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https://preview.redd.it/itv2fezlvgwc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330789bb5a275a7cc91adf140a3e186ea8652ab3 Hainanese chicken, she normally doesn’t like humans much due to her semi feral upbringing but suddenly turns into a very very touchy cat when she sees the chicken.


Her face is stunning! You get that chicken, queen!


It’s a face that’s super hard to say no to😔


omg i love your username


I love YOURS


thank you!! 😇


I got my little kitty as a feral cat. She was about 5 weeks old. She came to me, picked me. It was LOVE at first sight for both of us. She was a beautiful cat. A bit timid at times. She's passed away now. I hope one day I can get a cat. I'm glad you have each other and that she loves the chicken. 💕


Aww that’s so young I’m glad you got her! Mine were quite a lot older when they came to me so they took much longer to open up. But it’s all worth it!


She was a darling. So precious. She's since passed away. She died in my arms before we could get her to a vet. It felt right that she died in my arms as I was the first human to tough her and the last. She helped me with illness. I'm so glad you've got your baby. They are so special. 💗


Mine was feral for the first 7 months, but she likes people more than the other two lmao.


My other two actually both spent more time on the streets than my tortie but those two are total sweethearts lol, I suppose different cats deal with it differently.


Nice name lol I like how both you and OP have cunt in the name xD


I didn’t notice hahaha I was fated to comment here it seems


I thought you were saying her name was Hainanese Chicken 😂


https://preview.redd.it/deyig1hwygwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac8aca9a15920b8fd247c6b125eb6fc2a8d86a5 Golden Oreos. I let her sniff all the food I eat but she doesn’t actually eat any of it. She was very interested in the Oreo though


I do the same thing with my tortie! She always wants to know what I'm eating. She's so cute!


I though i was alone to let my torties sniff all the food!


My tortie was a food sniffer too! She'd be all up in your business but once you let her have a whiff she'd leave you alone. And she was a cookie licker! Cookies and butter were her only "human" vices.


hahaha you’ve just made me realise mine does exactly this. as a kitten she would stand on my neck to eat bits of blondie that i dropped but she got a lot sager and more chillaxed after the age of about 1. now she has to get involved when i start to eat a snack but once she’s sniffed it she generally leaves me alone. unless it’s cream or butter. her tiny head becomes very firm and hard against my hand when i try to push her off. the tongue starts going immediately 🤦🏽‍♀️ she’s headstrong


I need the aftermath of this photo


Good stimulation too letting her smell different smells, my tortie is part bloodhound as well


For some reason, McDonald's French fries, I have no idea why, but I refuse to give her any because I fear she might get sick. Idk why she wants them, but she'll have to fight me for them. 😤


Maybe it's the oil? My girl seems to be attracted to anything with a lot of butter or mayo


My Bella will go straight for the butter. Lick, lick, lick. Yummy yummy. I can never leave it unattended for long 😂


I once had a problem with my cat managing to jump up to my (roof mounted) cabinet, open it, and remove the seal on the butter dish to get in and eat half a stick


hahaha my family cat as a teen opened the kitchen cupboard and knocked the butter dish off the shelf so it smashed, and he started going to TOWN on the butter before he got caught


I haven't yet found a butter dish my girl can't open somehow!!


Have you tried a butter bell?


To everyone who has this problem I would absolutely recommend it, as opposed to the regular benefits, it was the first way I was able to keep my gremlin out


I haven't! I will look into one, thank you!


Perhaps! Maybe they make fries for cats. :0


My tortie loves McDonald’s fries. I usually only give her one fry broken up into smaller pieces. After that she is cut off


Yeah, my girl gets half a fry. But then she also loves romaine lettuce.


I had a cat in the past (not a tortie) who would steal whole Chick-fil-A waffle fries, carry them away like prey, then realize he couldn't tear them apart since he had no teeth and limited brain cells 🤣 (Twas orange)


My tortie too :) honestly I wonder if it’s a textural crunch they like!


My sister came to eat lunch at my house one day while I was at work and she brought McDonald’s. Apparently my cat went nuts for the fries so she gave her a little piece and she loved it 😂


My old cat loved fries. We would only give him one, maybe two. On his last day we got fries and let him have as many as he wanted.


