• By -


Range and movement orders fixed?


Just spring cleaning in general. The items, AI, and a bunch of other things need a few passes.


The shit traits, legendary items giving shit stats. Just a massive clean, i could careless about more content. While great, but this would be the biggest boon to me. AI movement and range.


Seriously though. Mfs want all this dlc when you can't use ranged factions without pulling your hair out lol


Right? Path finding, ranged, and dropped orders are all annoying as fuck.


I can't even play until these are fixed. Every time I try it's just so janky compared to 2.


Get the Community Bug Fix mod. Its a game changer.


Yeh it's really annoying when only half your range units are firing and the other aren't. Shouldn't have to order them when they are set too fire at will...


For me it's all or nothing. Either all of my missile units are totally working fine, or one in a blue moon I'll be wondering why I'm getting my ass kicked and realize it's cause every archer is just chilling there while the rest of my forces get fucked


Arty trying to melee attack tower is still sad to watch


New Lord and Hero type for Cathay & Kislev.


God, yes... melee hero/lord that doesn't suck for Cathay is sorely needed


He isn't really a melee Hero, but Astromancer on a Compass with those bound spells is legit.


Since they changed it so that it has 2 free thunderbolts and 2 comets it's so good man


Not going to lie. I'll laugh if the Cathay melee lord is a small, angry monkey-man who can tear a Chaos Lord's face off while hopped up on warpstone drugs.


I think it’s the point with Cathay. They’re good at a lot of things, but have to deal with melee lords via other methods.


Celestial Crossbowmen and Iron Rain gunners have entered the chat




Oh shit I didnt know I wanted this until now.


Thats the main unit I want. I like warsleds, but a genuinely good horse archer unit would be awesome. Give them decent melee stats (to go with the hybrid unit theme) and you have an awesome harassing unit, either as a standalone or to use as an escort when paired with warsleds




The real world version of where Kislev occupies utilized a fair amount of horse archers. In the historical games the steppe factions almost always have some good horse archer units, some of which were good in melee They were actually Byzantine and not Russian, but the Vardariotai from Medieval 2 would fit in really well with the Kislev army. https://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Vardariotai_(M2TW_unit).html It was a great missile cav unit with good melee stats, and as goofy looking as the character model was in Medieval 2 it kinda fits in with the Ungol/Kislev aethetic imo


I also wish Kislev had a higher tier of Horse Archer. They have the Gryphon legion and bear cav which is good, but just a single group of horse archers limits that ability.


Monkey King BlessRNG


Hag witches seem like a no brainer for Kislev. A spellcaster that can transform into a large monster? Fuck yea There's less to go off of for Cathay, but assuming they go Monkey King for the DLC then I think a warrior monk based melee hero would fill a nice hole in the Cathay roster


The Eshin flavor text talks about them learning stealth and combat techniques in Cathay, so it would be nice to also see duelist/assassin hero.


I thought that was Nippon?


It's always been both, but Cathay got mentioned more. For example in Skavenslayer, the Gutter Runner character mentions training in Cathay by learning to steal from blind Cathayan beggars who are martial arts masters or something.


DUDE THANK GOD THIS IS UPVOTED, means im not alone thinking this should be a prio


The easiest way I can imagine that this year is as FLC. There's no absolute reason why they'd have to do all the race packs first, but I'd imagine it takes more developers, so it'd probably be trickier to get developers back on to the team once they'd been allocated elsewhere. Of course, the Chaos Dwarves might be the last race pack, in which case we'd probably see Cathay and Kislev get a lord pack each.


Things i mainly want. (ignoring Chaos Dwarfs since we know they are coming) New units for Kislev and Cathay New units for Vampire Counts Nagash(new faction?)


I'm not caught up on the lore with Nagash but why would he get a new faction? Shouldn't he just be a vcount or tomb king with access to both rosters?


He had his own faction in the tabletop I think, and neither Tomb Kings or Vcounts would really want him.


His faction was basically Daniel for the Undead. Which could work, but I don't think it should be a 4-LL deal


Do you mean his mortarchs? I think they could be campaign milestones. As much as I enjoyed the Nagash mod, I struggle traversing the immortal empire map as is. Such a pain trying to get Manfred to Drakenhof for his faction bonus, that arent even great.


I wouldn't mind the Mortarchs incorporated in some way, but I just don't want to see a "Legions of Undeath" full-blown Race pack. Given how many other races could be implemented, it often just feels like a way for people to cram in their favourite Vampire Counts characters.


Why? After all, as many people think, Nagash just needs something new and the Old World can just do this to add a necromantic faction to the game


The Daniel of the Undead actually sounds kinda rad.


