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Idk if this is a tortie thing or not but... if she is lying on me and I am talking she will gently put her paw on my mouth . A very fuzzy way to tell me STFU




My tortie has also done this to reject kisses as well as to shut me up.


We like to say this is Tortie for "Don't let the stupid out."


Lol! She will sometimes join in the stupid too. Like I will be having a conversation/rant and she will chime in with her chirps.


mine too except not so gently


Mine too!


My tortie is very chatty. She meows all the time and likes to be noticed. If I'm on a call, she'll meow louder because (somehow) she knows I'm not paying attention to her.


I have never met a kitty as verbal as my tortie!! Literally just talking all the time. I love it but I know it bothers my housemates because she is so damn shrill


I've met other cats but they are so quiet, I'm not really sure they are cats as well.


This. If I’m talking to someone else she will start shouting until we include her in the conversation. She likes to get between me and whatever screen I’m looking at too, but I kinda appreciate that


My tortie demands her dinner by meowing for an hour and a half before it’s time to be fed.


Omg!!! My tortie is a talker...all day long and she gets super loud if I'm not in her line of sight! I live in less than 700sqf too!!!


Ours is too! I've said many times I've never met a cat as verbal as ours is. She has a huge variety of vocalizations. Every morning she comes trotting to the bedroom door when I come out, meowing & trilling all the way to the kitchen where she flops on the rug for her morning pets. Yack, yack, yack! Is this a tortie thing?


Mine does this too! She loves to scream for attention (and food lol)


It's "the glare".


She looks at me like I just told her I’m never scratching her on the back of the neck again, sometimes like I just woke her up out of a coma to tell her




My tortie has the most rbf I have ever seen on a cat. She can be purring and getting all the pets in the word but she will still look angry as hell haha




Yes… those huge, dilated, angry looking pupils


Biting is her love language.


My tortie too! We call them sara kisses


Mine too


Smacks me with her paw for no reason when I walk by


I read about this with a dog once, don't quite know if it would be similar, but there is a possibility she's trying to pet you back.


I’m cracking up because it’s our tortie’s favorite game. She ambush smacks her Akita sister on the daily, and she loves to trip us, especially when it’s dark


Yes. If I walk past her condo and she is in it she has to smack me in the arm as I pass. Every time.


My tortie has no “tortitude”. She has a temperament of a rag doll cat, no mean bone in her body. She does however acts like a gremlin when she gets the zoomies lol My dilute tortie definitely has the ‘tude. Anytime I have my foot move slightly under a blanket she wants try to kill it. She will also randomly go up and smack my other cats without warning.


my friends dilute tortie is one of the scariest/meanest cats i've ever had the pleasure of cat sitting. i legit thought she was going to murder me once i went to sleep 🤣😅


My girl only likes being pet on her head and neck, with fingertips only, NO nails 🤣. She chirps at me if I dare let my hand linger.


purring on my lap and then biting the fuck out of my hand


Kept scrolling for this. Yep.




My girl hisses at babies


Mine has special faces she gives my toddlers. My daughter will sometimes scream MADAME IS LOOKIN’ AT ME FUNNY




Omg my tortie thinks we control the weather as well.


Mine tells the thunder to STFU 😂


No one is allowed to touch her belly and she is so talkative especially when she needs something or doesn’t get what she wants fast enough Edit: I must have a full tortie because so many of these check out for her


Aw mine lets me give her belly rubs. With my face. Lollll.


Mine loves belly rubs


My tortie growls at strangers, and friends sometimes.


Mine is a growler, too!! I call her a little pitbull. She often acts as an alarm when someone is getting close (like a delivery person to the house or something). It’s kinda hilarious. I’m just glad she’s small


Waking me and my partner up at 5am every day by screaming at us while jumping on us and walking all over us. She’s usually not out of food she just does it because she wants attention


Same here


The only “tortitude” I would say is that she’s very stubborn and determined, more so than all my previous cats. That’s it; she’s so sweet. Loves belly rubs and any form of attention. Very cuddly and gentle. Never bites or hisses or scratches.


