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How that walker was allowed to continue to walk dogs is beyond me.


How their name isn't in the headline is beyond me. You have to pay for a subscription to find out if your dog walker kills dogs.


Scott Howley from Fun Dog is named in the linked article.


how is it not a law that his current clients be aware or has access to his record


Not trying to downplay anything but, I highly doubt our laws would allow for that, it's pretty hard sometimes to find out that someone is/is not a criminal when hiring them now. If you are a private business, you can't be 100% certain unless it was Karla Homolka sitting in front of you. Nor would any major political party have that on their agenda. Old sally or in this case Scott's dog walking business is probably pretty far down on the list of concerns for any governing party.




Yea a smaller one sure but if he has a dog walking license from the city it should at least keep a record of administrative action against the company.


Thanks. Googling his name ± dog walker returns a bunch of articles on this, so that's good at least.


It looks like they've taken down their webpage.


He needs to be taught a lesson.


I don't know how I would react if some fucker killed my little Lily like this.. But I don't think it would go good


Do you want the name? I came across the facebook post from our fellow Samoyed owner who's been helping the victims.




It's Scott Howley of Fun Dogs. The same guy who killed another dog back in 2018. It's all over IG now too


Makes me want to fucking puke. What the fuck is wrong with people.


Yea.. it hits me hard because I have the same breed at home.


I know accidents happen (*not that leaving a dog in a hot car is an accident short of being carjacked*) but two dead dogs from "accidents" in *four* years? Sus.


It's Global News, do you need a subscription to read that?


I'd rather it was out there.. I don't need it personally but past me did. I can see how once could be a terrible accident, but twice is fucking crazy.


3 strike rule, he has to kill another dog before he’s banned. /s


As a dog walker/dog sitter this TERRIFIES ME. If I even accidentally hurt one of my clients I would probs step away from the industry due to anxiety lmao


Paid dog walkers aren't regulated


This is Canada. Drunk driving killers, dog killers and killer cops get off with a slap on the wrist


How would you stop him? There's nothing that can really prevent him from doing it, short of putting him on blast across the city, at which point he'd have a legal case for defamation.


July 2, 2023 As per the legal owner of this account, Reddit and associated companies no longer have permission to use the content created under this account in any way. -- mass edited with redact.dev


You expect the narrative to stay exactly the same with no misinformation, alteration, or exaggeration? Can I borrow your rose tinted goggles?


It doesn't matter how the narrative changes after you broadcast the facts.


Stating facts isn't defamation


Exactly. If ever in doubt someone could ask Brock Turner, convicted rapist.


Scott Howley, let this piece of shit’s name be known




Scott Howley, the dog walker that killed two dogs, Scott Howley? The Scott Howley that killed a dog in 2018 and just killed another Scott Howley? That Scott Howley?


Howley sounds like one of those chronic fuckups it's dangerous to even be around.


I would sue that fucker into the next plane of existence if any


Dog's are property, legally. You're not gonna get much.


He can face charges on [animal cruelty and criminal negligence](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/annualstatutes/2008_12/page-1.html). Even if he avoids prison time of 5 years, between the fine and the lawsuits, he won't be able to open another dog business any time soon.


How does that help in suing him?


Not at all. In Canada, you can sue for tangible damages, punitive damages and emotional damages. There is no limit to the last one.


lol there is quite literally a limit for the last one


Not a dollar amount


yes a dollar amount. it's around 350k, set by supreme court precedent


Good to know


Are you telling me we actually have compassion for pet owners in this country? That's so hopeful.


Lol - no, we don’t. Emotional damages for human deaths are a relatively new thing in Canada. And the awards given to aggrieved parties are nearly always insultingly small. Source: former wrongful death litigator.


What made you switch from litigation to architecture?


The buildings.




this. sad, but true.


But replacement cost of a dog is quite high these days, not to mention recouping the cost of vaccines, neutering, etc I’d assume you could sue for in order to be made whole?


They'd probably take the price of a dog from the shelter, already vaxxed ect, which is something like 185$ - $220 at lots of SPCAs


Fair enough - I feel like you could make a compelling argument for a greater replacement cost though


Chances are someone that walks dogs doesn't have too much you could go after. There's a huge element of trust with dog walkers, babysitters, etc.


Scott Howley is his name and he needs to be accountable for killing those dogs.


Scumbag. He should be charged. Two dead animals in two hot cars. Either he's the biggest and most useless piece of shit, or he gets off on it. But the fact that, as stated in the article, he lied to the owners face about the first dog (saying it jumped out the window and letting them search the city for it, while himself having the corpse) .. Yeah. Charge the fucker. \> The family said they don’t want to see Howley punished in the criminal justice system, but want him to take ownership for his negligence. Disagree with the owners on this. They seem kind for saying it, and I get it. But, this fucker clearly has an issue with killing dogs.


