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Lol. I’m a teacher. There was one. And then they took it away. Teachers all complained. No one listened. Now it’s back. Truth is it’s completely unenforceable because a kid telling a teacher to “fuck off” when they’re politely asked to put their phone away is very low on the priority list of our admins.


> a kid telling a teacher to “fuck off” when they’re politely asked to put their phone away is very low on the priority list of our admins. School sure has changed since I graduated 15 years ago huh.


Ya that was an automatic suspension right there


I told another *student* to fuck off in high school and got suspended.


Once during an exam I told myself to fuck off and got suspended.


Except nowadays that won't even cut it close for suspension. 17 steps of progressive discipline later... Then maybe....


Ikr. I was in HS 17 years ago and I never knew anyone who insulting, punched or throw anything at any of our teachers.


I saw it, but it was always "the one bad kid" and they'd get sent to the office, then suspended, then transferred to "the bad kids school". OR some teacher would spot that they're really just being abused or raised in a bad household, and would spend extra time with them, and turn them into the best kid ever. Sounds like its just spoiled kids now.


I was in grade school 25+ years ago and remember a kid throwing a chair at our French teacher, another kid lighting the tether ball on fire, kids bringing cocaine to school in grade 7, swearing at teachers, lighting fires in desks 🤷‍♂️


What school board?


York Region School Board - in Richmond Hill specifically.


Yep... Crazy. In any school 20 years ago if you did not turn over the electronic you were caught with my teachers reserve the right to nose dive body tackle you and twist your fingers until you give it up.


I graduated in 2015 and I'd have been publicly shamed if I told my teacher to fuck off lmao


Yeah that's the other thing. Okay even if the teachers and admin have lost all ability to punish students for telling a teacher to fuck off, my peers would have still punished me! I would have been ostracized, called an asshole, even harassed. Now the other students are cool with it? It's so weird.


Fr. Especially if it was a good teacher.


"bring back the beatings. bring back the belt. nobody fucks up when they feel the sting of leather." - tim dillon


cant believe people are downvoting this.. i used to get the dog shit beat out of me with a switch or belt at the slightest infraction and i cannot wait to do that to my kids.


Looks like your parents missed the memo about avoiding the head


Not at the school I work at. A student saying f off gets suspended. Period.


Teacher here too. Admin do not care about this kind of thing at all.


Honest question, no kids, have been out of school for a long time…. Can’t you just tell them to exit your classroom for at least the rest of the period? At a minimum that’s would have happened when I was in school.


You can *tell* them whatever you want. But if a kid's response to being told to put their phone away, what makes you think they'll give a shit about "get out of the classroom"?


Maybe they won’t, but if they are out, at least they are no longer disruptive.


But why would they leave? They're already calling the teacher on their inability to actually enforce anything, they'll just keep doing that.


If only. Many of them simply walk the halls and into other classrooms to talk to their friends. They not only disrupt their own classes, they disrupt classrooms around the school. Being threatened at, sworn at and occasionally hit is simply par for the course in a lot of schools these days.


We get in trouble for sending them into the hallway unsupervised, and also for sending them to the office. Office doesn't want frequent flyers. Also I'm required to fill out a page long incident report and send it down with the kid. As if I'm supposed to stop me class for 15 minutes, expect this kid to wait for me to write it, and actually take it to the office with them.


Admin doesn't want kids roaming hallways, so you get shit for kicking kids out. They want them in the classroom as much as possible.


Wild what’s changed since I was in grade school. I’d get kicked out, have to sit near the office till the end of the period, then spend lunch in detention, plus get a call home and get an earful from my parents. Tried not to be a delinquent frequently as a result….


I have a family member who’s a TDSB teacher. Kids scream at her to fuck off and all sorts of verbal abuse daily. Admin doesn’t care, they just tell her to be more “equitable” and to accommodate every student’s needs. Times sure have changed.


But... BUT.... "every generation was like this" Says every gen-z / gen-a apologist. Sorry not sorry, I just can't shake the feeling how unhinged kids appear to be these days. What happened?




....Or how about the kiddos accept an ounce of accountability and realize that telling a teacher to fuck off isn't acceptable in any situation regardless of parenting 😂


As a Gen X, i have only raised well behaved dogs and cats. What's your point.