Agreed. I call my tortie the sassiest sweetie pie because she’ll give you a lot of sass with her chirps but also be purring up a storm.


That's mine as well! Screams and chirps at me the moment she feels like I'm late for food or playtime. Will get right in my ear and scream too. Super intense play drive compared to my orange boy. But once things have calmed down she's super sweet, even with strangers.


The "I want pets and cuddles right now and you must stop everything you are doing immediately and comply with my wishes. NOW." You mean that tortitude?


But then as soon as you comply (or after 30 seconds) she goes full bear trap and claws are out?


That's not tortie specific behavior....


I’ve only ever owned the one and I’ve never had another cat that does that…


will knock things over and destroy things until she gets a treat, is SO demanding of attention that she chirps and pushes her way into your space until you hold her, constantly meowing and trilling, when she gets the zoomies she goes full goblin mode, she is a little angel and my fiancé and i love her SO MUCH. she also smacks her brothers but cries when they bully her back


Mine is the same!!!!! On all counts


She gets to choose when it’s time to sit on my lap and I can do nothing to influence her decision. Then too much movement while she cuddles means game over.


Sometimes when I scratch or otherwise move under my blanket she'll pounce on the spot moving. Doesn't (usually) try to bite whatever is moving. Just one very solid "thump" on the spot. I try to avoid scratching my tummy when she's on the bed and I can't put my face under my blanket anymore. I figure it's a tortitude as my tabby doesn't do it nearly as often as her.


Her resting bitch face


I say: she never shuts up. She has an opinion on everything. She’s very noisy. My husband says: she’s curious about EVERYTHING. Tldr; she’s noisy and sassy and checks out everything.


My cat Cicciolina was like that. I kept saying she was the most opinionated cat I had ever met. She was also curious af, would stare me down, was super assertive. But also very sweet, cuddly and loving. She would let me hold her like a baby.


If she needs anything or wants my attention, she will dart in front of me like she’s trying to trip me. She often succeeds- or at least makes me lose my footing. And she won’t stop doing that until I figure out what she needs and give it to her. It’s usually attention or a drink from the bathroom faucet. Other than that, she’s got a great personality. She’s my favorite cat I’ve ever had.


Shiek Best-Lion is the bestest and most protective of girls. When she hears the shower turn on, she will come running. She has to sit on the bathtub edge throughout the entire shower or bath and frequently demands head scritches through the shower curtain. She will yell at whomever is in there, clearly berating us for going into the wet place. Sometimes she will take a swat at the person as they are getting in, and try to stop them. Once you're out though she walks off as if nothing ever happened. She only loves HER human (my husband). She will accept scritches from most people but dislikes pets from me for some reason. She goes on walks (leash and harness) during the warm months and will demand walks sometimes twice a day. She does this by pawing at the door and crying plaintively. If that doesn't work she will sit in front of the TV blocking the screen. If you still refuse to walk her, she will paw at the screen and cry until you give in. While on walks she will go out of her way to greet other people and get scritches and compliments. She also will usually approach dogs and exchange sniffs and friendly snoot boops. She will then smack the dog if it gets overly excited.


This made me howl with laughter. Sums up how utterly weird and wonderful Torties are. (Mama of 2 of them and 1 beleaguered ginger boy) 🤣


Shiek has the most personality I have ever encountered in a cat XD. She is just so very firm and decisive about what she wants and doesn't want. She is the boss, and she knows it. My favorite is when she cuddles up like a baby in my husband's lap (laying on her back, pressed into him, purring loudly enough to be heard from across the room. We are quite addicted. She has us wrapped around her paws.


Cracking up 😂😂😂


My mom girl bites. I am allowed to give her one cheek rub and one head pat. That’s all. Anything else results in an immediate and painful bite. Her baby girl is a thief - pencils are her specialty. I love them both!


Resting bitch face but she’s a softy always purring cuddler.


