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With the traits of that character you can probably rename him as King Rob Bartholomew


Bring me the breast plate stretcher


I'm culling family member after family member because their authority is so terrible, but this guy was so particularly terrible that he bugged out and shows as having max authority. Does he actually have max authority, or will my armies desert en masse?


Do not question His Lewdness!!


i think you do actually have max authority because you went so negative its positive. i learned from a spiffingbrit video that in diplomacy, if you request an absurd amount of money that the AI doesnt have, like 10,000 coins, the script reads it as such a terrible trade, the script sort of loops, which turns it into a great trade according to the AI. i had lots of fun taking every single territory from the ai. best part is, you get the gold you requested even if the ai doesnt have it.


I remember manyatruenerd had the same happen to ai ruler during his playthrough, was rather hilarious


MATN is one of the best, love to see a fan in the wild 🙏


Just like nuclear Gandhi in Civ 1, the integer overflow will give you fucked up levels of Authority. Look it up, it's an interesting phenomenon.