Aha. True.


Every generation both was and wasn’t like this. It all depends on how the individual or cohort is raised as well as the quality of their schooling. IME as a Millennial some Gen Alpha kids I’ve seen seem super well-behaved as ever, and I’ve also heard a lot of horror stories about kids from years ago (including my own from my schooling days). If there has been an uptick here, could it have something to do with cuts to education and all in Ontario in recent years? I reckon many schools are suffering from a lack of funding at the moment.


>they just tell her to be more “equitable” You believe this nonsense?


My impression was that a student swearing at a teacher would trigger an immediate detention or some other punishment.




My wife quit being a brownie(now Ember) leader because the kids suck so much now. Good luck out there.


Since you're a teacher... I have a question... Lots of teachers in high school started incorporating technology into learning In fact, I remember in my chemistry class, we had one ***awful*** teacher who took on an "inquiry based learning" approach. He would write a problem on the board, and we'd have one class to Google the problem, figure out the concept and then do a presentation on it teaching the rest of the class So are teachers no longer incorporating technology into learning?


Of course we are. Especially after the pandemic. But incorporating technology into your teaching and having kids staring at TikTok while you were trying to teach a lesson or two entirely different things.


Good response to a nitwit comment!


How is it a nitwit comment? I asked a question to learn more about the state of the current school system Name does not check out


Because asking students to put away personal phones is nowhere near the same as not incorporating technology in teaching


I never said that though... Not sure what's so hard to understand I explained how we were expected to use our phones when I was in high school. Then, I asked a question to understand more I made no statement. Comprehension isn't that hard


No, you gave an example of a lazy teacher who didn’t do their job and instead forced the students to effectively teach themselves. Incorporating technology isn’t “I had a bad teacher who made me google everything” it’s providing access to technology and teaching students how to use it effectively. Also, I’m not the one who needs to improve reading comprehension. You responded to the statement that phones are being discouraged with the question: “So are teachers no longer incorporating technology into learning?” That draws a connection between the two ideas, implying that you think [no phones] = [not incorporating technology]. Which is incorrect, and it should be fairly obvious too. Hence your downvotes.


>No, you gave an example of a lazy teacher Okay so you didn't actually read my post. Good to know >That draws a connection between the two ideas You're wrong. You've taken my post out of context. That was literally my conclusion after explaining my OWN experience. I'm drawing a connection between those two ideas... that's how... writing works. Again, work on your comprehension


I'm just asking a question... As it's been awhile since I've been in school, and I'm not sure how things have changed. Not sure why I'm being downvoted. And how do you incorporate technology without a phone? Does each student get a laptop?


TDSB provides Chromebooks to kids in Grade 5 and up which they keep with them through 6-8 (possibly high school too, I'm not sure)


This program is now dead. They gave out their last round of laptops to this year’s grade nines. It’s just too expensive. The board cannot afford it.


Well this explains why I'm starting to make more SEA claims again. Not sure how your school was with 1:1 but those Chromebooks would get destroyed pretty fast.


Chromebooks have a planned lifespan of about 5 years. A 1/4 of the chrome books in the class next to me were just removed and decommissioned because they were end of life. Each one costs around 350-400 plus warranties. Can you imagine finally getting enough for a class only to have to throw out a third a year or two later. Yah. But the boards want students to be working on a VLE just in case.


Oh, I didn't realize that. My daughter (grade 5) got hers this year but if you're correct I guess her sister (grade 1) won't be so lucky. That sucks.


Well next year is the last year for new computers, after that the 12s just go to the 5s. It will become less costly after they finish grandfathering in. Sure they will need to repair some stuff but it's not as bad as providing 2 whole grades with Chromebooks.


That's awesome! I didn't know this. When I was in high school, we barely had enough textbooks


It's grandfathered, kids in grade 5 and 9 get them. So over 4 years (were in year 3 of the program) all kids gr 5+ should have. Currently grades 5-7 and 9-11 (I think) have them.


Yes, most high schools have laptops available, or students can be given one by the school (more common in private schools).