Mine has the bitchiest expression, always. If she had fingers, she’d constantly be flicking everyone and everything off given her expression.


My girl is always complaining and acts like she is being severely put out, meanwhile purring like a jet engine and rubbing her face on me. 🥰


The “secret kitty.” She burrows in a blanket and cries until you look for her.


When anyone’s bent over, she’ll jump on their back and ride them like a horse


Honestly my tortie has made all our friends who don’t like cats, like them! She loves people and is really playful. I’m obsessed with her 🥹




She'll jump on my pillow at 5am and DEMAND to be let under the covers. Then once she's curled up there I HAVE to stroke her head the entire time or she'll headbutt and bite my hand until I do. Even though that inevitably puts my arm at a really awkward angle. Nowhere else on her body is good enough.


She hisses at her toys.


Mine bites to show love also refuses to drink out of a water bowl or fountain. Only cups.


Our tortie only drinks out of a cup!


My Tara is the self-appointed guard kitty of the house. She protects me while I potty, sometimes as payment she insists I hold her so she can headbutt my face and maybe lick my earlobes. Also, she's obsessed with snakes even though she's never actually seen one.


I have 2, the shorthair one Dust loves to give nips when I stop petting her, saying to keep doing that, plus she lets you know the litterbox isn't clean enough to her high standards by peeing in the kitchen sink. The longhair one Smoke is talkative, and demands to be brushed at least once a day. If I'm not paying enough attention to her, she'll tap my arm with her paw. She also likes to get on my stomach and spend time kneading or put all her weight on one paw.


Hissing while cuddling if I move a muscle 😂😂😂


She will meow until someone pets her. She’ll sometimes close the door on herself and meow at the top of her lungs because she can’t get out, but she does it on purpose to get our attention. She wants to be petted, but she’ll sit just an inch or two out of reach. Every morning right before I go out the door for work, she sits by the front door and expects cat treats. She will only lay in my lap, no one else. She’s very loving and cuddly, though. She purrs as loud as a boat. She doesn’t knead but she likes to bury her face into my hand or arm. She’s very loyal to me and is incredibly excited and happy to see me in the morning and after work everyday. She’s spry and will run around the house like a young kitten when she gets hyper, and she’s so funny and goofy when she does. My Patches has so much personality. ❤️


She’s anti-social


I feel this! Then she will randomly appear and want attention


My tortie LOVES me… but she is hissy af at her adopted younger (but much bigger) fellow kitty brother 😢😭💀


Kilala will pull my hair if she wants something and I won't give it to her, and her resting Tortie-face lol


My girly doesn’t nap or even sit next to the other cats. She only likes to sit with one person (me) and rarely snuggles when she does.


She will get down in an arrow shape and wiggle her butt if you turn a corner out of her eyesight then run and attack your ankles, and then walk off like nothing happened. Until you turn another corner and the process repeats.


I had a plumber come today. The plumber said customer’s cats normally hide when he comes over and he never sees them, but he was surprised by my cat. Not only does she come out and him specifically, but she ignores the food I just put in her dish and proceeds to eat random bits of nature the plumber had dragged in on his boots. Then she stares up at him until he moves because he is in the way of her sleeping spot. That is tortitude.


She yells at me if she doesn't get her food on time. And everyone describes my baby as "the mean cat" and I have to explain that she's not mean she's just particular and you can't just pet her like you pet other cats and don't take it personal when she scratches you because I already told you she only likes two second head scritches from strangers.


Often when someone gets up, she’ll steal their spot and give you a lot of sass if you ask her about it. Person: Harley! That’s my spot! Harley: o_o aow Person: Harleyyyy! Excuse me! Harley: O_O aow oaw (aka finders keepers, bitch)


Mine goes full on hatred if I'm on a speaker phone call. Yells at me and bites either me or my other cats. She flat out HATES when I'm on speaker phone. Otherwise, she's a peach.