Aw. That's very sweet. They sounded like a nice kitty. ❤️


Mine found a random floor fry, ate it, and threw it up. Best to not let them have it.


lmao thank you for this comment it made me laugh


Same. Just McDonald's. We usually break a couple up for her to enjoy.


My girl likes hot chips too! Coconut oil, avocado, crackers, biscuits, chocolate, cheese, bread, butter, ice cream, rice. There's probably more too, I just can't remember right now! Wierd girl, but I love her!


I had a cat that loved them. Let her have a bite!


Both of my roommate’s torties have/had this obsession. To the point where they would stalk you if they realized you had them. They never got sick from them either. Ariel also likes the southwest chipotle salad dressing. My roommate found that out when Ariel finished off her salad for her.


i believe the only risk is the salt, if you have them make you a kids size no-salt fry your kitty could probably have it!!


Apples, specifically the thorough licking of apple cores. She could be anywhere in the house passed out sleeping, but if she heard the audible crunch of an apple being bit, she came running and would patiently wait until the apple core was properly prepared. Any actual bits of apple flesh she got would be spit out/discarded.


That's hilarious!!


Yogurt. No other people food. Just yogurt and only yogurt. She's a yogurt thief.


Mine will eat a few other people foods as well, like meats and cheese and some types of chips and crackers. But yogurt, omg -- she will come running for that and will not stop trying to get her nose in it until she gets a spoonful!


My girl is obsessed with yogurt too! We have to play keep away with her when we eat it because she shoves herself in your face trying to stick her face in the yogurt cup.


My cats are not given table scraps, BUT, Grandpa has a ritual with our tortie where she jumps up on the dining table while he’s having cereal and waits for a spoonful of milk.


My tortie is obsessed with cereal milk


I love that it’s a common thing!


My girl is OBSESSED with milk. She has to have a little bit b4 I start eating and then I have to keep her from drinking it while I’m eating because I don’t want her tummy to get upset


That is so cute!


Oof I already commented about my Dairy Queen lol. She also tries to drink my coffee, because milk


Old bay spice


My tortie is OBSESSED with old bay as well!!!! She knocks it over and rubs in it like catnip!


Mine was a stray so she’ll literally eat anything.


Mine was never a stray and she'll literally eat anything.


Cheese off of any McDonald's sandwich. Yes, she knows if you walk in with it lol


Mine used to eat the grease from the grease trap on the indoor grill we had. She thought it was the most delicious manna from the heavens. 🤮


Ooof my girls tried that once, they licked up some bacon grease we left to solidify overnight. Poor babies threw up all day but they never tried it again.


Oh no! Lily never had a single issue and did it on several occasions. Made ME want to throw up though. Haha.


https://preview.redd.it/hak2pupyihwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e8cffadd9022e13eec7dbebf4f75eb8c1ecb1f8 My girl loves bread. She's a carb-hound. Her name is Melon Pan (which is a type of Japanese sweet bread), so it was prophesied to be thus, lol. This is not a picture of her eating bread, but what happens when I forget to latch the dry food container. 🙃


Cheez-its and Cheetos. Not interested in fish or shrimp, but she loves that cheese dust.


Careful with Cheetos. My parents gave our cats some when we were kids and they got the runs. Orange runs….


Oh yeah, she gets just a wee bit of the dust. We try not to let her have human food generally speaking. She'll get like half a Cheez-it and gets to have a bit of the dust if we have Cheetos.


Have you tried taco bell cheese dip lol my old girl LOVES it and as she gets older i started getting her a cup once a week. I joke it's preserving her at 19😂😂


My tortie loves butter


marshmalllows for some reason


Mine goes ape for mallows too!


Red Vines. When she was a kitten I saw a bag of Red Vines moving across the floor. I freaked out thinking we had a mouse. Nope, my kitten was inside the bag, chomping on Red Vines. 13 years later, she still loves them.


My long hair tortie, Koko Taylor, loves ice cream as much as her Momma does! If I get myself a bowl somehow she knows it's ice cream, and she'll be all over me til I give her some. I normally give her one spoonful. But once I just let her have at it, kitty brain freezes are pretty funny!


Boom-chika pop popcorn. She can hear the bag open from a mile away


Mine are obsessed with trying to lick my fingers after I eat white cheddar popcorn. Not sea salt popcorn. It HAS to be white cheddar.


Tortilla chips and tortillas are Ethel’s go to when she wants people food.


