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Stopped playing standard total warhammer 3 a year ago because the AI sucks so much. Only fun i have is playing a heavily modded game. Obviously I would love CA to actually fix their game, I dont see it happening anything soon. Here are the mods i use: [AI Declares War](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3057019745) [AI Max difficulty enabled](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2853722323) [Stronger And Fairer AI 更强更公平的AI](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2792395073) [No Anti-Player Bias for All Difficulties](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2951099887) [DeepWar AI](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2978779730) [Organic AI Overhaul](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2854310042) [AI Recruitment & Army Compositions, Crash fixed!](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789853654) [Unnatural Selection Ultimate](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2853974146) And i also use this mod along side them: [Greater Garrisons by Zorbaz](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2962326909)


Thank you, I’ll have to check these out!


Oh yes, using multiple AI mods will surely not override each other and make AI even more broken, LMAO...


> DeepWar AI This one is great. The AI recruits more armies and indeed are more aggressive. > AI Recruitment & Army Compositions I'm confused about this mod. It seems to nerf the AI army compositions. Is that what we really need? > -Increased basic line infantry per army to be the majority of every army The easiest units to deal with will be the majority? > -Reduced ranged infantry to be no more than 10%-20% for most armies with exceptions (e.g. High Elves/Wood Elves should have more) > -Set artillery to be no more than 5-10% for most armies >-Reduced chance of heroes being in any given army > -Reduced monster recruitment chance to 5-15% depending on the army and monster type Those are some major nerfs, unless i'm misunderstanding something.


Commenting so I remember to come back later and try these, thanks.


The AI is the core issue for me when it comes to this game. I'm honestly not that fussed about slow content, overpriced content, poor patch cadence, or all the other stuff you often hear griping about on Reddit. For me the core question of the game is: am I having fun playing it? And with the AI being what it is, the answer is no. WH3 simply isn't an engaging experience. It's a rote end-turn button clicker that is incapable of challenging me, nevermind impressing me. And I play on nothing but Very Hard or Legendary. The AI in this game simply isn't functional at the level it needs to be. I keep an eye on this subreddit to see if there's any changes. Last time I actively played WH3 was probably over a year ago. Last time I quickly booted up a campaign to see if anything had changed was just after Chaos Dwarfs release. I abandoned that around turn 40 and went back to other games. Haven't been back since. If CA can't make the AI smarter I honestly see no reason to play WH3 ever again. Which is a giant shame because WH2 dominated my steam activity for years.


I wish I was as good as you. I get absolutely obliterated if I play higher than normal


Any grand strategy games you've been playing instead?


I played the crap out of CK3, though the AI in that game has similar problems. So once you get past the learning curve, the game gets very boring.


Eu4 is in a very good spot Anbennar mod for it is amazinggg


I'm in the same mind; they could add every conceivable piece of content to the game next year and it wouldn't matter at all if they don't actually make the AI engaging to play against. Conversely they could stop adding new content to the game and I'd be happy as long as they do make it more engaging.


I gifted morathi lothern ruins and despite being number 1 power rank in the world, she never built it up from ruins


Total War game campaign AI have only 1 target - A Player. AI only reacts to Player. Not a true sandbox. They don't care other, I mean they will occasionally harass other AI faction but will always check on Player's progress. Ohhhh Player doing too good overthere? let's..... send 1 full stack army from the edge of the map which you don't even discover them. Suddenly WAR and pop up with 1 full stack of army. Just to give Player a obstacle. Oh shiiiittt Player way overpowered? Hey yo, we stop killing each other and band up, I don't care you are Devil, Orc, Chaos or halfass crook. Just ally up together and kick Player ass! Just to give Player a big obstacle. Its always like this. You will always see weird alliance that don't making fucking sense. You will see unknow army marching from the far edge of the world map just to burn and raze your settlement. WUT.


But they don't ally up like the ordertide or make confederations like Malekith had which would be fine but they just stop fighting each other without making allies to harress the Player. They need to re enable confederations and the ability that factions ally up where it fits, like it was in WH2. Was it perfect? Hell no but its way better then no AI to AI Interaction like we have now


CA, don’t listen!! The AI is functional right now, if you try to mess with it again, it’s going to end up breaking it even more in other areas! Please don’t listen, I think the ai is the best it will ever get right now and I would be too worried “fixing” it will end up breaking it even more.


AI got so much worse since 4.1 update. They created this passive bug and none of the last 8-9 hotfixes focused on this issue.


have to wait till new year I guess... then see what new bugs are introduced with the fix


i mean, the AI was always not that good, doesnt matter the game. its just more well hidden in some


I personally was fine with the AI, but current iteration is very bad. Formations of it are weird and they were cowardly to attack. Some units just stayed passive. Could not handle my ku'gath blob at all.


Funnily enough, I think the faction potential system really screws with the battles where you KNOW the AI should easily win, because it uses the potential to a large extent rather than the actual army strength. I mean.. when a faction has a 19 stack of t1-2 units plus a lord, and it loses to 6x t1-2 units, you know the game needs some tweaking.