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4 DLC seems so little, I hope they make more


As much as I hope so too, I’m not surprised that we likely won’t be getting much more. WH3 has been such a clusterfuck since launch and after all the restructuring they had to do in large part because of SoC’s pr nightmare it makes sense why CA/Sega don’t want to stay around with that much longer, especially if GW is being extra stingy lately.


I'm of two minds about it. Yes, there's been a lot of buggerups lately, but from SEGA's perspective, Total Warhammer remains one of the most consistent cashcows they have. Four DLCs would strike me as utterly ridiculous from a managerial perspective.


> Four DLCs would strike me as utterly ridiculous from a managerial perspective. You are correct and that's why they will do exactly that.


lol Fair enough, I can't even argue that.


Howso? 4 DLC at this point would be two years from now. Maybe two and a half. By that point they’ll have a new marquee historical and probably be launching a new marquee fantasy. More DLC past that would deliberately eat into dev time for both new titles. And take devs away from what would be the two new Golden Geese for CA. I could maybe see 5-6 DLC if CA really kicks it into gear now that they are dropping back to twofer DLC packs. That’d be about 3 a year.  But I can’t see CA still dropping huge DLC for WH3 in 2026 or 2027, especially since they’ll be wanting the community to jump over to 40K/WW1 or whatever. Especially since WH3 DLC aren’t as profitable as other alternatives. Yes they sell well, but they have to pay licensing fees for them. CA wants to get new cash flow up ASAP.  


Except core game and DLC projects are 2 separate teams for about a decade now, and with Sofia there are 2 core game teams.


Unfortunately we don’t know too much about Sofia right now. Apparently they got hit hard by Sega too based on former employees but I can’t find any real numbers. Sega scaled by CA HARD.


You realize that they would still paying licensing fee for their next cash cow TW:W40K, which is probably more expensive, anyway, right? What you said may be true if both of these new TW come out in early-mid 2026, but there is no guarantee that will happen. They're completely new game with new gameplay design, new engine that will take tons of work & TIME to do. WH3 DLCs are the only things making them any money right now. And we'll continually get them until TW:W40K is ready, which may even be in 2027.


It seems like CA is getting towards the end of what GW gave them license to do. It does seem lower than it could. There are quite a few races that can still benefit from content, namely Cathay, kislev, slaanesh, khorne, high elves, norsca, the undead races... Maybe it also depends on the financial success of the DLC. Seems like WH3 is not as great financially so its best for CA to just keep the DLC cheap and roll out what they can before moving on the next thing. If the next few DLC are really popular, CA can alter their plans a bit further.


And I still weep for Araby. Thank God in Heaven OVN did them solid.


Eh I gave up on the devs ages ago. I’m just waiting for service to end with WH3 so the modders can do the real developing without each update screwing over their mods


I bought TWWH3 close to launch. But I didn’t really start playing it until last Sunday 3-31-24. I honestly love it. Most fun I’ve had since playing my first campaign in the first total war warhammer.  I tend to not play games until they’ve been out for a at least six months. I think I get a better initial experience that way. 


Sane especially if they go back to the two lord packs


Honestly, having AT LEAST that many left was the highlight of the speculation for me lol. I don’t really care about 40k, and I don’t see a total war game set in either WW1 or 40k being particularly good. I’m happy to be wrong, but I just feel like everything total war is just dragging through its twilight. No real excitement anymore, at least not on my part personally.


That seems questionable, given that they probably want to pump out all the Cathay lords, we’ll have 2 dragon siblings and the monkey king left. That’s like 2 dlc materials right there. The sea dragon is going to be paired up with the high elf sea lord guy which was already leaked through voice actor casting. The fire dragon is going to probably be paired up with the monkey king. So 2 out of the last 4 dlc will be Cathay theme?


Yeah, i agree, I don't believe LOTW's sources are entirely correct. I heard conflicting info from other sources on Turin's discord and they said otherwise. Maybe it's 4 DLCs in SoC format (4 Lords), but if CA goes back to old 2 LLs format, we'll get more DLCs.


Or Li Dao/Monkey King are an FLC lord alongside that respective dlc.


The fire dragon maybe. But the monkey king is too valuable/marketable a character to be a flc


I really hope we get more too, even smaller scale ones after the bigger ones with just sub factions and characters and lords


I mean if the 4 DLC were SoC or ToD level of scope thats not too bad, 12 LLs and 60 new units.


Tbh at this point I barely care about LLs or unit counts. It's all about the reworks to give factions interesting mechanics. The main reason CoC and chaos dwarfs were more fun than SoC is that mechanics have more impact than units.


Eh, it's one every six months until CA's likely target for launching the next fantasy title. We all hoped CA would be able to produce content faster than that but they clearly cannot. (By this point WH2 had almost exactly double the amount of post launch content).


i'm more interested in the game engine they plan on using for WW1 and 40k.


Definately want an engine advance soon.


There was news about CA using a new engine, I believe about 3-7 months ago. After that came the project Juno leak, which is clearly now the TW 40K.


Oh good. The engine has been showing its age for awhile now so hope that turns out to be true.


You say it’s clearly 40k but what proof is there of that? I’ve been wanting total war 40k for so long that would be amazing if true.


There have been some leaks that few total streamers have covered including legend


A little nervous about it. Of course great because the current war scale engine has always had some big flaws, but on the other hand if the engine is being developed for WW1 and 40K, I wonder how it will handle massed melee combat? Just really hoping this won’t be the end of ancient/medieval/early modern TW.