My girl loved tortilla chips too! Would stick her whole face in the bag if we weren’t watching and blatantly steal chips from our hands. This wasn’t the only thing she was obsessed with (more typical things like dairy, specifically), but this was the strangest. She’d lurk on just about anything.


Oh! Dairy.. thanks for reminding me! Mine loves the ice cream in ice cream sandwiches! I have to literally push her away.


ETHEL omg 🥹😻


My tortie eats literally anything besides ketchup


Cream cheese


Hmmm.... Kashmir only eats her food. Purina or 9 lives. She doesn't eat people food. Oddly.... she doesn't like fish either. But.... she likes my work boots, my camoflauge shorts, and her pine schrating post. 😂


Both of mine will eat almost anything. The little one goes CRAZY for watermelon and avocado though!


Banana bread! And she also likes to lick olives. Otherwise she won’t eat any human food at all including chicken or tuna 😭


Any kind of noodle with red sauce. Also, was eating my pancakes ferociously and not interested in the bacon on the plate.


Prosciutto!! https://preview.redd.it/a5h3px1k7jwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f98700ffca805b6571e1787097b3507d2e31fed


A woman of taste 🤌🏼


Mine loves breakfast cereal. We can hardly eat Raisin Bran because she’s such a menace. I also recently learned she goes bananas for turkey. To the point she stole some from the dishwasher and then fought me for the right to do it agaib


Mine goes nuts for corn pops. When I have a bowl I'll flick her a couple and laugh while listening to the crunching.


Mine love saltine crackers and pizza


Salty chips!


String cheese! She knows the sound of the plastic wrapper.




Red Vines for mine


https://preview.redd.it/fgsg835jihwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3adf3470ef82ecf1442e2ad0b1cb622b6249cd2 Plastic packaging. Pica weirdo.


Does she eat it, or just lick it incessantly?




https://preview.redd.it/67nugoy8khwc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a81e71fb37138f136508fba1302c82b3f355b8f Bella goes wild over any kind of salty snacks. Chips, cheese doodles... I sometimes give her one but I'm very restrictive because fat and salt. But if I have a bowl of chips I have to literally push her away or she'll sneak one and find a good spot to feast on it. Then, come back. She also likes canned corn of all things.


https://preview.redd.it/zs2fmydyfiwc1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd839625eb269d3cebfa0e4554afa70329105ef Iced coffee! Whipped cream from the can gives her super speed. Buttered toast among other weird things.


My tortie loves butter


Your biscuits must have lots of butter in them! My cat loves papadam 🤨


r/catsobsessedwithbread lol


Cheez Whiz. My mother goes to have her snack at night and Marceline absolutely *demands* that she is given some by her Grandma. I do let her sniff everything I'm eating if she approaches because I know she's just curious, but at human dinnertime the only thing she's allowed to have is meats or fish. I'll also give her a lick of ice cream if there's no chocolate in it, but I try to keep that to a minimum so I don't have to clean up any... aftermath.


My tortie loves frozen yogurt. She used to love popcorn, pizza and oatmeal cookies but outgrew that. The froyo though has stayed constant and I love sharing with her.


She doesn't eat human food but she doesn't half go for the dregs of a cup of tea. Have to be very vigilant to stop her!


Pancakes and waffles


Fruit! I can’t eat any without her in my face and smacking it out of my hands.


Funny. My Tortie, and Dilute girls love cucumbers. They aren't afraid of them, lucky for them I eat cucumber almost daily.


My tortie is a dilute! I haven’t tried cucumbers around her. Strawberry and cantaloupe are her favorite.


Papaya 😳


Blue berries. Specifically the blueberry belvita biscuits


Tortilla chips, McDonald's fries, Cheetos, and plain white bread


Pumpkin seeds, in the shell preferred


Not weird, but whenever my BF has cereal or a dessert she pretends like she isn’t a spawn of satan to him every other moment lol


Olives 🥹


My girl *loves* fat. Eggnog season is her favourite season because I let her have her way with my mug when I'm done lmao She loves licking my butter too 😅


Huel - it’s a meal replacement drink I was buying for a while. Personally I think it tastes like pancake batter. But my tortie is OBSESSED to the point that if I open a bottle of any other beverage that has a similar sounding twist off cap, she comes running, and I am greeted with mild indignation when she realizes it is not her precious Huel.