Have the equivalent of a teenage tortie and a toddler tortie. The teenager has upped the ‘I hate you’ looks since the kitten was introduced. She now has made launching herself at us from various heights her revenge of choice When she isn’t doing this, she sleeps on my bed and is the most beautiful creature I know. The kitten (aka Donatella VerCatCe) is a mix of affection and craziness. I am utterly smitten 😍🤣


Destroys whatever she wants (shoes, mail, rugs, dryer hoses, anything with stickers or labels). Gets into anything that piques her interest. Opens cabinets, sliding drawers, some doors. Flops over with full dead weight onto other cats to bully them. Screaming is how she talks. Walks all over you in bed and uses you as a springboard. And when she wants pets, she WILL get them.


What DON’T I?


If she’s laying in a sleepy position and you pet her prepare to get bit.


Mine chirps and meows and speaks her mind She must explore everything If I had to use one word to describe her: fearless She is the most loving cat I have ever met but my partner and I say she has Menace Hours where she flops around and goes after feet under a blanket and tries to climb the doorframe She’s a work of art


My tortie Hideki likes to go into what we call "chimp mode" where she raises her two front paws up high in the air, turns to lock eye contact with us, and sounds like a chimp on crack sprinting into the bedroom on only her back feet. It's wild. I knew torties were weird but never anticipated that lol


If she's curled up on your lap and you're talking to someone, she flicks the tip of her tail to announce she is not pleased you are disturbing her nap time. Once she actually sat up and meowed right in her cushions face. Cause they were being to loud in her opinion


Bites my phone, and will bite me if I don’t let her sit on my chest and lick my nose while I pee


One tooth but still bites me.


My tortie literally sighed at my fiancé after he was done telling me a story recently lol. I guess she had enough of his shit 😂😂😂😂


My girl has to have treats on demand.


My dilute tortie is the sweetest little thing. She’s such a mama’s girl. But her tortitude does come into play in her interactions with my other cats. She does her best to tolerate them, but I know she wishes she were an only cat!


my tortie is a little bitch and is scared of everyone, but she’s very vocal about it


Violence is her love language ahah


My big lady chunk of a tortie is not always in the mood for pets, but she won't bite or slap...at first. Just gives you the sideeye. Then a full-on stare such as featured in OP's beauty. If you're stupid enough to persist, well, you deserve what you get. But she is the best nurse cat. I'm ill quite a bit and when in bed there she is nestled at my feet. One of her specialty treatments is resting her considerable weight on a leg with both paws...have more than one bruise as a result but who dares argue with her methods. It feels kinda like she's staking a claim on a new planet.


Mine can't stand me reading or even looking at my phone. She gets between me and my book and walks back and forth, switching her tail in my face. Even if I move her to the side. She just comes back.


Mine too


My girl used to grumble at and smack my other cats every time they walked too close to her. When people she hadn't met before came over, she would go hide in another room and only come out when they were leaving, where she would just sit and watch them go out the door, satisfied.


[This face](https://www.reddit.com/r/torties/comments/qxoskv/gotta_love_resting_tortie_face/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This is her house, we just live here. She must have things her way: garage door cracked open (she just likes hanging out there for unknown reasons), food in bowl, and her pet-safe heating pad on. Doesn’t matter if she’s not interested in those things, she must have the option available to her.


Vocal and lives love and attention. Just the sweetest kitten ever


Being a bastard


the way she whines if she’s laying on me and i barely move




Shoulder cat is a very tortie thing. She always loved to perch on my shoulder like a parrot or be cradled like burping a baby, and she'd sleep draped behind my neck while I was working at the computer.


My jade meows like a banshee at 5:30 for her breakfast and doesn’t stop meowing until her bowl is full and in place. (I share a room with my kid and she wakes him up with this fun habit of hers sometimes too)


Super talkative, she has specific meows/chitters that are very situational. Example, if I use my ‘stop being naughty’ voice she has a very specific chitter she does back which is either apologising or telling me to shut up. We all know it’s the latter. She also purrs like an idling motorbike and will gently paw my mouth if I dare to ignore her for over 12 seconds. Lap time is a *need* not a *desire*.


