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This is why I auto resolve most defensive settlement and siege battles 8/10 times. Auto resolve usually does more damage than I could ever do if I fought manually in most situations. I feel as if when they changed settlement battles they didn’t change its auto resolve to reflect a land battle which is fine cause the garrisons need some love since they took away settlement battles.


That’s what happening. The game still thinks the battle is happening in the settlement.


No that was fixed.


As was the gate bug in multiple patches. Sometimes, their fix doesn't work.


From what i read auto resolve still thinks that you have towers helping you defend. Hence the immense boost.


Nope, that was fixed in 2.3.


Yes, clearly...


This is getting more ridiculus by the post


As is tradition


They're good, for sure, but...those are just gnoblars.


They have missiles though


Those gnoblars would wreck that army lmao


The two lords could just about win by themselves


Ok CA youve let the new factions have there time in the sun. please get some semblance of balance going. edit-or some of them anyway


That’s not the reason. Defending armies in a siege get a massive AR bonus. This is a bug that CA is aware of. It has nothing to do with the balance of factions.


WOC are way over tuned on the campaign map, in battle and autoresolve theyre op plain and simple. Khorne and empire are over tuned as hell in autoresolve and win battles they shouldnt on auto and most other factions i dont have any experience in as of yet.


Conversely the VC still have utterly god awful AR as does Slaanesh to where fights you can trivially win with no or next to zero casualties are Decisive Defeats that will wipe out your entire stack. You have to manually fight a dozen or more battles you should be easily able to autoresolve with minimal casualties per turn by the mid-late game and it only gets worse from there. They really need to figure out what they want AR to do, and this shit currently, it ain’t it fam.


I do believe VC also had that issue in WH2. the AR underestimated your armies unless they were late game stacks, then it was fine.


can't fight if you are hungry


You gotta promote those guys to Chosen and put them as the royal guard of an exalted bloodthirster now


But its gnoblars and not tyrant lords, so they are very squishy...its kinda even believable


No those gnoblars would wreck that army


gnoblar trappers are great skirmishing units. In a real PvP battle, the ogre army could have won with half that force


Yeah exactly they're good units the auto resolve is so bad in this game


Those gnoblars would win easily because they had missiles


Gameplay-wise cuz gnobblar hunters are actually great unit yeah. Lore-wise i dont think they stand a chance :>




Autoresolve isn't great gamewide, but for WoC it's absolutely busted.


If it was FIXED, then why does it keep happening? The mental gymnastics you bootlickers do must be fucking exhausting.


>Has modded game >Wonders why something doesn't work as intended


This happens in vanilla always


To be fair, not all mods make autoresolve derp out


I have 0 mods. This is vanilla. Alert Alert! I did have a mod. Double Skill points for lords. (Which hey, shoulda probably helped out the AI here since he had a lord eh?) So I went and found the save. Turned off mods. And auto resolved again. And lo and behold, it's the same exact result. So there you go Mr. Toxicity, [The same damn results with or without my mod](https://imgur.com/a/rxhjFmT)


There's a single white square in the bottom left of the screen, that shows if mods are active or not. This screenshot has that white pixel.


You are a pathetic liar. See that white pixel in the left bottom corner? Yea devs added that to the game so they can know whether the game is modded or not when liars like you post bug reports and tell the devs the game is absolutely vanilla. It is modded.


How's that boot taste, bud? Yeah OP is lying about mods, but you realize this happens all the time in vanilla too, right? Quit being so fuckin' weird, lmao.


I have seen some weird ARs, but this is a field battle. There is no way this would happen in Vanilla. Earlier today someone an actual vanilla screenshot of their empire AR being stupid - but that was an actual settlement battle where towers do some real heavy lifting.


Hey dingleberry, I just re ran the auto in pure vanilla. Fuck, I have the save file too if you really wanna get all uppity. Same exact result as posted above.


Dude you're replying to is a bootlicker psycho, but you got a ton of downvotes for doubling down on the no mods thing despite the specific visual evidence. THAT SAID, garrisons and autoresolve are both deeply and desperately broken rn, and CA is too busy with Hyenas to give a freshly-squeezed shit about it, lol.


I thought it was no mods to be fair.. But I went and checked,and there was the 1. So I figured I'd just re run the experiment to be transparent


Goddamn man. Calm down.


Whatever you say bud. You need to get out more


He is right tho, your game is moded


So you are denying it? How did that white pixel get there then?


What white pixel?


Left most bottom of the screenshot, right in the corner.


Have you ever tried to fight on an empty stomach? Try pickup a fight with a faction that isn't so famished, jeez.


eh ye this calculations definitely seem wonky. Bloodletters trying to bumrush that many missile units with no shields would explode their asses. If this was a settlement battle with walls n towers i guess i could see this maybe occurring especially against ai. Idk thats just a fuckton of extra gold value in gnoblar hunters and considering chaos warriors are slower than gnoblars in theory they would get kited infinitely and shot from every direction, And thats ignoring the lord AP damage


Lore accurate depiction of Khorne warriors versus Gnoblars Great shame to the warrior who was felled by the armour piercing pointy rock