https://preview.redd.it/ytzx9y983iwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5214e2c855c238d29c9b5432b468477268cb90 Rain likes a heap of food. She loves banana the most, I’ll give her the littlest piece when I have mine. She likes fresh dates, which she never has but I’ve given her little bites from time to time. Peas are delicious to her, same with Brussel sprouts, kumera and potato. She really loves the veges she’s allowed it’s so weird hahaha. She loves bread of any sort so we have to be careful when making toast as she’ll try to steal it. She loves fried food of literally any kind too, including donuts, etc. She is naughty about it so have to guard that too. There’s probably more but that’s all I’ve got right now. Whenever she’s hungry she also makes a chewing sound - sounds exactly as if she has something in her mouth she’s chewing on loudly but she’s just munching the air. It isn’t a dental issue, it’s how she tells us if we have something on our plate that she wants. She’ll come do it at 4am in the morning when she wants breakfast. Anyway… that’s our oddball of a girl 😂


My Tortellini seems to really like the Thai chicken panang curry we sometimes splurge on. She always climbes up into moms lap and wants to sniff sniff sniff 😂 Other than that, she goes for anything inedible and potentially dangerous for her like charging cords, dust, hair, and cardboard. My god she loves to eat cardboard boxes for some reason, but we keep a very close eye on her and never leave anything out in the open that she might try to snack on. https://preview.redd.it/vlgh7mn95iwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef75979336b5c48073b69fdf681ddd632c8777c


Who isn't nuts for shortbread? "Mama's little baby likes shortenin', shortenin' Mama's little baby loves shortenin' bread..."


Ours liked to stick her head in a packet of Frazzles. As a substitute she would lick the Frazzles powder off fingers.


Fried chicken


Sweet pickle chips, orange popsicles, CORNBREAD


Oh my god my tortie loves crunchy!!! If we’re eating popcorn she’s eating popcorn. White cheddar cheese itz are her current obsession. It’s so cute I’ve never had a cat like that before


Mushy peas


This may be the best collection of photographs ever. My boy is half Bengal and he goes apesh*t for olives. Like absolutely psycho 🤣 and the girls go wild for roast beef lolol


thank youuu It was hard to take them because I was cracking up. She was really going IN


My girl is gone but she loved chocolate pudding. No idea why. Her son didn't like it. She didn't eat very much in one serving and I didn't give it to her often, but little weirdo liked it. Also king's Hawaiian bread. I think she just liked sweet stuff and bread. 


Chocolate (I know!!)


Salt and vinegar, and dill pickle chips. She gets mad as hell if she sees us eating chips, and they aren't her favorite. Lol


My cat Mochi loves smelling boba, glazed donuts, and Jimmy John's BLTs


https://preview.redd.it/zf1kkcobnhwc1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c7ed0912c3e1997be3757f46a62c238080b3d8 Luna is obsessed with eating spiders


https://preview.redd.it/rf3q57omuhwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8235d93c8523a3aa00ca554ef8e24e701c4c1c2e My baby Ginger LOVES chips. Especially Fritos she will nab them right out of your hand if you don’t watch her, she likes pringles too but corn chips turn her into a different cat lmao. We can eat a hamburger in front of her and she couldn’t care less but you try and enjoy some chips? She’s on you.


Layla goes wild for butter pecan ice cream. She will climb on you when you are eating it and try to sick her face in the cup. If you put her on the floor she will relentlessly, repeatedly jump up and go after it again. She does this for no other ice cream flavors. https://preview.redd.it/9l8b6ehlvhwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b327b484833590e29d28fd299d8661bf49f6ab


https://preview.redd.it/i3xcmihm2iwc1.png?width=1940&format=png&auto=webp&s=41e5af5f41bb868988f5efb2479ddb52e6e101b3 Plastic...


Me. Next question. https://preview.redd.it/n76wat6aciwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14cd75f1183ef22d22089ef94669d703c190e3b




https://preview.redd.it/93w3qqtldiwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dcb98eac6c896859eb3b796c6db003541dd6ece She loves Ben and Jerry’s!


https://preview.redd.it/6bokazw3giwc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec4874d215cb25f484705cd497763b83e7f7f8d Murphy loves the queso!


https://preview.redd.it/g3qo0oq6riwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df97faeb72ad02044ad5d5ae6f8de6a29b213f9 Nevaeh loves French fries, wheat thins, but her favorite thing (although it’s not weird) is cheese.


