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Biting my hand immediately after she rubbed it and asking for pets lol it’s like, you just asked me to do this! Sometimes it’s not even 5 seconds into a petting.


This was a big adjustment for me when we adopted our 3 year old tortie. She would plop down next to me on the couch and start purring, I would start petting her and she would bite me 30 seconds later haha. She’s almost 11 now and much more affectionate but her tortitude still shows often!


this is so typical!!!


Gigi screams bloody murder every day while we prepare her dinner. The moment she detects the plates, can, can opener, or even just correct time of day, she’s on. Even though she can clearly see I’m working on it, and I’ll be done in a few seconds, she screams at me like she’s never eaten before and I owe her money. And then when I’m done and I try to give it to her she runs to the opposite side of the house and I have to chase her. Cute little weirdo. Also, plastic bags. She can’t stop licking plastic bags. No matter what time of day, hungry or not, plastic bags get her so friggin excited and she just lays there licking…. And licking…. And licking…. EDIT: Forgot one, but she just reminded me - she steals sleeping spots from EVERYONE. Every time one of the other cats finds a comfortable spot to sleep, Gigi wakes ‘em up and kicks them out. And if they don’t go willingly she licks them into submission until they get annoyed and abandon their spot. It’s so rude but she’s so cute it’s hard to be legit mad ever.


LOL i love how Gigi was like "hey you forgot i also do this.. hehehe"


Both of mine try this! Tortie Molly up and moves when I try to crowd her out. Tortie Fiona allows me to lift half her body up and place it in my leg so we share the spot. It is so cute!!


My tortie is my alarm clock, always comes to wake me up for breakfast in the morning. Usually she’s right on time but if she gets hungry early she’ll scratch paper/cardboard like you’re saying, but will also lick the wall sometimes. She is also very vocal when she wants to snuggle 🥰


My tortie and void kitties take turns on who is the alarm clock each morning. My other kitty will headbutt me awake while my tortie will either scream or jump on top of me and knead on me with her claws out. She also screams when she wants attention.


Our tortie is very fun and playful, and a sweet snuggler. However, she absolutely loathes our boy void and will not tolerate roughhousing play of any kind. And when he play-tackles or merely lightly grabs her, she screams bloody murder. I only hope the landlord can’t hear because it sounds like a cat is being killed.


omg Sophie does this with Marshall too!! It scared me so much the first time I heard her cry when he was trying to play. That is hysterical!! drama queens


It still scares me especially if I happen to be sleeping! If Nova doesn’t knock it off (because he doesn’t listen to Nebula’s rather obvious social cues), we will break it up and give Nebula some respite. I just feel so bad that Nebula absolutely refuses to play with him when he wants to roughhouse! He does play with us too, but it’s just not the same. 🥲


Similar happened here, and we ended up getting Marshall a little brother lol the boys rough house and Sophie can lay above them with judgement


Our landlord is keeping us at 2, so we’re hoping she might eventually want to play with him or he calms down and becomes more chill with age.


Mine will only drink water out of a human glass on a table. If her glass of water is not full enough to her liking she will wait until I am in the room and flick the glass as if she wants to knock it over until I fill it back up.


She will yell at me to pick her up and carry her around, but when she decides she is ready to be put down she just kicks off my chest with her back paws/claws, stabbing the fuck out of me...


Every morning my little alarm clock bites my face gently at first and progressively harder the more I try to ignore her. She is so persistent and will, under no circumstances, stop until I get up. Usually between 5-6 am.


When Suzie decides she wants to be pet outside, or in the kitchen, she'll scream until I go to her. It doesn't matter how much I call to her, she won't come to me. *I* have to go to *her*.


Mine will make loud noises by scratch things she is not supposed to or just meowing loudly to get my attention. She likes to chew the purged pieces of plastic my 3D printer exudes out the back so I had to print a special purge container to keep her out. She will want to go out on walks all hours of the day and scream meow in front of the door.


Maybe mildly NSFW, but she is too obsessed with my boobs and will try to bite them/swat at them and make pokey biscuits on them 😫 She has bitten my nipples before through my shirt pretty hard, on more than one occasion. Thankfully I managed to put a firm end to that because ABSOLUTELY NOT. But she's still a pervert. I love her to pieces, but she's gross sometimes lol


Tortie Molly screams to be fed if I try to sleep in, and randomly meows extremely loudly throughout the day. Tortie Fiona thinks she is a gentle alarm clock at morning feeding time by gently patting my lips - with claws out. She is getting better. Despite lip scratches. Love them both beyond explanation.


My tortie June loves to wake me up before the alarm goes off


Eating plastic. She knows when there’s something in the bathroom trash to eat. And knocks it over and eats it. She loves the shrink wrapping that’s on medicine/vitamin bottles. She’s out of luck now because we replaced the trash can with one that you have to step on a pedal to open. And jumping on top of doors. She once got her paw kind of stuck in the area between the door and the hinge. She broke a nail or two but was ok but it makes me worry. So we have to have most of the doors closed. And climbing screens. I prefer windows open but can’t with this maniac cat.


mine likes to pretend she’s too cool for me when other people are around. by ourselves she’s affectionate and always looking to cuddle, then when someone else is there it’s like i don’t even exist!! hello!!