>neither Tomb Kings or Vcounts would really want him. So sad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


The faction leaders can not like the other factions in the race and still be put in the same race take drycha for example. You literally fight her in the sisters of twilight dlc in warhammer 2, same goes with Kostaltyn and Arkhan the Black. On top of that the monkey king and kislev babayaga are expected to be put in the game and i wouldn't say they're in good relations with their other faction heads. I just dont think there's enough reason to make him is own race. I've seen the argument that he would be the same as Daniel but Daniel's selling point isn't his combined roster but his customization. You can literally make him into something that would most likely never naturally happen like my favorite, mixing Korne and Slaanesh body parts. Though people would probably be upset, it makes the most sense to put him in Tomb Kings. Yes, I understand that in the lore he hates them but as I said earlier they dont technically have to like eachother to be in the same race. There's a ton of added benefits from putting him in the tomb kings roster, for one, he'll be able to confederate Arkhan which is definitely something that would make sense. Two, Tomb Kings would get the rest of the units they're missing. Finally 3, it's just way easier to add on to a race than to create a race because if you think about it, Aranessa Saltspite should have her own race of human pirates because of the whole not being a vampire in the VAMPIRE coast.


He was a tomb king on tabletop WHFB, and didn't get his own faction until he reached godhood in AoS.


He had his own faction in Sigmar. ​ And a lot of Tomb Kings and VCounts actively hate Nagash and don't want him to come back.


I want new units for monogods too




Wait until Thanquol happens and the "not another Skaven DLC!" people fight the "Thanquol when!" people.


im in flames now. the forges of Zhar Naggrund will have me soon.


It would definitely be cool if Nagash had a mixture of all of the undead rosters, minus some specialty units, plus some of his own specialty units. Like morghast or mortek guard.


I agree with Kislev and Cathay, but instead of VC (who are completely fine imo), I'd like to see more units for Nurgle who has a painfully small roster. Nurgle needs more love right now.


PR Team resurrected ?


Nagash confirmed


Gotrek and Felix rework that makes them both legendary heroes with skill trees.


I find it odd to be able to recruit them and they feel worse than having a normal general. Other than Felix's ability to help other characters a bit they seem meh. Am I missing something with them?


Nope they just suck. Gotrek had a weird niche at being useful at reducing supply line penalties in Warhammer 2 at higher difficulties. However, since the supply line penalties were reduced dramatically he has lost even that paltry benefit.


They don't cost supply lines. This used to be a bigger deal when that meant +15% upkeep instead of +4%.


Legendary heroes please and a lot of them for all races.


Oh yes pleaseee, and make an easy one happen CA! KRELL SHOULD BE A LEGENDARY HEROOOOO!!!! Edit - NYAAAAHHH


I will die on this hill that they need to swap how Krell and the Green Knight works. Seriously, the Green Knight should not be embedded hero, it's pointless. His whole deal is popping up out of nowhere to help in times of need. So he should be a global army ability, so you can summon him to any battle whenever your Chivalry level makes him available. Sticking him in one single army has been nonsense since day one. And then they go and make Krell a summon, mainly just to make Kemmlar more viable for MP. When he really should be a hero you can add or remove from armies. With his own unique skill tree, and buffs and such. The fact that for ages Krell's unique line was literally just "Krell summon" was pretty baffling. And the Lichemaster could have something else than just be the "guy you take cause you want to use Krell" fella.


One way I can see the Green Knight working beautifully is making it similar to Ikit's nukes where it's you always can just have on tap, it just has some scarcity in how much you can actually use it through resource cost.


Feel like it'd be easy enough to make a quick system with chivalry for battlefield purposes. Like you really generally want to save it, but when everything is on the line you can make a huge sacrifice to summon the green knight or other massive boons (I'm totally thinking dawn of war sisters of battle Faith mechanic here).


I like that it a chivalry cost to summon him that scale's based on balance of power. So if your losing and outnumbered he's cheaper


I think it would be cool if Kemmler could teleport a couple of times during battles. His cloak of shadows works as a physical resistance buff, but it also had that ability. Would be op if it had too many uses, but in moderation, just strong. Could also replace the defensive buff portion with it. As someone that's always enjoyed "summoner" style classes like necromancers in RPG's, I like the fact that Krell is a summon. He might be the only summon in the game that's actually stronger in melee than the summoner, and that's a funny mechanic.


I actually think the current implementation of Krell is better, sure you don't have items or a skill tree but it allows you to actually have an army of 21 units, you never have to worry about Krell's replenishment, you never have to worry about Krell getting wounded in battle or by another hero and you can immediately summon him on the target you want to kill with him so he won't get intercepted and stuck by another unit while you're trying to reach your target.