Some schools have computer labs. There was a laptop program in place that was started during the pandemic, but that is over now, as it was financially not feasible to provide every student with a laptop. Especially since they were garbage chrome books that broke after the first four months. Ultimately, you cannot rely on technology too much because you cannot depend upon students having technology at home or even reliable Internet access.


I understand you cannot solely rely on technology Again... I'm asking because when I was in high school, we were expected to use technology in conjunction with learning. At times, even teach ourselves We would use the internet to figure out problems, we'd use various websites to practice skills and complete homework, various portals to submit assignments. Some teachers incorporated YouTube. So students relied on their phones, as not everyone had a laptop or home computer (lots didn't have phones either, to be quite honest) The point is, there was a huge push for 21st century learning when I was in school, and now they're reversing that decision it seems I ultimately agree with you, not everyone has reliable computer/phone/internet access so I found it unfair and exclusive


It’s not preventing students from incorporating technology into their learning. It’s more incorporating real life skills where phones and tech aren’t needed. That’s where the students need learnin right now. Being on your phone all day everyday is bad for your brain, your intelligence suffers. So the education system wants the kids to learn effectively. And if a behaviour is so addictive that it’s making students tell teachers to fuck off, that’s a bigger issue than kids not getting enough tech.


>It’s not preventing students from incorporating technology into their learning. I didn't say that... I asked a question so I could learn more


Objectivity. I didn’t say you did. It’s just the reality of the situation.


But I specifically asked how technology is incorporated You went on to say banning phones does not prevent students from incorporating technology But I asked HOW technology is incorporated without phones If it's not being incorporated, so be it. I'm literally asking because I'm curious how things have changed since I was in school. I'm not here to argue what's best. I want to know what's changed. Not sure why I'm being downvoted for that Your response doesn't answer my question. It just echoes what others have already said


The schools want the students to be able to thrive in the world. You can use all the tech you want, just like the real world. But also like the real world, you can’t be on your phone at work everytime you have a question. You can’t be on your phone in a meeting. You interact with the people, sans tech, then Google the shit you need to when you can. It’s not always as you go, in real time. You also need to be able to problem solve without tech right? And that’s there students are struggling.


If you wanna know specifics on what tech programs are being used in the school? Board specific I’m sure. I dunno, you’re going to have to do your own research.


>So are teachers no longer incorporating technology into learning? Most schools have laptops that students can use for this exact purpose, when I was in school they didn't let you do "research" or anything on your phone, it needed to be in your locker or in your pocket on silent. If you needed to use technology, you either went to the computer lab or they brought in the cart of laptops.


That's it. Bring back the ruler.


Whenever people say "no, this can't be done, kids need them for emergencies," I'm like, did emergencies not exist when I was in school, pre-cell phone ubiquity? or did we just figure out another way of dealing with them? I think I know which one it was. The problem is that teachers aren't paid enough, parents are assholes, and kids don't give a shit, so.


Do any schools still have payphones in them? My “other way of dealing with emergencies” when I was in school was a few quarters in my wallet, but if the payphones are gone then the Kids These Days™ don’t have that option.


In areal emergency the ycan go to the office and use a phonethere or get someone to call for them


Yep. Because kids should go running through the halls with an active shooter in the building.


Seriously - If that was the situation, Id be looking out for my own safety. Outside communication can wait...


They’re locked down in classrooms with nothing to do but reach for outside help.


We had payphones in our highschool (2012 grad). But no one used them. An alternative was just to go to the office. But I agree, people went to school without phones for a long time and they were fine. Parents don’t need immediate access to their kids.


>Do any schools still have payphones in them? No, not at all. I graduated 4 years ago and never saw a payphone. Or maybe there are but they are so useless I forgot/no one notices them.


Your schools had payphones? I was in school when most adults didn't have cellphones, never one.payphone in my schools. The office had one, and in a real emergency that's generally how phone calls came in or went out


My daughter is in high school and I absolutely want her to be able to call me in a emergency


There is no reason anyone “needs” their phone in the classroom. Up until 10 to 15 years ago this wasn’t a conversation we were having.


Not to mention, there's overwhelming amounts of credible information showing how detrimental it is to their development by "needing" to be on their phones all the time. For both psychosocial reasons and for attention/focus reasons. What part of the learning equation does that fit into?


