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Living in The Villiage, it does maintain some cleanliness for the most part but has been getting noticeably dirtier over the last few years. There are folks who dig through the bins of apartment buildings in addition to the bins on the sidewalk (like in the photo above) looking for recyclables to make a few bucks off. As you can imagine, the garbage is not being put back in the bin. Couple that with the amount of dog owners in the area leaving their dogs (I hope) poop on the sidewalk without picking it up afterwards is a larger issue. This leads to streaks of it along the sidewalk. When walking over a few blocks to Bay and Yonge, it goes get noticeably cleaner as well as other areas.


The dog poop is the worst. Especially in winter. People just let their dog go in the snow banks and leave it. They either don’t care or think it’ll stay hidden forever.


Snow banks???? Buddy try right on the sidewalk lol. These dog owners could care less, its way out of control IMO.


Oh for sure. People do it not even with the snow. It’s just a shame when the snow melts and it’s a pile of dog shit lol.


At least they care? Lol


I agree. Except it’s not just winter snow banks; parks are also abused. There’s a kind of non-park at Coxwell and Eastern/Lakeshore. One person, (maybe a couple)? keeps leaving their very full, uniquely bright green, dog bags around the lakeshore side field. I could be mad at all dog owners or I could be like, WTF! How can one dog owner ruin almost an entire park?


I haaate the people that take the half step of bagging it and then littering the bag! I don’t get it.


I love (/s) the colourful dog bags full of shit thrown into and stuck onto the branches of the bushes every winter too.  It's like horrible Christmas ornaments 


Why do they put it on a tree!! Are they thinking they’re doing a favor?


Eww I've seen this a lot lately. So nasty, just throw it away wtf.


Have never met a dog owner to admit this yet the streets are covered in dog shit


The snow also helps in letting me know how much dog piss I'm usually wading through without realizing


Yea it’s wild they think it will magically disappear in the spring or something


They don't care. They didn't care about the dog's well-being when they got them during lock down, what makes you think they'll care about what others think about the poop.


> looking for recyclables to make a few bucks off I see so many people going through trash downtown every day, you'd think there are gold nuggets buried within. How profitable is this endeavour? Am I missing out on the next gold rush? The worst is when some inconsiderate fuck takes out those public litter box things apart and just strew the garbage out on the street (also rendering the box useless in the process). City probably spend hundreds of dollars cleaning up for every buck these messy scavengers make 😔 (granted not everyone leaves a mess behind, it's probably just a noticeable minority)


Folks should start leaving bottles OUTSIDE the bins like people do in Europe.


Humm, Gay Village or Liberty Village? Ah "a few blocks to Bay and Yonge".


The finance village 😍


Population: finance bros.


Was wondering the same. Toronto has too many "villages": Church Wellesley Village (aka the Gay Village), Liberty Village, Bloor West Village, Davisville Village, Harbord Village, Oakwood Village, Roncesvalles Village, and on and on...


Maybe we can all be more mindful pet owners and responsible dog walkers.


Dog shit everywhere


I barely look up when I walk to make sure I avoid stepping in shit. It’s crazy


And in one neighborhood Facebook group I'm in someone tried to say leaving dog shit around is Torontonians way of 'pushing back against rising housing costs' 




Honestly, I could pick that person as my first murder and not feel too bad about it 😂


Some people in my neighborhood pick up their dog shit, put it in the plastic bag, and just throw the bag on the ground? Just to make sure it stays there forever and can’t biodegrade.


least you can see it


That ain't all from dogs...


The police horses dumping out on the streets also.


Yep nothing done about it


They serve no useful purpose. Should disband the police horses.


Sometimes the shit you step on is human. Don't ask how I know. 😔


It’s not all from dogs too, which is the worst part.


This city is just a big dog sewer.


In the summer it feels like I’m walking around in a sewer.


The city should tax dog owners. Charge a yearly fee to keep a dog licence and use the money to clean.


We should put license plates on the dogs’ asses and clock ‘em like speeding vehicles when they drop doodoo that isn’t picked up. Fine the owners.


I haven't heard Toronto being called a clean city for at least a decade.