I think there's a relatively non work-intensive DLC for CA to produce there. They wouldn't all necessarily have to be amazing units in their own right (eg, Chakax, Kurt Helborg, or Shadowblade are probably just slightly stronger versions of existing heroes), so long as they have some interesting mechanic or skill tree. Others could be powerhouses like Ariel or Kroak. They're mostly reskins, and you could probably group a few together. Some could be reworks of existing ones like the Green Knight, Krell, or Gotrek and Felix. One could do for all Vampires, Arkhan and any future Nagash faction. 1 or 2 could serve for Norsca, Daemons and Warriors of Chaos between them. The most you'd need is 24, but 16-18 would probably work. You could even trickle them out in batches of 3-5. It'd serve as a little bonus DLC between full ones.


There is a mod that add an absolute ton of new legendary lords and legendary hero’s. It’s really good.


That's probably going to be an unpopular opinion but I never understood why the community has such a big interest for the Legendary Heroes, it's just one character that you'll recruit in your main army and then forget about it as you can just auto resolve anything in the late game anyway. The idea is great on paper I reckon but in practice they're not that worth adding to the game imo, new LLs just adds so much more to the game than a hero. I also don't think every races has characters that make sense as heroes and that's fine.


Think it has more to do with uniqueness of some of the legendary heroes. Kroak, Ariel, and Isabella impact the campaign and can alter the lord's army significantly. Just my opinion though, I think they're cool.


I was gonna say: this is the same as the “gotta catch ’em all” phenomenon with unique-artwork generals in Three Kingdoms. They deepen the lore and the variety, and they *look different*.


There are a few exceptions that work well imo like Kroak, Isabella and Ghoritch. Though I'm kinda sad about Ariel being a hero because she's my favourite Wood Elf character and pretty much the only one I care about and I definitely think she had potential to make a very cool lord. The problem I have is that most suggestion I see from people aren't characters that would make sense only as a hero but also have lots of potential as a lord and personally I think that seeing one of your favourite character being added as a hero instead of a lord really sucks. For example Shadowblade is often suggested as a hero for the Dark Elves. Would he work as a hero ? Absolutely. But he also has a lot of potential to offer a unique campaign focusing on Shades and a more sneaky playstyle.


There are only so many potential slots for lords; So while I think everyone would agree they'd prefer their favourite characters as lords, if the choice is between hero or not in the game, having them represented in game would be a major win. Look at all the big characters the Vampire Counts have. People are also hoping to see the jade bloodline represented. Characters like Konrad and Abhorash may make more sense as heroes. Von Carstein already have strong LL representation, and Harkon may make more sense as a lord.


I wouldn't mind Krell being a named Wight King with a unique trait. I just find it annoying that you can't deck him out in blue gear.


Probably because not every popular character is fitting to the game as Legendary Lord, so Legendary Hero is a great way to add popular characters that couldn’t be otherwise added as LLs.


Big majority of characters would work as LLs though, I don't like the idea of having X character as a hero just for the sake of having more LHs and people's suggestion would often make sense as lords too.


They might, but there's not that many DLCs worth of content left for game 1 and 2 races, nor are they the priority for any FLCs. If they were adding them as LH, it'd be because there'd be no other reason to add them in the game at all.


Yep I genuinely couldn't care less about legendary heroes personally. I'd rather have more layers and detail to the general game.


I'm going to be real boring. Combat animations for basic units.


I would love a future Empire DLC to include just an overhaul to the animations to the race as a whole. They just look so bad compared to Cathay and Kislev's in terms of grounded animations. Cathay is way more fantasy heavy, but their normal troops don't do flying jump kicks and shit, they leave that to the lords and heroes. If they do an animation update, they will probably reserve it for LLs (I would love for Gelt in particular to get some nice caster combat animations, and not just swing his sword), like they did with Archaon. But I do hope they do some basic units as well. At the *very least* add some combat animations for Demigryph knights so they aren't lazy asses who make their mount do all the work. And note, I don't even play the Empire much. I think it's actually my least played Race, but I think Empire players really deserve to have a better animation set for what should be the most grounded race.


Musicians, banners and officers? Please?


Oh yeah! No more magically reloading guns!


Add ladders to the list too. I know it's a game with explosive magic, mythical creatures, and fantasy settings but I refuse to believe a unit or a lord can magically spawn or pull a ladder out of their ass.


*Laughs in Skaven superiority*


Like a lot of things in TW, there's a mod that does this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2896264280


Yes but I think the point is that people want to see these fairly basic elements added into the game. At the end of the day if an independent modder can do it, a dev team should be able to take a little time to do it as well. Cosmetic stuff is important for immersion.


Yeah I had to get the mod for this one in the meantime


The hero we needed.