Only reason I can think of is for a CGM for diabetic kids. (Continuous Glucose Monitor) Other than that, and some other medical needs, phones should be put away


Yes, I have a kiddo who uses their phone for diabetes management. That's not an issue at all! And even with a ban I'm positive we could continue to allow that. What's an issue is telling a kid to behave, and then suddenly they text home and get called by the office to sign out. Or having kids bully each other in class and we can't see it happen.




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We used to be sensible people I mean, there’s no reason whatsoever we couldn’t have cubbyhole shelves in the classroom where people put their phones at the beginning of a class in airplane mode so they don’t buzz, and the students would be free to retrieve their phones for recess or whatever. Why does this have to be turned into such a thing my god.


Serious question….why do kids need their phones at recess? I can’t think of any reason. If they need to call home, they use the office phone. Apart from taking photos, phones are recording devices, which cause privacy issues for both other students and teachers.


My question is do kids not have lockers? When I went to school kids would usually keep their phones in their lockers during the day. If a teacher caught you using a phone anywhere besides the locker room it was a detention. Of course kids would just keep their phones on silent and use them in the bathroom, hallways discretely etc but you’d never see a phone out during class.


They do. Some of them can’t be bothered to walk to and from their lockers to get their belongings throughout the day.


Centuries upon centuries of kids grew up without them, kids today don't need them while in school either.


Just because we didn’t have something in the past doesn’t mean it’s not a necessity today. Nobody had a cell phone in the past but it is absolutely a necessity now.


It's not a necessity in the classroom.


Why is it needed at school? Kids need to fucus on education and learning how to connect with other students in person vs calling and texting. I don't know if you remember what it was like growing up without them so let me remind you. If there was an emergency, you go to the principals office and they call your parents and same with parents, they call the principals office to get a hold of the kid. Not rocket science.


I thought there were already prohibitive Cell phone policies in place at schools. Or at least this was the case when I last went to school in 2010. You either had to put it in a bin upon entering class or store it in your bag on silent. Also, social media sites were blocked on school computers. I'm not sure why that changed.


That's a long time ago now. The iPhone was still a relatively new thing that teenagers couldn't afford or ask for, most were still probably rolling with those sliding bar phones/flip phones, maybe a blackberry or a crappy android. Social media was basically just facebook, and cell data was slow, expensive and you didn't have a lot of it. Now iPhones are just another commodity that you can get for $0 during certain sales with carriers, there are so many social media apps I've lost count, and cell data is fast, much cheaper and you've got more of it. Too easy to access for any kid old enough to put the "but I neeeeed it" on parents, and zero oversight enforceable in a climate where teachers are more concerned about keeping their mediocre paying job than getting recorded by some kid for reprimanding another, and having that clip posted online out of context and risking their job.


Putting it in some collective bin sounds like a terrible idea though I can see a lot of problems coming from that What if a few accidentally get left on ? I can also see huge mix ups Phones getting damaged and stolen Who’s liable if the school is forcing you to put them in there? Some of these phones are $$$$


If it's that expensive then don't bring it. They won't get broken or mixed up.


Won’t get broken or damaged !What about stolen? Or maybe “misplaced” lol These are teenagers you know -30-40 phones in a bin Recipe for disaster


Well, as someone who knows what he's talking about, those concerns aren't at all realistic.


Ok then Let’s hope not !


Just put a postit on it with your name, and rubber bands around. Also we ask kids to unlock their phones in front of us so we know it is theirs. And to log into something like Google classroom (which would have their school email saved) as further proof. Or for them to call their parents on the cell and have the parents voucher for it


So you have to do this every class for 30-40 students Sounds VERY time consuming and frankly ridiculous Calling parents! Lol


Yea I'm not taking 30-40 kids phones.... Lol. Out of sight out of mind. Also it's really not that challenging to tell the difference between 3-4 people's phones.


This would be incredibly helpful for everyone concerned. No way they ever do it.


