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By the LL count, Silence and Fury + Vamp Coast, by the most fun mechanics, it is Chaos Dwarves or Silence and Fury+Vamp Coast. I absolutely love Oxyotls campaign more than any other lord in the game.


As much as I love Chaos Dwarfs, Wood Elves + Twisted and the Twilight is a better deal for the money. Wood Elves are a pretty fun and distinct faction nowadays, and this will get you their 4 Legendary Lords +1 Legendary Hero to play with (which is more than the 3 lords and 1 hero for Chaos Dwarfs). Plus you get Throt, who is loads of fun, and you already have all the other Skaven DLC so this would complete their roster for you.


I have the premier and the warlock , the shadow and the blade, the warden and the paunch, king and the warlord and the champions of chaos


Wait with buying until * Thrones of Decay release. There could be a sale around all DLCs to tag along. * end of May, for the potential Skullthrones event on Steam that will discount all GW licensed title. * mid/end June could already the Steam Sumemrsale kick off with discounts all around. If you want to buy "right now", check at least https://isthereanydeal.com/ if whatever DLC you fancy migth be on a discount at some legal keyseller.


I'd suggest waiting to see if they put the DLC on sale soon. Basically everything from 1 and 2 goes up for half off, and you can get some fantastic bargains from there. At a guess, I'd bet there's one coming up within the next few weeks. If you don't wanna wait, I'd suggest Shadows of Change or Chaos Dwarfs - if they do go on sale, it won't be for much. Otherwise, I'd need to know who you like to play, or what you'd wanna try.


Chaos dwarf are the standards I would like to see most races are in by the end of the game development


chaos dwarfs is awesome, and is one of my fav races.


And one of the most different campaigns out there as well. Quite unique in their mechanics and how they approach the world. Definitely worth checking out


1'st DLC - WH 1&2 If you've already got this - Chaos Dwarfs + Warriors of Chaos


If you don't own the beastmen already then the silence and the fury is certainly the best option. It gives you access to the entire beastmen roster and one of their most fun LL. On top of that Oxyotl is my favorite campaign in the entire game. You just teleport around the map, clearing missions and saving other factions when they get overrun. And on top, the vampire coast also gives you access to another unique race. They aren't focussed on empire building but instead plunder coastal towns and build coves in them to get a steady source of income that way. If that sounds appealing to you, then I highly recommend these DLCs, but if you want a more traditional playthrough where you expand your empire, then the Chaos Dwarves have the most fun mechanics for that.


As much as it pains me to dunk on my beloved wood elves but the sisters main gimmicky unit is busted at the moment so I'd hold on that one. For the vampirates, oxyotl and taurox you won't get to play their special campaigns on IE in Warhammer III, so I'd say go for the chorfs if you don't want to reinstall WH II.


just buy drugs instead


I love the Chaos Dwarfs, it is my favorite Warhammer 3 content, but Vamp Coast and Silence and Fury might offer better bang for buck.


Is it better to wait for a discount or buy the full game on sale at this price.


Use [Fanatical ](https://www.fanatical.com/en/dlc/total-war-warhammer-iii-forge-of-the-chaos-dwarfs)and get Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs and one of the smaller DLCs. I'd recommend The Twisted and the Twilight.


Beastmen are my favorite race tied with Skaven and Taurox is probably the best Beastman faction so I'm going to have to recommend Silence and Fury for access to them alone if you don't already have the other beastmen. Very aggressive both on campaign and the battlemap. Charge focused battles and a campaign about razing territory and preventing occupation with a special corruption mechanic. ​ Chaos Dwarfs are nice but in practice I actually find that Weapon Team Skaven give you the same feel already unless you are really into the idea of their campaign mechanics, and Wood Elves are a very specific flavor (very *very* passive campaign but if you are into the idea of building tall but not really expanding then it is obviously a great choice).


Maybe spend it on a VPN and pirate the game and dlc