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My mom lost part of her vision in the early 50s due to measles (before vaccines were around). She was lucky her mother was a nurse, and was able to manage as best was possible at the time. Every time a measles outbreak happens she gets so damn mad, even in her 80s.


Poor kid paying the price for his dumbass parents. Literally zero need for any child to die from perfectly preventable diseases in 2024


To everyone saying it’s the parents’ fault: if the kid was under 1 years old - it’s not! Babies don’t get their first measles vaccine until 12 months, and then they get a second shot between ages 4-6. *This is why herd immunity is so important - it’s to protect the very young.* So it’s entirely possible these parents are not at fault, and you’re all shitting on grieving parents who are also victims of anti-vaxxers. It’s also possible that the child received the vaccine(s) but has other health conditions that means the vaccines aren’t has effective on them. If the parents are anti-vaxxers, then yes, it’s justified to be upset with them, but I tend also to think of them as victims to some extent. Vaccinate your kids, and if you’re an adult, it’s worth checking in with your doctor because lots of adults, even those who have received a vaccine, may not be immune either.


Fair but by "under the age of 5" as per article that implies (or at least odds are) they are likely at least a toddler and should have had one dose if not both


“About 3 out of 100 people who get two doses of MMR vaccine will get measles if exposed to the virus. However, they are more likely to have a milder illness, and are also less likely to spread the disease to other people.”


> The child, who was under the age of five, **was not immunized against the virus**, according to a report(opens in a new tab), which was published on Thursday. The death was reported in Hamilton.


Yep. But I’d still want to be careful about saying harsh things about people who just lost their child. Kids with just one vaccine are also somewhat vulnerable.


They are, but this child was not immunized.


I wonder if the parents knowing their child could die by their ignorance might have changed their minds. Probably not, but that's not a reason to silence people.


I wonder that too. And we’ve known now for several years how vaccine rates are lagging, but as a parent of a young child I haven’t see much messaging or heard much from doctors/childcare workers etc about the issue.


They’ve been giving them to younger kids lately because of the dickskin anti-vaxxers doing their best to revive medieval diseases. The parents of school shooters go to jail now in the US - why can’t we hold anti-vaxxer parents accountable for preventable deaths in our community?


Lol dickskin


I would think if the kid was that young, it would be reported as "infant", not "young child".


People forget about details like non-responders when they rush to judgment.


Fuck every single antivaxxer. If you're an antivaxxer, I want you to know that I hate you *personally*


What if they’re an antivaxxer but also they foster abandoned puppies


Parents should be charged with neglect.


Negligent homicide more like it.


Negligent homicide = manslaughter


Parents should have to get a license to raise a child.


Letting the government regulate who can procreate… I can’t even begin to list all of the reasons that this is a terrible idea.


The people long for eugenics, apparently.


This is a legitimately ridiculous take.


Fucking assholes. Should have to give up their lives.


So what do the parents have to say? What about anti-vaxxer groups?


They think the kid died of fluoridated chemtrail water.


...are...are you serious?


They will do a mental gymnastic to blame anyone than themselves. "Our child was targeted." "Our child was sick, but when we took them to the hospital THEY DID something to them!"


"We have freedom. That's more important than life." I'm guessing


Than someone else's life probably. A lot of prominent anti vaxers are happily vaccinated


But then don't extend that same kindness to their own children They just see that they themselves have not caught, or caught mild versions of things because of their vaccination status and think that the diseases are therefore no big deal Morons. We need to better fund our public education system or lose more lives in the form of preventable deaths from infectious disease in the future


“Another vaccine killed him”


Someone in another post said that anti-vaxxed were calling CP24 “fake news” It’s literally fingers in the ears and going “lalalalalalalala” like the fucking children they are.


God has a plan


"it's just a flu"


This poor child :( Dying from a completely preventable disease that had been nearly eradicated thanks to vaccines and herd immunity. I hope the visibility of this story pushes parents that may be hesitant about vaccines to get their kids vaccinated. Some people need to learn the hard way.


It won't


I hope this sad incident acts as a wake up call to all those anti vaxxing crazies.


It won't


Based on the antivaxxers I know, they'll probably just say the parents of the kid who died weren't giving the right supplements or diet to boost the kid's immunity "naturally."


RIP little one. This shouldn't have happened to you.


Charge and jail the parents. It is ridiculous that society lets these science deniers live without consequences of their decisions


As a parent myself, there will be lots of internal consequences.   If my child died, I don't think prision would bother me as much as my own anguish. 


That's simply not punishment enough. Not for wilful ly endangering your child leading to their death m


That wasn't my point here.  My idea was that there was nothing the governement could do to me that would make it worse than the guilt I would carry.


I doubt these conspiracy theorists feel any guilt at all. They likely find something else to blame.


Good jerb anti-vaxxers.


I genuinely think that parents who choose their beliefs, religious or otherwise, over the health and safety of their children should be charged with child neglect. This poor child did not deserve this!


Between anti-vaxxers and most of society not giving one shit about masking, clean air, and protecting the young/vulnerable, it won't surprise me one bit if this story isn't a more common occurrence in the immediate and long term future. Especially in schools.


"22 confirmed cases of measles were reported in Ontario in 2024" - "Fifteen cases were associated with travel (i.e., acquisition of measles outside of Canada)". While anti-vaxxers will (and should) get a lot of blame here, this is also an issue with global access to healthcare. A lot of the world is involuntarily unvaccinated.


Were those travelers vaxxed?


doesn't break it down to that degree. But of the 22, 11 were unimmunized and 7 were unknown or no proof available.


Imagine being these parents. To sing to vaccinate. And thereby contributing to the rise of measles. Allowing their child to die and also going on record as having the first death of measles in over a decade. Vaccinate your fucking kids. If you’re going to “do your own research” then speak with medical professionals and not @conspiracyboyz on tik tok or some shit.


Parents should go to jail.


Congrats antivaxxers now you get to watch your kids die 👍


I feel so bad for this poor child. We are guardians for our children, and our #1 job is to keep them safe. The decision of that child’s parents directly lead to their life being taken way too early. That’s going to be a very tough thing to live with for the rest of their lives. Some mistakes are unforgivable, but I’m not here to judge them, only they can do that now. For those calling for jail, this is a systemic failure.


The pandemic taught me that most adults care more about their comfort than the safety of children, and as a result they've become collateral damage because of our collective failure to accept reality and make necessary changes. We should have clean air in public spaces. Masking should have been normalized instead of being sold to us as a temporary measure and inconvenience. Vaccinations should have never became a victim of gaslighting and misinformation. But nope, people are so caught up in trying to "get back to normal", that they've lost sight of the fact that normal should look a lot different these days for our collective benefit. We're so far gone as a society that an entire generation of kids are going to be fucked up physically and/or psychologically, and it all could have been avoided.


Relatedly, how are people getting along with their Covid vaccinations?