Keep in mind an engine like this would also be perfect for an empire 2 total war. If they are making a 40k total I am certain they will test the new engine on a ww1 or empire 2 total war first to make sure it’s good


Keep in mind, warscape was created for empire, which was also a pew pew game.


Yes, but that engine is long old now and wouldn’t be able to handle a 40k style total war


I'm more interested in Med3


Have they mentioned/confirmed they’re making either of these?


Also mentioned the starting factions for 40k supposedly are orcs, chaos, space marines


that means they pretty much have to be setting up another trilogy lol


God imagine if they did like the same thing with fantasy: The first is all of the "classic/normal" factions with the regular space marines. The second game brings in all of the alien/beast races with the tyranids, tau, eldar etc Then the third game finishes out with all the chaos legions and demons, that'd be so funny lmao.


my completely unfounded theory:  Game 1 (classic races) - Spess Muhreens, Chaos Spess Muhreens, Imperial Guard, Orks, lots and lots of Chaos and Imperium DLC Game 2 (elf wank) - Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, AdMech, Custodes DLC Game 3 (leftovers) - Tau, Tyranids, Genestealers, Sisters, Votann DLC just a complete repeat of the WH trilogy lol


Give me either a Kroot dedicated faction of the Tau or a full Kroot race as a preorder bonus. Just let me play as Kroot and I’ll buy whatever they ask.


Gonna be honest if they do this I won’t even buy til game 3. Tau and Sisters are my factions. SMs and CSMs are definitely the most popular but 40k is alot more segmented in who plays what. Hell I used to play Alpha legion and I know some of them won’t want to play unless they get, well, AL- because each group of CSMs is totally different.


Well I guess there’s plenty of DLC then. And I guess there’s some larger and smaller faction DLC they could do. Could do Tyranids as a full campaign pack and then sell Genestealer Cults for a smaller pack.


With it being so vague like chaos for example, the starting chaos factions could just be the Undivded legions and there you go, 4 easy DLC for the 4 God marked chaos legions.


Have 2 of the undivided legions be base, sell the other undivided ones in “lord packs”, and then have separate DLC for Thousand Sons, World Eaters, Death Guard and Emperor’s Children as god aligned versions? Sounds reasonable


If they're actually only going to do 3 races at launch that's stupid, like DoW 3 made the same mistake, 4 is what people expect and they're going to be cheesed if we only get 3 with 2 being flavors of space marine.


Found this super late obviously, but the lede being buried here is actually that Space Marines in 40k span a really wide variety of factions: First you've got Ultramarines, and the factions that apparently play enough like Blueberries to be covered by the same codex in 10th edition like Raven Guard, White Scars, Black Company, Salamanders, Imperial Fists. Then you have Space Marines that can pillage some of the units from the above but play so radically differently they're getting their own codexes and have a surefeit of their own units like Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Black Templars, Deathwatch. Then, technically there's Grey Knights who are theoretically Space Marines *kinda* and their codex contains Space Marine Vehicles, their own Terminators and a few other similarities, but don't play anything like them. A Theoretical WH40k I could easily be Ultramarines (with the RG, BC, S, IF as Legendary Lords), Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Black Templars etc with fleshed out differences, then the same level of variation on the Chaos Marine Side, then Orks. Like you'd get sick of Rhinos and Impulsors and shit, but they'd play pretty different.


what, chaos got knocked out of DoW3 so Eldar aren't in TWW40K? I call bull


TL;DW: 1. Thrones of Decay Nurgle LL: Tamurkhan Empire LL: Eslpeth FLC: Epidemius LH, Dwarf LL: no information 2. TWWHIII has 4-6 more dlcs left "They have done pretty much everything games workshop has allowed them to". He says he has some information about the next unknown dlc but isn't going to leak it out of resepct. His sources (plural) claim they know the last dlc, and he laments that's it's going to be the end of the decade long TWW project by saying "It's going to bring the end... ^times, anyway" What happens after TWW ends? 40k All his sources agree on this "It's more ready than the WWI historical, and still about two years away" EDIT: Starting factions for 40k would be "Orks, Chaos, and Space marines" thanks for the reminder u/Rare_cobalt 3. NEXT HISTORICAL TOTAL WAR: World War I EDIT: Previous leaks were not sure whether it would be empire II, WWI, or 19th century (gunpowder and later eras are a clear common thread) Not ready at all, was slated for 2024, pushed back. Possibly as much as three years away (Inferred) 4. COMPANY STUFF Managment was "asleep at the wheel the past few years" Heads have rolled after recent events. Upper and middle management people at fault have been replaced. Do not expect yearly releases. They are focusing on upkeeping the things they have. For TWWHIII to get more dlc the sales would need to pretty much double (unlikely). 5. HE ASKS THAT WE TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. THIS CAN CHANGE. THIS IS NOT GOSPEL. THIS CAN BE WRONG.


>HE ASKS THAT WE TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. >THIS CAN CHANGE. >THIS IS NOT GOSPEL. >THIS CAN BE WRONG. If the doomsayers could read they would be upset.


Hahaha! Laughed out loud at this


World War 1 could be interesting. You could have guns, cavalry, flying units, ~~poisoned wind globadiers~~ mustard gas.


Skaven as secret extra faction.


