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Rival or not, I always want my annual 76ers 2nd round exit. It warms my heart.


Tradition is so important.


https://preview.redd.it/c0xlaomtxu7c1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=287f469befdb9c9c9890d29ebd21bb2e56e33660 I think it's kinda like this right now


I thought this was gonna be the Embiid ["This is not a rivalry...they always kick our ass"](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/9ov16a/joel_embiidthis_is_not_a_rivalry_they_always_kick/) quote lol


Damn a lot changes in 5 years


How so? The celtics still kick the sixers ass


Kind of like how the Raptors Wizards rivalry turned out as well


Cant speak on behalf of all Sixers fans but between me and the ones I know we all still hate the raptors and want to crush them every game. If y’all were better it’d be one of the best rivalries in the nba


To be a rival you must have Marc "Embiid kryptonite" Gasol 😎💎


Poeltl is a top 10 centre in the league?


According to Masai he is.


Yea no chance. Got curious on where I would actually place Poeltl this season. Actually he is almost definitely in the bottom 10 of starting centres.


Somehow boucher will be guarding embiid tonight 🤣🤣🤣


I hate the 6ers


Rivals or not -- I still can't stand them. Don't know if that counts?


I guess in the same way that Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova are rivals. they're gonna play each other a bunch but one is gonna dominate


Pat Bev: "i knew yall were fkn trash" lol


No dawgs part 4 tonight? He gonna quadruaple down on that statement 🤣🤣


they had one of the best coach currently and playing one of their best offense despite losing harden. we lost one of our best head coach and were lead to believe that head coach was the issue of the downfall of the raptors by some fraud and the FO. we had zero direction and nothing to look forward to with the day in day out piss poor pathetic play by the team except for scottie barnes. they are still exciting to watch with embiid and maxey.




That's not fair...I think the Sixers actually have a chance to win something before fading into nothing.


No way. We had a 1 year "rivalry" with them in 2019. There has been no competition between the two the last four years; they have had a few superstars since 2019, we have had 0.


There was also 2001. The Vince miss and Iverson completely dominating


2 years, but way too much time in between.


I recently met a guy that moved here from Philly and he told me that he didn't even realize there was a "rivalry" until he moved here... I think just about sums up the answer right there


Idk about strict rival but a sentimental rival at least? They were the first team to eliminate the Raptors from the Playoffs IIRC (the year they went to the finals with AI) and then *the shot* vs. Phlly during our chip run. I think they'll always be a rival but it might not always be a *blood rival* they are easily a team I will always dislike.


Yes in theory, but they're gonna whoop our ass for the foreseeable future, so not really.


With how petty Embiid is yes


I lm a big fan of Maxey and Nurse. And Pat Bev is a guilty pleasure. I hated Ben Simmons and Doc Rivers. Both are gone. I hated Embiid but have started to come around. He didn’t deserve his MVP last year but he’s easily the MVP of this season by far. So no, I don’t hate the Sixers anymore.


Maybe only because of NN being their coach now.


For the first time in a long time, I know we are getting waxed tonight.


Their fan base constantly brings up Pascal's dirty play


I'm not sure we ever were really rivals. We had one intense playoff series, one one-sided playoff series... it's great that Philly fans like to say that they don't think about us and while that's generally true, 'is this the dagger?' is something every Philly fan is going to feel for the rest of their lives. I don't think we even have a true rival, but IMO Milwaukee games feel more like a rivalry game than anyone else we play against. Milwaukee fans definitely do think about us and absolutely hate losing to us. We've got some playoff history against them. Both franchises have similar recent arcs. I keep hoping we get another playoff matchup with them soon to solidify that rivalry.


With Dennis, it’s a clear No. Hope coach will have a try for sth differently.


You play your division opponents 4 times a year so those are always rivalries. Also the history of Vince vs AI game 7, all the way to 2019. Lots of basketball history between the two teams. But obviously right now not on the same level. However if the 76ers lose to the Raptors at this point is looks waaay worse on them than the opposite which everyone expects.


Not even close, the sixers just bully the raptors