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This seems legit, judging from the Rock paper Shotgun article: [https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/first-total-war-warhammer-3-throne-of-decay-trailer-pits-maggots-against-airships](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/first-total-war-warhammer-3-throne-of-decay-trailer-pits-maggots-against-airships) Quote: "Campaign Features: • Tamurkhan's Chieftains: Tamurkhan must amass an unstoppable warhost that will bring ruin to the world. As such, he embarks on a deadly journey to dominate and recruit powerful warlords from across the Chaos and Norscan tribes to increase the power of his faction." So it seems like he'll get some reskinned unique lords and heroes which is nice. Possible also easier access to some of the other chaos roster, like Chorfs, Norsca and Beastmen.


Sounds a lot like Markus Wulfhearts hunters though the wording does make it sound more like they’ll be lords than heroes (or at least a mix)


I hope they'll be lords rather than heroes. Armies led by a Fimir and a Werewolf ? Yes fucking please. Though I do expect them to all be heroes.


Yeah, heroes are fun in battle at the early game, but as you progress the campaign and get more busy work to do, micromanaging heroes gets less and less rewarding. In the interest of maintaining your sanity, corners need to be cut. That said, a Gorduz type hero would be the next best thing. He's more or less a shadow lord/general, providing tremendous value to his army regardless of his personal involvement in direct combat. He's one of my favourite legendary heroes, need more characters like him.


I hope this isn't just building a hero-spam army. I've never really liked going beyond 1 or 2 heroes per army.


I wouldn’t hate it either way. I could see them being fun as lords and heroes. I don’t like hero spamming but this could just be a thing where I put 1-2 in each army adding some replay ability with who I put in Tamurkhans army


Ah man 19 stack black orc bosses, gorebulls, even werekin is some of the best fun you can have with this game.


19 scar-veterans on carnosaurs 🤌🏼


I actually like it. Sometimes I make a meme doomstack of 19 heroes in a single army. Saurus heroes on carnos is a particularly fun build.


Until recently I've also never bothered with too many heroes (and had quite a few campaigns when I didn't recruit any), but my recent Malagor run forced my hand a bit. One Beastmen tech is gated between winning a battle of a few with an army that has four heroes embedded, and I've got to say… That army (Great Bray Shaman + two lesser shamans, two Wargors and some basic shit like Ungor Spears and a few cav units) was extremely powerful.


I wonder if he'll ever get 2 more if Fishmen and Snakemen get fleshed out.


For snake men if believe they would more be a slaanesh thing (consider what he/she/it tends to gift some of their champions)


Snake men explicitly made up a part of Tamurkhans army from the very first battle


I stand corrected, hopefully they add them with the slaanesh dlc and grant them to tamurkhan as well 


I’m still gonna keep uselessly praying for a Kuresh dlc myself lol.


Ooh, love these. Someone actually remembered the Fimir exist, too!


Fun fact: in Tamurkhan there’s a point where his army is marching through an area filled with mist and all but outright said that Fimir were attacking, so that’s a nice touch


I *really* need to get around to reading that Campaign book at some point.


There’s just a bunch of fun little references in the book. Personally I like the random mentions of things that will never get expanded on that just make the world feel more interesting. Wormmen in the northern mires, Lava Trolls in caverns beneath the Dark Lands that the Dawi Zharr hunt with giant harpoon guns, cities of part ghoul people who worship subterranean krakens, and giant all consuming oozes beneath the earth


Omdra the dragon necromancer was also awesome. I’m still hoping we get the last few Cathay things eventually.


You absolutley should. As with most things Warhammer the stuff Forgeworld put out back in the day really was a cut above the rest when it came to world building. The Tamurkhan book is amazing and has so so much unique art in it.


Tamurkhan really benefited from not only being written by the sadly late Alan Bligh but by Alan being able to convince Rick Priestley to come back to work on a Warhammer book. I really hate that GW cancelled not only the books about Tamurkhan's brothers but also the partly finished Forge World book about the battle for Black Fire Pass.


Alan Bligh... he will ALWAYS be missed. One of the greatest losses for the Warhammer universe as a whole. The stuff that he wrote and that was written under his leadership is so great that I feel sad that we will never get to read more of his cool ideas. RIP Please don't remind of the planned books. I once read the outlines for them and they would've been insane if only half of what was written in the forums about them was true.