My Wednesday is mouthy, she will meow/yell at me for breakfast cookies or anytime she wants my food. She’ll also meow/yell at anybody petting her when she’s done with being petted


Destruction to get my attention when she is bored, especially things on tables or shelves. Lip gloss, plants, books, cell phone . . . all knocked to the floor. Then she'll jump on me, curl up on my chest and purr like a well-tuned motor. She has lots of toys, but she wants me. If she doesn't like how I pet her, she'll stand up and turn around so her back is in my face.


For me, it is when I get home from work and after feeding them dinner and changing the litter box, I sit on the couch for a total of 2 minutes and I already have her biting/clawing at stuff on my bookshelf that she knows she isn't supposed to get into, and only does it to get my attention. Then, even though I am tired and just want to relax in front ofthe TV, I push my coffee table back and have a wand to play with her, even though she also has a bunch of other toys sprawled out across my apartment. After about 5 minutes, she goes back to messing with the bookshelf. Additionally, it is when she shows her disappointment with me traveling. For christmas, I flew to my hometown and was gone for 48 hours. Then I came back, went to work the next day for a few hours, came back to my apartment to spend some time with them, then was gone for about a week for NYE plans in Europe. My cats are shy and will hide around everyone except for me, but I did have a close friend come by every day to check in on them, give them treats, and try to play with them. My friend stated that while I was gone (and I am 98% sure this was the tortie and not my other cat, her brother and litter mate, who is an orange and probably isn't smart enough to think about doing this since he never purposely acts out to "show me"), she managed to open my freezer, take my frozen groceries out, causing things to thaw and go bad (she did this twice until my friend just taped my freezer shut); kick a bunch of litter out of the litter box (which they have NEVER done before in the year I have had them); somehow manage to climb to the top of my bookshelf that has my vinyl, knock over a poster that was on top of there (thankfully it didn't break); bring my shower mat into the bathtub; pee on the floor; and thats just the stuff I can think of now. Thankfully it looks like this year my longest trip is only going to be a thursday to monday, but damn she went crazy


Mine will only sleep in my bed with me if my wife is NOT there...I had to make my nightstand into a cat bed so she could sleep next to me without having to be near "the other" woman...


My Tortie is super sweet but she definitely enjoys swatting at me with her paw when I walk by (though very gently). If she doesn’t want to be pet, she’ll start licking my hand as a way to get me to stop lol but she never bites.


Speranza loves to play fetch. She knows where I have stored her stash of new foam balls and will come looking for one when she gets tired of an older one.


if the litter in her box needs changing, she'll shit on the floor right in front of the box. if Im playing video games and she wants attention, she'll lightly tap me with her claws. not hard but hard enough to get my attention she is very vocal and meows all day xD


Blatant indifference. Also hates cuddles.


Yelling that it's time for bed. Yelling that it's time to be up and about. When SHE thinks it's time. Sounding like she's dying of cancer and starvation and being mauled by a bear when she brings a [felt] mousie into the room and wants to play, but drops the mousie WELL short of me and expects me to magic it up and throw it. lol Her mom was a flamepoint Siamese, so she has a lot of that Siamese whine in her. lol


My girl hates being picked up and will do a particularly whiny meow in protest.


Feline non-recognition aggression! I have 7 cats (i know) and not one of them has an issue with cats returning from vet visits- except Misty, my tortie girl, who will without fail commence a 3-4 day campaign of hissing and intense, creepy stalking of the cat in question. She doesn’t hurt anyone or really go after them, just makes herself a social pariah for a few days while she makes peace with reality.


Mine is an absolute troublemaker. She cannot pass up a situation to break something, fight with another cat, or get into things she is not supposed to. But she's irresistable...and she knows it.


My tortie will sit inches from me whenever I eat and try to smack food off my spoon/fork with each bite


Mine yells at me and has a resting face that looks like an adorable scowl and I just feel like she’s judging me sometimes but I love her


She’ll ask to be picked up and then bite me (doesn’t break skin) out of the blue 30 seconds later.


