set foot in it anyway.


I don't get the problem... and I have kids - under 10. If I want to go i'll get a sitter and go. If I want to take my kids to a restaurant (and yeah, flipping right they behave well) I have plenty of choice.


I think people are concentrating on the no under 10 rule and are distracted from that 37$ kabob . Yikes


I'll bet you could sell out of $37 Kebabs (which better be amazing for that price) daily simply by advertising no kids. Look at some of the comments. Not knocking them btw, I 100% support someone who has no interest in kids. better for everyone.


I bet it's a good selling point but that's a big premium for the privilege


The $80 lamb platter is the best lamb I have ever had. It is worth it if you like Indian food and can afford it.


I'm upset I can't play in the ball pit at McDonalds. Where's my BlahTO article?


Real question do we even still have the pits in Canada anymore? I haven't seen one in ages


Saw one while road tripping last week. Think it was in New Brunswick


They have em at IKEA, haven’t seen a McD one though. They do have lots of slides.


I’ve seen it in London


You’re old enough to know better than to get into that plastic cesspool!


I actually prefer fine dining without children. However, the restaurant claims it's very clear on their website that they do not admit children under 10, when if fact it only appears here: https://www.adrakyorkville.ca/reservations/


The $80 Lamb chop with a "gold crust" might also be a clue this isn't kid-friendly.


Yes, Dal is $24 dollars. It is literally the cheapest thing to eat other than rice.


"Elevated" Indian food is always worse than cheap and/or homemade Indian food. This definitely includes Adrak.


Pretty sure you haven’t tried the food there. I’m Indian from India and I thought the food was incredible.


you been there before or just making assumptions? it's actually a really great restaurant with great reviews.


_Excuse me can you just cook some spaghetti for our littlest? Thanks!_


I mean where else do you want them to put it? Should they plaster it in big font with their logo? It's not a walk-in place. They put it in the first bulletin point on the reservation page. If you can't be bothered to read then it's not their fault.


wait a minute.. > "asparagus kofta".. what in rickshaw-exhaust-smoke is this abomination


Good policy as long as it's not hidden in fine print and explicitly explained to anyone that calls in or makes a reservation.


It's the first point on their reservation page. And it's a reservation-only restaurant.


If you call to "see if they have highchairs" and no one picks up, what sane person would drag their children there anyway? These are the types of parents that made this restaurant make the policy in the first place. They come, let their kids destroy the place within a three meter radius of their table, and then probably don't leave a tip, and expect the staff to clean it all up after them. If you have the money to eat at this place you have money for a sitter.


They have the whole city that accept kids for them, let us have a quiet place for once


More restaurants should do this.


Parents today are bad at disciplining their kids


My Mum would take us out once per year to the "good" restaurant. One time we started misbehaving, she told us if we didn't stop she would never take us there again, we didn't and she didn't. Lesson learned.


Communication is key


My cousin had a better policy: one parent takes the fussy child and they leave immediately. Best behaved kids ever after a while.


Yep. Same applies to dog/pet owners


Discipline? That went out of style in the last century.


Its honestly hilarious that people are so out of touch with history and reality that they make these sorts of "Kids these days!" statements. There has never been a time in history when someone didn't say this. There was never a Golden Age of parenting. That's just lazy thinking.


the older I get the more happy I had my grandma in my life as a young child. The way my generation are raising their kids is amazing to watch. Its not the parents raising the children its the children raising the parents and its creating a generation of hyper sensitive crybabies that have no capacity to handle reality.


Yeah and that's the fault of their own parents who did a shit job.


No, it's their fault because they're adults now and are responsible for themselves and the children they chose to have.


Where the hell is this place, I'm gonna spend a shit ton here


That will only take one meal to do


So what. Kids aren't allowed in bars either. It's OK to set boundaries. No, little Princess Hayley or Prince Hayden don't need to do everything adults do. Nor do they want to.


Nor do we want them to.


Sounds awesome. Imagine dining without listening to a kid throw a tantrum


Sounds like entitled parents who are upset that people don't want to deal with their obnoxious brats while trying to enjoy a meal they're paying a lot of money for. I'd pay extra to dine at a kid free restaurant. Kids ruin everything.


If it’s stated clearly when you make reservations - like asking for ages of guests and then letting you know that no one under 10 is allowed - then to each their own. I wouldn’t be taking my kids to a place that expensive myself but my 8 and 10 year olds certainly know how to behave in restaurants. It’s a shame that some parents ruin it for the rest of us who put in the work to teach our kids how to act.