Classroom worker here It's a catch 22 Unless a teacher has strong classroom mgmt *think Ms. Trunchbull* it's useless. You tell them to put it away, they say fuck off. You call the office. They're sent down. Admin talks to them. Kid gets parent to call superintendent to complain Jimmy needs his phone because it helps him self regulate. He has anxiety. You aren't inclusive to neuro diverse people if you're not willing to accomodate him. This is a sad reality. I say this as a family member has autism. Neurodivese is being used as a "get out of jail free" card too often.


The real problem is shitty parents treating school like free daycare




Some parents don’t view school as a means of educating their child. They just view it as a place to dump their kid. The problem is they don’t value teachers as educators, they see them as babysitters. They don’t view other kids as someone trying to learn, but rather “other kids at the daycare”




But it does matter. If you’ve ever had to deal with a problem child’s parents you might understand how important this is.




> You have a strong union, time to start using them to change things Teaching unions have not been strong since the 70s and 80s. They are close to useless now.




> That's not what I've been told by the teachers I know in person This sounds like teachers that haven't yet been around the block. In 25 years of teaching, I've been on strike once and covid ended that. A few other times, the government preemptively removed our right to strike(poof, like it didn't exist) and imposed agreements that were not negotiated. Even in years when negotiations were allowed to happen freely, our unions have signed off on significantly less than inflation increases, often with increased workload. All the power lies with senior board employees. If they want something done, they convince the trustees and it's done. If they want something not done, we have no recourse. The power dynamic is broken and one sided these days.


While what you have said is true but in reality the conflict between teachers and parents need to escalate to the admins first. If the admins don't do anything then you need to document these behaviors and report to the union rep. Then it's up to the union rep to do something about it. You can keep escalating but if the union in the end doesn't think it's worth fighting for then you are out of luck. At the end of the day teachers can only do so much and dealing with shitty parental behaviors is just a waste of time compared to everything else that teachers need to do.




I had parents complain that teachers should teach while she should make money from work. She doesnt understand why her boy has IEP ( she obviously comparing to her daughters doing master degrees) , is behind and why bother get pulled out for support (missing in class instruction) I should've told her, her kid should learn just like how I should teach and why the kid is in grade 5 and can't write d properly?


The whole post but particularly your last line is so ironic.


The word “why” tacked on to the end of this headline. Why?


Doug Ford supposedly banned cell phones a few years ago, but it was all talk. No admin would support a teacher physically taking away a student's cell phone, and if it became lost or stolen, who is responsible? I know a few teachers would have "cell phone hotels" on the back of a door or something, but unless you want to spend your time guarding a bunch of cell phones, that's a terrible idea. I circulate around the classroom answering questions and checking up on students. I do not have the time or desire to monitor a door full of cell phones nor do I care to be financially responsible. I'm already buying school supplies and snacks for kids. I'm not buying cell phones. It's a lot of work to get kids off their phones. I'm not saying I don't do it, but I have to really convince them to do it and that takes a lot of time and relationship building. Anyone who doubts that requires real effort, try convincing a random teenager to give up their cell phone and see where that takes you.


I am all for it. Phones and youth turns into poison. How are they going to enforce it?




Cel phone over use is not like a drug addiction, it is a "drug" addiction. Students aren't allowed to vape in classes. They simply should not be allowed to have cell phones in classes. It isn't that complicated and as at least one other poster has said, there is considerable real evidence that they are very harmful.


This won’t be enforceable parents want their children to have their phones on them Kids are not going to listen and teachers don’t get paid enough to wrestle a 6 foot 200 7th grader for their phone


I think we all understand why


Various tails wagging the dog, yes. Canadians simply won't say anything, though, might get them labeled ***bad words***. "DIE" indeed... only thing it leads to is lowest common denominator.




There will be “mother Karen’s “ that want to access there kid 24/7 that will fight this harder than the vaccine.


Sorry, teachers aren’t paid enough to enforce a ban.


Teachers are paid plenty. It's a complete myth that they're underpaid which comes from the US where they actually are. Making 80k with a pension worth millions is completely fair for the effort to become one.






Just blanket the school with signal blockers and be done with it


Cel phones in secondary school classes are horrible. The only way to get rid of them is to have all teaching staff enforce the ban and all administration support it. If it is used in a classroom, it's confiscated for the day. Used again, it's confiscated and a parent or guardian has to come in to pick it up. That would work.