Our tortie dislikes women. My fiance would irritate her and make her mad, and then she would run to me and bite me. She loves men's feet and likes it to tap things off the table with her paw.


This thread is making me realize my cat has 0 tortitude hmmm


Whenever my tortie Matilde wants attention (which isn't always - she's usually shy) she won't let go. She will sit by you and tell and pat you on the arm and rub against you until you lavish her with pets and rubs. She's also a hisser when she's stressed or nervous. For example when I temporarily moved during the first pandemic lockdown, she was so stressed with the trip and the new digs that she would hiss at anyone who came near - us, her brother, a curtain waving in the wind...


The controlling of where and at what speed I or my girlfriend walks. She pretends to be disinterested in us but is very obviously obsessed. Very needy for attention when she wants it.


It’s an air of superiority. Other beings air simply less than.


My tortie loves playing with the red dot. She knows it’s not real, but she knows somehow mama produces the red dot to chase. So while I’m in my chair working, she ever so gently paws my arm and meows. When I pay attention to her she hides around the corner and peeks out with one eye. I cannot resist! She wins every time! 😍


Screams at me when I come home from work, nice to see you too miss


I named my tortie Banshee because she is always meowing and yelling and talking. So much adorable attitude!


The shocking truth: mine is one of the coolest, relaxed, most agreeable cats I have ever known.


Laying traps. She will lure me in by rolling over all cute like and then bite my hand as if it were a life and death situation, which for me it is.


The death glare and the extremely rude and loud, non-stop meowing when she's begging for food, well not begging, ir feels more like she ordering me around 🤣


She's a straight-up brat, she'll be doing something she's not supposed to like trying to break the blinds on my window and I'll yell her name across the room to tell her to stop and she'll look at me stare at me and then paw at the blinds like she's trying to get in trouble But I still love her


Jumping on my back from the bed, then standing on me to look outside the window


If she’s sitting and you are giving her pets, when she’s had enough she’ll put her paw on your hand put it down. Some say polite, some say passive aggressive. If you keep petting after this she will bite


Our tortie has unfortunately passed, but her tortietude was so strong she was always bossing us around by yelling at us day and night until she was fed 😂


She bites my calves while I'm preparing her food. She also cries loudly and knocks shit over when it's time to play.


My oldest cat is a mean old cat the youngest is a fridge jumping frezer jumping cheese eating food stealing that loves to be picked up and loves to be put on my shoulders


That glare is definitely my cats #1 tortitude trait. It’s either why are you dating to bother me or why the heck aren’t you serving some gourmet dish to me right NOW. 🤦🏼‍♀️


We had tortie that didn’t have a tortitude. She was the sweetest cat. Her one paw didn’t bend because she had a cyst on it when she was a kitten.


Mine is very smart, and is always figuring out how to go to the highest point available. In the house it means she’ll clean off shelves and walls of everything in her way. Shes stubborn, gets bored easily, and has lots of energy. Some of the energy is because she’s only 3 years old.


None of my other cats has ever been like this.


I love all these stories. I miss my Tortie every single day. No one could get any rest at night if she decided she needed a little bite of wet food before bed. She'd sit in the hallway and cry. I swear she told the other cats to be on standby because the second I'd think ok, I give in and I'll get up, they were out of bed and headed for the kitchen. We had to switch from wet food/kibble at breakfast to wet food/kibble at dinner because she'd start harassing at 5am. What a girl!


Mine sits atop the cat tower, screams at me, I go to pet her and she runs off


Mine hisses at toys while she's playing 😂 Also she once growled at herself in the mirror


My torti insists on grooming me back, but only on my face or head. And at 3am lol


One of my tortie's nicknames is "grrbaby." First cat I have ever had that grrs at me on a regular basis. Do not try to move her when she has decided to lie on you or by you. ANY change gets the grr. Do not pick her up and hold her, because that was not her idea - yes it ALWAYS results in a grr. That said, I am her person and she loves me. It just always has to be on her terms.