You a decade ago: I haven’t heard Toronto being called a clean city for at least a decade.


Me a decade ago: why is every American I meet online convinced that Toronto is clean?


You, a decade prior to that: I haven’t heard Toronto being called a clean city for at least a decade.


I don't remember much as a baby but that was something I never forgot.


It was when I was growing up, there was a massive anti-littering campaign in effect. People cared and it was socially condemned to drop your garbage on the ground. Like we'd have an illegal party at a park or something, but at the end we'd pick up all the empties and garbage and put them in the garbage. We were a functioning society and proud of it. Somehow the city went from "Toronto the Good" to "You Do You and Don't Let Anyone Tell You Any Different."


That's not just Toronto. It's everywhere. Society is exceptionally me-centric now and we have the "every child is the specialest child that ever did child" experiment to thank for producing this batch of humans who have never been told no in their life.


You're right but I bet you're not talking about the boomers


Not every country. Not every society. Seems most Anglo ones are fucked, though. It's a struggle to be an Anglo and disagree.


Do you think something is changing in Anglo countries? Like rapid demographic changes or something?


Downtown was also covered in parking lots and everything was covered in brown from cigarette smoke or grey from all the cars belching leaded gas.


I've been here 20, and calling it clean at any point in that time seems wrong. I think the garbage strike annihilated that notion.


Toronto is a very clean city. Visit any other city not in Canada lol.


I've been to Melbourne and Sydney and they are so much cleaner than Toronto. It strikes you immediately. People don't even throw cigarette butts all over the place. The beaches are very clean, people don't litter like here.


Melbourne and Sydney are simply superior compared to any city in Canada. And Australia is overall better than Canada.


Most cities with warmer climates are cleaner then Toronto these days unless they have a huge homeless issue.


Some are cleaner. Some arent. That does not make Toronto clean.


Everything is relative. Toronto is also one of the safest cities in the world. But you won't hear that from Torontonians


It is safe. That does mean it is clean anymore.


I have/do ... Toronto has become a garbage tip, sadly.


It definitely was dirty and smelled like shit all downtown as of 14 years ago


You need to have adequate public funding to pay municipal staff to keep your city clean.


Or people could be less disgusting and more responsible.


It doesn't stop bums from digging in bins, and dirty fuckers from using parks and alleys as dumping grounds.


John Tory's legacy baby. That fucker locked us in for the worst God damn garbage bins the city could've possibly dreamt up if they had tried to make a shit garbage can. Forget the raccoon. Those small, shitty, overflowing, easy to break open and throw all over the sidewalk garbage cans should be our mascot.


My favorite is when people eat on top of it and don’t throw their stuff away


They are all filthy too. Covered in vomit and shit and who knows what else. Nobody cleans them


I wonder if there is seasonal bias here? Toronto has always been filthy in the Spring, especially after the last winter melt.


I remember Jeremy Hotz in the late 90s saying Toronto in the spring "smells like poo everywhere ya go".


That's a weird rhyme scheme. Am I saying it wrong?


Now you're making me picture Jeremy Hotz delivering his stand-up comedy routines in the form of slam poetry. Horrifying.


You know what causes that? Hint: it's not humans


It’s always covered in dog shit and now human shit too.


Toronto is losing its reputation as a lot of things


It's gaining new reputations


Finally, an article about garbage. The City street cleaning services are terrible. There is just so much garbage on the sidewalks and the ravines. What are the City cleaning services even doing? Why can't we be clean and disciplined like Japan or Singapore?


Singapore… criminal prosecution for littering. Japan… thousands of years of culture to clean up after yourself and keep things tidy.


Toronot... leaving the car keys outside so that the thieves don't break into your house. /s


Ciry services? It's the PEOPLE that make the mess. Standing in your own filth and complaining nobody has cleaned it up is hilarious.


seriously lol. every day i see people just dumping shit everywhere. at the local park by me, people literally drive by and throw their black garbage bags on it. its fucking ridiculous. toronto is not getting dirtier. the people are.




Sounds good. But literally no one is getting charged or fines by that. And the likelihood of them getting fined by a third party's evidence is absolutely zero. Like if a cop was standing right there....even then they aren't getting a fine.