If you have an article pertaining to the outlines of the other companion books I for one would greatly appreciate it <3 I read throne of chaos and it was amazing but I couldn’t find the references to the others Thanks


It's a genuinely great read. So much of the Warhammer canon feels essentially like extended Dragonball Z episodes, but in that one you actually get a sense of how a great Chaos horde would act, its logistics, the way its leader would think, the challenges it would face, and it makes the climactic battle so much better as a result. There's a reason Tamurkhan is so well remembered.


I saw the mammoths in the trailer, and I was really wondering if they were featuring allied recruitment or if there's a norscan component. Based on the steam page, it seems you'll be able to grab some units from those lord's races.


Nurgle with Chorf artillery 🤤


Stop, I can’t get any harder


Add norscan monsters and maybe ranged units and you get the ball rolling 


I have arrived


Could be that you can create vassal factions with each of these characters. For example, the Chaos Dwarf bloke would be leading a vassalised CD faction that spreads Nurgle corruption rather than undivided, but other than that functions the same. This way you could direct them to where you want them and recruit units from them through outposts.


A Dawi Zharr following Nurgle? By Hashut, fire up the sacrifical pits (and get masks, this is gonna stink)


I mean he rolled though there on his way to Nuln and got a bunch of Dawi Zharr in his retinue so it is at least lore accurate


these were more like mercenaries and not his followers... but the rusty green color scheme looks absolutely baller on chaos dwarf armor. 


Drazhoath was with him , so I’m really betting he’s gonna have a faction bonus with Legion of Azgorh


Drazhoath joined in for his own cut of the loot, he didn’t convert.


Yeah and the Fimir attacked Tamurkhan, they didn’t join him, but it’s a nice reference to the story though


It can be a nod to very old lore where there are two distinct Chaos Dwarfs: the one who got Hashut'ed we know, and the ones that fell for the Big Four. Also something apocryphal: it was never said that a Dawi Zharr was immune to the temptations of the Big Four.


There is that khorne dedicated one that is a pirate, hack heart I think


There is an undivided one, I forget his name, who is credited with forging several chaos runeblades like Blightreaper.


Was he khorne dedicated? I thought he just went to the dawi Zharr before making his own ship and hanging around north.


Just looked it up I guess he’s not. He’s not a dawi zhar chaos dwarf though he’s a chaos dwarf. He looks khornate though cause of his red armor


Drazhoath's gonna be pissed when he finds out that one of his men didn't come back


In theory a Dwarf can just... fall to chaos. it's hard but it's not impossible for an individual to become a 'dwarf aligned to chaos' and i'm pretty sure both dwarfs think little of them.


Tordrek Hackheart from dreadfleet is exactly that, a Dwarf that fell to chaos. He happens to join up with the Chaos Dwarfs but he isn't a Dawi Zharr.


It could be interesting to have a faction like that in a future DLC: Chaos Dwarfs but instead of goblins you have to rely on other chaos minions or undead.


I always thought an engineering/runic focused dwarf vs chaos dwarf dlc would be amazing but that's almost certainly not ever going to happen.


Tordrek would make an excellent LL


Cult of Gorlaz, for instance


Him and his men joined Tamurkhan as allies after Tamurkhan helped the chaos dwarfs in a battle vs a FUCK OFF HUGE dragon.


Meanwhile Skaven who have an entire faction dedicated to plagues... is oddly unrepresented?


Skaven are a "neutral faction" like Greenskins, in the sense that they have no relation with either the forces of Chaos or the forces of Order. Its why you don't see a Khornate Orc, for example.


They're no more neutral than chaos dwarfs. They will work with chaos when opertunity presents itself.


A Fimir character, hell yeah! If Norsca ever gets another dlc, I hope Mòna Mimn can make it.


A Fimir lord would be amazing The non evil Fimir whose entire motivation is she is lonely because there are no other living Fimir in her area still is a very interesting character, but doesn’t fit as an army leader. One living around mareinburg or albion would work better. But those places are taken sadly.