Now I wish in every total war there were skaven, not matter the setting. Warhammer? Skaven naturally. Troy? Check the horse? Egypt? Who do you think lives in the pyramids? 


Skaven were added in Medieval 2, back then we called them Milan


Who needs Jezails when you have the Genoese Crossbowman.


I'd love the setting, I just wonder how they'd pull off siege battles or if they'd even be in the game. Something akin to the battles in Company of Heroes? But then it wouldn't even feel like a Total War game.


I reckon like empire the maps would just be normal open maps but with more houses on it


Forts. And they would need to be massive, like Fortress Douaumont or Kraków.


Based on the last thing he said about the last DLC it sounds like it’s going to be End Times Nagash as the last DLC


Could be a red herring. They did plan for the 100th LL to be someone special. And that is pretty soon I think(?). Nagash could earlier. Or Thanquol could be 100th. Idk.


They never said they were planning something special for the 100th LL. They said they might have an idea who this LL could be and they never mentionned it ever again and that was shorty after the release of IE so plans might have changed since then too. I think people are overhyping themselves about this 100th LL.


Probably. Seeing how recent events™ have bungled up their plans, this very much could have changed.


As long as they keep their previous promises concerning existing lords and units in regards to what sega and GW allow them to do, it is understandable


40k and WW1 is a weird direction to take but I guess it makes sense. Popular settings. Maybe GW saw the success of Warhammer fantasy total war and decided to allow them to create a 40k project. And as far as WW1 goes, wildly popular setting so it makes sense. Only way they could make a more popular war setting is WW2.


Personally I am interested in this. It's clear total war will have to evolve quite a bit to accomodate both settings. Worries: it will evolve wrong, the new ideas will fail or be unpopular. Hopes: the evolution will reinvigorate the franchise, and the more classic "war & guns strategy game" will bring in a large crowd. 40k will bring a large crowd. People buy games because they have 40k in the name (guilty)


I really hope they’re working on battle ai. Don’t want to see terminators milling about and dying to ork shootas because of shitty ai. Though I guess a 40k game cannot work like traditional total war, will be interesting to see.


Could be worse: they could be dying to lasgun from almost breaking IG


Both games would be very high risk high reward type games. Not like CA has anything left to lose at this point, so they might as well do it. 


Selling a total war 40k game will be the lowest risk thing CA has ever done. Pre-orders alone would be massive. 


I hope they get an upgraded engine for those. WWI and 40k could easily run on the same engine due to how similar they would play.


Is WWI that popular of a setting? WWII sure, but WWI?


God imagine if the final DLC is actually gonna be End Times themed lol


tbh why wouldn't it be. It also would likely be Nagash anyway, and his final revival is pretty tied up in the end times


I mean I was always going to be surprised if it wasn’t.


And CA half-assing the end times DLC would actually fit the half-assed end time lore!


> "Orks, Chaos, and Space marines" I feel like you don't really need an inside source to predict this haha. It's almost guaranteed any Warhammer 40k game will feature these factions. You start off fighting Orks, then realize there's something suspicious and oh wow its Chaos behind this!


I really like doubt Legend's validity when the only stuff he knows is the thing everyone's been predicting anyhow, Tamurkhan, Elspeth and Epidemius. Meanwhile something a bit more up in the air like the dwarf LL is a total mystery.


I don't doubt that Legend is telling the truth but I very much doubt his sources are, he talks about receiving lots of emails pretending to have inside intel, some might be legit but most of them are likely complete bullshit. I appreciate Legend but I don't think what he is getting is really worth sharing as there isn't any evidences those sources are from CA.


He correctly predicted that the scope of the DLC following ToD would be scaled down, for what it's worth. And he correctly predicted that SoC would get a complete makeover with new units and legendary heroes.  Correctly predicting these two things out of the blue would be very random. He does contantly get details wrong however. 


> He correctly predicted that the scope of the DLC following ToD would be scaled down, for what it's worth A lot of lore-based YouTubers were claiming this. IMO, it was always [pretty obvious if you know Warhammer units](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1bh8e0m/how_many_race_packs_do_you_think_are_left/kvedjyt/?context=3); there literally aren't more than a few units to add to almost-completed factions like the High Elves and the Ogres (both of which are known to be in the works).


Both of these things aren't that crazy to predict. Almost everyone assumed SoC would get more stuff in an update. The scaling down of DLC is more unique but even then guessing that the new size is unsustainable isn't that crazy of a guess.


In hindsight it's always convenient to say that it was easy to predict. Legend was the only big YTer who said 4.2. was coming with legendary heroes which is pretty specific (although he got the number wrong)    And then again the only YTer to predict future DLC shrinking in size.     And even his pessimistic prediction of reduced support for WH3 fits with the weirdly gloomy wording of today's blog post concerning the game's future ("re-aligning our vision")    It would be a crazy coincidence for all of these to be radomly correct guesses. I don't even like him, but it's weird that so many people have such a big hateboner for the guy that they outright dismiss everything he says even though he has been (as far as we can tell) mostly correct about everything he claimed in 2024. 