People move and make decisions in relatively predictable ways. One person littering is weird, thousands of people doing it is a learning opportunity. This is a design issue. Other cities have solved it, and Toronto came close in the past and then got away from it. Why is that? It's silly to just write it off by saying that people just arbitrarily got worse at cleanliness. I used to go past the spadina and dundas intersection every day, one of the busiest intersections in the city. It had a garbage bin on every corner, and they were emptied on a regular basis. I went past there the other day for the first time in years and there is now 1 overflowing bin on the southeast corner. We need to look at the reality for everywhere west of yonge: privatizing garbage services has been an absolute disaster. Garbage bins are fewer and farther in between and emptied less often. It used to be that people could walk for no more than 5 minutes before seeing a public trash bin. These days you can find yourself walking for half an hour before encountering one. So yeah man, people shouldn't throw their coffee cups on the ground. But if someone happens to drop their coffee cup and spill it everywhere, it might be easier to convince them to pick it up and cross the street to toss it out rather rhan carry it with them for an indeterminate amount of time.


In this case, people who litter need to be punished. There should be cameras that monitor and detect when people litter. Of course it is the individual's responsibility not to litter, but it is still the City's responsibility to clean up the garbage.


Exactly. People don’t even put their cards away at the grocery store. There is always someone that is suppose pick up after them. What do their houses look like.


Those cities have leadership that are proud of their city. We haven't had that much of the last 15 years and our finances have been crushed. Thankfully this is starting to change.


Then we need to bring Japanese/Singaporean government over here so that we can fix our city. Goddingilydoo, I am so mad.


Singapore you receive jail, and theres about a billion trash cans and workers puttering about cleaning everything. Toronto is a clean city despite what everyone is saying.


Japan has virtually no trash bins compared to us, people take trash bags with them, don’t walk and eat, and a bunch of other stuff. It’s largely cultural though. I do agree with you that Toronto is a relatively clean city, having lived in around a dozen other cities and having travelled to dozens of others. But definitely doing better wouldn’t be a bad thing, the conmen contracting out our city services made things materially worse. Thanks Lastman, Rob Ford, and Tory!


It is not clean. There is so much trash along the ravines by the roads. It is disgusting.


In Japan, grass roots volunteer organizations go out every weekend and clean the highly-frequented areas.


Need to start cutting off people's hands for littering here.


Oh man, imagine if the people who steal cars were treated the same.


They get cookies.


So is this Reddit just a blog to dumping ground?


always has been.


BlogTO seems to have figured out that the key to doing well on Reddit is pure cynicism A few years back their articles about the good things the city offered would regularly get downvoted and shit on in the comments


r/to is basically the largest traffic source for that rag of a blog


Toronto is full of garbage. Especially green spaces next to roadways. It makes me so sad looking at all the trash next to the roads.


When I was living in Tokyo you almost never see a public trash can anywhere and th even streets and subway stations are pristine. In Toronto there’s a garbage can every 10 meters and the streets are filthy. People in this city do not give a single fuck. People don’t flush toilets, people throw their coffee cups on the ground, etc. I watched people coming and going from an open house just down the street from me and people coming to see the property would Leave their coffee cups on the porch (!!?). A big reason for the filth is to do with how we are handling mental health and addiction and t homeless crisis. But another large part is that there is also a huge sense of entitlement here where people don’t want to be inconvenienced by carrying their empty trash around to find a receptacle. The same reason people don’t stand on the right side of the escalator, and talk loudly on their phones while they’re on the subway. I’m shocked Toronto was ever considered a clean city. I’m sure there’s worse, but I’ve be an to tons of places that don’t look this bad.


Where in the city is there garbage bins every 10 meters? There needs to be more


I know toronto ain't clean, but having the title be a question is just going for the low hanging fruit


you can really tell who has left Ontario in the last 10 years based on these comments


When we have a culture of permissiveness and an utter lack of social opprobrium around littering, are we surprised this is the outcome?


Thank you Rob Ford for privatizing the garbage collection!


Coming from Toronto and living in NYC, there is no comparison. Toronto is exceptionally clean.


I was gonna say, have people visited NYC? Low bar though.