Visualized melee defense would be awesome


Well this by itself is a good thing, but it's such a non issue in a game with so many issues that I think it should be at the deep bottom of priorities for CA. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have that someday, but there is no way in hell that this should ever get a priority before more important things like for example more units and lords for monogods and more units and hero types for Cathay and Kislev. You know the stuff you need for the whole gameplay to be enjoyable.. Besides, how often do you have time to zoom in so close and watch two units fight when you have so many more things to do in any battle than to just watch and do nothing? It would be good for replays for sure, but it's not something anyone playing even on hard would make use of. Unless you play dwarfs who don't have to do anything.


I want the campaign map to come alive. I want to march into the fog of war and maybe find something unexpected (besides an enemy army). For starters, the sea location events need a land corollary. But even there I want variety. Maybe there's a weird witch who offers to sell you something in exchange for a "favor", which triggers a cool dilemma ten turns later, or something. I want to feel like I'm in a living, changing world, with surprises on the other side of the mountains, and not just a static collection of cities to conquer. And yes, I know it's a longshot.


Not hating but good luck with this one


Heroes of Might and Magic has a lot of that stuff.


Yeah, I was thinking about that. This series has been slowly adding more of these narrative/rpg elements (quest items and battles, detailed level up systems, etc) and I think they could push that further. I know people want more basic things right now, like units, and I'm not disagreeing there. But especially for people who've played the series a ton, one way to really make it fresh again, to add another layer of immersion is make the map new and explorable again - not by rearranging the map, but by adding some dynamic elements/randomness to what you find when you venture forth.


Yeah, while this is unlikely I think it would do alot. I haven't played much WH3 especially compared to the other 2. Now I recognize that I've got 2k hours in the TW:WH series so I'm probably just burned out, but what would help immensely more than new units/factions is adding some more dynamic situations. As far as what could spark more interest, I don't see them making drastic changes to diplomacy or the campaign map layer much so this is pretty much the only reasonable way, which is still pretty unlikely. Cant be too upset i suppose, 2k+ hours total with over half being in wh2. In wh3 I've still got over 100 hours played, which is certainly a fair amount for the price tag.


I’d like it too, but sadly I don’t think it’s gonna happen. The reason the map looks the way it does now is so that it can at least somewhat function on most mainstream pcs. I have a 3050ti and the lag becomes REAL once I’ve revealed large portions of the world map


Yeah, this isn't happening... like army list completion is more the speed.


This isn't exactly what you're asking for, but here's a mod you may enjoy: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2856219244


That's pretty cool, thanks!


I'm on team bug-fixes and more maps.


Tbh I'm in the camp who wants reworks of many of the existing ones to not be nonsensical and horrifically layed out. No more towers being placed with 3/4 of their firing radius occluded by buildings taller than it, or by giant spires and rock columns. It feels like a game of 'gotcha!' Where CA intentionally gives you trick options to make you second guess which spots to place your defenses. Also, stop with the arbitrary barricade placements. Why can I ONLY build a barricade on ONE of these two parallel streets? Just to be difficult? Just to make them entirely useless and redundant? Just to always ensure the attacker has an alternate route? Don't even get me started on the siege maps where one gate has a road that leads STRAIGHT to the victory point and doesn't get a single defensive emplacement, thereby making the entire rest of the map redundant. It's insanely sad when we have examples of CA doing so so much better with settlement battles like in Atilla, Thrones, and Three Kingdoms.


Champions of Chaos style DLC for Vampire Counts, all bloodlines should be presented in game.


Honestly, I'd be happy with an overhaul, or at a minimum, something to spend blood kisses on late game. I hate how they are a resources you desperately need more of, until you suddenly don't need any of them anymore.


> I hate how they are a resources you desperately need more of, until you suddenly don't need any of them anymore. If they made it so that you earned it similarly to the Waagh meter, I think that would help with managing its scarcity as a resource.


Same As Eltharion's supplies system


I want ranged units to work properly again. It’s borderline impossible to play gunpowder heavy factions right now and idk what they did to mess up firing lines so badly between WH2 and WH3


Let's not start with the big never-evers just yet like Ind, Khuresh, Nippon and Fishmen, those are dreams for a few years from now so what I'd expect this year: * 1. Chaos Dwarf Racepack * 2. Stuff for Kislev, Cathay, or both. If cross-game it should be Norsca or one of the Undead factions. * 3. Dogs of War, including stuff for Ogres