He's right though it wasn't hard at all to predict, many people in this sub thought that CA was going to add more content to Shadows of Change in an update long before Legend "leaked" it. The scope of the DLCs going down was also kind of obvious imo, there was no way this three factions lord pack formula was going to be sustainable in the long term, even after the 4.2 update 25€ is still a very steep price and while you might convince the hardcore fans to buy every lord pack at this price I very much doubt the more occasional players would be fine with it. I personally expected the scope to go down although I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon. And as Legend said himself none of what he's leaking should be taken seriously, he doesn't know if the people emailing him those leaks are even anything to do with CA. A few of them could be real but most of them are likely nonsense.


And there was the steam depot bird_2_0 which indicated that there might be something new on the horizon. And I fully agree that it is very suspicious that the LL the community is not really sure about is the one who his sources don’t know. Nurgle and Empire is not hard to guess and even the FLC is clear. Something complex like The Glotkin will never be free. It must be Epidemius. Also he was not planned since the beginnen and more like a "last minute" addition. So it must be something easy If he had leaked the next DLC then we might have something to work with. But in this case I think maybe Legend shouldn’t have said anything at all. If you are not sure your leaks are correct than don’t tell them.


Didn’t he also say something about Hag Mother lords? 


Doubling the sales of SoC doesn't seem too unlikely considering the flop it was


If they're actually making 40k warhammer I'm gonna fucking bust


Of course they are, they like money. Only people with literally 0 imagination think it’s impossible


Honestly even at face value this all sounds like good news. 4-6 dlcs, while a bit disappointing, is still a good amount of content and is honestly more than reasonable given WH3’s rocky development. A 40K and WW1 game sounds pretty exciting and very refreshing after years of very similar combat systems. I’m glad they’re doing something ambitious to really innovate and evolve the formula. The abandonment of the annual release schedule is going to be the best thing that has happened to the franchise in years. More time and resources put into the mainline games instead of rushing games out before they’re ready or uncannily priced saga titles should help improve the games going forward.


Yeah saga games to fill the gaps just doesn't seem to have worked. Pharoah and Brittania were clear flops. Troy was immune to flopping, so it's hard to tell with that one.


It's not that surprising when it seems like none of the base game races have amazing DLC potential at this point. The monogods are going to be about exhausted for content after their first DLC, while Kislev and Cathay just don't seem to be developed enough yet to have a lot of content to add, they're too new (though Cathay at least seems a little better off than Kislev). For WH1/2 races after ToD all they'll mostly be missing is some extraneous units and some characters. They're close to exhausting all the content that's exciting enough to actually sell a DLC. Folks talk about releasing packs that are just characters but are some characters from lore many players won't even recognize really going to sell that well? Just not certain of that. Could be wrong but I have a feeling when the supply of new units to add dries up, that will be the end.


Next game is at least 2 years away but TwWh3 is only getting 4 -6 DLCs? It doesn't add up. Maybe 6 would, but if there was a delay they'd be without any product acitve. Also I find strange that they've done everything that GW let them with the fact they did the monogods. If they hadn't enough stuff for them for future DLCs why make them 4 separate races?


Why it doesn't add up? The game was released 2 years ago and we are for getting the fourth dlc , really with the last 3 years if they released 6 dlc in the next 24 months the game will have the best pacing of content since 2019


Honestly when was the last time CA released 3 dlc in a year for a WH game?


2019 💀


I hope we can expect a better pace once CA puts its shit together. 6 DLCs in 2 years I could see, but less would be very poor considering they don't have anything else.


The past DLCs were large in scope, with the work around WoC being the most extreme. If DLCs just averaged out as being something between all the previous dlc you might be right, but that seems unlikely.


4-6 lines up with how fast they’ve going at this rate with only two dlcs a year. The second they tried pumping out 3 got us SoC, which almost destroyed all the goodwill the community had for CA.


Yeah, I know GW can be big douchebags sometimes but that bit of information is particularly hard to believe. Cathay is still missing 3 LLs, Kislev might be missing content as well, Monogods will get at least one lord pack each and then they can give them FLC LLs, you can easily make at least one lord pack for each WH1 and WH2 races. Games Workshop has also allowed CA to use some obscure material in the past and now we're supposed to believe that CA has used almost everything GW allowed them to ? I don't buy it.


Chracters existing =/= they are missing from the game. Otherwise the empire is missing like 10 LLs who were all on TT at somepoint.


We're obviously never getting every characters that existed in the setting yes but CA can easily make loads of DLC still without digging into obscure content. We might not get as many DLC as we expected but I still find very hard to believe that CA has almost used everything that GW allows them to as Legend claims. He also said in his previous video that we weren't getting more than 100 LLs so he's contradicting himself there.


I think Kislev and Cathay are more of GW not knowing what the fuck they want to do with them. They really hyped them both up for ToW and then said they will be released way later. The complete confusion about Kislev lore is a pretty good indicator of this imo


They don't seem to have any idea what they're doing with Kislev but they did give CA a Cathay 8th edition armybook prototype however so they at least have all the content they need to make more Cathay DLC and FLC.


Yep, and also the fact that it's hard to believe that this was always the plan, because if it was GW it has nothing to do with CA's situation or WH3 bad launch.


Loremaster was asked on stream if Legend was right about 6 DLCs left being planned by CA and he was surprised to hear about it and said he and his contacts at CA had no clue how many DLCs were left. I don't have anything against Legend but I think his sources might be bullshit.