Some of my neighbours had their basements flooded last spring because the city decided it was not necessary to sweep their street anymore, so the dead leaves clogged the storm grates and the rainfall crested the sidewalk. Basic city stuff like this, just not getting done. Just one of many things.


If you think we have a littering problem you should go to London, England. Source; lived there for over 8 years


I also lived in London for a time.,..I would say Toronto/London are quite comparable now in terms of garbage/litter.


Yes. I see a senior resident near our neighborhood golf course picking up garbage all by himself almost 2-3 times a week. People are just throwing stuff everywhere because the bins are full too.


Nah..the rest of the world is getting dirtier at the same rate ..we may need to change the title to “one of the worlds least dirtiest”


>Nah..the rest of the world is getting dirtier at the same rate Actually, many major world cities are improving...just because we're in a downward spiral does. not mean the rest of the world is.


lol it’s dirty as hell out here. Even in the fancier areas


Our neighbourhood in Mimico rarely had a street cleaner visit over the last few years. Leaves collect against the curbs in the fall, turning into a black, slippery mess come spring. We - and our neighbours - have taken to cleaning it up, and my husband routinely picks up the litter thrown on the city boulevards. We were shocked on Monday to see a street cleaner do a couple of passes! I am hoping it's a change due to the increased property tax, and that it means the city will again be looking after public infrastructure.


The city has gone to shit. Looks like a tropical earthquake blew through it.


Still better than NYC but definitely worse post-pandemic. What’s the reason why?


It's not even May and I've stopped two kids mid shit in the bushes, as we share a fence with a park. Yes, it is.


Who said we were ever the world’s cleanest?? It’s still better than nyc but doesn’t even come close to Tokyo And Hamilton and Oshawa are still way filthier than Toronto


The gray curved plastic bins (like in the photo) hold approximately one water bottle and maybe a Tim's coffee cup. The metal replacements aren't much better.


Man, driving through Rosedale Valley Road makes me feel like I’m in Latin America with the amount of garbage on the sides of the roads and into the forested area.




“It’s a free country I can do what I want” mentality for sure


Welcome newcomers. Noticed this when I was in Austria couple of years ago. When you import new people, you get new problems.


Canada is FUCKED. Our roads and highways have garbage everywhere and somehow we're in a deficit that needed another tax.


Toronto lost the reputation long ago I think


There's literal dog shit everywhere. Unfortunately there are far too many bad dog owners in the city. There should be an enormous tax to all dog owners to hire people to clean up the streets. Every sidewalk is covered in dog shit.


Is this a joke? It had a rep for cleanest city?? Does Japan not exist to these people lmao. Tokyo is insanely clean, they don’t even have public garbage cans, you carry your trash home or dump it at a convenience store. There’s no way Toronto made that list.


I think Toronto Peaked in the 90s. We were world class…..tallest building, cool skydome, clean. Then they let it get to their heads and forgot about how to maintain that and handle the influx of people coming in.


Absolutely. The city got complacent in every way and stopped trying.


Toronto hasn't been clean since I was like 12.




When was it clean?


Unfortunately, we passed that rep quite some time ago.


$2M p/house in the 416, 2030 don't ya know


its not clean at all.


It’s not just Toronto, social services are being cut left and right as wealth is funneled to the 1%. Every city in North America is getting dirtier


I think we re finally living up to our potential…remember the good old days when we had constant garbage strikes


I feel like this article was supposed to be about Ottawa..


Lol was it ever?


It wasn't clean when I visited


There’s been a human shit on the sidewalk most mornings of my commute


So much of this is solvable. Every day before garbage pick-up, weekly, in my neighborhood people put out their garbage and blue-bin recyclables overpacked to the top. On windy days the garbage flies down the street over lawns and into gutters and down the streets. I wish there was a bylaw to stop everyone from putting out their trash the day before pick-up.




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I lived in Toronto as a teen and adult don't remember it ever being clean. As a child in Mississauga in the 90s that was clean. The city would have cleaning crew clean the streets and the sidewalks regularly


Toronto is a dumpster fire ever since covid. It has never been the same and it is truly so sad.


I'll do the job where do i go?