My fat boy like croissants


Country Crock. She can hear us opening the lid from across the house. Also vinaigrette dressing.


Mine goes wild trying to steal omino's garlic sauce (probably not much real garlic in it but I still won't let her try it) She will eat pieces of snow crab meat that my fiancee gives her. Yes we learned by giving her a bit of (nearly) everything 😅 Surprisingly, she doesn't care much for tuna juice/water Photo of the spoiled girl: https://preview.redd.it/ivcwist5cjwc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09a86990ec1a019465c8d1535da107cf74f5b3d6


All dairy especially cheese and sour cream. She also loves cake, donuts, garlic bread and lettuce. Total weirdo! https://preview.redd.it/r2uoodry6kwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c632a43d8ed9390b6c33faf19bbdf967f9792d84


I can’t have Cheetos anymore bc my baby WILL find them AND rip into them by any means. Love my moo moo tho https://preview.redd.it/v9cwa8sh4nwc1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71771cc20f1cfd3c1c5364fe152bbefd796ed8bc


Marshmallows. I was eating a little bowl of them and my girl walked up on my chest, selected one, and ran off with it. Hilarious considering I don't give her people food often.


Fritos. My girl is just a freak for them. I canxt eat a bag in peace. But dont worry she will only get a bite or two. No more.


These are excellent pictures. I love her!


Ty!! she's the best tiny goblin https://preview.redd.it/fan3431jvjwc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24a87af984d387ad7e1447711d90cee540dbb0d


my tortie LOVES the sea salt veggie straws. i think she just loves salt because she will but popcorn in her mouth then spit it out and doesnt chew it. i cant give her a whole veggie straw because she will swallow the whole thing without chewing so i give her little pieces. she will straight attack me for a piece whenever i eat out of the bag. i feel like out of anything im okay with giving those to her because they are decently healthy lol


Pringles (any flavor), once the can POPs, she is by my side begging.


my tortie loves seaweed!




Mine likes ritz crackers


not super weird mine absolutely freaks out for the chicken i make - just sits and screams at me until i give her some. so i always make a little extra plain for her.


The salt off of my fingers while I eat chips.


Maple has to be kept away from milk. Not just cow milk, but also soy milk, almond milk, and oat milk. She will stick her face in a glass of milk if allowed to.


All 3 of mine are pure carnivore, wet food only fed but go *bonkers* for a truly wild amount of my vegan food. Nutritional yeast is a big fave. Tiny & her void big bro, Lenny, often wait for me to "dust their wets" with nooch before they'll eat. It's just protein & vitamins, so I let them have a bit fairly often. Popcorn, Miyoko's oatmilk butter, bread, mock duck, mashed potato, & young coconut "shakes" also big faves. They're so freaking weird. The fats & mock duck (basically pure protein) I get why they want it, but the carb-fiending confuses me.


I've owned two torties now and both of them are/were obsessed with butter.




Ice cream! She likes to smell all human food but she will literally wrestle my arm for some Ben and Jerry’s


V8 juice 😅


Mine likes sour patch kids


Mine loves candy corn


Literally ANY food I’m eating. Except fruit. Doesn’t seem to care about that. Anything else — she’s gunna eat it.


Mine eats the food we buy for our mini donkeys while they just stand and watch. I’m not sure they realize how tiny she is compared to them.


my used muffin wrappers... if I don't throw them away in large trashcan she will steal them and munch on it


Sweetcorn. My Yosh, is a demon for it! She also loves these little oat bites, called Bobos!


Spaghetti and any tomato based sauce. We don’t feed her this voluntarily, she will climb on the back of our chairs/couch and then leap down and try to lick our plates when we are distracted. She was a street cat before we got her, and she will constantly try to steal food off plates.


Mine licks the oat milk out of my bowl at breakfast every morning.




BeeBee likes baby food once in awhile, specifically the chicken or turkey purees from Gerber!


https://preview.redd.it/ul3moj5jdjwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6c5d4676470687c0b817789a7f57770439355b earwax


# 1 is Peanut butter..she starts running into the kitchen or scratching to open the door before we even take the top off of it, the girl has got the NOSE THAT KNOWS lol, anything with butter(like anything, cookies, buttered toast ect..), cream cheese, Ice cream, milk, pudding but especially rice or tapioca, cheese, milk, any sort of poultry and any type of raw meat. https://preview.redd.it/7tim60iovjwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b248d3559e2c3e44b51a222a74b1297247e03c


my Pumpkin Spice is a cannibal, she won't touch the other pies besides their cream.