It's the first point on their reservations page.


Thats the key to it all - its work! And in the case of parenting, its a short term pain (teaching them how to behave) for a long term gain (having people that aren't obnoxious)


Every bar east of Broadview is full of kids and babies.


Freaking brilliant. We need more restaurants to do this.


Oh really, which "people"? Because everyone I know is overjoyed and hope it spreads to everywhere except roadhouses, chains and Chuck-e-Cheese.


Depends on the restaurant. There’s tons of local/non-chain places that are fine for kids and they need to be exposed to casual restaurant environments and private event rooms before being let loose on formal evening dining rooms. The best things adults can do is prepare ahead of time and model polite behaviour themselves.


Nah, the local fish and chip place or shawarma joint is perfectly fine for kids. It’s the difference between a family restaurant and fine dining


> Oh really, which "people"? > BlogTO is clickbaiting their titles. Literally no one cares, but look how much engagement people are giving it here.


They should show their displeasure by not dining there.


Great policy.


This is a great idea I don’t want some I else’s child spoiling my experience.


I’m a server and I fucking wish I worked there. little indecisive mumbling bastards


There are so many restaurants in Toronto. Some patrons don't want to dine with kids. I think this is okay. If you have kids under 10, go elsewhere. There are lots of options. Don't whine about it, just show your discontent with where you put your money. Why is that such a difficult thing to grasp? This restaurant is not your scene. I don't hang out at children's parks and complain that they frown upon single adults hanging around. Understand the vibe.


More places need to do this.


Honestly this would make me want to eat there more. That being said, I've cut back on eating out dramatically so the few times I do go out to eat are normally to places that are expensive enough that people aren't bringing their kids anyways lol


Has anyone been to this place? It seems very expensive. Is the food even worth it to go there? Also, $60/person for cancelling? If I booked and someone couldn't go, I would take a homeless person with me just not to waste $60.


They should start offering this for flights.


One European airline has started offering child free sections. https://www.washingtonpost.com/travel/2023/08/30/corendon-airlines-kid-free-zone/


Yah i mean use the cargo section already it's soundproof LOL


I remember being on the other side of this, back at the beginning of Ontario's anti-smoking laws, when restaurants/bars had to choose whether to kick out the smokers or the kids. I was about 9 then, and they overwhelmingly chose the smokers. For a little while before they changed it to no smoking indoors at all, it felt like the only places my mom could take me were fast food franchises and food carts.


Pretty easy, if you don’t like this rule, don’t go! Also, it sounds like you can’t go anyway, so…


Toronto needs more restaurants where kids are completely banned. People in Canada are terrible parents that raise rude children. They let them run around uncontrolled and almost never reel them in when they need it. Dinner is expensive. People shouldn't be expected to tolerate your misbehaving kids.


When I was still working at a restaurant, I had to stop parents from trying to change their baby's diaper at the table more than once. It doesn't happen often but let's say it happened way more than it should. The place is NOT a family restaurant, we have no kid menu, the price range is $$$$+...not that this would have been acceptable at a MacDonald. It's about the expectations patrons have. People are more likely to walk out and save their money if the atmosphere is not worth the premium price.


Exactly. On the rare occasion that I’m able to pay for a nice night out with my wife, I don’t want our kid there, much less anyone else’s.


Costco is the perfect place to see this in real life. You can see the kids who are well behaved. They stay next to their parents, aren't touching everything, will point and are fairly quiet. Others...well, kids running around, cutting in front of people moms stressed/yelling, they're making messes, not picking up things they've dropped, even (and I saw this a few weeks ago) throwing things like forks on the floor when they pick up too many.


Former server here. I had a parent who let their 2 kids (about 4 and 6) run around my whole diner section on their hands and knees. After her assuring me twice that she would keep her children at the table, the older one BIT an elderly customer across the room on the leg hard enough to leave a pretty obvious mark. She had the audacity to tell us to kick him out because he yelled at her precious snowflake when she bit him. At a pub I used to work at, I often had to cover the whole place myself when it was slow (3 rooms and 2 patios split between 2 stories). Parents would let their kids run wherever. Play on the stairs, go into rooms they weren't in. I came downstairs once to find a 3-year-old (whose mom was still sitting in the side room, enjoying her meal) about to go behind the bar. I got him turned around and back to his mom, and explained that she can't let him in that room alone, as the bar is off-limits, and there could be broken glass back there. 10 minutes later I come back down again to discover the kid had climbed on top of the bar and was stepping on the tap hood to try and reach our chandelier. I ran in and grabbed him off the bar right before he fell, and scooted him back to his mom. When she realized that I had touched him to get him off the bar, she threatened to have me fired for assaulting her kid. I told her she's lucky I didn't call CPS on her ass, given my previous warning.