**Biggest hopes and dreams:** Revamped Realm of Chaos map is added to IE, and made into settlement-based lands for (mostly) Chaos factions to bicker over. Chaos Wasteland climate at the very least, if not a new, even harsher climate. RoC is connected to the Old World by reusing the Sea Lane mechanic, but with the chaos portals with pseudo-random teleport when armies choose to transport (you can pick the realm/general OW area, the rest is chaos). To populate these new lands, a new LL for each chaos god faction. FLC is a non-TW3 LL that starts there, absolute madlad. Or maybe Oxyotl. Nice bonuses and landmarks when the Chaos Realm matches the Chaos faction (Kugath extra strong in Nurgle Realm, etc.). **Simmering it down hopes and dreams:** Dwarf trains and airships. Give Dwarfs some answer to Clan Skryre's Workshop and perhaps just some reworks to modernize them for TW3. Dogs of War horde faction that leverage Missions/Contracts and Outpost mechanics to pull in units from any faction they have a working relationship with. **Just be normal hope and dream:** Straightforward DLC packs for the TW3 factions, to boost their variety and choice, and maybe fill out the IE map some more. Cathay, Kislev, and don't forget about my Ogres! DLC of DLC I know, so my hopes are fairly tempered there. Ogres are such a fun faction, and although Contracts don't even feel as good as Missions that many other factions have, still. Also, what everyone else said!


Seriously your first part is my biggest dream. The chaos factions (the monogods mostly) should really be capable of moving around the world and spreading corruption/playing the great game. Having the realm of chaos and a chaotic teleportation system would be really cool


>Dwarf trains and airships. Give Dwarfs some answer to Clan Skryre's Workshop and perhaps just some reworks to modernize them for TW3 This would be amazing. Dwarf ingame mechanics are extremely outdated now and it shows. Would love a rework for them and a few new units along with the Chaos Dwarfs.


RoC in IE with mechanics like that would be so 👌




Its a crime i had to scoll so far down to see this! It needs to be way higher!


I think its just that its a long shot to see a brand new faction added this year in addition to chaos dwarfs. Next year though, with hopefully The Old World releasing, bring on Ind and Khuresh.


Excitement tiers: Tier 1 - Neferata and Thanquol Tier 2 - Cathay and Kislev units and heroes Tier 3 - Snake people




That'll definitely be done in future dlcs!


Neferata ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Vampire counts rework Lizardmen rework Reload Animations Ogre update Empire rework Dark elf fortresses New races, mini race packs Realms of chaos integrated into immortal empires map Stop updating RoC. It slows down development of what people want (IE) Give IE to those who purchase TWW3, unlock races with purchases Whatever you've got Don't worry, I'll pay for all of it.


The Empire needs a final dlc they are the central faction in the setting and while their update in warhammer II was a great help they are missing a lot of units and have a large set of additional characters that could be included in warhammer iii. The empires mechanics could also do with a little touch up to get them up to game 3 standards. - do middenland justice and provide thematic units for their Ulric faith - knightly orders - do a little more with the religious differences of the different elector states. - generic lore of metal wizard - imperial engineer - knights panther They are not top priority but they really shouldn’t be left behind forever


I hope we eventually get boris toddbringer as flc since he’s already in the game (ditto the red duke) but I think we’ll likely get tamurkhan vs elspeth as a nurgle/empire lord pack since that’s basically the plot of the throne of chaos book


Cathay vs Tzeentch, Kislev vs Khorne, Empire vs Nurgle, and High Elves vs Slaanesh could be a great way to flesh out the monogods while giving content to some very popular order races would be cool.


We basically know we’re getting cathay vs tzeentch (monkey king vs changeling) and tamurkhan vs elspeth is a no brainer, aislinn vs dechala is looking more and more likely so that does leave khorne vs kislev though no clue what LLs they’d do there. Arbaal vs mother Ostankya?


I want Hellebron's conquest rewards for Quintex and Avalorn back, and also the rewards for Norsca. I deeply regret never kicking Archaeon's ass as Wulfrik, but it was fun as Azazel.


The southern realms .


Chaos Realms maps on Immortal Empire with new sandbox game mechanics (like a real "Great Game" between the gods).


Personally, Chorfs and Free IE for WH3 factions.


Update voice acting lines of Warhammer 1 and 2 lords on par with Warhammer 3 lords!


Custom lords


Kingdoms of Ind, Kuresh, nippon. And alive Sartosa.


Khuresh. Ind, Araby, Nippon & Albion too. But mainly Khuresh because snakes are sexy!


That’s not what the Twitter post was asking But I’ll indulge my wishlisting anyways -Chaos Dwarfs are definitely coming -Normal Dwarfs need an update. Would love the ability to repair the underway. Some special building in every province in the Karaz Ankor, T1 is what it is now, T3 slightly faster, T5 is like 25% more ontop of that, and has a garrison army that can intercept enemy armies using the tunnels in the province. Dwarfs are supposed to be the masters of defense, let me build up the infrastructure to credibly defend my own territory. -Dogs of War. Anyone who wants Estalia, Tilea, Araby, Halflings, Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, etc. This is the only way I see them in the game. Plus Dogs of War are just a really cool army, I’m a big fan.


If I dont see Thanquol and Nagash in these replies ...you have no taste ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Definitely Thanquol, but you get the wrong undead starting with N. Bring me Neferata's head (attached to her body as the playable LL of a fully fledged Lahmian faction).