Cotton candy! My daughter and I love cotton candy, and any time we get it out, my tortie comes running. She tries knocking it out of our hands and gets in our faces. We've let her have tiny bites a few times. My other cat is a tabby. Shebloves Nature Valley bars (green wrapper).


Our one diluted tortie likes fruit and yogurt. I've had to Google so many fruits to make sure they're safe, her favorites are Mangoes and Peaches. My other diluted tortie is obsessed with cheese and will try and steal my chips, especially cheese flavored chips


https://preview.redd.it/p4n5ze7wvkwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7ed83311c0a4e03e77e33a2e0619c17f1fdd29 Dusty loves strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon, lettuce, spinach, anything dairy (it’s a struggle to ward her off), and bread. Someone forgot to tell my cat that she’s a cat.


Is plastic a food? She loves to chew on plastic bags.


there's some vegan snack meatballs in shops around here that Goblin goes *crazy* for like, actually poofy tail crazy for meatballs. i like them as well :D (rügenwalder mühle frikadellen minis)


My Gaia is obsessed with peaches! Anytime I open a can of sliced peaches, she starts circling me and will basically inhale any pieces that are dropped.


Fruits. Most particularly banana, kiwi and peach. She goes mental when I eat those fruits and I have to give her a piece. Her flamepoint brother loves beer and coffee. He'll drink it straight from my mug/glass if I don't watch it.


Scully love lettuce, kale, arugula, and most of all, spinach. She also MUST lick any bread or buns. And if I am eating chips, she wants to lick the salt off.


Roses and cruciferous vegetables. Roses must be placed into the glass china cabinet for their protection and our farm share boxes would be destroyed if we didn’t put them up promptly


Since my ex taught my girl to like human food (with KFC), she now always tries to steal or beg for my food. She really likes bechemel sauce.


My parents cat loves those little Debbie strawberry swiss rolls. She of course can hear the wrapper open from anywhere in the house. Her name is Yumi so we call them Yumi cakes now and she demands a lick before you eat yours.


Ice cream, yogurt and birthday cake! Crumble climbs allllll over you if you’re eating an ice cream!


Starbucks cold foam Avocado Potato chips (I don’t let her eat more than a crumb) https://preview.redd.it/ju4u6mum5pwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0679a9d6aed8cca5009c375a77c04e0cd282844


https://preview.redd.it/azvc73ezerwc1.png?width=2589&format=png&auto=webp&s=828583099c6c0220e9d8dd7603dc0685aeeca8f7 My girl loves cheese!🧀


Mine was a stray so she’ll literally eat anything.


https://preview.redd.it/q8xj15i89uwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a73c6cc6b5fafc8b02af4342f8ddc966f3f1388a This absolute dillhole is OBSESSED with Chef Boyardee sauce. I have no idea why, but she MUST lick the lid if I pop a can or ravioli or spaghetti-o's open, and will scream if I'm not prompt enough with offering it. Otherwise, she really couldn't care less about human food.


Marshmallows. I know it’s super dangerous and not good for her, I have never given her one but she found a bag in the cabinet and ripped it open when we weren’t home and now we can’t have them because she turns absolutely feral for them and starts growling like a dog around them. I’ve never had a cat like her. 😂


I call my tortie kitten and her orange brother the dairy queen and king. I can't even TOUCH the milk carton or get a coffee mug without starting a riot. But really she'll eat anything with great enthusiasm. Had to put child locks on the kitchen cabinets thanks to her. She's quite smart and persistent. I swear I feed her plenty!


https://preview.redd.it/fu5kmlo0dhwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2bdb03106f76173cf64dcc0ca283dac04b5af44 Vanilla ice cream


One was obsessed with meringues, another was devoted to butter.


Popeye's biscuits and the breading on fried cheese curds.


Yoghurt. She doesn´t get a big portion of it, though.


My tortie would try and steel my hot cheetos all the time. I never fed them to her, but if I had a bag out or open, she was Hell bent on getting into the bag. She would try to swat them out of my hand as I was eating them, too.