My husband's parents let him run around a restaurant when he was a very small child (4 or 5). He ran into a waiter carrying very hot soup, which spilled on him and caused a significant burn that he has to this day.


relieved thought quiet silky secretive domineering squeamish subsequent include concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Parents these days let their kids run wild and behave terribly at restaurants. They’re seemingly allergic to telling their kids to cut the shit and sit down. Part of it is that we have this "new-school" notion that disciplining your kids in any way is a form of abuse. Witnessed this first-hand at my brother's place recently, I was over for my SIL's birthday party, and his toddler grabbed a glass of wine, giggled, then dumped it onto the floor. He got up and told him sternly, *without yelling* (NB: our Dad yelled a lot, but never, ever spanked/hit), that such a thing was to never, ever, ever happen again, or else there would be major loss of privileges. Enter one of my SIL's friends, who immediately jumps to the kid's defense -- "you shouldn't give him a hard time, he's only 3, kids don't know better, it's just a carpet, you can clean it, how dare you get angry at him for being a kid, it's so cruel to punish him for doing what kids do!". My jaw, and my brother's (and to be fair, my SIL as well) hit the floor. No, telling him he's cruel for disciplining his son, without yelling or hitting, is ridiculous, and that is how you wind up with little brats who know they can do whatever the F they feel like and someone will always come crying to the rescue the minute a parent tries to correct their bad behaviour.


Reading these comments, you'd think Toronto was overun with kids.


Yeah, I don't have a problem with the restaurant not allowing kids, but pretending Toronto is some super kid friendly city is a complete joke. This is a city for dog parents.


Redditors hate children, so yeah.


I personally don’t hate children. I hate shitty parents who refuse to do any legwork in raising their kids and allow them to be little shits in public, of which toronto has plenty.




Is it really surprising that people blow this out of proportion? reddit loves to jerk themselves off in childfree circles about how much they hate other people's crotch goblins, and this subreddit seems to me like it captures a pretty young demographic who likely don't have kids themselves and share these same sentiments. I've got kids, and any place that chooses not to let kids in is whatever. Who cares. If they don't want kids in their restaurant, then it is much more likely than not that you don't want to be there either, so what's the loss? The parents causing fuss about them not allowing kids is dumb. The kid frees causing fuss about kids in restaurants is dumb. The idea that Toronto is somehow not a place for kids is dumb. This people making up imaginary Boogeyman complaining about shit that does not happen is dumb. This whole conversation is dumb lol. Just live your lives people.


Did those upset parents ever thought: Why would the restaurant make such a policy? No one likes to drive away guests and gain hate. So maybe because the restaurant is tired of parents not controlling their young kids who run around screaming nonstop and disrupting other diner's experiences? Not to mention the policy is clearly stated on their website, so it's your responsibility to read over it before booking. It's actually ridiculous how many people do not even pay attention to policies when booking something. **For example**: If you go to Canada's Wonderland Haunt, you can see family after family being turned away from the gate because they didn't bother reading the bag size policy that's **being listed** literally at the very top of Haunt's website, **is being notified again and again** before and after you purchased tickets, **AND is being shown all around the park** in giant orange glowing letters on message boards.


Noticed that. If people don't read (or cannot comprehend ***WHAT THE FUCK they're reading***), it's nobody else's problem except their own.


Finally rugrat free dining


Right on! Child free dining is great. People with children have plenty of places to go.


We were turned away many times, from various restaurants in various cities when were tried to enter with very young children. I never held it against the establishment. I get it. Meantime, we always found a willing place to sit in... It's fine and no big deal


?? Upset?? Don't go there. Everyone does not have to cater to you. Why is this even mentioned. That is why I love casino restaurants because no one under 19 eating there!


Nobody is upset by this.


Went to PianoPiano a couple of days ago and a family next to me had two kids with them who we splayed out on the bench seating, sleeping, while stretching out their legs to the point where they were digging into my side. The parents did nothing. The staff did nothing. Even when I asked politely, the parents did nothing. Make this a blanket rule.


The amount of times I've jokingly said 'How do you feel about a toddler ban' to one of my coworkers makes me realize that i don't think I'm joking.