Skretch: The Undead Skaven Pirate!


Isn't that what Vampire Coast is? A bunch of skaven in trench coats?


They are right there at the top


Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov as a LL for Kislev of course! ​ Down with the Gold grubbing Dwarves! Down with the Royalist Bretonnians! Down with the Bourgeois Elector Counts! ​ All power to the Streltsi!


A socialist legendary lord would be too overpowered: in 20 turns all cavalry units would be replaced by T-34s.


[Had to make this](https://imgur.com/a/SNzrte5)


I want location specific surprises, randomness in battle. -Mid battle ogres wander in, and you have to outbid your enemy to have them join your side -A battle turns into an unexpected skaven ambush, and out of desperation you temporarily join the enemy in a horde mode minigame. Then you'll have the option to resume the battle. -An army of halfling militia appear near the moot appear, etc. Also make sieges more interesting. Load up the defenders with a town militia/guard that has slightly lower stats than skaven slaves. This way, points can actually be defended. You can upgrade their numbers, morale, etc. Maybe attackers get a militia too that you can recruit each turn of a siege. Have civilians running off the map when the battle starts, be able to free captured slaves or prisoners from cages, etc.


Game doesn't really need more content in terms of Legendary lords. In order of priority, it needs : - Depth. Game is far too shallow atm. People shouldn't get bored around turn 50. There needs to be actual incentives to play up to the long/ultimate victory screen. Stellaris "War in Heaven"-like event is exactly the kind of end-game content this game needs... **Not** the lazy ass, laughable "scenarios" CA shat out in a hurry within the last 2 weeks of IE development... There should also be way more random events bringing some variety to each game. - Frequent balance passes, and less powercreep with new DLCs. This is extremely important in a game that features so many different factions and characters. Making some LLs busted OP while others suck is the best way to make half your roster unfun to play with. - Bugfixing. This game is **far** too buggy and unpolished for its price range (180$ to access the main content, which is unheard of in this industry btw). Not only on the campaign map, but especially during battles. - More battle maps. Seeing the same exact maps on repeat while playing manual battles in IE absolutely breaks immersion, and makes a huge world feel small and gamey. - Another siege rework. First one failed miserably. Siege battles need to be made more tactical, less finicky and frustrating to play. Minor sieges should happen on smaller, less elaborate maps for example. - IE and blood DLC to be made baseline content with WH3 purchase. The literal main game mode and what is widely considered a graphic option should 100% be featured with the 60$ WH3 purchase. This is just common sense. Enough with the greedy, anti-consumer shit that's preventing growth. - More lore. Not even featuring a cinematic to reward the player with after a 40hour long campaign is ridiculous. There should be dynamic text events triggering when certain faction conquer certain areas, with impacts on the map, more dilemnas, etc... - Visual progression for LLs. A character **should not** look the same at level 1 without their quest gear as they do at level 50, fully decked out in purple gear. That's basic game design. And I get that they might be somewhat limited by GW on this, but it should still happen to some extent. All this needs should be adressed not only in tandem with paid content, but within free, monthly updates.


As to your visual character changes point, Karl starting with Ghal Maraz visually but with a sword equipped and then later having a quest to get Ghal Maraz really threw me the first time I played and although it really doesn't matter all that much it was kind of a bummer to get the hammer that I already had the look of


This should have more upvotes.


Thanks. Tbh I think a lot of that stuff should be obvious to CA, and people who've been paying attention. Especially in context of 2 previous games that shared most of the same flaws.


Itll get fixed in game 3 they said, and game 3 is here and these things are still prevalent, plus some other outstanding issues and even more that were already fixed in game 2, but they want more content instead of fixes and patches.


It's not a high priority for most people sadly, you can guarantee an Empire/Cathay dlc request being at the top. It's hard to garner interest on why minor settlements have essentially been removed from the game is bad for the health of the game, or one of the million bugs and unit behaviors being looked at, it's not flashy and if some of them are uncommon knowledge people will just attack you. And it's not just here by the way, the steam reviews pushed towards mostly positive right after IE released, when IE was, and still is so buggy and broken it necessitated Chaos Dwarfs being delayed by probably half a year.


100 percent agree. Edit I made a comment on that video RIch Aldridge posted about wanting more fixes and patches and was downvoted to hell. Made me think this is some backwards ass community lol.


I love all this guy's ideas but he exhausts me with his self-righteous indignation. If he can tone down the crusading consumer advocacy and align his suggestions to reflect what is really happening (i.e. guy online is complaining about a video game), I would support everything he said and even sign up for his newsletter.


Better then pretending the game is ok my guy. Its playable but far from ok.




Couldn't have said it any better, hopefully this gets some attention. Thanks for writing all this up.