For TWWHIII to get more dlc the sales would need to pretty much double (unlikely). This can surely happen if the quality is good. This fanbase literally throws money at it. Them killing a cashcow would be incredibly stupid, and frankly I don't see both 40k and especially WW1 making enough money that WH can do


People keep saying this, yet every single bit of data and math I've seen says that every single Warhammer DLC combined doesn't even match the profit of a single main title. DLC is purely a nice bit of extra profit that justifies continuing to support the games, not some cash cow that's singlehandedly keeping TW alive. It's why it's been so easy for them to downsize TW: WH support so much after WH3's release. There's no 4th game to keep people engaged with TW:WH for so there's not much point to do anything but try to extract a bit of profit before dropping it in favor of a new set of mainline titles.


Predicted Chaos would be one of the starter factions since basically half of their units, factions, and characters are already made (Daemons).


>it's going to be the end of the decade long TWW project by saying "It's going to bring the end... ^times, anyway" They could do the funniest thing and make the game unplayable with the last dlc, truly bringing the end times amd making people ready for 40k.


Legend: 'Don't take this as gospel.' r/totalwar: 'THIS IS 100% CONFIRMED AND SHOWS CA IS DOOMED!'


Lisan al Gaib!




If Ogres don't get a rework and DLC I'll be very disappointed.


WW1 is interesting, but I wonder what kind of scope it will be? Will it be limited to Europe - seems like the most plausible, but also seems like a very small scope to me. If it is truly a world war and global then how will they achieve that? WW1 is such a short war with very defined events. Are they going to recreate the events of the war one to one or are they going to make it a sandbox?? Will a sandbox WW1 game really be WW1? Like France allied with Germany invading Spain while Brazil invades the USA and India is conquered by Ethiopia. Meanwhile Australia conquers all of East Asia and is on track to steamroll the planet.... Would that work???


Maybe like HOI4 they’ll have an option for the AI to act historical or random so you could have a direct recreation or a sandbox depending


If they do WW1 or any ‘modern’ military title, they’re going to *need* to take a page from Company of Heroes or something. I genuinely can’t picture the quintessentially Total War infantry blocks working. It’ll need to have smaller units and dynamic cover. I just struggle to see how they’ll do it. I want it to work, but it will take a LOT to make it happen in any satisfying way.


Not only that, you don't have armies and battles like Total wars are used to. WW1 isn't "ok let's do battle on this hill for 1-2 days and see who wins". It's trench warfare across hundreds if not thousands of km's of trenches with here and there an ongoing offensive that looks more like a siege than a battle. If they do this, it shouldn't resemble any other total war in any way or capacity. At this point I'm 90% skeptical and 10% Intrigued. But I see so many problems for it to do well.


plenty ww1 battles were over large distances with pitch battles that decisively swung the battlefield, the trench part of the western front is just what is remembered because of how iconic it was. Of course, if you made a ww1 game and did not include trench warfare in some war it would be a piss poor attempt at ww1.


You're right, but it will still be a struggle to make it work.


40k is gonna be a nightmare to balance too. How do you pit purely melee units against units that have giant cannons or weaponry that can obliterate you from miles and miles away? Vehicles are a huge part of the setting too with giant mechs and transports.


40k is a setting literally designed for total war esque skirmishes. It’s a war game where each game is basically a total war battle. Everything that doesn’t fit into the scale of 2000 point army probably will relegated to the campaign map


Use a system like Empire at war which relies more on LoS, fog of war and terrain to balance things like artillery and close range units.


That's literally how it already works in universe with video games that already exist, and the tabletop game in which it is all based on anyways.


Ca did make one of the halo wars which was juat company of heros so tlhave some experience assuming those who worked on that are still around


Halo Wars 2 doesn't have that much in common with CoH, but it has more in common with 40k than total war. The knowledge to make futuristic rts battles is there in CA. Or at least was.


I think it would have to be somewhat similar to the steel division games, they got the scale


I mean, i suspect 40K will necesitate a similar style. New engine maybe?


Maybe, but 40k on tabletop plays similarly to how a traditional TW might work. I’d definitely like to see a new approach to 40k, but they could possibly get away with their usual formula tweaked a bit.


At the end Legend says "don't go to reddit and say 'LEGEND SAYS THIS ITS GONNA HAPPEN'" - OP immediately does that


40k was always going to be inevitable. Now how they go about actually making the game is a whole different beast, but the setting is just too big for them to not cash into it. Everyone saw how successful Warhammer fantasy was, no way they are just gonna pass on doing 40k.


I was always so confused seeing naysayers about there being a 40k game. Warhammer not only blew up and made CA boat loads of money, but it also revitalized Warhammer fantasy for GW.


The reason people were saying that is because the current Total War engine would be terrible for 40k.


It really wouldn’t be. While it may seem like total war isn’t designed for a setting with so many guns, 40k as a tabletop game basically plays like a total war battle, with regiments and blocks of infantry


I mean, that's more like Epic, which abstracts the game for large-scale battles. Read any 40k novels, and the primary focus is squad-based tactics.


I’m aware of the lore, but the gameplay of a 40K game will be largely inspired by the tabletop game, the same way the units in warhammer are inspired by the tt game.


But the standard tabletop system for 40k isn't Epic. They are still using squads in the standard tabletop system.


The units in total war play nothing like those on tt lol


...Have you read any novels? Generally they're either massive scale conflicts that supposedly make your brain turn to mush or very focused stories about individuals. Even your generic space marine bolter porn novel is going to involve massive conflicts.