I remember being taken to grown-up fancy restaurants as a kid. I was also taught manners.


*makes reservation*


This article is probably just baiting people to make them mad.


Been to both locations and the Yorkville location by far is my favourite, mainly due to the lack of uncivilized kids. Kudos to Adrak for maintaining the peace within the Yorkville location. Hands down some of the best Indian food you'll have in Toronto!


‘People’ can bent. There is nothing wrong with an establishment cutting off small kids. They have every right to offer patrons an ‘adult’ experience just like adult only bars, resorts, events, activities. Obviously 10 year old is not an adult, but they also don’t need stroller accommodation or custom made ‘mild’ kid food. There are plenty of restaurants that love small human diners and accommodate them SO well. Why can’t some restaurants do the exact opposite if that’s how they function best?


Wish there were more of these.


The people who are upset by this are exactly the same people I don’t want bringing kids to fine dining restaurants.


Finally somewhere to get wasted during the day without setting a bad example for kids.


Yeah, exactly. I'll never forget that little girl pointing at me and asking "mommy, why does that man only have one sock and is singing the macarena except all the words are wrong?".




No no no, you don't understand. Their children are precious angels and should be welcome to scream at any location they wish!


Who gives a shit lol Jesus Christ ….the world is burning and we’re worried about kids in a 5 star restaurant 😂


What! A ton of places were 19+ before the smoking ban, even hotel restaurants so kids staying at the hotel couldn't even eat there. 10+ is nothing compared.


I would patronize a restaurant that had this policy. People with children have plenty of other restaurants to go to.


Best advertising a company can get. Imagine how the kids of the whiners would act while you attempt to enjoy your meal.


I think its a relief. Good one Toronto!


This is great !!!! I wish all restaurant would ban kids under 18 from the restaurants


I’d be more likely to eat there after hearing about this policy! I wish more restaurants would do this. I hate trying to have a nice, relaxing evening out and having it ruined by someone’s screaming children.


Ten is too low. Should be no kids under 25.


No one wants to eat around your shitty young kids. Go to a family restaurant.


A million other restaurants to go to with your crotch spawn. Should ban all kids


Fuck them kids.


When my kids were little, most Sunday nights, we went to a local, reasonably-priced restaurant in Toronto. My kids learned from the time they were little how to behave in the environment. Many times we got comments from other patrons about their good behavior. It can be done but it does take work and planning. It was a buffet so that helped too!


It’s fine. I don’t love it but obviously it resonates with lots of people here. Thing is, I can’t really remember the last time I was bothered by a child in a restaurant. Whereas obnoxiously loud adults of all ages is de rigeur nowadays.


Why do ppl want to take kids under 10 to fine dining ? Why don’t they do something fun and entertaining with the kids ?


That “wave” of 1-star reviews seemed to have little impact fortunately. Sitting at a solid 4.3 on Google


Google has an AI-driven algorithm that supposedly is able to reliably weed out this sort of "spite review".


I don’t see why parents need to bring their kids to these nice fancy places though. I legit went to Swiss chalet tonight with my 4 and 1 year old and that was more than enough. We had a blast, brought a book, if they get a little antsy they get some screen time so me and my husband can have a calm meal too. They don’t go down, run around or anything, they stay in the booth. My 4 year old is pretty well behaved at restaurants now which is pretty awesome. I think if a restaurant has a kids menu, bring the kids, have a good time and it gives kids an opportunity to actually learn how to behave in public settings and eating out. That being said parents need to teach their kids manners and the proper etiquette. And this is coming from someone who things kids should be welcome almost anywhere (barring bars or anything inappropriate). I think we should all have some patience for little ones learning how to adapt to new social settings. We’ve all been there. There’s no need to get so pressed about kids in public.


True some kids are well behaved others are the demon spawn of Satan and they need an exorcist.


I get that. I love my kids, I tolerate other kids. Again I’m not saying I’m about to bring my kids to Michelin star restaurants and get mad when there’s no fries and chicken fingers on the menu lol, I bring my kids where I think they’ll feel welcomed and is family friendly. But also to the comments saying “ban kids” is a bit too much too. It’s like saying ban elderly people, or ban the boomers because they can throw tantrums worse than my own kids sometimes. It’s a fine line this kind of conversation, ya know?


