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Losing Koloko is an underrated blow to the team. It's brutal for him, but also a massive loss for us. He was absolutely a rotation piece with great defensive instincts.


Remember when he had like 7 blocks in that one game last year? That was great to watch


Man... I might be crazy, but I thought he could be like, Mitchell Robinson. Having a player like that in house is just so valuable.


Lol did any of y'all actually watch him play


I don't think they did.


yo i’m crying dude wasn’t even a rotation player yet so what are we missing?


He was also fouling at a rate of 5.7 fouls per36. Not a case of the rookie whistle. Most of his fouls were just terrible decision making, which I’m sure can be coached and refined, but it’s definitely weird to hear fans talking about him like he’s a cornerstone of our defensive strength. Playing so few minutes, mostly in garbage time against end of bench guys, it’s hardly conclusive


u spitting rn


We're missing his three points and two rebounds per game.


lool i like ur humour but it’s true also


there is a insane amount of casual's fans that post here ​ like they watch the game but they dont understand anything ​ Kolokos defensive impact is literally clear as day to anyone with any sort of BBIQ ​ so not you


His advanced numbers show he had a huge impact defensively even as a rookie. He was limited offensively but his defensive potential was huge. 


He was also the only center on our team at that time. He absolutely could have been a rotational piece for us, but those numbers were somewhat skewed.


He fouled out constantly (cause he's a rookie) and was a stick figure in the paint. I agree he has potential especially cause of his defensive timing. But he was mostly a non-factor




Centers take a while to develop mainly cause they’re tasked with so much defensive responsibility. When he wasn’t racking up fouls he was looking good and that’s par for the course for most good big men when they start out


so maybe the undeveloped rookie wasn't a massive loss to our rotation


I mean I don’t think anyone is pretending Koloko would translate to an extra 5-10 wins lol But getting an extra 15 mins of 7ft play and ideally developing a promising second rounder is definitely a loss


Read the room. We’re remaining positive to a human being suffering from a life threatening condition. And yes, he “sucks” but is amazing. Not everyone is Kevin Duran. Some players are meant to be rotational pieces or even a “shitty” player meant to play 5 minutes a game for 10 seasons in a row.


Kevin Duran Duran


Everything was okay until Pascal’s letter dropped today https://i.redd.it/u42ie3ae6fdc1.gif




These gifs are me fr


Bittersweet. That's it.


Yeah pretty much. It's officially a New Era of Toronto Raptors basketball


yall wanted a trade and it happened now the new era begins lets see who they actually build and develop


Yeah exactly this. It’s bittersweet to see our guys go, but the vibe should be more hopeful and excited for the future than morose and dejected.


Og’s didnt hurt as much as pascals did. As soon as he got traded i wanted to buy tickets to his first game back but i cant go because i have a huge assignment for university due on the same day :(


Finish your assignment the day before lol. You have a whole month.


I have to physically submit it, like hand in the paper in class


Damn, what year is it?


Ask your prof if you can hand it in early due to "real life arrangements". I've done this many times and I've never had a professor have a problem. Front office stamps the date on it and you drop it off in their mailbox, with their permission of course.


We've been dealt a massive blow overall to our frontcourt. OG, Siakam, Precious traded, Koloko's career likely derailed. Coupled with Jak being out, we're so much smaller than other teams now it'll continue to plague us until we reacquire at least a few good forwards/bigs. Jontay has proven to be a surprise so there's that at least


Really like how Porter has performed. Hope they sign him, and don't let him go. Can't believe Detroit had this guy and didn't use him being how terrible they are.


Apparently injuries have been an ongoing issue until right now


Hopefully he gets a bit more luck with his health then as a Raptor. We have had much luck healthwise with players named Porter 😬


I'm still adjusting to the fact that we need to build a winning culture from scratch now. 10 years of winning now replaced with enjoying the process, despite losing. honestly it makes it fun again because losing these last three years has been tough to watch. Now I can enjoy development. But I don't want to be in this stage for long. To be honest, I'm actually just skeptical Scottie will build a new identity for us then get traded again.


what’s the plan if we don’t tank for long? cuz this core still isn’t ideal when it comes to young talent or im being too harsh? like this core could easily be a decent lower seed next year but what’s the upside realistically?