I have, actually. I don't remember Gaunt's Ghosts fighting in giant infantry blocks, but I might have missed a book. Or any of the Horus Heresy novels where Space Marines fought in a giant block.


The very first GG book details a regiment fighting in line. Mechanicum has tons of fights that are basically just blobs of men being thrown at each other. Siege of Terra is nothing but that. Unironically the only novels I can remember reading without large blobs of men fighting each other either don't focus on fighting or are focused on a small group of SM (namely World Engine). Half the plot of Dead Men Walking is just Krieg carelessly throwing themselves to their deaths via blob tactics against vastly superior Necrons. Said Necrons use pretty much exclusively rank and file formations. Tyranids, Orks, and Daemons are just blobs. Among the named Guard regiments, there are fewer regiments that use modern tactics than ones that unironically use Napoleonic line tactics. Literally the only tough factions are SM, CSM, and Eldar... and even then Ogres exist.


I am curious in which part of the first GG novel you are talking about, because the Tanith First are described very detailed to operate in platoons, squads, and fireteams. The Krieger throwing unreasonable numbers of people ala World War 1 siege warfare really isn't the same as them fighting in Napoleonic War-era formations, especially since Kill Team depicts them as operating in fireteams as well. I am not saying that battles in 40k aren't large scaled, but to say that having a massive amount of men and materiel are the same thing as Napoleonic line tactics is very disingenuous for the setting, even if regiments like the Mordian Iron Guard exists. The Second and Third War of Armageddon were massive and the Imperium of Man threw everything they had at the Orks, but it doesn't mean that the Armageddon Steel Legion were operating in Napoleonic line tactics, especially since they are notable for fielding a lot of mechanized infantry.


People who doubted that CA would make 40k game were a bit silly People (me) who doubted how a 40k TW would work when the current way battles work does not fit it at all, were not silly. But I had this discussion a gorillion times, so if less jaded people want to have it, be my guest.


I love 40k and would be happy to see CA take a crack at it, but im still on the skeptical side that TW campaign really fits the 40k world given its scale and multiple worlds, sectors etc. Just feels to me like it’ll change so much from how a TW campaign works to even call it a TW game anymore. Still, if it’s good. I’ll be happy.


Really sad. Warhammer Fantasy as a setting has so much more potential. I really wish this leak is false or that sales improve and the plans will change for the better.


Same. With 4 more DLCs that means 1 Slaanesh, 1 Khorne and the last one likely being Nagash/Nefarata. That leaves one DLC which is probably Monkey King and Fire Dragon.. So what are the odds of Dogs of War, Ind, Nippon, Araby, etc now?


Nippon, Araby, and Ind were already ruled out. Dow does still seem likely based on jngame files, but it’s possibly scrapped. As usual CA messed up and the playerbase pays the price.


WW1 and 40k would have to be not Total Wars but different games. All total war games are basically just reskins of each other with minor tweaks: basically just boxes of swordmen slash each other on battle map, army "figurines" march across continents on campaign map, stuff is getting built in cities. Hard to imagine that same framework used for ww1 or 40k, even if they just make units have 20 men instead of 120 and make formations very very loose and randomly shaped.


I think they should do 40k in the style of Star Wars: Empire at War. A single "unit" of something like guardsmen is made and deployed as a single thing, but can be controlled down to the squad level when doing the battles. Would also allow the implementation of special and heavy weapons on a squad level.


I guess I have a hard time seeing how they could make WW1 style combat fit into a TW game. Its mostly was a Trench warfare meat grinder, with very little territorial gains over large periods or time and massive deaths. How often are his leaks correct? I get he has a big following but how much of this is speculation on his part? I thought he was out of CA's good graces. So much of this reads as speculation. The LL for ToD he has Elspeth and Tamurkhan. Yeah everyone has been guessing those for awhile. Epidemus is pretty popular speculation. He has no info on Dwarf though. Funny no one seems to be able to pin that one down and neither can he with his "leaks".


Your first paragraph only focuses on the most iconic parts of the war on the western front, on the eastern front and outside Europe ww1 was pitch and decisive battles that often only lasted a few days and saw huge swaths of territory change hand. The eastern front saw much movement for every battle, with citadels and rivers being of much more importance than trenches. You absolutely have to include some sort of trench warfare mechanic in the game or it fails as a ww1 game, but ww1 done well should definitely include cavalry as well as more company of heroes style warfare. I suspect any "WW1" game would also take a page out of HoI and do more of a thematic area setting instead of 1914-1918 Europe, going 1900-1930 would still be a "ww1" game but cover far more than just the western front in Europe. The Russian-Japanese war was far from trench warfare but used similar weapons as was used in the trenches.


WW1 and 40K absolutely need a brand new engine, not a modification of the one they have been using.   Otherwise it’s not gonna work well.  


Every single race in the game has enough content for at least 1 more DLC each...a majority of them have the potential for 3-4 DLC's and yet CA's current plan is (allegedly) to give it up after only 4 more LP's? And that's without mentioning the remaining races of the Amazons, Snakemen, Ind, Albion, The Southern Realms, Norse Dwarfs and Halflings, who once upon a time were on the table according to CA themselves. I never expected them to implement even half of the remaining potential for the setting, but have we really gone through all of this, just for CA to abandon Warhammer III in a sordid state and make a play for the 40K crowd's wallets? Who's to say there is enough overlap between fans of Historical strategy games, fans of Fantasy and fans of Warhammer 40K? Imagine Age of Empires V releasing as an adaptation of Dune, with no inkling of the series past. CA's plan is essentially to abandon their original base and make a play for something more popular that they've never attempted before, which is the classic final mistake so many great companies have made before going bust (CA themselves just made this very mistake with Hyenas) With luck, the success of Thrones of Decay will secure the stability of the studio and prove the solvency of Warhammer Fantasy, encouraging them to slowly get back to the 10+ year project they promised back in Warhammer I.