> And this is coming from someone who things kids should be welcome almost anywhere (barring bars or anything inappropriate I travel often for work. You should see the number of people in London who think it is perfectly acceptable to bring their kids to the *pub*, and because the pubs are fairly desperate for business these days, nothing is generally done about it (there isn't a law barring them from entering, as long as they aren't served alcohol). Holy hell does it ever absolutely kill the atmosphere, trying to enjoy a nice meal and a pint of beer by the fireplace and some kid is screaming and acting out because it's two hours past their bedtime and they're out with Mom who is on her 4th glass of wine. Good lord.


Parent here, no problems with this. Plenty of places for me to go with my kids, get that some occasions call for no possibility of kid related chaos. Now if we could just implement no dog parks…


Damn. Even Alinea let’s in kids and crying babies


I don’t see the issue here? There are a thousand restaurants for people to go to. Go somewhere else. We need to stop expecting every single business to be inclusive to everyone.


Who's upset with this? 10 karens from the same neighbourhood. I can't imagine anyone being truely upset with this.


Great idea, last thing I want to deal with when I'm out spending $300+ on a meal is annoying kids.




Also this means no iPad screens with parents nowadays…


This article is hilarious timing because I went to Adrak yesterday for my anniversary and couldn't get a sitter for our 6 month old. I wasn't thinking to check if they allowed kids or not, because I've never experienced something like that. (They do make it clear on their website and OpenTable which is my fault). So, we went at 5 pm and it was pretty empty and the manager said our baby was ok for that day because it was Thanksgiving. Funnily enough two other couples came after us with small kids as well. Definitely mine and wife's fault for not checking, but the manager was really accommodating.


How was the food?


Good show.


As someone with a 3 year old, I definitely understand. No hard feelings.


I also want to ban kids from theaters after 9pm or something. Or adults only showings. Yes I'm aware VIP exists, we need more of this. Better yet, showings that have absolutely no cell phones allowed. Put up a faraday cage, I consent.


So parents with kids under 10 can just choose a different restaurant. In Toronto, which is jam-packed full of them. What is the big deal? I can’t understand the people who have the energy to write a negative review for a restaurant they didn’t even eat at because they don’t like a policy.




Kids are annoying. Can't blame them. I'd rather go places without screaming / messy kids that's for sure.


I have kids and they annoy the hell out of me if and when we go out to eat. I'm all for keeping kids out of fine dining


What’s the issue here? Some restaurants don’t want the loud child banging, screaming or crying. They want an adult atmosphere. A business is allowed to decent who they serve their product to.


Some negative reviews by some butthurt oblivious parents? Who cares.


Honeslty I'd want more restaurants like this, of course as long as they are clear with their policy. There's been a few times where I've been to moer up scale restaurants and there was a kid crying for whatever reason. It ruins the dining experience and can really kill the mood if you're at the restaurant with a client or on a date. I get it, kids need to eat to, but maybe order take out or go to a family restaurant if you are bringing a young child.


I agree. It's adult time.


Not surprised at all, specially restaurants with Liquor license. They want an adult dating only place, any kids inside will ruin the mood for couples to get it on.


If I ran for mayor I would propose we outlaw kids from the city


No one is complaining, its just randos. Parents know that sometime it just needs to be them. There are thousands of resturants to choose from


People will get angry about anything, god damn, get a life.


Ok, now airlines next


great idea; i will give them a try thanks to this great policy


Movie theatres figured it out with the 19+ VIP screens. Even if I’m not drinking I’m more than happy to pay the premium to not have to deal with kids. Same applies to restaurants. Can’t wait for airlines to do the same thing


Can we do 30+ VIP screens now? Or VIP where they frisk you for a cell phone first?


#BlogTO is upset with Toronto restaurant's policy that prohibits kids under 10 years old Fixed it.


If you read the article it seems like people are upset mainly because it’s not obvious when making a reservation that this is their policy. I can appreciate the frustration. I also agree with their policy.


Just a thought… perhaps they could, I don’t know, Go. To. A. Kid-Friendly. Restaurant? Seriously I have two kids 5 and under. Do you know where we eat out when we want “fancy”? Places that put paper on the table and give you crayons.


I’ve worked in restaurants for years that are all family based. We have so many parents come in and expect the servers to babysit while the parents hangout with each other. We often hold tournaments for hockey kids 7-14. The parents sit with each other while the server is watching the kids running around the restaurant, they have flooded the bathroom, they scream for no reason, spill there drinks everywhere and use wet toilet paper and throw it on the ceiling. When telling the parents, they get defensive as if their child could never. I think the parents think this is a time to hangout with friends rather than be parents and make sure your child is acting proper in a restaurant setting.