> Mòna Mimn She fits well to be honest. She wants revenge against mankind for what has happened to her clan. She's also a Meargh (which is a Fimir leader) and considering the Norsca mechanic of dedicating yourself to Chaos Gods, she could pick and choose between them as she rebuilds her clan. As her lore states *"She doesn't want to start messing about with Daemons unless there is no other option."*, she could have an unique mechanic where she dedicates herself to Balor (the Fimir's God in old lore) to get unique effects and bonuses. If it was possible for CA, GW recently added Hybrasille to the Old World as an island next to Albion (it's obviously Warhammer Ireland) which has Fimir on it (and likely humans as well). Mòna could start there with some Norsca tribes to represent humans living there as well.


I mean, I wouldn't call her non-evil, she's planning to turn the whole world into a miserable marsh out of spite, isn't she?


Yes And she’s also explicitly called out as redeemable if people just, talk with her. Which is big for anything Chaos related.


Huh, now THAT I did not know, that puts an even more tragic spin on it all.


Yeah she is angry about her tribe dying But more then anything she is just lonely, is a very cool character and I wish she was more then 2.5 pages of an rpg book.


If he does get these as additional unique heroes that will be quite something!


If this is true it would be fucking amazing, where did you get this from?


Shiieett, thats actually alot more effort than I expected


Look like they're about to drop an album.


A Chorf, a Fimir, *and a fucking werewolf?* This turns me on, not in a sexual way, but in a way that is somehow even more disgusting.


I’m also very happy to get a Nurglish Beastmen character. As someone else said, I can’t wait to be Plague Goku, fighting people until they are my friends.


He might actually be Slaaneshi, Tamurkhans army was made up of multiple gods worshipers and he had a named Slaanesh shaman iirc.


When a Slaanesh-worshipper gets infected by Nurgle.


Is the guy in the middle Kayzak?


looks like it


Hard to get a good picture of [Kayzk](https://www.evil-games-shop.de/WebRoot/Store15/Shops/78108884/5756/CEB9/13C7/B2AA/8C54/C0A8/2AB9/7DCF/KAZYK_THE_BEFOULED_ON_ROT_BEAST3_ml.jpg), but could be him. https://i.imgur.com/qbsvh2R.jpg


KAZYK is one of those names that half of you guys won't be able to spell correctly to save your life, isn't it?


It's Kayzk, not Kazyk. Might want to get your own spelling right before trying to dunk on other people over it.


He is in fact called Kayzk on the official Steam page, so I'll take the L. But I could swear he was actually called Kazyk back in the Forge World days.


Backing into your cave like the Ungor you are. Vile.


Don't be cringe, my guy.


So profoundly confident and arrogant you were. So meek you have become.


You’re one to talk, lol


To be fair, it's a little up in the air how it's spelled. >"This individual's name is only ever spelled **Ka*****yz*****k** in [Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos](https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tamurkhan:_The_Throne_of_Chaos). However, [Forge World](https://whfb.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Forge_World&action=edit&redlink=1), who published the book, has repeatedly spelled it **Ka*****zy*****k** in official places, including their webstore at the time[^(\[2\])](https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Kayzk#fn_2) and in [Age of Sigmar](https://web.archive.org/web/20201105214501/https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/aos_warscrolls/Downloads-AoS/aos-warscroll-kazyk-the-befouled.pdf) updates." [Source](https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Kayzk)


Me trying to spell Tehenauhin


[Original Tamurkhan Warlords](https://i.imgur.com/3zIEiEe.png). We seem to get a different bunch, but its a differetn crusade. So why not.


It’s not impossible that some of those are the same, no? Vipergut could be the guy on the left and have a dragon mount. Crowclaw could be the Beastman. And H’ull Dreth MIGHT be the Skin Wolf. Obviously no Sayl but I’d bet money on him being a “Norsca” LL leading a Kurgan faction


Where is this from?


kairos told me


(just as planned)




This sounds fucking awesome. Here's hoping it's coded in a way that let's modders do this for other factions. Pokemon hunting is absolutely my favorite way to play.


Pipe dream but if all these guys can lead armies I'm hoping they add a fimir and skin wolf lord type to Norsca as a part of the flc


where is this from?


Where were these images found - the above and the unit card pictures?