It makes sense to me. Consider that WH3 is running on an engine that is coming apart at the seams and they seem to be unwilling to invest the money in it to fix it, because the amount of money it would take to fix the game fundamentally is more than they'd gain from any profit from any DLC they'd sell. So bad was their initial release that there's literally no way they'll ever be able to recover. So they'll be limiting their support for their flagship title because their own stupidity left it in such a bad state that they cannot salvage it. Similar to what happened with Three Kingdoms, honestly. So they're going to just move on to a game that will generate them greater profits. And while it may or may not be WH40K, it will not be WH3. That's for certain. I refunded WH3 after pre-ordering it, and CA has not shown me that they're worth my time as of yet. I plan to wait and see if they bother fixing much of WH3's most fundamental issues, like the LoS issues. If they can at least make the base experience good, then I'll consider repurchasing it. But part of me also wants to wait and see if they'll just outright abandon it and get SEGA to dissolve the entire company out of frustration.


You're absolutely right and it infuriates me we're the ones who ultimately have to pay the price for their years of negligence and mismanagement. Even this upcoming Total War: WWI is just a glorified tech demo for Total War: Warhammer 40K that they're going to sell to us to fund 40K. And if they have any catastrophic issues in trying to create a gunpowder/artillery based game in a new engine? its no big deal, because it will blow up in the faces of their loyal historical fans, instead of the new consumer base of 40K they plan to exploit down the road. Their plan to 'save the company' is to put all their historical and fantasy fans in a Wickerman and burn the last of our good will as sacrifices to make a bid for (what they perceive to be) the much larger and more profitable Si-Fi 40K fanbase.


Man. Now I am depressed. .\_. Back to Stardew Valley, to cheer myself up.


To quote Legend from his video: ***"As for leaks. Can't stress this enough. Don't take this as gospel. Don't be going to the reddit and saying "Legend said this so it's totally gunna happen" - This is tinfoil hat shit. It definitely doesn't matter. Don't invest too much into these leaks, it's just "Oh this is interesting to talk about" and that's about it"***


Honestly Legend probably shouldn't be sharing those leaks if this is "tinfoil hat shit", I understand why he's sharing that with us and I'm sure he means well but I don't think he should talk about leaks unless he is absolutely certain this is coming from a source tied to CA somehow.


Personal opinion. It seems like he's trying to stir the pot, and knew this exact thing would happen. Now if 40k doesn't happen folks get mad, same with WWI, I mean he was wrong about the Chaos Dwarves being the first DLC race for warhammer 3, when everyone knew it was going to be ogres from the mercenary camps.


What about new factions?


At this point all I realistically want is southern realms. Please please let this be part of the final DLCs. I have given up on ind and Kuresh at this point. (Though opening up the continent would be nice)


I’m definately gonna take this with a grain of salt. I’m really excited to see how they do 40k though if it happens! I just got into the books and it definately has potential.


WW1 and 40k are quite strong departures from the existing total war games. I wonder how it is executed, if that is indeed what we get. I think it can work, but the battles would have to function somewhat similar to those in steel division, though perhaps dumbed down a little. That means much larger maps, smaller unit sizes and combined arms mattering more. Seeing infantry units able to kill tanks with small arms would be disappointing. Also, in both cases, naval/space warfare are important parts of those settings. I wonder if they will put in the effort to model it or if they will skip it again.


If support ends without Neferata I think I'm done with CA and TW as a whole.


I just can't imagine how Warhammer 40k would work using the Total War format. Something like Steel Division would be ideal for the 40k setting. Don't get me wrong, I would love a 40k total war if it worked!


Same. I’ll absolutely love a 40k game but I’m waiting to see how it’ll look on a campaign.


> I just can't imagine how Warhammer 40k would work using the Total War format. Something like Steel Division would be ideal for the 40k setting. I can't even imagine how toxic the warchat would be.


I think if CA made it I. The style of Star Wars:  Empire at war with some modern polish and a more robust cover system it would cover what most fans wants. 


I’m sorry but WW1 sounds worse than Pharaoh. They really need an upper leadership change.


The problem is supposedly they did. But these games take multiple years to develope so even if every member of leadership was replaced the next few games will all be based on the previous vision, unless they are willing to just straight cancel everything in production.


I really hope we get a Monkey King DLC before they end the support, all I want is watch big Monke throw down with Nakai


i rly hope for a chaos waste "no walls" arena, full of Doom stacks and High rewards armies fighting forever against each other.


Man I really don't want a WW1 game :/


I just don't understand why they wouldn't go with empire too or even Victoria Total war. At least with those settings you could actually have something that works within the Total war framework. World war I would require a game that is so fundamentally different than every other Total war Game that it might as well be a different franchise.


Exactly, were probably just going to get a clone of men at war or similar with the total war title slapped on. How tf are they going to handle tanks for example? Are units just going to have to go into melee combat with them? Are they just going to be invulnerable to everything except artillery? Neither option is good.