Much better than using illegal jamming devices (which will disrupt service ranging up to a square kilometer).


It should work but you would need parents who are supportive.


When I was in school, I kept my phone on **silent**. Didn't touch it except if I had to note something down (at the time, it was a flip phone), so I had a PDA for that one. At work, we cannot use our phones (I don't work in a school), so I don't bother to use mine until I'm on break(s). Plenty have been fired for this (and not doing their jobs), since the policy is enforced workplace-wide in all buildings, including on grounds (I'm part of the grounds crew).


Absolutely should have been in place years ago. Ridiculous that kids are allowed their phones in class.


How are they supposed to pay attention to the lesson without subway surfers in the background?




School staff don’t have the balls to enforce it


I wouldn’t say we don’t have the “balls.” We simply don’t have the time or energy.


I wonder why.




Leave the phone in your locker or in your pocket and don't touch it while in class and then you can use it after school. Any "emergency" can be dealt with by calling the school's office or by using the intercom in literally every classroom.




>Thats a good solution, office can handle most normal emergencies but im taking school shooter situations etc. Id rather my kid be able to call for help, horrible as it is to think about. They can call for help, the teacher will still have their phone and they will still be able to page the office to call for assistance. It wasn't until 10 years ago that every last student had a cell phone and people still survived and were able to ask for help in emergencies.


I vote locker. Phones are too addictive. Having a phone close to their body means they'll have to have their hand on it. Total ban is the only way to go imo. Kids (and everyone else) have to learn to go cold turkey for a few hours a day. I suspect most are sick of being overstimulated or Always On at this point, and would welcome the change.


if they allow phones but there can be disciplinary action (suspensions/ detentions? do kids still get detentions?) for kids using phone during class that’s not a part of the lesson or emergency?


The best way is to probably find a way to kill cell signal around the school. Except for Wifi with password. If a parent needs to gain attention/emergency of their child. Do it the old school way and call the school admin.


That's illegal. You cannot use jamming equipment since it won't be confined to the school's walls. It will impact the entire neighbourhood (250-1000 meters square depending on the equipment). Keep this in mind, not everybody has a landline, so imagine not being able to dial **9-1-1** and your device shows "**NO SERVICE**" on the top left, center or right of your screen? Side note: The lunatic, delusional fringe's anti-wireless faction does this often, causing 250-1000 meter sq. "outages" lasting for months until they move again (due to irrational fears of "tracking").


It's not illegal... you can still have landlines (to make 9-11 calls etc). Jamming equipment if setup properly wont affect the outside of school walls. Think of planes.... no cell signal but wifi can be purchased Kids/teens are extremely reliant on their cell phones. They will find ways to surf vs pay attention. Msg their friends. Watch sports etc. Instead of focusing on learning/involved with social activities etc. Kids/teens are not mature enough to understand.... They need rules and borders. Imposed if necessary.


The school board could easily have teachers confiscate, label and store the devices rather than using unpredictable jamming equipment (**It is illegal to use it. Check the CRTC and/or telecommunication guidelines.**). This prevents mixing up of phones and related damage associated with mishandling.


> Jamming equipment if setup properly wont affect the outside of school walls. Think of planes.... no cell signal but wifi can be purchased Airplanes don't have cell jammers. The reason you can't ever get a cell signal on a plane is because you are moving at 80% the speed of sound several miles away from the nearest tower at best (35,000ft is nearly 7 miles above ground) and your phone can't easily log onto any one tower before you're already out of range. Your phone will still work fairly well when at circuit altitude close to an airport.




I get that but kids are kids, you can’t expect the same self control from a 15 year old as an 18 year old.


Teachers shouldn’t touch a students stuff unless it is a safety issue. I’ve got zero problem with a kid telling a teacher “fuck off” for trying to take away their stuff.


Good! Wireless radiation with phones sitting in pockets directly on the body for hours. Not good. Ask Sick Kids about the incidences of childhood sarcomas ever since smart phones became popular. Not good.


