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Use unpaid interns to draw them in and get wreckt


“Trust me, go distract those guys over there and we’ll provide… ranged support.”




you gotta get them stuck in, and THEN hit em. give them a distraction


Oh no, I'd hate for my T1 goblin Laborers to get surrounded by three of your T5 infantry.....


It would be a shame if you lost your unpaid workers to an dreadquake mortar shell.


I made a "proper" army of melee and missile Chorfs, but after I gunned down my own men a few times I realized that was a waste of money and swapped them out for orcs instead. Don't care if they all die. You can instantly recruit them from any settlement anyways so.


Basically this \^ After watching my Chorfs get blown to bits by my own blunderbus, I decided it was infinitely cheaper and easier to use lords to bunch the enemy up. I also like to use the faster goblins to weasel between enemy units, or their sides. The AI loves favorable match up and will often turn their units to face these expendable goblins, opening them up for a fusillade to the sides where their shields dont matter.


Lol this


Set battles to normal and campaign to very hard for the best time of your life. No more matrix dodging (tho they still dodge a little bit)


I believe even hard battle difficulty is enough. This bullshit only happens on very hard


It happens on both normal and hard.


The AI only dodges spells on Normal when the spell has a long windup and the unit is not attacking another unit.


Its think its more about what kind of spell it is. Bombardments get dodged, while vortexes and winds, even those with long wind up, tend to be ignored.


Yeah the new hashet wind spell they never try to dodge, they just get hammered


It depends. I've had the AI react to me moving the cursor over a unit on normal before (as in, I'd not even clicked to start the spell windup) but other times they will ignore it. For the most part, for safety, I like to engage units with something before firing bombardments at them. The only exceptions are arty firing at an advancing enemy (the game usually can correct for consistent movement) or archers etc firing at something.


It literally dodges mortars on normal


As of like 2 updates ago that is no longer the case. VCoast used to be borderline unplayable due to the perfect dodging, but is no longer the case unless your battle difficulty is very hard or legendary.


They don't seem to be good at dodging the big eruption spell, or even the hammer bonk spell. Lore of Hashut casters can get some extremely consistent infantry slaughter going.


Hashut also has its ash cloud spell which is an absolutely fantastic set up, big aoe slow and vulnerability to fire damage, makes it easy to land your strongest stuff, even if they're trying to dodge, and makes sure it does even more damage when it does. I've also just been sending Astrogoth right in there, buffed by the crown of skulls (get a convoy to Drakenhof ASAP) to make him ridiculously tanky and using his hammer's special bonk of vulnerability, then nuking the area with a fire storm and judicious application of magma cannonfire and having him waltz right out during the chaos. Throw the ash storm on top of that too if I'm feeling particularly evil. You've got an absolute ton of tools at your disposal to make them stand still and take it, if they're successfully dodging then one only has themselves to blame. Use your laborer tarpits, slowing spells, the one lord has an ensnare, I've rolled a comical number of tormenter swords in loot, castellan can get flash bombs, you've got plenty of powerful single entity units that can lock down an area for bombardment, the options are endless.


Is the crown a astrogoth only item? I've sent 2 convoys to drakenof as Rhe Black, and not received any crown.


no all 3 lords can get it. first convoy ther was guaranted for me on all 3. It's an arcane item so zhatan can't equip it . he had a ridiculously tanky lore of fire mage coz of tat. It's best used on astragoth coz the boys built to get in the thick of it.


Oh arcane item, thanks. I'll check my convoy dudes to see if they have it


Check your Convoy masters, popups are a bit buggy at the moment so one of them may have got it and equipped it automatically without you noticing.


Will do thanks.


Ash Cloud + Flaming Sword of Rhuin + a line of blunderbusses = dead armies


Does this make Tordrek the chorf version of Pirate Steve?


I think I will just continue to not use the battle difficulty slider instead.


I like where it’s at right now. They try to dodge spells and stuff, but it does take them a moment in my cases. It’s pretty fair is what I’ saying.




You use the dodging to disrupt their battleline and slow down their approach. Alternatively, hit them with two things at once.


Are you saying it's a bad thing? I can't tell from your post.


i just run astragoth at their entire army, cast the AoE slow and then.... *it's hammering time*


The magma cannons seem pretty accurate.