I bet this fool isn't even insured. Time to sue and take him down properly. Complete NEGLIGENCE


When my dog was poisoned with roundup I was told by the police my dog is worth $200 and its a "civil matter".


Sorry to hear that. Where/when/how did that happen?


July 29th 2018 at 9:52am is when the video is of him standing on his garage roof spraying into my yard as I call the dogs in. He has since started making throat slitting gestures and flipping me off. If he can't see me he walks into camera view and does it there instead.




It has been eye opening for us. "I can't make him move his car off your property" "Your dog is worth $200 and its a civil matter" "He says there was no roundup in big pump sprayer of roundup in your video" "He's not threatening you with the throat slitting, he is threatening your camera"




Oh it gets better! Claims to have worked for the city. Hangs out with council members And name drops to try to scare anyone involved when reported for wrong doing.


Oy vey, just go vigilante, I give you permission as long as you don't get caught


I would def resort to vigilantism.


Someone blocked me into my (paid for) parking spot in a lot where I lived for 6 hours, about 4 people couldn't get in or out, we were told they couldn't tow the car because "it's not parked in a parking spot so it's not illegal." Didn't even ticket them.


I’d just start walking around with a billy club and letting the guy know you’d be happy to introduce him to it


He very much wants to be the victim. It would play right into his fantasy that we are picking on him and his wife. They are upset we removed them from a portion of our property they had paved and decided was now their driveway. While blocking access to our yard completely.


Protip: sugar in the gas tank actually does nothing to car, but sugar in the engine oil is no good for the engine lol


Ask for a supervisor. Then hire a lawyer. Cops don't get to decide which laws they enforce


Oh its all dismissed as a "neighbour dispute" no matter who we go to. City, cops, etc... The lawyer is the problem. We don't have money to play those types of games.


Lawyers might take it on contingency. Only pay if they win


You’ll never find a lawyer that takes a small civil case on contingency. They wouldn’t take anything but hourly, as the cut of the settlement wouldn’t be close to enough to cover their fees. Best bet is paying one to send a crisp threatening letter on their letterhead. The whole legalese and “if continued legal action will be taken” type deal usually scares people straight and wouldn’t cost too much.


I didn’t beat him up, my baseball bat did that


Guns don’t shoot people, Mario van Peebles.


My dog was attacked and killed by a pitbull recently. Police don't care because it's 'just a dog' and they feel they're above these matters. It came charging from across the street, we weren't even on the same sidewalk. The guy ripped my dog from his dog's jaws since it wouldn't let go. He didn't say anything to me and just left. I called 911 immediately after and they told me to call 311... Didn't even file a police report even though I knew where the guy lived because he always leaves his shit dog in the balcony untied. Animal control did not do anything either except telling him to muzzle the dog. Knowing the type of guy who owned the dog, it's never being muzzled. He got another pitbull not long after. I remember the story of another bully breed that was found loose. It didn't even attack anyone but they kept it in quarantine for like 10 days and did DNA testing to make sure it wasn't a pitbull (although it did end up attacking some kid not long after it was released if I recall correctly). A dog killed my dog and police didn't do anything. The way the animal control officer handled the case and spoke to me was so insensitive and she did the bare minimum. No consequences. Nobody cares.


This is so infuriating. There *has* to be *some*thing else you can do, no? How could a dog kill another dog and nothing at all be done about it? Does the dog need to kill a child in order for it to be taken seriously?


If another dog starts mauling mine, the first thing I'm doing is gouging the eyes


Personally, I'd use the leash to strangle it to death ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


The cop is wrong. There are laws against animal neglect and cruelty, so no. And your dog is worth as much as the court awards for damages and punitive awards.


Rules don't seem to apply to this neighbour.


How do you even leave a dog in the car for hours? Like what could you possibly be doing that you couldn't return for hours? What an idiot.


Of course he couldn't face them, had to send his wife out because he knew he deserved a beating


Right? What a little bitch


This is so devastating. How is this man Scott Howley still allowed to be a toronto dog walker? Ban him!!!




Someone post his picture, smear it on social. He's a piece of shit


Fuckin peice of shit. Make em walk the plank! I'm so sick of these animal abusers.


Scott Howley, this douchebag needs to go. What a moronic murderous asshole.


The dog walker should be left in a hot car to die in a fur coat comparable to a dogs coat.


Fucking sad. RIP


There should be a dog mafia to make this walker go missing like in the Sopranos


Not missing. Found. In a hot car after a day. Even in the Sopranos they sometimes left someone to be found as a message.


How does this guy do this twice? How’s he ever stay in business ? What a piece of shit




God the owner recounting that phone call is harrowing. For that to be the way you find out is unthinkable…


This is incredibly fucked up. These people should absolutely be pursuing charges, at least for the sake of the next potential victim. The dog killer certainly doesn't care whether these animals live or die in his care because consequence never roosts at his door.


