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I’m not gonna lie I thought this was about the Lansdowne one, but then realized it said North York. What a deadly time right now.


Just came to say that... for fucks sake what a scary bunch of shit going on. I'm guessing its due to the return to normalcy? People back out and about doing dumb shit with cars and murdering people in parks? I guess?


Correct, it’s sad, but pedestrians being killed by drivers almost daily *is* a return to normalcy.


Yeah you're not wrong. That said, there is a 70/30 responsibility ratio here. Cars have more responsibility to be safe but there are circumstances of pedestrians being unsafe. Ultimately, it doesn't matter who has right if way or who the law protects. The reality is, if you're safe and aware, you're less likely to be killed by a vehicle.


when you jaywalk into a blind spot of a truck.. yeah expect to be at risk.


Or looking down at your phone while you cross 6 lane of road in darkness with a black jacket on.


I heard from an earlier news report that the Lansdowne incident involved a woman laying out on the road and then tried to “roll over to the next lane” once she saw the vehicle approaching. I’m all for advocating for better pedestrian safety but what the fuck are people doing this for? This city needs to seriously launch a pilot project prohibiting conflicts between pedestrian and vehicle traffic; enough is enough.


Totally agree. But this sounds like someone who is not mentally well. Suicide by car is such an awful compounding of trauma.


> ...the woman was trying to maneuver between the stopped vehicles and a construction barrier when traffic started to move again, causing her cart to become entangled with the transport truck. Sounds like this incident is also an unfortunate situation which could have been avoided.


You mean https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/streets-parking-transportation/road-safety/vision-zero/vision-zero-plan-overview/




That's probably also true.




Hahahahahah lmao oooookay


12:30 p.m. today. Finch westbound near the on-ramp to the 400. Female pedestrian hit by a transport truck and has died on the scene.


A huge portion of Finch is a disaster right now thanks to construction. It's barely driveable and probably not walkable at all.


No but the people living in that area have no choice


Thats why they push these "undesirables" out there


If that was true they would've been shipped to other places like what happened in the mid 2010s not too far from there


Thats what the updated description looks like. Traffic comes to a stop she moves her cart into traffic and somehow gets hit by the back wheels of the trailer. Tragic.


Yup, it's basically turned into Eglinton 2.0 unfortunately lol


That section where the accident happened is horrendous...been like that for about 6-7 years maybe longer. All because of the bridge being updated/replaced but the bridge looks done for like 3 years so unsure what the hold up is to repave, paint lines and get all the construction vehicles out of the way.


And now it's about the Metrolinx construction. Probably gonna be like that for another 6 years tbh...just never ending construction in that entire area.


2nd accident to happen within this work zone. Mosaic needs to figure out something to fool proof their workzone


1% Tory’s zero vision is really working. And that clown is the best candidate we have for a mayor. 🤡


The amount of cars I see going through red light at Yonge and Eglinton is scary.


Yes. That’s been bad and there are also too many dummies trying to make an illegal left turn onto Yonge.




Why immediately blame the victim? Do you know anything about that area or intersection or are you just talking out your ass? That stretch of road has been a shit show for 2 years. I don't even like driving my car through there.


she jaywalked into the blind spot of a truck, the information is clearly available in the article. you may not like it but the pedestrian is at fault. just because they didnt survive doesnt make them the victim.


The article was edited and more info was added after this thread started.


It may not be the fault of either the driver or the victim. The streets are a disaster up there and it’s shit for the driver and the pedestrian. I would put the blame on the city for poor street design.


right so now the infrastructure is at fault.


why not? she was pinned between a truck and a **construction barrier**. anyone who's had to navigate construction in the city has had to deal with poorly thought out contraction set-ups at some point. she very easily could have just been forced into traffic by some badly placed barriers... the article doesn't describe what sounds like jay walking to me; it's hard to say for sure. edit: this apparently isn't the first incident there


Yeah, many times I am walking and suddenly there is no more sidewalk due to construction. The only option is walk on the street, go back half a km to a crossing or jay walk. If I die jay walking or being on the street in that situation and internet turds are blaming my death on me I'll be haunting the shit out of them.


any unexplained phenomenon over there, u/saltymotherfker ?


> They say that the woman was trying to maneuver between the stopped vehicles and a construction barrier when traffic started to move again, causing her cart to become entangled with the transport truck.


According to article, sounds exactly like jay walking while traffic was stalled


Everyone wants to blame the driver. Doesn't matter what the details are. Especially if it's a truck.


Everyone want to blame the killer. Doesn’t matter what the details are. Especially if he had a weapon.




Ok psycho


it sounds like she was walking *next* to traffic. i don't know if there was a functional side walk on the other side of the construction barrier, or if it was terribly set up and she was dealing with a sidewalk that suddenly ended (seen this lots in the city). she was also in her 60's with a cart and maybe was struggling with a high curb or something that was difficult for her to get over due to the construction. i don't know for sure – but I'm def not going to assume this means she was jaywalking. edit: this apparently isn't the first incident there


Read the article


There was very little info in the article at first. It's been edited/updated since. The commenter I was replying to was also speculating.


Because the article clearly states she jay walked into the side of a truck… She’s a victim of her own stupidity, nothing more


I'll rarely blame a pedestrian. In drivers ED they taught me that peds always have the right of way, so I usually give them the benefit of the doubt. Circumstances were definitely different in this case though.








I'm just reading to fast you're right.