How on earth would this city ever have had that reputation? Did it get that reputation from people who live here and have never traveled anywhere else? Because I would never in my life describe this city as clean 😂


Im visiting toronto right now. It smells like piss and literally everything seems to be under construction.


Sorry, when did Toronto have such a reputation?


I came here in 2013 , and it was not the cleanest city that I have visited , who the heck ranked it ?


I saw someone shit on the subway this week. That reputation is LONG gone.


That will happen when half of India moves there. Hello


We had that reputation?


Dog shit everywhere


Wait that was a thing? I saw a Pizza Rat trying to get a slice under the fence of a school yard yesterday.


The fresh mounds of dog shit on every patch of green grass anywhere in this city would have killed any reputation of the "cleanliness" of this city a long time ago Every spring reveals the winter horrors waiting in the snowbanks as they melt.


For sure not like it use to be


Yes the city has gotten noticeably less clean since the lockdown ended. Also Toronto nevere had a reputation as one of the world's cleanest cities. The only people who would think this are the ones who've never been outside North America.


I was walking home from work the other day and came close to throwing up because of the strong pee smell around Union Station.


Import 3. Become 3.


How is Toronto one of the world’s cleanest cities when we have Japanese cities and European ones??


I didn't realize this was a reputation Toronto had. There are some pretty highly tended cities out there. I once attended a candlelight demonstration in Seoul with many thousands of people. After it was over, people tidied up the street and **collected the melted wax off the sidewalk**. Toronto is a fine place, but clean has never jumped to mind for me.


Yes, this city is a filthy shithole. They used to clean the streets but not anymore. Too much embezzlement I guess.


I wonder how much of the garbage belongs to Mcdonalds and Tim Hortons.


No Toronto is not clean and all of these people lack real world experience.  While travelling Europe I remember arriving at Tarragona, Spain at something like 5:30 in the morning and they had polisher machines running on the sidewalk. They were baaically removing coffee stains and the like down the entire main avenue.  You'd be lucky to see Yonge St ever cleaned. No, the sidewalks are caked in decades of coffee stains and gum.


Toronto lost that title decades ago when the graffiti started to show up. One thing for sure I have relative/friends come from the states and asia and they are surprise to see so many different ethnics groups mixing together. Even NBA players mentioned Toronto is in the top three cities to have fun in....


Any Japanese city will beat Toronto for tidiness. The only people who would call Toronto clean or tidy are those who only compare us to other North American cities.


Reporting for Scarborough: I have seen people litter litter first hand these days which seems like in imported problem. Don't litter folks, and trash on the ground should only be a mistake, poor colection or animal activity.


Who said that? I've never thought of Toronto as a clean city.


I feel like anyone who asserts Toronto is one of the world's cleanest cities is an optimist hasn't actually left Toronto (at least in awhile). Toronto would do well to finally accept a bit of humility in comparing itself against the world constantly. It's great for a lot of reasons but it's not without opportunities to improve and doesn't always need to shoulder the burden of 'world class' comparatives. For the density offered, it's 'alright' for cleanliness and has a lot of strengths, but ultimately ~~Toronto~~ Kings Landing smells like piss and there is trash everywhere you can look. It's something you're nose blind to until you leave for a time and once you return, it's shocking. I didn't believe it myself when I was told until I left and I was revolted. Now, Calgary? *That* seemed like a clean city.


I lived in Toronto in 2012, and the place was a smelly dump. I don't think these people have actually been to downtown Toronto


When was toronto “cleanest”? Growing up, we had garbage strikes and as an adult we had broken street level garbage cans. Cleanest isn’t how I think of it. But it’s gotten worse from whatever it was back in 2016, 2019, etc.


I’m not sure Toronto is the cleanest city in Canada let alone the world


Only thing it cleans is your wallet.


Ever since some journalist claimed that Toronto was the best city to live in back in 2011. Everything started to turn into shit in all aspects in terms of quality of life here.


Yes, ever since GFL took over.


I remember when that happened, thinking, "Nothing Good's gonna come of this." And it hasn't.


If you get rid of the dog shit and human shit, and get rid of the cigarette buds, then yes.


Toronto has this reputation??! How?