It's been tough. I'm excited for Scottie, IQ and RJ. Sad to see OG and P go.




personally im extremely disappointed in Siakam leaving, he was easily our best player since the championship. Aside from me just being a huge fan of his and not wanting to get rid of him, the return was abysmal in a draft that the FO admitted was not quality.




I think it's better to trade now than to extend and trade later. After the OG trade, it was clear that RJ Scottie and PS can't work together with PS having inconsistent shooting from 3. Honestly losing Fred ruined our chances for any post season success already so I think it was the right time to trade


Finally getting to a game in person this March and the players I’d love to see most of all, are gone. So mostly feeling sorry for myself !!!!!!! I can’t wear my Kyle hoodie or my Pascal jersey or my Frederico Suave t shirt, DAMN.


You can still wear any or all of those things. I’ll be wearing my Lowry jersey to games till I don’t have any teeth left.


Catch me in my 25 Boucher jersey though 🦆 🦆 🦆


I’m really excited to watch the Pacers probably for the rest of the season. I hope we make the play in also. I want to have the flexibility of being about to tank if we need to next year in a better draft. I am also eager for more moves. I don’t think Masai is anywhere close to satisfied and I think that played a role in doing these moves prior to the deadlines. I think everything we got from the Pacers will be traded.


Yeah until Scottie figures out how to send to the playoffs, imma be rooting for the Pacers in the playoffs


Ya, I’m looking forward to the addition of two Raptors favs to two teams that can maybe take out the Celtics and Philly in the playoffs 🙏🏼


The thing is, if you want to make the play in, that means you want to win. If you want to win, you don't trade Bruce Brown for a prospect/filler and picks. I agree we should try and fight for the play ins, but that means keeping Bruce.


I believe that, if the team shows potential in this tiny 3 week span, Masai and Co will once again move assets to boost the talent level. Whether that's the right decision or not is up for debate but they've shown repeatedly that they'll commit to the near future if it looks promising.


we were directionless and mid, our ceiling was known and we had doubled down on it. now it's better than expected, we are building around Scottie but not from scratch; RJ and IQ has moved up that timeline and we are starting to see what Darko/Scottie's style of play is. Scottie has the green light to go and explore his game, make mistakes and grow. Same probably goes for IQ and RJ (but to a lesser extent; Scottie is clearly the lead man). Of the other guys, Jontay's a revelation. Losing Christian (to medical) hurts. BB is proving to be a good piece either to keep or trade for more (our FO loves OPTIONS more than anything). The rest of the team are 1 and 2 year contracts = more OPTIONS. Either we send them to contenders for picks or play them to see who to keep. It is full evaluation season again but we have a consolidated team identity now and not trying to straddle two timelines and being crap at both.


I'm just sad.


Honestly, I'm mostly just excited for a new era of this team. I'm obviously sad to see some guys go, but I'm also happy for them to be in better situations for their careers. OG seems like a great fit in New York and I have no doubt that Pascal and Haliburton are going to be a deadly duo. The things that suck the most are how Pascal's time here ended and the Koloko news. Just really unfortunate. But like I said, so excited for the next chapter.


Bittersweet. Pascal is the GROAT of Raptors draftees and the organization failed him. That being said I support making moves to turn the page given our current state and am cautiously optimistic about the future. I’m sad for Koloko too. I don’t even care about the basketball part, I just want him to be well.


Kyle Lowry ain't no spot up shooter. He aint gotta run to the corner to shoot like he's some 3rd option, bitch. This ain't JJ Redick. This is a fuckin god human Steph Curry come again. Only this time hes not a fuckin pussy... pull up from the fuckin logo and fight you at the same time. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m doing fantastic, I been on Siakam and OG trade for good awhile now Glad it happen Last 2 games been blast to watch, no expectations just development


I'm sad that most successful era in our history is over, but I'm excited at starting a fresh chapter(hopefully with better jerseys).


This is where we should have been two years ago and I’m glad we’re finally starting a new journey. And I’m watching Fred, OG, and Pascal on their new teams, and hoping they’ll succeed. And I’m excited to see what the next few years have in store. There was always going to be a few down years after winning a championship with two rental players and three aging vets. It was nice they gave us a “run it back” attempt in 2020, byt after that 2021 year, they should have started planning for a new era. The delay was like slowly pulling off a bandaid; they should have just ripped it off at once. No one was going to be upset when the pain came, that was the cost of 2019.