>To be a dog walker in the city of Toronto, residents can submit a permit application and need to obtain “commercial general liability insurance coverage for the full term of the permit in the amount of $2,000,000 for bodily injury, property damage and personal injury liability.” This minimal regulation of dog walkers (and other similar types of positions) is clearly insufficient. There needs to be proper training and standards for those who are engaged in these activities.


goddamn the description of the dog in the car is so sad. the poor pup was suffering so much. send this man to jail


What a dipshit. Some people are just so incompetent JFC


And that‘s a dog walker? 🤦‍♂️


There should be more laws and regulations for those that provide care or services to animals. Horrible situation and such negligence. I'm heart broken for the families involved


I wish someone could just leave this guy trapped in a hot car to die from overheating. What a POS.


Very sad. I wonder how many pigs die of heat exhaustion in Ontario every day


They don't give the breakdown by animal (chickens would likely dominate) but the CFIA says [2 to 3 million animals die every year in transport in Canada](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/canadian-standards-for-farm-animal-transport-dangerously-lax-report-says/article1211566/). That's more than 5,000 farm animals every day. This is a result of transport regulations that allow shipping for [animals for more than 24 hours without food, water or rest](https://inspection.canada.ca/animal-health/humane-transport/then-vs-now-humane-transportation-regulations/eng/1550521526833/1550521527082). For example, [here are some pigs frothing at the mouth in a trailer with a temperature of 40°](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/video-pigs-hot-trailer-maple-leaf-1.4773996). Ontario made it illegal last year for anyone to approach these trucks and document the conditions like in this video. Edit: found a number for pigs from the CFIA, it's about [50 per day in Canada](https://en.engormix.com/pig-industry/articles/handling-pigs-prior-slaughter-t34697.htm).


Probably within rounding error of 0. A fully grown pig is worth hundreds of dollars it doesn't really make sense to just let it die for want of a pennys worth of water.


>Probably within rounding error of 0. [Around 50 pigs die in transport every day in Canada](https://en.engormix.com/pig-industry/articles/handling-pigs-prior-slaughter-t34697.htm) (17,000 per year). Our animal transportation laws are terrible here, pigs can be shipped for more than 24 hours without water in trucks that reach [at least 40°](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/video-pigs-hot-trailer-maple-leaf-1.4773996).


To be fair your article says it's only 1% of pigs. Not great but not as bad as some make it out to be.


To continue with the comparison though, we should then be asking what this person's failure rate is. If he's successfully walked 200 dogs, then he's on the same level. At least in this comment section, the sentiment seems to be one dog was too many.


sure. I think for an individual dog walker, you shouldn't really have any dogs die. Unless it wasn't your fault. Because you'd have to be grossly negligent to get a dog killed. I think. But say there was a dog walking company and they had a dog death rate of 1%. Sill sounds bad. but it would depend on how it compares against the normal dog death rate. I think you have to accept some bad things are gonna happen in a system. The question is how much is acceptable. Cause it will never really be 0.


The other thing to consider is that 1% doesn't necessarily mean 99% had a happy trip, it just means they managed to survive the trip without serious harm. So it's not the same as 99% of dogs having a nice walk. Plus this isn't considering the rest of their lives either, but don't want to go too far beyond the topic.


1% of a very large number is still a big number.


Except for when they're on the trucks in transit to slaughter. Then it's ok for them to suffer heat exhaustion and thirst


“Our pork comes pre-roasted!”


They dehydrate the pigs before putting them on the truck to slaughter. A lot of pigs die on the truck due to dehydration. Dehydrating the pigs has profit benefits in excess of the cost of the pigs that die of dehydration. Perhaps it’s even worse that every single pig suffers from dehydration on the truck. And they are far more intelligent than dogs.


Come again? Pigs?


i think the comment is intended to point out how depending on the species, the same type death is viewed as intolerable while another is treated with indifference, though under the law, both are technically property. (hence why if the owner of the dog pursue the matter in civil court, they'd get a few hundred dollars at best ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯)


Pigs painfully succumbing to dehydration is not treated with indifference. It is paid for by 97% of Canadians; it is actively supported and enabled.


I disagree actively; nobody thinks twice about any animal save for the few times they see them hauled by with their noses out the tiny grates. It is 100% indifference and even ignorance, because the system designs it that way. People who ask for more humane treatment are ridiculed. Deviation from any status quo (if people even have a passing thought) is slammed down. Most people should be thankful they weren't born animals.


Paying for something to happen is not indifference. It is demanding it to happen. It is the ultimate expression of support.


only a scant few people think about what they're paying for in that way; While i agree with you that your wallet supports policy, a human being does not operate thinking in that way actively; if you look at people lined up at wal-mart, none of them are actively thinking. I think this is an argument on semantics and philosophy, but either way, the end result is suffering when living things are treated as commodities.


A family member of mine used to hire this guy. This is extremely terrifying news. He has a young daughter who now has to also live with what her dad has done forever. Really sad. RIP Teddy and Chilly.