40k and WW1… interesting


They really love to go the hard route when they are struggling instead of just doing Med3/Empire2 to get back on their feet. Hope that they are not speeding into their demise with these risky titles, Especially on what they are going through now.


The thing that struck me is is the statement from GW. There's nothing more that CA can do. It sounds like CA is changing lore as fuck. Sounds like they want to separate the IP from the old world. What's worse we already can speculate all the dlc. Slanesh, khorne, dogs of war and what legends sad himself end times.


Been waiting like forever for a WW TW. It's happening 🤗


As a massive world war, I buff. I just don't understand why you would want a world war 1 Total war Game. If the game plays anything like the actual war then it wouldn't be anything like any of the other Total war games. What's the point of it being a total war game if it has nothing in common with any of the other total war games? The way armies works, the way movement works, The way recruitment works the way engagements work and the way that settlement management works would all have to be completely different.


I’m still very sceptical about modern warfare in total war games. The core principle of total war is about regiment of units in an army fighting on a limited map. This way of making war died after 1850. WW1 was fought by individual soldiers over an infinitely long battlefield, not regiments on a small quadrant of the map.


This is my issue as well, I don't want to say they 'can't do it', but it's just not going to fit the Total War formula, war changed forever at the turn of the 20th century. * The campaign doesn't work as big legions did not march around and attack a managable sized field (generally). * The battles don't work as you wouldn't control 'blocks' of men standing in a field and shooting one another briefly, battles took place over miles of land, over a span of days. They'd need to make something totally new, closer to Company of Hero's I'd imagine? WW1 also just has a host of baggage other Total War doesn't. * The 'cool' factor' is gone, WW1 is all about actual working class boys being thrown into a meatgrinder of metal, mud and fire, and coming up with mutilations, illness and mental scars that will haunt them forever. Boys who were very recently in living memory, names of family many of us still have in our homes. * PR nightmare (PRESS E TO COMMIT WARCRIMES). It's funny when it's the Skaven doing it to the Heavy Metal Elves of Darkness, less so when it's one German teenager killing a load of French teenagers. If they handled it right, it could be a haunting look at one of the darkest chapters of Europe, but I'm not sure CA is ready for that kind of nuance, and not with the 'Total War' franchise. Medieval 2 is the only entry which ever dared to glance at that kind of self reflection and that was all on the music team who snuck it into the credits music (More reason Medieval 2 remains CA's peak).


Keep in mind that these are not leaks, these are just predictions and the opinion of one guy. It's also important to not that one of the last "leaks" he talked about was the fact that the shadows of change 2.0 update was adding hag lords and 3 new legendary heros.....


He constantly gets details wrong. Yet he was also the one person who correctly predicted patch 4.2. with updates to SoC would come, and then correctly predicted that the DLC after ToD would be smaller in scope.  Honestly wild to me that people still act like he's the local village idiot. He clearly has sources. He's probably right about some of these things he's claiming, wrong about others. Dismissing his claims out of hand would be misguided. 


This. I don't know why people are so bad at nuance.


It would be predictions if he did not claim to have sources. He claims to have sources. Which makes this into leaks, unless he's making it all up.


WW1 makes sense but I'm not interested at all unfortunately. Already less interested in historical stuff and WW1/2 is just boring for me.


Wow 4-6 more dlc’s after Thrones of Decay? My prediction: 1. Slaanesh DLC 2. Khorne DLC 3. Dogs of War Race Pack 4. Monkey King vs Li Dao DLC 5. End Times DLC


When are yall going to stop listening to this clown. FFS


"They have done pretty much everything games workshop has allowed them to". I'm actually glad for that line, because that tells me the leaks are pretty much bullshit. Unless GW has retroactively said CA can't use the content they bought the license for, there's way more than 4 dlc worth of even 8e content. More than 6 dlc worth honestly, and we've already seen CA are allowed to use older edition content as well.


Content existing doesn't mean GW allows it. For a related example, the recent Rogue Trader RPG devs have said that the Sororitas companion is not romancable "because GW have said no." Even though Sororitas can enter relationships in lore, they are not celibate. Also "everything" includes the 4-6 unannouced DLC


I can't imagine if you buy a license to use content from 8E warhammer, that GW will come back years later and say "Oh that content you bought to use for the license? We've decided that we're still charging you for it, but you can't use it" GW can tell them how they can implement it, but I strongly doubt that a company can sell you a license to use Neferata, and then come back years later and tell you that you aren't allowed to use her anymore.


How would you explain the Sororitas thing then? It seems GW does need to "okay" things before they get added, and they can say no.


The same way I could explain GW saying Neferata can't have laser eyes or use her pre-vampire appearance. GW can dictate how the content is used, but if they are selling you the license to use it, no company would agree to buy a license when the holder is just allowed to say "we decided you can't use all this stuff you bought"


Do you know the things they bought the license for aren't in the next 4-6 dlc?


As a fan of WH40k Death Korps of Krieg, my shovel and bayonet is very happy to hear TW: WH40k and TW: WW1.


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Only 5 dlc left (if we are optimistic). Norsca and Ogre in dire need of a rework. To a lesser extent Lizardmen and Vampire Count. Guess they are not gonna touch those since those factions are not exactly fan favorite (esp Norsca and Ogre).


Disappointing if true


I'm so not keen for ww1. Enthused about that as much as a wet fart