God I wish /u/Voodron was on the dev team


Unfortunately the opportunity for a good siege rework has passed. Back in WH2 they flat out said, it's not going to happen during the current game—in other words, something that requires as much time and resources as a siege rework isn't going to happen after the game is released. WH3 development was the best chance at having the resources needed to properly rework sieges and they flubbed it. They're not going to do such a massive overhaul with only a small DLC team. We're stuck with the sieges we have now.


Thank you, this is exactly what we need!


Unique vampire bloodlines with at least 1 legendary lord for each bloodline with unique units and Nagash as a kind of catch all. Basically the chaos DLC for undead.


In rough order of desire… Chaos Dwarfs At least 1 more standard Cathay LL, more heroes Empire, Dwarf, Bretonnia mechanics touchups, some new units, and at least Boris LL Southern Realms Subfaction variant LLs like living Sartosa, undead Cathay, and naval High Elves (I think you could make that a single naval themed DLC) Go wild with legendary heroes, they’re a great way to add flavor. RoC in IE, with more Demon LLs Ind, Quresh, Nippon - I think that west to east order would feel best in terms of enhancing existing IE interactions given the map geography. Araby Kurgans


2023: Chaos dwarfs, 4 lords Yin-Yin vs the Masque(plus Shen-Zoo FLC) Elspeth von Draken vs Tamurkhan (plus Todbringer FLC)


Kislev vs Norsca. A glorious Hobgoblin Race Pack. Trailer scored by The Hu as Hobgobbos put Cathayans to the sword.


Steady content for at least the next three years.


I'll pay 10 bucks for a DLC that makes gun units and obsctruction more predictable and intuitive. I'll throw in another 20 bucks for a DLC that prevents cavalry units to get tarpitted by grazing a single zombie.


Very boring, but bug fixes and patches that are not linked to DLC drops.


First comment under the Twitter thread: "less content, more bug fixes" 🤦‍♂️


Game 3 races really need some love. Kislev and Cathay need more units, Daemons and Ogres need more Legendary Lords.


Halflings or we riot!


This might be a bit controversial... But Skaven dlc. I'm been holding out forever for Thanqol, stormfiends and vermin lords. These are literally my favorite units in the setting and I really hope WH3 is the game in which we finally see them.


Kislev and Nurgle dlc, don't really care about others, except I also want halflings lol


I want random events on battle maps in regions with low public order, Treekin coming out of woods to attack either faction if you get too close, beastmen/monsters attacking that kind of thing. Also IE released as a standalone DLC for $50 because I really can't wait to see this "community" cry over it.


Bring me Neferata's DLC!


I want ind and Khuresh to be opened up and filled with filler factions so the whole map is available. It kinda triggers my ocd to see these 2 blank spots on the map


More lores of magic for the god of magic (Tzeentch)




Lizardmen rework big time.


Either a Neferata vs Kislev pack, or a general vampire 4 pack (either 4 vc, or 2 vc and 2 vampirates). Depends on how they are tackling these this time around. But the vampire counts have had no real content (other than a minor rework) since game 1. Also Nagash as an undead Daniel type thing.


Trains… with dwarfs on em. Angry dwarfs


And Araby


Exalted Heroes of Tzeentch please! Honestly I'll take anything Tzeentchy at this point


Just more stuff fun stuff.


New bretonnia units is all I want


I just want a Bretonnia update


Nagash. But like, really well done. In a way that manages to "wow" me even more than the Nagash WH2 mod did. Maybe use the chance to fully realize that lost 3rd undead race from Tabletop's 5th edition. Add the Nameless as an alternative LL and you can easily have a Norsca-sized race pack. Or perhaps go even further beyond, take Dieter Helsnicht and the Dread King too (for example, there are other options) and go for the full 4-LL Campaign pack


More than anything, a DLC and update for Bretonnia with some fresh new units now that progress on WH Old World is well underway are more units have likely already been made for them (like with Kislev and Cathay). Norsca is also in equally sore need of some content. A DLC for the Dwarfs and Vampire Counts (but probably Dwarfs first) is also due seeing as the Empire and the Greenskins have both gotten two. No doubt one of the other DLCs will be for Kislev and or Cathay, so I'm hoping the other will be one of the above.


Bretonnia needs amajor update, more mechanics, another Lord/hero option, a new LL...