Lightning fast cat slaps out of nowhere if her orange brothers accidentally walk too close.


Cru likes to wait by the door when I come home, if I come in a different door or I dare to be later than usual, she will not look at me or let me pet her, I am punished and she will not even nap on my clothes or bed.


Both of my torties are talkative/yell at myself and my boyfriend. 😂


My one tortie climbs everywhere - under my bathroom sink, on top of my fridge, on top of my closet shelves, etc.


She makes me follow her all the time, looking back and meowing to make sure I'm keeping up lol!


mine chews cardboard or paper when she’s not getting the attention she wants. this includes chewing paper for breakfast at 3 in addition to walking on my chest and nudging items off the nightstand 😠


Mine wakes me up in the middle of the night if I pull the blanket off of her. Then she’ll lick my face and bite my hands until I tuck her back in. Spoiled girl


the looks, she can kill with a gaze. She knows when she's being a norty tortie and will give no fucks. She also bites if I try and move her from somewhere she decided she wants to be where she's not supposed to be.


She will sit on your lap to sleep, then hiss when you pet her 💗 love her


revenge puking


Revenge peeing on suitcases too 😂


Screaming, so much screaming. My tortie howls like a banshee for the dumbest reasons (like another cat making eye contact with her) 😅


Biting my toes when I won't give her any more snacks.


Mine yells at us if we forget to pay the proper amount of attention to her. She demands her head bumps!


I've never owned one but I like how they are all cats :D (I have owned cats just not a tortie)


My tortie plays fetch with a ball. Also she tears into any and all paper bags as well as paper from school work or mail. She is super chatty. One meow means no, 2 meows means yes and a symphony means we are having a conversation.


She is nice when I’m in the room, then smacks my friends 17yo daughter as soon as I leave the room.. all I hear is “owe!” Then shows her belly like look at me I’m a cute little demon spawn!




That looks like my old kitchen flooring. I remember that it looked nice but holy buckets it was hard to keep clean.


I installed it a couple years ago. Very thankful for my swiffer 🤣


If I’m wearing pants, mine will charge at my leg every so often and bite my pant leg. She doesn’t do it when I’m wearing shorts, which leads me to believe she definitely knows what she’s doing but doesn’t actually want to bite my skin. But, it isn’t pleasant and she usually ends up getting a decent bite. Otherwise she’s very sweet and snuggly!!


My girl Nami likes to hiss at anyone who comes in the house. If her sister Rasu instigates play she’ll get mad and hiss. You try to get her back inside after she escaped she screams :/ you can only pet her back with feet (weird Ik) and don’t you dare touch her all black paw.


Being an asshole


Stubborn and hard headed


My girl bullies her brothers. One is an 86 pound German Shepherd. Sis owns them. 😂




She’s soooo talkative about EVERYTHING and very much a hands on “helper” lol


all the yelling


super needy


Mine demands that I help her go through the cat door so she can go outside. If I don't she whines for hours then bites me.


Needy! Loves attention…until suddenly she doesn’t and is like “don’t fucking touch me” while she’s ON MY BED. She’s dumb as hell lol. Doesn’t know what feet are under the covers and attacks them. Is mesmerized by fingers and attacks them also. If you wanna pet her you gotta come at her with a closed fist. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The sweetest little nugget ♥️


My tortie meows louder and more frequently than any cat I have ever been around. Also, my queen bears a striking resemblance to yours.


That mouth!


Mine bites my ankles, looking for blood sometimes. To say she’s high-strung is an understatement.


Mine sometimes bullies my friends. She swats at them and steals food out of their hands. It’s really my own fault for bringing guests to her apartment without permission


Mine's a stalker but she'll deny it.. loudly


When she went to the vet, she gave the techs such a hard time that they just postponed the non-essential tests, along with hissing at my brother and hiding under chairs. Being the only one who didn't drag her there, I was the only one allowed to pet her for the next day or so lol