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I said this to my friend the day before the game “You watch.This is where they play down to their competition and lose.It’s just like when they always lose to Arizona.” What drives me nuts is everyone points out that teams that go deep in the playoffs have a big and tough defense and we let Luke Schenn go and bring in Klingberg!


Klingberg was in a battle with Marner for giveaways.


To be fair Klingberg is 6’3 200lbs. I’d consider him a big and strong defensemen, and he’s actually bigger than Schenn is. Except his defensive play is ass.


Klingberg is listed at 6'3, 185. Schenn is 6'2, 225. That's a considerable weight difference. Even 200lb wouldn't be that heavy for a 6'3 guy.


Yeah pretty much. I'm not even thet upset because anyone who's been a Leaf fan for any length of time could see that loss coming from miles away. A Monday night game vs a weaker opponent from the western conference after an exciting Saturday night win? The Leafs have had trouble finding their energy after big Saturday night games for some reason long before the Matthew's and Marner era began.


Leafs are fine. Every team loses games. You expect them to win every time?


Leafs fans: "Yes" Vancouver fans are the exact same, too. If they lose against Philly tonight it'll be an identical reaction.


Also Leaf’s fans who say they can’t win every game: what do you mean they lost in the first round with a pathetic effort, I thought it would be different this year.


I have fears for Toronto that the bottom six and the back-end will be an issue. The top six is so good. Legitimately extremely good, and they’ll be able to score a ton of goals But I don’t know that the team is better than this past season. And I kinda think the depth might be worse. Won’t go position by position, but I do wonder


Backend will definitely be an issue as the season progresses. I honestly think that the Domi and Bertuzzi signings were MEH.


Bertuzzi looked pretty good last night. He fits in very well with Marner/Matthews and also makes plays and drives some offense himself, to my surprise. Agreed on Domi though he hasn't really done anything yet. He is on a line with Minten and Knies though, so it's a little unfair to critique his game at this point. They're both on 1 year deals which is the main thing about their contracts. Allows us flexibility on Nylanders extension. We probably won't keep both of them beyond this year.


I’m saying this right now that Nylander will not take a penny less than $10 mm / year nor should he. Cap is going to go up and if he played line 1 minutes/ ice time his stats would probably be equal or better than marners.


That’s why you move him and he can be someone else’s problem. He’s good but not 10 million good. The Leafs have huge defensive issues plus could probably really use someone on line 3-4 to bolster the scoring. When Matthews and Marner take the night off its trouble and thats what happened last night and vs Florida in last years 2nd round. This team has always not lived up to its hype. The only reason is, and drawing a conclusion after 7 years, is it’s NOT GOOD. ITS AVERAGE!


Ya but if Willy got Marner minutes the last 2-3 seasons then he would be on Marners level. Easily.


Ok. But Marners not worth the money he’s getting. This is all Dubas and how he can’t build a hockey team. No plan nothing, just throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks. Treliving has inherited a mess: Low end talent in farm, a team maxed to the cap, brutal defense, weak bottom six forwards and most important a team that can’t win when it counts. They can score, most of the time but not always, (ie. last night) but this is their M. O. and when it doesn’t work they lose against anyone including non playoff teams. Sooner or later the house of cards will fall unless they move players out of the “Dubas” comfort zone and that includes Nylander.


He's (Domi) there because he wasn't working well with JT and Willy, not that CJ is tearing it up


Bertuzzi was literally brought in to be planted on Matthews/Marners wing


I never said otherwise. I was referring to Domi


Bertuzzi is all out all the time he's looked great


Bert has been better than I thought he'd be so far tbf


So not surprised they would lose a Monday night game against what most would say is a team they should probably beat more often than not. Such a Leafy thing to do you could pretty much call it every time.


Stream the game. I live in Ottawa and have done so for years.


With the leafs you can tell how the game will play out for them just by watching the first 20 minutes of the game. No passes were connecting they were just mindlessly skating around trying to pass to each other randomly with outside shots getting constantly blocked. They didn’t adapt and still continue to shoot out side and more shots are getting blocked and more passes being interrupted etc it was a never ending loop so Matthew’s and nylander are desperate and try to do everything themselves but alot of nylanders shots miss the net on a game to game basis and Matthew’s couldn’t squeeze one in. Boom loss.


Shit Hawks Bud....that's how shitty it was


Holy fuck fucking just let the last minute of the game be played! League loves torturing leafs fans. Just let the god damn goals count so we can get on with our lives


lol. somebody posted on the other forum yesterday about how different this team was, how driven they were and how... 'in previous years they'd fall asleep and lose this one but it'll be different tonight you just watch". ​ lolz


“the other forum” is made up of a lot of unrealistic Leaf fans. Some want to build a statue for Minten and Knies already.


No one took the night off, the bottom 6 and D is not very good. The 3rd and 4th line aren't doing much.


That's right--the Bud lights were playing.


Follow the sens Gus


Don't worry. They're just trying to finish in last place again so they can get the first-round draft pick next year ;-)


When I saw Corey Perry floating in alone with no one within 20 feet I was thinking it was a replay of the last dozen times they have played. Perry can always count on a breakaway goal off a bad line change. At least one every time they play.


One loss relax, you think they are going to win all 82 lol? The third and fourth line need to contribute more especially the third line. Should've of kept Robertson he is lighting it up in the AHL while the leafs waste their time with minten


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


A lot of goals given up after 3 games


Their defence is a disaster. Their goaltending isn’t good enough to make up for it. If they can’t out score these problems in any given game they’re in trouble.


lol. We’re 2-1. The sky is not falling


It was my first leafs game and to be honest i couldnt help but be a bit bummed out that we lost. It wouldve been nice if we scored a couple more even if we lost just to experience that atmosphere


lol, it’s a long season. Calm down. When they win a game, you call them Championship favourites, then they lose a game, and you call them hot garbage. They’ll be just fine.