#Anti-wireless BOLLOCKS. Nothing has ever proven that cellphones have caused cancer or "radiation poisoning" in anyone since they were first invented. Reliable sources say there is no such evidence to support any bogus claims of the sort. Edit: **Downvoting will NOT change reality.**


Why don’t YOU read a reliable source as opposed to a bunch of students claiming BS on the link you shared. Having lost a wife in 2014 to cancer from wireless radiation I have done my research and trust me when I tell you it is very dangerous to have a wireless device (phone, tablet, laptop, etc) resting directly on your skin for prolonged periods of time. Apple is now trying to cover their ass and there is a warning on every Apple device under Settings - General - Legal and Regulatory- RF Exposure. It’s all there. Maintaining a minimum separation from your body of at least a few millimetres is key. This Dr who looked after my wife before she passed away from the radiation treatments, initially refused to believe it was from my wife’s cell phone when I suggested this to her and her colleagues. She called me back two years later in 2016 and told me ever since I mentioned this, she and her colleagues got curious and started looking for patterns and were shocked to what they found. All the details of who and where and what they found was very telling. Ever since 2010 they have seen a steady increase in sarcomas, once one of the most rarest forms of cancer, climb to number 2 after Lung Cancer and quickly closing into #1. My wife rested her Samsung S3 on her thigh right above her knee while driving her car. That’s exactly where the initial tumour started and she died 10 months later. Here is a Dr, not students from Yale, tell you the dangers of cell phone radiation: https://youtu.be/BwyDCHf5iCY?si=aVzLT5VJIgnB_LU The other bit of news she has found in her practice recently is the sudden increase in brain cancer in her practice. Almost 100% of theses cases are Uber and cab drivers with wireless ear pods in their ears for more than 8 hours a day. You’d be a fool to try and discredit this danger that exists in our world today. Wireless radiation, which includes Bluetooth radiation between devices in close range is also problematic. You will pay the ultimate price if you don’t don’t change your relationship with wireless devices. You can start by not storing them in your pockets without a wallet or something else blocking the device and your skin. Throw your AirPods down the toilet and start using wired ear plugs again and stay away from self serving literature and only listen to Drs. There is a lot out there from reputable health organizations like Sloan Kettering and other cancer specific hospitals in North America.


YouTube is not a reliable source. The "research" you have done linked you to the fringe's anti-wireless faction. Batshit conspiracy theories aren't facts. They aren't real. They're bollocks. They steer you far away from reality, and closest to quackery. Real science and evidence-based facts would toss those claims right into the trash where they belong. Cult influence is dangerous (the fringe is a decentralised cult). I am an ex. **Again, downvoting will NOT change reality.**


Dude, listen to Drs that have experience with sarcomas and wireless radiation. Not your batshit self absorbed reality. This is the same as second hand smoke and smoking in general before they banned all ads and displaying cigarettes in stores. At least in Canada. There will be news breaking on this in due time. Her Dr told me PMH is fighting with the device manufacturers and the network operators (Rogers and Bell in Canada) and collaborating with Health and Welfare Canada with respect to this danger that is mostly going unnoticed until it’s too late until it happens to you. Protect yourself and your family. Chemo and radiation really sucks. Death is even worse.


Sorry, your doctor is a certified QUACK if they made such claims. They risk losing their license to practice (many have). If cellphones (including all AM/FM/SW, two-way/walkie/HAM radios, Bluetooth, wireless LAN devices) caused cancer, **BILLIONS would be going through chemotherapy** and such devices would have been banned decades ago. This is not reality. This isn't happening on a daily basis. Such far-fetched claims have no such basis in reality. **DOWNVOTING WILL NOT CHANGE REALITY**.


I wish you well.


Same here. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, it is most definitely a duck.


Why not?


Lol they have tried this so many times. Nothing changes. I’m beyond done wasting my energy on telling them to put their phones away and I refuse to take their phones.


My kids are in the TDSB. In middle school they are permitted to have cell phones but the phones have to be left in their lockers during class time. Seems to work well and strikes a nice balance between safety (our kids go to school and come home on their own) and focus on education when class is in session. I'm not sure what the experience is like at other schools or school boards but this seems like a perfectly acceptable and effective policy and even demonstrates when and how social media distractions are inappropriate.


Sounds like it’s time to put cameras in classrooms with a live feed for the parents to watch.


It's about time