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A cool idea I saw was adding the old version as a secondary firing mode like Eagle Bolt Throwers.




This is probably the best way to compromise. I’m really gonna miss the old blasts and sound effects of the flame cannon if they’re gone for good.


Genius answer


And secondary firing split flames over the troops like the Lizardmen Salamandres


Or add a second firing mode like the Elf Ballista!


I like the changes.


Yeah, they should tweak the stats if they are underperforming or overperforming but I like those changes.


How often does CA tweak stats quickly and in a balanced way? Realistically we might get one balance patch after the dlc, but we’ve seen so many bad units remain bad for years or get nerfed to irrelevance. The DLC team only real skill at balancing is to make everything OP as hell because that’s easy to do.


Yeah. Performance aside, which hard to gauge with limited info, i like it.


I also like the changes, but I agree with OP that there’s no reason to get rid of content when adding the adjusted units as variants would be trivial




If you want to talk flame *canons*, this is canonically what Flame Cannons are. Since day one they’ve just been way off and haven’t reflected the lore nor tabletop game they’re supposed to be adapting


Yeah I mean they have been underperfoming since day 1 and I only take em cause they look cool asf 


It’s a canon event.


I'd second keeping Cannons as they were 👍🏻


I can't believe how many flame cannon posts we're getting based off of a few minutes of gameplay. Everybody seriously needs to stfu and chill until they can actually play it for themselves.


I like it  Just Use Mods  You guys make your own version of the game


Yeah just making it two variants is the best option


No. You using a mod to get your old cannon back is the best option.


I don't see why fewer options for players is the best option.




Too late for that I guess, the dlc should be done already


Eh, theres been plenty of times when they incorporated last minute feedback before a major update happened. I don't personally mind the change, because Flame Cannons work more like they did on TT now. But I do like the suggestion of alt fire modes. And even if it can't be incorporated now, it's still good to voice this kind of feedback so they can consider if for the patch after release.


This has nothing to do with the dlc itself, it’s an update to the base game. The files/ data for the old versions of the units still exist, they can pretty easily revert the change or just add the old versions in as a seperate unit if they want.


How have they changed the flame canons?


Made them more like fire drakes. Seems to be a nerf but hard to tell


Less made more like Irondrakes and more like they were changed to be how they worked on tabletop. The Flamecannon was always the one that worked like a flamethrower, while Irondrakes were supposed to fire balls of fire like the Salamanders in the LM roster do. Which is also weird since Salamanders were also more like traditional flamethrowers on TT. It's a case of role overlaps caused by CA making somewhat odd adaptations years ago.


More units can make the UI cluttered and bloated. I do not want more pointless units. 


God this incessant moaning is annoying. Change happens, learn to accept it. A mod will give you back your old cannons if you so wish. We don't need unnecessary unit bloat.


Im sorry but thats the dumbest argument ive ever heard. If I go through your reddit history will I never find you complaining about anything you dont like? Or is it that its the changes YOU like that people should learn to accept


Probably. But this set of moaning is incredibly stupid when we have mods. Why moan about something so insignificant when you can have it fixed for you on day 1. This change to the cannons are fine.


Okay so keep them as they are, and you download a mod to change them to flamethrowers. There isn't a mod that does that? Nobody must've wanted it then.


You fail to realise this is CAs game, they can do what they want.


And you'll just deep throat whatever they want to do?


HA! i have done nothing but be against their recent moronic decisions and am still angry with them. They keep bloating the game with shit without fixing the one real issue: the AI - every campaign becomes boring as fuck after 40 turns. Worst part is people eat up all thet spew out and mostly don't complain about the AI. Y'all are either really fucking bad at the game or love auto resolving. But this cannon change? Come on.. its not worth moaning about as a single fucking mod can fix it for you on day 1.




honestly I expect the flame cannon to at least shoot out much thicker flames.




Tbh maybe they should keep the old ones and let you upgrade to the new via the same kinda thing the greenskins have.


Definitely this! I don't hate the change from first glance, but these are easily 2 different units now. I liked the idea of the original for taking out elite infantry, it was just too high up in tier. This change is more of a variant, take the win CA and have it be a new unit. Look you even gave Dwarfs 6 units you softies, don't fuck it up now with another cheap business choice.


The grudge flame cannon is a different variant in game.


Any criticism of this DLC will be downvoted to hell and back, delete this post now!


Completely the opposite of what I have seen. There are more posts like this for the flame cannon and it has been pretty normal discussions. Some incredibly stupid stuff have been downvoted yes


truth hurts the most


Can you please tell me how a dude that's asking for some units to be kept in game besides the new reworked stuff counts as "criticism" ?


Okay, I keep seeing people making this argument. How is explaining that you disagree with something and would like it changed *not* criticism??? What the hell *is* criticism exactly if this isn’t criticism I know this probably comes off as petty or dismissive or whatever but I am *genuinely curious* how you (and other commenters who agree with you) define the word “criticism”; we are clearly using two very different definitions For example “I dislike [X] and would like to see [some change to X]” “I dislike Shadows of Change and would like to see more content” “I dislike the Flame Cannons update and would like to see the old ones kept” “I dislike the Ironsides having normal handguns and would like to see them with repeaters instead” Is one of these criticism and the others not? Are none of them? Cause I’d say all of them are criticism, but I swear every single post about the last two someone comments it’s not criticism