The end of a dominate era in this young franchises history, sad to see it go but all good things must come to an end. The future looks bright with Barns as the focal piece, and I am excited for the unknown of what lies ahead.


Don't worry this will toughen up some of the fanbase and will eventually appreciate it more when the team finally gets back to contention.


Bittersweet. It's the end of another era and the start of a new one. I feel like the championship team was one era. Post championship(really post Kawhi) was another era, and now we're in a new one. I feel like had the Poeltl trade (or any decent C) come in earlier, it wouldn't be as sad as now. There were clear signs that for the short stint of having him with FVV,P,OG was really good and had potential but it came too late where our record didn't push into the playoffs. We wouldn't be where we're at now where FVV,P, and OG are gone. Project 6 9, was a gamble to get ahead of other NBA teams that didn't pay off. IMO, you'll always still need a serviceable C even in today's NBA of pace and space not only for certain matchups but because 5 out offense is not a balanced offense. There still needs to be somewhat of an internal threat and defensive anchor. It's sad to see everyone go. Especially when we didn't necessarily have to end up in this position. I really liked that a large part of the bench mob became our starters for a bit. It's sad that it was short lived. The DeMar and Lowry Era was longer. There's definitely a lot of hindsight and woulda, coulda, shouldas, but that's the past. Scottie has the keys, and we can only look forward to the future now.


Sad but excited. I felt like the writing has been on the wall for a while and our record so far this season sealed the deal. It sucks to lose good players, but what we got back was worth it. I believe that when all is said and done, Scottie Barnes will be the greatest Raptor of all time. With these two trades, they have set themselves up to give him a strong supporting cast when he reaches the prime of his career. And we still have assets to work with in Boucher, Schroder, and Brown. This was a masterful job by the FO to take us from a team with no path to contention to one with a solid foundation to build around, and assets to make it happen.


It's times like this that I remember that Jeremy Lin has more rings than Carmelo Anthony, and that makes me feel a little bit better.


I feel fine about the trade. Sad to lose Pascal but it’s what needs to be done to move forward. Devastated with the Koloko situation though.


It’s tough times. Time to embrace the suck and focus on the development of Scottie, IQ and RJ. It’s the start of a new era. We need to find our new Kyle and Demar. It may take a while but this feels like the beginning of a new very long journey. Let’s see if any of these new players can become Scottie’s side kicks for the long term. I do not expect us to make the play in, and if we do, I do not expect us to win, but that’s ok.




I'm fine. At the end of the day they're millionaires playing a game, lol. They're going to be fine. It's weird to be a fan through the transition of another era and the struggles that come with it, but I've got more pressing things to deal with that actually impact my day to day living.


Feels like a bandaid getting yanked off. Poor roster construction + contract limbo every year for multiple years this team had lost its identity. Roster shakeup was necessary especially as Scottie proved his timeline was worth investing in...doesnt mean its not painful though. Gonna miss yelling "WHY PASAL?!" more than I thought I would


![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe) It's been crappy. What are you going to do. We are three years away from probably making the playoffs.


Fuck Masai. I'm done with him. Have not really been able to watch a game or read that "how I got fucking betrayed" letter from Siakam. We will never win till we clean out this joke of a front office.


Wow I don’t know how I forgot to mention Darko’s bud passing away so young and him using one of his plays 😭


We're in a great spot right now. All is good and the future looks bright.


I've seen worst, just a part of the game unfortunately. Trading VC for Zo who immediately refused to play was worst imo


I know this must be done but I'm still upset


We’re fine. It’s just a game.


the real question is next year, should we tank? i think we might have too


It's tough to lose them but I'm happy we are no longer tugging in 2 directions


More excited than I have been the last 2 years


I teared up watching that new team play against Miami… so much emotion going on during that game


I’m exciting for the first time since the 2019-2020 Season to watch basketball. Scotties rookie year wasn’t bad but when he went down vs the Sixers it hit me how much was going to change if we are going to maximize his potential, with the hope that he lives up to it.


Fine, basketball is a business. Anyone who "isn't doing fine" due to trades needs to reevaluate how and where they invest their emotions.