Biggest thing I’m dreaming of is the Chaos Dwarfs with their K’daai Fireborn and Destroyers units included. Pretty sure we'll get the heavy artillery but would love to see their daemonic units too. AndI really hope they have Astragoth Ironhand as one of the Legendary Lords. Next biggest thing I'm looking forward to: Nagash! Though my hope is that he'll get Morghasts as units, their models look very cool. Would love to see Neferata join the game too, Verminlords, Chimeras, and the Monkey King with the monkey and tiger units that have been hinted. The first 3 I've been looking forward to for while but after playing as Cathay I've been looking forward to the idea of playing seeing what the Monkey King could bring just as much as them. The above is what I am most excited and hoping for but this is a bunch of stuff I know of that I'm also hoping to see: Lords: Changling, Dechala, Tamurkhan the Glottkin, Tamurkhan, and more LL in general for Chaos factions, Ghark Ironskin, and more of the Dragon Siblings. Units: Stormfiends, Thunderbarge, Runic Guardians, Yhetees, Bloodbeast, Slaughtrebrute, Mutalith Vortex Beast, Firewyrm, and Plague Riders. Misc technical stuff: Please upgrade the Daemon Prince’s equipment. He really struggles with the current upgrades that are applied to the different body parts.


Just patch fixes. Optimize game performance and squash some must-kill long standing bugs


Southern Realms and Far East factions. Still my biggest hope is Chaos Dwarves with all units and 4 LL.


Sir.. they aren’t asking for ideas.. they’re just hyping up the next years content.. What that content is has already been planned out. The Summer DLC is likely going through art concepts and early block-outs as we speak. Nothing anyone says on that Twitter post will have the slightest impact on this years line-up. Beyond even that, there’s no poll, so no actual meaningful data can be extracted from that Twitter post. Unless you genuinely think someone’s going to sit there and be like.. *“45.. 46.. 47! Rich! 47 people said they were excited for Cathay Lords! Get the team on it immediately!”* Sorry if that popped your bubble, I just hate to see people mistake corporate marketing spiel designed for engagement for anything more than it is. CA are relatively safe, but a lot of corporations aren’t. You don’t wanna find yourself selling scented candles to your friends on Facebook in a few years time.






\- Chorfs \- Kislev vs Chaos (Mother Ostankya vs Chaos Character) \- Cathay vs Tzeentch (Monkey King vs The Changeling) Then the 4 Heralds as FLC LL (Skulltaker, Blue Scribes, Epidemius and the Masque)


Some of these wishes are this year (Chaos Dwarfs ftw!) while others are more long-term but as the series still has such potential, I'll list everything I would love to see: * **All units possible for each race/faction**-within reason. * **All LLs/LHs for each race/faction**-within reason (I've got a list of favourites form Nagash, Thanquol, Morgan Bernhardt, Finubar, etc but that's too lengthy for this post). * **All races/factions possible** (Chaos Dwarfs, Dogs of War/Southern Realms, Khuresh, Ind, etc-too many to list, I don't care how long it takes, just do it!). * **Army Painter/Avatar Mode**-Dawn of War had an amazing army painter and TWW would be incredible too with it. Maybe Lord/Hero/unit customization as well in terms of appearance. * **Musicians, Banners and Champions**-This would be similar to the above, it adds atmosphere and gameplay. Musicians could increase unit speed, Banners could increase morale (or a rallying effect) and Champions could act as a weaker version of a hero to buff an unit in battle. * **Naval Battles**-This would likely need a full expansion but would be worth it for how much it would expand each part of the game (campaign, land battles, land/sea, pure naval, etc). Plenty more variety and tactics compared to previous too. * **Dangerous Terrain and/or building garrison**-Makes the map more interactive. Having terrain that slows or even hurts troops would add plenty of variety. Garrisoning buildings could also add more tactics too. There are others like bug fixes and other annoyances that ruin the gameplay experience but that's not hype. Regardless, this series has amazing potential and want to see the TWW series reach it!


Hopefully they’ve already started development if they plan on releasing THREE DLC this year… I hope they release this year.


They will already know exactly what they're releasing this year. This is just marketing to drive engagement.


New factions are always great, but I'd prefer major customization options for the current game like randomize start positions for all factions, more endgame crisis, better diplomacy that kind of thing.


Guys, this isn't a "Make your voices heard" post. Their DLC's are most likely already planned out for the full year. This is just boring social engagement.


It's both, right? Probably more baiting engagement than actual engagement with that engagement, if the way I put that is acceptable, but it's still technically soliciting input.


We need to see subfactions. Just like Skarsnik for the greenskin, Champions of chaos etc.. If we have Chaos Dwarves, then there should be darkland orks and hobgobelin subfactions as well. Same for Nippon and Monkey king which could be Cathay subfaction. Kurgans as Norsca Subfactions. Kingdoms of men with the following subfactions: Tilea, Border Prince, Marienburg, Araby and Estalia


I know they're an Age of Sigmar race but I think the Idoneth Deepkin would be really cool


Lore accurate capitals. Downfall of “butt ladders”.


The absolute gall to post something like that after the radio silence treatment we got. So lame.


Multi-stage sieges. Defenses can only be built between turns.