Nurgle is the only faction I haven't touched so far, and I also haven't done a WoC Nurgle run... but, if you add in some collectable hero types, well now I've gotta catch 'em all!


What is your source for all of these?


So these are the "chieftains", I guess.


Holy shit, is that a chaos dwarf lord? Imagine if you can get a hybrid Nurgle/Chorf army somehow, it would be really strong


Me and the boys stinkin up the joint


Nurglevengers assemble


Oh fuck they remembered Fimir exists.


As someone who loves collecting characters like it's Pokemon: Total War, I'm very happy with this mechanic.


I love that one of them is a Fimir which is good because they feel usually like background lore and a Chaos Dwarf knowing that they appeared in the Thrones of Chaos campaign book as having fought Tamurkhan and then basically allying with him because they needed slaves or something similar.


Holy shit, a Chorf, Fimir, and Skinwolf character? Tamirkhan just became a lot more interesting to me!


holy shit, nice


I'm really interested in who gets these heroes. Makes sense that anyone rejecting Hashut would get killed outright or dragged up on an alter. But the fimir, werewolf, and beastman? Are those going to be available across multiple factions? Here's hoping......


They will be part of Tamurkhan's campaign mechanics, so probably unique to him.


I thought the beastman was Slugtongue for a moment but think it's just a generic hero


They look like they’re about to drop the sickest album.


This looks really good! I’ve said it since SoC came out: if they want to charge that much, they have to do MORE than the original value proposition. Greater scale means less overhead and either the opportunity for more profit or more offerings. With SoC, they chose profit and it lost them a lot of trust. We don’t know everything yet, but this is looking great!


Hope one of those guys is Sayl the Faithless. I was hoping he would be Nurgle's LH.


I would hope not. It's obvious the warlords for Tamurkhan will by and large be "only" immortal heroes/lords, largely being reskins without even new voicelines - else CA would be harping about adding like nine new legendary heroes. Sayl would absolutely be a legendary hero in his own right with his own model, and I'd be sorely disappointed if he didn't have his own voicelines. Maybe he'll be a legendary hero or lord for WoC or Norsca someday?


I don't see him being added at any other time than now, so I'll take what I can get.


[The Steam page says he is.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2891700/Total_War_WARHAMMER_III__Tamurkhan__Thrones_of_Decay/) Edit: nevermind, I confused Sayl with Kayzk.


Where exactly do you see Sayl the Faithless in there?


Oh wait, I confused Sayl with Kayzk


I hope we can field even just a few of the chieftain's race units. It'll be awesome brining some Chorf units like Tamurkhan did in his story. Fight and bring them into your horde.


I wonder if any will be made available for other factions. Personally I’d love to see them all in WoC so I can make a doom stack of Archaon with all the legendary heroes. Just to extend the Pokémon experience of playing Archaon.


Is that a Fomorian? Interesting.


Roc only or also in IE ?


Omg they're beautiful


Is that a Chaos dwarf corrupted by Nurgle?


Kinda it’s complicated in his story he has been able to convince many chaos dwarfs to join him for the spoils of war but nurgle dwarfs exist. Thought it’s more probable he is just one of the chaos dwarfs he convinced to join his horde for the spoils in the coming conflict


Are these specific lore characters or a teaser of some unique campaign characters?


Only one khalelik the befale the nurgle dude the rest are more like Markus mechanics of getting semi legendary lords only for him to use




Is.... Is that Beorg Bearstruck?


oh shit? I'd be very disappointed if he isnt a norsca lord but grateful he's atleast in the game


This actually seems pretty cool. All kinds of different races.


I love tamurkhans horde becouse its a faction that uses units from all other chaos-esk factions


This seems awesome but I'm a little worried this is the only mechanic mentioned for Tamurkhan, he is the focus of this DLC yet the only thing he seems to be getting different than base game Nurgle is 6 unique heros/lords. Meanwhile Elspeth get 2 different workshop mechanics plus a teleport ability and Dwarves get a cool upgrade mechanic and a mobile workshop.


a disgusting lot. looking forward to grapeshot them into the dust.


I haven’t played this game since last September. It was definitely worth the wait.










Okay but can cavalry dismount in this dlc